Thursday, October 31, 2024
“portland: 'ballot box burner' on the loose--'will probably strike again'”
thursday, october 31, 2024 at 8:04:00 p.m. edt
“portland: 'ballot box burner' on the loose--'will probably strike again'”
“ballot drop box fires under investigation in oregon, Washington after hundreds of ballots destroyed
“an 'incendiary device' found attached to the side of a ballot drop box in portland, oregon, early monday damaged ballots, but most were unaffected because of fire suppressant installed in the ballot box.
“police chief Bob Day said the welding on the devices is 'very detailed … it’s really quality, so this person obviously has some skills in that area.
“investigators have not identified the suspect’s name, the chief said. he told reporters they have to presume the suspect will attack again.”
"D.C. begins boarding up store windows ahead of anticipated post-election anarchy"
thursday, october 31, 2024 at 10:07:00 p.m. edt
"D.C. begins boarding up store windows ahead of anticipated post-election anarchy"
GRA: Another reason why I believe harris is going to be given the victory--to avoid mass destruction. But blacks may rob and destroy things in celebration, too. Either way, but less for a kumalot win.
[White leaders find every possible pretext for handing over the bank to blacks. That's a cowardly losers' mentality.]
(zh) Washington, DC authorities are hardening security for potential social unrest after next week's presidential election. with four days remaining, workers have been busy boarding up government buildings and retail stores with plywood.
"work crews have begun covering up the windows of buildings and stores near the white house as the election comes down to the final week,' DC resident Andrew Leyden wrote on x.
Leyden posted a video on youtube of himself riding around on a bike near the white house complex [N.S.: Why not just the white house?], showing the various buildings being boarded up.
"in the video's description, he wrote, 'when there is a threat of civil unrest, these landlords cover their windows, much like you do when a hurricane is coming.'"
N.S.: blacks riot.
blacks steal.
blacks rape.
blacks maim.
blacks murder.
It's what they do. Generations ago, there were terrible consequences for their misconduct, but then the white ruling classes declared that when blacks engaged in misconduct, it was Whites' fault, and so blacks engaged in more and more wickedness and evil.
"breaking: Chuck Schumer labeled 'traitor' after damning report reveals he quietly advised Columbia leaders to ignore criticism of campus..."
I used to think of Chuck Schumer, at least he defends Jews. Now, he doesn't even do that. Screw him.
the democrats: empowered by their insanity (read: evil, and republicans' cowardice)
thursday, october 31, 2024 at 03:31:37 p.m. edt
the democrats: empowered by their insanity
[I've highlighted the paragraph I find most telling.
the democrats'
insanity defense
republican activists say they have to water down the reality of their opponents' agenda in focus groups. 'they just don't believe it's true. it can't be.'
by Park MacDougald
october 28, 2024
"in the september debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Trump said something so ludicrous that many viewers must have dismissed it out of hand. 'she did things that nobody would ever think of,' Trump said, while rattling off a list of some of the vice president's most radical past positions. 'now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. "the idea that the vice president 'wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison' seemed so patently absurd that the new yorker's [sic] Susan Glasser cited it in a column posted the next morning as an example of Trump's lunacy: 'what the hell was he talking about?' Glasser wrote of the trans operation lines. 'no one knows, which was, of course, exactly Harris' point.'
"that reaction was understandable—the idea of the operations was, as Trump himself said, a 'thing nobody would ever think of.' the problem was that it is true. as cnn had reported that week, Harris, when running for the democratic nomination in 2019, had written in an aclu questionnaire that she supported publicly funded 'gender-affirming care,' including transition surgeries, for federal prison inmates and detained illegal immigrants. follow-up reporting from the washington free beacon revealed that while serving as california attorney general, Harris had in fact implemented a statewide policy of taxpayer funding for prisoners' sex changes, born out of a settlement in which she agreed to pay for the transition of a man convicted of kidnapping a father of three and then murdering him as he begged for his life. Harris later bragged, on camera, about this policy as evidence of her commitment to the progressive 'movement'—in a clip that has since become a staple of Trump campaign ads.
"the sequence of events neatly encapsulated a pattern that has played out countless times since Trump entered American political life. Trump says something seemingly insane, to many people's outrage and disbelief, only to have his supposed 'lie' revealed to be wholly or at least significantly true. often the specific truth revealed—that the outgoing 'Obama' administration spied on the Trump transition team in order to gather information for what later became the russiagate hoax, to cite another example—is in fact 'crazier' than Trump's exaggerations or garbling of the details. the insanity of the policy becomes the front line of defense against potential blowback: who would believe that anyone would actually propose or support something so obviously at odds with public opinion and basic common sense? Trump must be a raving nutjob, just like we told you he was.
"the reason that this strategy has worked is because democrats rely on all nonexplicitly right-wing media to adopt their framing of issues and cite the party's preferred experts, which they do. the party's influence over the country's communications apparatus has, for the past decade, emerged into something like a political superpower, allowing it to act outside the normal bounds of American politics without suffering from political blowback.
"'all of it," said a republican congressional staffer, 'is insulated by their absolute confidence that they can just use their control over communications institutions to just say words, including change of language, right? flip a switch and it's now gender affirming care. flip a switch and it's now undocumented migrants, or [N.S.: as Bush II said] undocumented Americans. flip a switch and now you can change people's pronouns."
"the result, for anyone skeptical of the democratic party yet bound to operate within the consensus reality of its discourse, is akin to living in a wilderness of mirrors. how to explain, for instance, that elected democrats from the Biden [sic] white house on down support not only taxpayer-funded sex changes for prisoners and illegal aliens, but policies that allow schools to 'socially transition' children without informing their parents? how to explain, without sounding like a lunatic, that the newspapers and expert bodies that recommend life-altering surgeries for children, and defend them as 'life-saving' or 'medically necessary' care opposed only by cranks and Bible thumpers, either don't know what they're talking about or are lying to you for political reasons? that the claim that such surgeries were rarely if ever performed on children was also a lie? that when [fake] president Biden, the kindly old moderate, directed his department of health and human services to address the 'barriers and exclusionary policies' keeping children from accessing 'gender medicine,' what he was describing was a policy that would see members of his own administration pressuring medical agencies to allow procedures such as breast and penis removal be performed on young children, despite the lack of any proof that these measures contribute to greater mental or physical health?
"the same gop staffer, who is currently working on a competitive congressional race, told me that one problem his campaign regularly faces is that aspects of Democratic governance are simply too insane for voters to find credible, even when they are documented as official U.S. government policy. "When you outline the Democratic agenda, you have to water it down, because in both polling and focus groups, people just don't believe it," he said. "They are critical of things like boys in girls' sports, but they tune out stuff about schools not informing parents about transitioning their children. They just don't believe it's true. It can't be."
"another republican operative made a related point on the failure of the party's attempt to message on trans issues in 2022, which was that the reality of the procedures was so gruesome that voters simply preferred not to think about it. 'phrases like 'genital mutilation' are disgusting and viscerally off-putting, even to voters who may be sympathetic to the republicans' position but will just write you off as a freak for talking about it that way.' "a similar dynamic plays out in foreign policy. on the one hand the democrats conjured out of thin air the claim that Trump colluded with russia to steal the 2016 election, which was, we now know, a conspiracy theory concocted by ex-spies and Clinton campaign operatives and seeded in the intelligence agencies and media by the outgoing 'Obama' administration to cripple the new administration. that is to say that it is not a matter of partisan political opinion; it is simply false. yet as of 2022, nearly half of U.S. voters, and a majority of democrats, still believed that Trump was elected in 2016 due to russian interference, and the hoax remains a mainstay of democratic rhetoric. it even played a major role in the 2020 election, providing the predicate for the Biden campaign to collude with tech companies and retired spooks to censor reporting about Hunter Biden's foreign influence-peddling schemes, which turned out to be entirely real."outside the pages of a handful of news sites, however, you will look in vain for coverage of the Biden-Harris administration's disturbingly close relationship with the islamic republic of iran, an authoritarian and explicitly anti-American regime currently waging a multifront war against Israel. like the 'Obama' administration, of which it is a continuation, the Biden-Harris administration has attempted to realign the United States away from Israel and other traditional allies and toward a revisionist-islamist bloc led by iran but also including qatar, the muslim brotherhood, and various 'palestinian' radical groups. [N.S.: In other words, in support of Holocaust II.] this orientation is reflected at the level of policy—including nonenforcement of iranian oil sanctions, flooding hamas and hezbollah with cash through cutouts, and, since oct. 7, the relentless undermining of Israel's war against iran and its proxies—as well as at the level of personnel. the Biden administration's envoy to iran, who was suspended last spring for mishandling classified information later published in iranian state media, also hired a confirmed iranian influence agent into the U.S. state department. and the white house's coordinator for intelligence and defense policy on the national security council—i.e., the man who would normally be responsible for investigating the recent leak of Israeli military plans to iran—is a former affiliate of not one but two fronts for the iranian proxy hamas: students for justice in palestine and the u.n. relief and works agency. the iranian regime has repaid the Biden-Harris administration for its generosity, hacking the emails of Trump campaign employees and handing them off to a democratic pac, which published them last week.
"these are all demonstrable matters of fact. yet many Americans still have trouble accepting them, because the underlying predicate—that our country is purposefully allying with a terror-sponsoring, America-hating theocracy in its pursuit of nuclear weapons, which it has already promised to use to wipe America's most powerful regional client, Israel, off the map—seemed too insane to credit. Why would Barack Obama have put that into motion, and why would everyone else let it happen? There are plenty of conceivable answers to these question, of course. But you can't get at any of them if the underlying reality itself is too insane to accept.
[N.S.: Translation: But you can't get at any of them, if you are too cowardly to accept the underlying evil.]
"Americans do not, as a rule, pay much attention to foreign policy [N.S.: they used to pay plenty of attention to it!], but the white house's orientation abroad is inseparable from its politics at home. within the United States, the democratic power vertical has cultivated allies and sympathizers of the iranian 'axis of resistance' as donors, fundraisers, 'organizers, clients, and street muscle. it has protected them from law enforcement scrutiny, invited them into the policymaking process, and directed both federal money and funds from party-aligned megadonors such as George Soros and the tides nexus into their nonprofits, as I reported for tablet in may. these nonprofits have in turn played a major role in organizing the pro-terror protests and encampments that erupted across blue America in the wake of the oct. 7 attacks, which have drawn on activist networks previously mobilized to organize anti-Trump protest movements (e.g., the women's march and black lives matter) during his first term and anti-supreme court protests in the wake of the Dobbs decision in 2022.
"the idea that the radicals and thugs shutting down a bridge in your city are part of the democratic machine is not a particularly difficult idea to wrap one's head around, particularly following years in which we were constantly warned about the threat of supposed Trumpist 'militias' like the proud boys and the oath keepers. the problem is that the democrats' alignment with these thugs strikes most Americans as too bizarre and obviously destructive to be true—a thing that 'nobody would ever think of.' 'you cannot get people to pay attention to the idea that the Biden-Harris machine is plugged into the democratic machine, which is plugged into campus antisemitism,' a staffer told me. 'it's not because it's too complicated. voters understand that the same people fund the same things. it's just that Americans find antisemites weird. we're not in europe, right?'
[N.S.: But the notion that european anti-Semitism is the stuff of Whites, as opposed to moslems, is a hoax created by the media and powerful, Jewish leaders.]
"it does appear that this insanity defense may finally be breaking down. polls and early voting returns suggest that Trump may be poised to recapture the white house and potentially even win the popular vote, despite a near daily stream of invective from democrats and their press allies casting him and his supporters as some version or another of Hitler. some of this is a product of objective factors hurting the incumbent [illegal] administration, such as a middling economy and popular anger of its deliberate opening of the southern border, a crisis that eventually became too glaring for the white house to spin away. and some of it, no doubt, is the legacy of nearly a decade of hysteria and overheated propaganda on every topic under the sun, from Trump to the pandemic to race and the relations between the sexes. at some point, voters outside the bubble simply tune out.
"Joe Biden, whatever his faults and infirmities, played an important role as a symbolic figurehead for what functioned in practice as a radical bureaucratic regime. even as his administration pursued policies far outside the Overton window of American politics, it was difficult for anyone, let alone moderately engaged voters, to believe that "Scranton Joe," the avuncular centrist and Irish bullshitter, believed in any of the things that his party was said to be doing. Noting the sudden success of the campaign's transgender ads, one Trump campaign staffer told me, "We were making this attack on Biden, but it was through some sort of convoluted process because of, like, some sort of Department of Education regulation. But everyone perceived Biden as what he was—an establishment moderate. Maybe he's had to take up some radical positions for political reasons, but no one thinks Joe Biden sincerely cares about trans rights."
"that seems to have changed when Biden was overthrown in favor of Kamala, whose 2020 primary campaign—pitched at party activists and powerbrokers—led her to make the mistake that both Biden and "Obama" for the most part managed to avoid: openly pandering to the party's activist base, often on camera. defund the police. decriminalize illegal border crossings. ban fracking. confiscate guns. transgender surgeries for illegals.
"Harris has since tried to walk many of these positions back, which only creates the new problem of appearing inauthentic and weak—a bad combination when the opponent is Donald Trump, especially when he's also trouncing you on every issue of substance. it is of course too early to say whether Trump really will return for a second term, though his campaign couldn't have hoped for better odds back at the dnc in august, when it looked as if 'obama' and the rest of the party's messaging machine might successfully reinvent Kamala as a patriotic moderate and champion of the middle class. that machine is slick and sophisticated, to be sure, but eventually, the laws of political gravity do reassert themselves. you can piss on the shoes of the American people for one term or maybe two ["two" means complete success for her and the communists/racial socialists, and a permanent, racial dictatorship], but eventually, they're going to figure out it isn't raining."
nypd unit headed by chinese communist party-linked commissioner is disbanded
nypd unit headed by chinese communist party-linked commissioner is effectively disbanded: source
after the post first reported on assistant commissioner Lin Gui'an’s ties in september, members of the police commissioner liaison unit have all been transferred out of the department, sources said.
daughter, accomplice in murder of Md. grandmother recounts more gruesome details in trial
Now even leftists confirm problems with dominion voting machines
The President's Trump's new theme song: "Working Man," by Rush
EVERYONE LOVES A GOOD WIKIPEDIA COPYPASTA Rush is the eponymous debut studio album by Canadian rock band Rush, released in 1974, and remastered in 1997. Rush's first release shows much of the heavy metal sound typical of many of the popular rock bands emerging from Britain earlier in the decade. Rush were fans of such bands as Led Zeppelin and ... |
I got no time for livin', yes, I'm workin' all the time
It seems to me I could live my life
A lot better than I think I am
I guess that's why they call me
They call me the working man
I guess that's what I am
Always seem to be wond'rin' why there's nothin' goin' down here
A lot better than I think I am
I guess that's why they call me
The working man
I guess that's what I am
I guess that's what I am
I got no time for livin', yes, I'm workin' all the time
It seems to me I could live my life
A lot better than I think I am
I guess that's why they call me
They call me the working man
I guess that's what I am
I guess that's what I am
graphic: crime dodgers fan blows up hand with firework while celebrating win in asterisk world series win
exclusive Kamala Harris has all the hallmarks of a cia mind-control slave & is potentially a real-world manchurian candidate
thursday, october 31, 2024 at 09:33:04 p.m. edt
exclusive Kamala Harris has all the hallmarks of a cia mind-control slave & is potentially a real-world manchurian candidate
N.S.: Who ain't, these days?
former university park, Md. mayor Joel Biermann arrested on child porn charges
indian-on-indian crime
Union City company owner gave homeless man a job, set up arranged marriage, and forgave him for theft. He repaid them by stealing $4.3 million, DA says
Suspect used money to 'cavort with semi-naked women,' police say
UNION CITY — When the owners of a Union City trucking company discovered $4.3 million missing from their company coffers, the pain they felt was twofold.
They didn't notice the money vanished, the operators of Bay Area Transport allegedly told investigators, because they trusted their office manager implicitly. They'd known him since 2007, when they took him in, offered him an $80,000 a year job and even helped set up an arranged marriage, authorities say.
Now, the suspected thief, 44-year-old Darinder Dyal, is in jail facing 150 felony charges for allegedly stealing the money through checks written to himself, and for allegedly laundering it to avoid getting caught. Dyal's bail has been set at $1 million and he's set to be arraigned on Nov. 1, court records show.
"Both (owners) stated that they treated Dyal like their own son," a district attorney inspector wrote in a probable cause statement filed in court.
Dyal was homeless and living out of his car in 2007 when he met the owners of Bay Area Transport, a trucking company based in Union City and Stockton. He became the manager of their office division, allowing him to sign off on fuel expenditures and communicate directly with clients, according to court records.
Over the years, Dyal gained the owners' trust, so much so that they overlooked a major red flag. They would later tell investigators that sometime between 2010 and 2015, they found evidence Dyal had embezzled $10,000 to $15,000 but let it slide because they cared so much about him, authorities said.
Now that the case has been filed, new details have become public, including how authorities believe Dyal spent his allegedly ill-gotten gains. Authorities say he attempted to write some of the thefts off as gambling winnings, which fell in line with trips that the company owners say he regularly made to out-of-state casinos.
But Alameda County District Attorney investigators — who pored through financial records and Dyal's own cellphone — say they have a much clearer picture of where much of the money went. Investigators allegedly found evidence that Dyal was making trips to the United Kingdom, where he is a citizen, and frequently traveling out-of-state on first class commercial flights and private jets, according to court records.
They allege he also went to Lake Tahoe, attended Golden State Warriors and San Francisco 49ers games, gambled in Las Vegas, corresponded with "apparent sex workers" and sometimes had an "apparent girlfriend or escort" travel to England with him. They say his phone showed pictures of Dyal "cavorting with semi-naked women" in nightclubs and "digging" into large containers of processed cannabis as well, according to court records.
When investigators asked the company's owners how they didn't realize that $4.3 million had slowly disappeared, they said they weren't "computer savvy" and had relied solely on Dyal for certain transactions. The alleged fraud came to light when one of the owner's relatives was brought into the business and began taking a closer look at financials, authorities said.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
"'I hope your beeper doesn't go off': Ryan Girdusky banned from cnn for insulting Medhi Hasan"
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 10:09:44 p.m. edt
"'I hope your beeper doesn't go off': Ryan Girdusky banned from cnn for insulting Medhi Hasan"
"weather modification in spain"
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 10:33:57 p.m. edt
Never, ever, ever seen "clouds" like that.
One, two, three—it’s over! Federal crime dodgers take the series, 7-6, on a choke job for the ages by the yankees, but it’s still a victory with an asterisk
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 11:53:00 p.m. edt
One, two, three—it’s over! Federal crime dodgers take the series, 7-6
GRA: They were the better team—even without “the gambler” showing up.
"Louisiana: illegal alien accused of raping, molesting young boys, including 4-year-old"
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 10:37:36 p.m. edt
"Louisiana: illegal alien accused of raping, molesting young boys, including 4-year-old"
"an illegal alien is accused of raping and molesting several young boys in Kenner, Louisiana -- including a four-year-old preschooler.
Crime dodgers lead it 7-6, bottom of the eighth
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 11:06:00 p.m. edt
This looks like the old ballgame: Will Lux or "the gambler" come through against the N.Y. CLOSER, WEAVER?
GRA: History says, "yes."
Anonymous said...
GRA: Catcher's interference called, Ohtani gets first base--reloads the bases with one out. Betts at bat.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 11:12:00 PM EDT
Anonymous said...
GRA: Crime Dodgers lead it 7-6. Entertaining,if nothing else.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 11:14:00 PM EDT
Sac fly gives ny a 6-5 lead
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 10:26:00 p.m. edt
Sac fly gives ny a 6-5 lead.
Chisolm tried to BUNT! I'd forgotten that teams even do that anymore. Yankees take the lead again, taking advantage of two lead-off walks.
Yanks choke, while hitting, too--bases loaded and Torres flies out
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 10:07:00 p.m. edt
Yanks choke, while hitting, too--bases loaded and Torres flies out.
GRA: The signs are ominous for the Yanks
Yankees get out of the fifth, tied, tied 5-5
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 9:53:00 p.m. edt
Yankees get out of the fifth, tied, tied 5-5.
Gerrit Cole has had it--he's completely done. Dodgers have batted around. Somehow, Cole got Hernandez out to end the inning.
Judge chokes; Volpe chokes; Cole chokes; and all of a sudden, a 5-0 yankee rout is a 5-5 tied game
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 9:44:00 p.m. edt
Cole cranks it up--strikes out "the gambler" with the bases loaded, but yankees playing like little leaguers in the field--allow an easy run--it's 5-1 yankees, in the fifth.
GRA: Fix! (Chuckle.)
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 9:45:00 p.m. edt
Freeman comes through with a two-run single--5-3 yankees.
GRA: yankees in trouble.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 9:48:00 p.m. edt
Crime dodgers tie it with a long double to left center.
GRA: Yanks deserve to lose now--and probably will.
Judge's two-run dinger and Chisholm's solo shot (back-to-back) gave yanks the early lead, 3-0, after one; it's 4-0 after in the top of the third, and bye-bye, Jack Flaherty
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 8:29:00 p.m. edt
Judge's two-run dinger and Chisholm's solo shot (back-to-back) gave yanks the early lead, 3-0, after one; it's 4-0 after in the top of the third, two, and bye-bye, Jack Flaherty
GRA: I thought the Crime Dodgers would finish them off today.
Guess what 94-year-old just produced and directed a new movie?
By N.S.
“juror #2 review: Nicholas Hoult and Toni Collette excel in Clint Eastwood’s acerbic, ambivalent courtroom drama”
“the afi fest premiere also stars J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland and Zoey Deutch in the story of a writer who finds the details of a murder case to hit disturbingly close to home.”
The illegal Biden/Harris/“Obama” administration and nicaragua
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 11:19:00 p.m. edt
Biden/Harris administration has extracted 1 out of 10 nicaraguan working age men out of their country to serve in the U.S. labor market:
Talk about a sausage fest. Gonna make those child rape and vehicular homicide rates blow up.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 11:46:00 p.m edt
You can take the mestizo out of nicaragua, but you can’t take the...
N.S.: So, they supposedly took the worst 10% out of haiti, and the worst 10% out of nicaragua, surely all in a conspiracy with various “volags” (voluntary—read, private—agencies) here, and with boots on the ground in the third world, who carefully vetted them to get only cut-throats. This was the dream of the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama,” who was (Business International) and remains a cia asset.
“A Tribute to Garbo and Gilbert”: Some of it was acting… and some of it wasn’t (video; music by the late Carl Davis)
Garbo and Gilbert were, for a time, the biggest stars of the silent screen. They were also, for a time, each other’s star. They fell so deeply in love that they became engaged, and set a date.
Only she left him standing at the altar. MGM co-founder and president. L.B. Mayer—the boss of both—made a nasty crack, and Gilbert slugged him.
Gilbert had negotiated a huge contract out of Mayer, but when he made his first talkie, his voice was less than ideal.
MGM paid him his huge contract… to do nothing.
Eventually, Gilbert hired three voice coaches who gave him six hours of training per day, but when he finally got a chance at a second starring role in a talkie, at Garbo’s behest (Queen Christina, 1933), the fans who had once sent him 10,000 letters per week, no longer cared.
He played beachcomber, walked, entertained friends at his huge, ornate chateau, and drank himself to death, at 38.
Garbo retired in 1941, at age 36.
Greta Garbo (1905-1990)
John Gilbert (1897-1936)
More on Teri Garr (videos)
[“Irresistible, winsome Teri Garr succumbs to m.s. at 79.”]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
She was that generation’s version of Jennifer Lawrence, sexy, but comedic. On talk shows, neurotic (truth—or playing a character?), and a lack of self-assuredness.
The women, in the mid 1960s to the early 1970s, had a certain look which back then, I didn’t notice much, but today, find very sexy. The hair, slim figures—can’t beat it.
I want to recommend two videos on yt that encapsulate this (both 2 1/2 minutes). One, shows Ann-Margret, Raquel Welch [check], and Joey Heatherton dancing, and another of the song, “California Sun,” features tv and movie stars of that era dancing up a hurricane. Barbara Eden, Donna Douglas, and more Ann Margret—going absolutely frantic with her fast-paced go-go moves. Many more [N.S.: couldn’t find it].
Teri Garr was a talent, no doubt.
N.S.: One of the obits I read on Garr was that her chemistry was so good with David Letterman during her many guest appearances on his show, that some observers suspected that they were lovers.
Teri Garr on the David Letterman show in 1985: When everything went wrong, but ended up oh so right
“Raquel Welch, Ann-Margret, and Joey Heatherton dancing in 60’s Bob Hope uso tours”
“104,184 views Jun 3, 2024
“Raquel Welch, Ann-Margret, and Joey Heatherton dancing in 60’s Bob Hope uso tours. music is ‘susie q’ performed by creedence clearwater revival.”
evil black woman murders her nine-year-old son and newborn, while committing suicide; the msm act as if they all just up and decided to commit "suicide"
Chaianti Means, no thanks to the new york post, which refused to run her photo (see note)
"new york mom and two young kids — including 5-month old baby — dead after jumping off Niagara falls"
"a new york mother jumped off Niagara falls with her two children – with all three dead, including a five-month-old baby. Chaianti Means, 33, stepped over the guardrail at luna island."
the post initially permitted reader comments, but once it had received 331 of them that it had permitted, it shut them down. When one hits the link, which still exists, one gets a blank screen. (the post has since removed the link, while adding pictures of the killer.)
But it wasn't just the post.
Binghamton, new york's wbng noise "informs" us, "police: three people intentionally go over guide [sic] rail niagra [sic] falls." (English fluency is meaningless in the noise business, all that matters is eligibility under illegal, unconstitutional, and morally obscene affirmative action "rules," and having the right politics.)
The shortened caption for cbs noise Austin at google images says, more accurately, "two children & woman dead after..."
newsweek was the least inaccurate, at least at google images: "mother and two kids dead after she..."
the media have yet to publish photos of Chaianti Means' victims, Roman Rossman, 9, and Mecca Means, who was "5-months-old" [sic].
the political saboteurs at the bulwark call, yet again, on republicans, to support giggles harris, based on some imaginary "threat" to democracy that the President poses
I only read a third of it.
The original neo-conservatives did initially care about America. Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, Seymour Martin Lipset, Nathan Glazer, et al. wrote or edited works opposing affirmative action, and articles criticizing the welfare state's excesses. But then they joined the gop, and were forever corrupted.
Their sons and the sons' friends, what I have dubbed the brat pack--Bill Kristol, John Podhoretz, David Brooks, et al.--do not care about America, and are political saboteurs, who play "conservative," while supporting the communist, er, democrat party.
After years of posing as a republican and a conservative, and vociferously supporting Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, David Brooks suddenly came out of the closet on election eve, 2008, and stabbed Sarah Palin, the best thing to happen to the gopers in years (calling her "a cancer on the republican party," with no explanation), in the back, and in support of the John Doe calling himself "Barack Obama." He called the affirmative action cases the "Obamas," "valedictocrats," completely erasing the distinction between racial spoils and meritocracy. For generations, meritocracy had been the defining principle of neo-conservatism.
neocons today, whose headquarters are at the bulwark (Bill Kristol) and commentary (John Podhoretz) hate ordinary, White Americans, whether Jew or gentile. And that's why they hate such people's champion (or so he says he is), President Trump.
(Full disclosure: During the late 1990s, I wrote for both Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz. However, since I did so pseudonymously, they had no idea who I was.)
michigan’s secretary of state (of chicanery), Jocelyn Benson, says dominion voting machines, “may have programming issues”
wednesday, october 30, 2024 at 3:56:00 p.m. edt
“(zh) michigan secretary of state Jocelyn Benson has admitted that split-ticket voters using dominion icx voter assist terminals (vat) should be prepared for ‘programming issues’ on election day. a vat is a special type of device which people with disabilities may use to mark their ballot, which the machine then prints and puts through the tabulator.
“according to Benson, the machine has issues properly processing certain types of ballots.
“‘yeah, this is a nationwide issue with dominion voter access terminals in, in the counties that use them in the voter access terminals,’ Benson said. ‘of course, not all the machines, just the ones that are accessible, have an issue. With the straight-party voting and a programming issue, that’s again affected the machines nationwide.
“voters using a vat this election day will have to either vote straight-ticket or manually split their ballot—unlike how michigan voters usually have the option to select the straight party option and then override their party selection for certain races.
“Benson also says this issue has frustrated officials in places where these machines are used.
“but wait, there's more!
“1,000 miles away in colorado, the secretary of state’s office ‘improperly’ posted a spreadsheet to its public website that included passwords to some of the state’s voting system.”
GRA: That's the only one, Jocelyn?
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
hbcu homecoming tradition: De'Marion Tashawn "will not be down for breakfast"
["How do you celebrate homecoming? Well, if you're black, you do it with a mass murder."]
By AbolishTenure
monday, october 28, 2024 at 8:18:00 a.m. edt
It's an hbcu homecoming tradition. Like this one in Georgia. De'Marion Tashawn "will not be down for breakfast," as Howie Carr would say. Gbi will be too busy investigating this; there won't be any time or resources to investigate any election law violations.
atlanta police finally get their White, 70-year-old felon at the four seasons
“atlanta (ap) — a man armed with several different weapons fired at least 15 gunshots through the walls and door and off the balcony of his apartment at a four seasons hotel in atlanta during a standoff tuesday afternoon and was taken into custody, police said.
“the 70-year-old suspect [sic] used a handgun, shotgun, and rifle to fire shots during the altercation, atlanta chief of police Darin Schierbaum said at a press conference. two police officers shot back during the exchange. one officer and the suspect were taken to a hospital for non-life-threatening injuries, but authorities didn’t know whether either were [sic] shot, Schierbaum said.
“police officers responded to a call around 10 a.m. about a mental health emergency in the residential area of the hotel in atlanta’s midtown neighborhood, Schierbaum said. officers were told that the suspect had been involved in an altercation with a hotel employee, he said.
“after police attempted to get the suspect [sic] to come to the door of his room and peacefully surrender, he started firing, Schierbaum said. the suspect also had multiple knives and threw at least one weapon off the balcony.
“the suspect eventually raised his hands, and a swat team went to his door and took him into custody, Schierbaum said.”
Anthony Volpe’s turnaround: young yankees shortstop goes from goat to hero within the same game
In the second inning, Volpe’s base-runing error cost them a run, but he scored on a ground out.
Later in the game, he hit a grand slam.
Still later, he got a hustle double by knocking the ball out of the dodgers’ infielder’s glove, stole third, and scored on another hustle play on a ground out, when he dove on a contact play from third, and scored on the third-base side on a throw to the first base side.
Volpe ultimately accounted for six runs in an 11-4 win, which will extend the series to game 5 tomorrow.
Torres breaks the game open with a three-run tater--yanks get to 10--it's now 11-4
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 10:52:00 p.m. edt
Home plate umpire, Doug Eddings, helps Luke Weaver get through the eighth inning; yanks lead 6-4.
GRA: Bottom of the crime dodgers batting order in the ninth.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 11:05:00 p.m. edt
Eddings has a high strike zone.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 11:08:00 p.m. edt
Torres breaks the game open with a three-run tater--yanks get to 10--it's 10-4.
GRA: It isn't the stars doing it for ny tonight. Game five tomorrow.
"The gambler" strikes out when it counts; Leiter replaced, as the federal crime dodgers continue to threaten in the seventh
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 10:29:00 p.m. edt
"The gambler" strikes out when it counts; Leiter replaced, as the federal crime dodgers continue to threaten in the seventh.
GRA: Man on second and Ohtani waved at a sinker off the plate. Now the n.y. closer, Weaver vs. Betts.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 10:31:00 p.m. edt
HE struck Betts out.
World series updates: yanks might need to score 10
fake president/real criminal, dog-faced pony soldier, notoriously nasty Joe Biden, checks in to offer “garbage” insult at the real President’s supporters
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 10:06:00 p.m. edt
“(zh) and just when you thought the dust had settled, [fake] president Biden called 80 million Americans human garbage:
“‘Donald Trump has no character. he doesn’t give a damn about the latino community…just the other day, a speaker at his rally called puerto rico a floating island of garbage?…the only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters,’ reports nbc news’ Gabe Gutierrez."
Irresistible, winsome Teri Garr succumbs to m.s. at 79
By N.S.
I first saw winsome, cute-as-a-button, yet very desirable Teri Garr, circa 1971, when she played a police person secretary on McCloud (presumably the secretary to the police commissioner played by J.D. Cannon). She showed saintly patience, while dealing with the impossible demands of eccentric, southwestern deputy sheriff McCloud (Dennis Weaver), on loan to the new york city police department from the taos, new mexico sheriff's office. The show, part of the rotating nbc sunday mystery movie, which alternated with Columbo, McMillan & Wife, and Hec Ramsey, was a tv version of Coogan's Bluff, the hit 1968, fish-out-of-water movie starring the founder of the catatonic school of acting, Clint Eastwood, and featuring Lee J. Cobb. The main difference between the two, aside from replacing Catatonic with Weaver, was that Catatonic's home base was in arizona. Why they changed arizona to new mexico, I do not know.
McCloud would do things like having the titular character hop on a horse for a chase scene through midtown.
Garr switched from tv to supporting roles in big budget movies, where the money was much better. And then she disappeared. Years ago, I was deeply saddened, reading her page to learn that she had ms, but gladdened to also learn that her dutiful, adopted daughter, Molly O'Neil, had devoted herself to her mom's care.
She had supporting roles in some amazing movies that were released between 1974 and 1982:
The Conversation (1974)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
The Black Stallion (1979)
Tootsie (1982), for which she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress
Garr amassed 545 credits, before her ms forced her into retirement at 66.
So very sorry to hear about Teri Garr’s passing. She was so talented and so funny. Her humor and lively spirit made the YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN set a pleasure to work on. Her “German” accent had us all in stitches! She will be greatly missed.
— Mel Brooks (@MelBrooks) October 29, 2024
"Teri Garr, sweet star [sic] of tootsie and young frankenstein, dies at 79"
Yankees fans ejected after ripping at fly ball in Mookie Betts' glove
Instead of Chris Rock, Will Smith slaps a fastball to the right field stands for a Crime Dodgers solo shot.
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 9:37:00 p.m. edt
Instead of Chris Rock, Will Smith slaps a fastball to the right field stands for a Crime Dodgers solo shot.
GRA: It's 5-3 Yankees.
Grand salami by previous inning’s goat—now it’s 5-2 yankees
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 9:16:00 p.m. edt
Grand salami by previous inning’s goat—now it’s 5-2 yankees.
GRA: Volpe touches them all.
“Can’t a 95-year-old black man, like myself, get laid, at a top-rated hotel, without someone trying to shoot my black a**?”
[“wildly overpriced ‘four seasons hotel in atlanta under lockdown after shots fired and gunman spotted on balcony"; new york post uses feminazi/sexual psycho English to describe him.”]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 9:04:00 p.m. edt
“Can’t a 95-year-old black man, like myself, get laid, at a top-rated hotel, without someone trying to shoot my black a**?”
--MLK October 29, 2024
Yanks get on the board, but Volpe's baserunning error costs them a run; after two, crime dodgers 2-1
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 8:55:00 p.m. edt
"Runner at 2nd and a double by Wells--off the wall--the runner, Volpe DOESN'T SCORE?
"Can't anyone here play this game?"
Volpe scores on a groundout, but that's it.
2-1, crime dodgers.
Freeman hits 2-run home run in the first, as crime dodgers lead 2-0
tuesday, october 29, 2024 at 8:18:00 p.m. edt
Freeman hits 2-run home run in the first, as crime dodgers lead 2-0
GRA: Freddie Freeman, four home runs in four games.
wildly overpriced "four seasons hotel in atlanta under lockdown after shots fired and gunman spotted on balcony"; new york post uses feminazi/sexual psycho English to describe him
wildly overpriced four seasons hotel in atlanta under lockdown after shots fired and gunman spotted on balcony
The suspect is believed to have pulled a gun.
"a gunman open [sic] fired at the ritzy four seasons in midtown atlanta."
"The armed suspect barricaded themself inside a hotel room."
"‘witches’ casting spells on Trump upset he has ‘some kind of protection around him’"
wednesday, october 23, 2024 at 04:18:59 a.m. edt
"‘witches’ casting spells on Trump upset he has ‘some kind of protection around him’"
He is protected by the most powerful force in the world.
White privilege.
affirmative action, new york times fake news reporter uses democrat party front, media matters, as his disinformation base for hit piece on Tucker Carlson, in order to seek and get Carlson blocked from youtube; Carlson said a word, in response!
Monday, October 28, 2024
"officials have recovered the body of the missing man last seen near boca chica beach on sunday, october 20, according to the Cameron county sheriff's office; the U.S. coast guard identified the missing man as...
wednesday, october 23, 2024 at 08:55:17 a.m. edt
"officials have recovered the body of the missing man last seen near boca chica beach on sunday, october 20, according to the Cameron county sheriff's office. the U.S. coast guard identified the missing man as Kevin Edward Escobar, a spacex employee."
"officials recover body of missing spacex employee at texas beach."
He was last seen at boca chica beach.
The world's best swimmers....
It's a racist conspiracy! "naacp DC chapter calls for removal of..."
wednesday, october 23, 2024 at 09:05:45 a.m. edt
"naacp DC chapter calls for removal of..."
"democrat accidentally 'SHOOTS' reporter with an ar-15 at campaign event"
wednesday, october 23, 2024 at 09:09:26
"democrat accidentally 'SHOOTS' reporter with an ar-15 at campaign event"
"wannabe senator Lucas Kunce was firing the weapon during an appearance at a private range in Holt, missouri when a bullet fragment struck television reporter Ryan Gamboa in the arm.
"the fda is attempting to control & reduce the U.S. food supply"
wednesday, october 23, 2024 at 11:04:15 a.m. edt
"the fda is attempting to control & reduce the U.S. food supply"
"on tuesday, october 22, 2024, 4:02 p.m., Karen Kingston from the Kingston report <> wrote:
The FDA is requiring persons who manufacture, process, pack, or sell many commonly consumed foods to coordinate and digitize the tracking of these foods across all outlets, from farm to table.͏"the fda is attempting to control & REDUCE the U.S. food supply
"the fda is requiring persons who manufacture, process, pack, or sell many commonly consumed foods to coordinate and digitize the tracking of these foods across all outlets, from farm to table.
Oct 22
∙ Preview
READ IN APP October 22, 2024: Per an October 1, 2024, FDA press statement, the FDA has implemented a massive reorganization augmenting the 'Unified Human Foods Program.' Expanding the FDA's control of the US food supply has resulted in the largest reorganization of the FDA in the agency's history and is affecting more than 8,000 employees.
"the unified human foods program isn't just about the fda's original charter to keep the U.S. food supply safe, it's about new food technologies, globalization, climate change, and a power grab at the U.S. food supply.
"the fda is making a power grab at the U.S. food supply
"according to the fda website, the augmentation of the 'unified human foods program' and major reorganization of the office of inspections & investigations were in response to an internal review of the fda's response to a 2021-2022 incident regarding contaminated powdered baby formula (and feedback from internal and external stakeholders).
"the net takeaway of the recommendations is that the fda needs more control of the food supply, including remote access to food manufacturing facilities records, "especially during multiple public health emergencies."
The Food Traceability Final Rule Enables the FDA to Control & REDUCE the US Food Supply
Image: The Toidi /
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About Me
- Nicholas
- I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms. While living in internal exile in New York, where I am whitelisted, I maintain NSU/The Wyatt Earp Journalism Bureau and some eight other blogs (some are distinctive but occasional venues, while others are mirrors), and also write for stout-hearted men such as Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor. Please hit the “Donate” button on your way out. Thanks, in advance. Follow my tweets at @NicholasStix.
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Thanks in advance, to all who will be giving!
Nicholas Stix