Thursday, June 01, 2023

"migrant" invasion as mass bio-weapon against us [brief; graphics]

By An Old Friend
thu, jun 1, 2023 6:02 p.m. Revised, with additional links, at 8:18 p.m.
"migrant" invasion as mass bio-weapon against us [brief]

Matt Bracken is a former Navy SEAL who often writes compellingly about the u.s.'s metastasizing dysfunction.  Here's how Bracken commented on the tweet further below:

The USG-run replacement invasion is also being used as a mass bio-weapon against us.
Please enlarge images and connect the dots.
When your kid contracts deadly multi-drug-resistant TB at school this fall, please know that your globalist traitor govt did it on purpose.

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Possibilities for How “the American Experiment” Will End; and

“A Reader Writes: ‘The Only Answer to the Destruction of our Republic is Revolution or Secession.’”

Previously, by Matt Bracken. Note that many of Bracken’s predictions of mass black rioting, looting, and arson, which presupposed welfare programs for black criminals (e.g., “ebt”) having gone bankrupt, have come true but without the black criminal programs having gone bankrupt. black criminals simply realized that the u.s.’ cowardly ruling elites—including President Trump—would do nothing, and even support them.

“Thinking the Unthinkable: Libertarian Matt Bracken Speculates on How Things Might Fall Apart in the Cities, When the Federal Well Inevitably Runs Dry”; and

“Zombie Apocalypse: When Ferguson Meets Ebola (Matt Bracken).”]


Anonymous said...

Nothing new. The meme about migrants being "biological weapons of mass destruction" is many years old.

Anonymous said...

Every illegal immigrant carries germs--and IS a germ--in and of themselves.


Anonymous said...

The unthinkable no longer unthinkable. As for myself, I don't want to live among people that hate me so much. Secession of itself not bad. If done in an amicable and agreed upon negotiated manner fair to all just fine with me.

Anonymous said...

Michael Yon has his own web site with similar posts but it is closed unless you register.