Friday, July 26, 2024

convicted, guilty-as-hell, black mutineers get fake “exonerations” (video)

[“Remember the Kitty Hawk! Remember the Constellation! West Point’s Female Black Supremacists are Continuing a Grand U.S. Military Civil Rights Tradition!
“Mutiny! Two Racist Mutinies the U.S. Navy Has ‘Disappeared,’ and the Shadow Navy Command Structure”

Re-posted by N.S.

How can you “exonerate” someone who was guilty? This propaganda video provided no evidence of innocence. Rather, it provides evidence of their guilt. They were given fake political “exonerations” on the basis of blackness, just like all the other convicted black criminals who get false “exonerations” all the time (e.g., the Central Park Five, Six...).

Kamala on oral health (graphic humor)

By R.C.
friday, july 26, 2024 at 04:39:25 p.m. edt

Kamala on oral health

Austin - Crowdstrike

friday, july 26, 2024 at 04:27:46p.m. edt

Austin - Crowdstrike

Don't forget the national security state.

You can cripple the world - literally - by taking out just one company's software product.


Not only that, but the crowdstrike backers prove that there is only a one-party system in this country.

What additional proof do you need?

Subject: Austin
they had inside information because their dei credentials gave them high level access in D.C.

the feds and state organizations use these dei investment firms to move a lot of money and invest money.
this is how the black head of vista capital in Austin became a billionaire.

what I have learned in the world of capital - it's easy to make a lot of money if you have access to the capital.
the feds and state governments, pensions, university endowment funds throw millions at these clowns.

and typically you'll see big-name politicians or the like on their board of advisors or other connections

Jul 17, 2024 — Austin Private Wealth is connected to the Bush family through James A. Baker III, a Senior Policy Director with longstanding ties to the Bushes, ...

Kamala rides the short bus

By R.C.
friday, july 26, 2024 at 04:32:03 p.m. edt

Kamala rides the short bus

"el paso man arrested for animal cruelty allegedly fatally stabbed, ate cat's intestines"

By A Texas Reader
thursday, july 25, 2024 at 02:03:27 p.m. edt

"el paso man arrested for animal cruelty allegedly fatally stabbed, ate cat's intestines"

"an el paso man was arrested after he allegedly stumped [sic] on a cat's head multiple times, stabbed it with a screwdriver and ate the cat's intestines.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Avoid Marion Barry avenue!

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
thursday, july 25, 2024 at 08:28:53 p.m. edt

"one man was shot in the 1800 block of Marion Barry avenue, southeast

texas to bus 25,000 new, Biden illegal aliens to chicago ahead of democratic convention

By A Texas Reader
thursday, july 25, 2024 at 04:35:19 p.m.

"texas to bus 25,000 migrants [sic] to chicago ahead of democratic convention"

38-year-old diagnosed with stage 4 cancer weeks after finishing half-marathon

Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 09:23:40 PM EDT
Subject: 38-year-old diagnosed with stage 4 cancer weeks after finishing half-marathon

Harris greets Netanyahu with nazi salute, berating him about “innocent…dead children” on the gaza strip

from: Ira Stoll from the editors <>
to: "" <>
sent: thursday, july 25, 2024 at 11:24:23 p.m. edt

subject: "Harris greets Netanyahu by berating him about "innocent…dead children" in gaza"

Plus, republicans target plo martyr [sic] payments

"Harris greets Netanyahu by berating him about "innocent…dead children" in gaza" "plus, republicans target plo martyr [sic] payments"

By Ira Stoll
jul 26


"if prime minister Netanyahu thinks Donald Trump will win in november, he doesn't have much incentive to act fast on a dramatic diplomatic deal; he'll get better treatment from President Trump than from president Biden. but if it's a Harris presidency on the horizon, then the calculus changes; she'll be tougher on Israel than Biden, her comments yesterday afternoon after meeting with Netanyahu signaled.

Harris expressed support for the existence of Israel, for its security, and for its people. but she also publicly slammed the visiting Israeli leader with this language, which is harsh:...

(fake) "vice president Harris delivers remarks to press following a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu"

Unlock this post for free, courtesy of Ira Stoll.

Claim my free post

"std rates on the rise across texas, el paso among highest in state"

By A Texas Reader
thursday, july 25, 2024 at 08:42:13 p.m. edt

"std rates on the rise across texas, el paso among highest in state"

"nationally, texas ranked in the top half of states seeing high rates of multiple types of stds in 2022, including chlamydia and syphilis."

Sounds like a win-win for me.

I'm sure most of the "victims" are pocs.

Persons of Color.

mexican drug kingpins Ismael “el mayo” Zambada and Joaquin Guzman Lopez, son of “el chapo,” arrested in el paso by U.S. authorities

By A Texas Reader
thursday, july 25, 2024 at 10:44:34 p.m. edt

"mexican drug kingpins Ismael 'el mayo' Zambada and Joaquin Guzman Lopez, son of 'el chapo,' arrested in el paso by U.S. authorities"

"Ismael 'el mayo' Zambada, co-founder of sinaloa cartel apprehended in US, sources say"

Amnestisia, the GOP, and the Mind of George W. Bush

By Nicholas Stix
June 19, 2007

[Recently by Nicholas Stix: “LAPD: ‘We Don’t Get into’ Immigration Status of Christmas Story Director’s Killer”]

Some of America’s finest minds, not least those right here at VDARE, have for years sought to explain the GOP’s courtship of catastrophe—for the party and the American people alike—under George W. Bush. As VDARE’s Steve Sailer has repeatedly noted, Bush has campaigned for amnesty since 2001, so neither the President’s support of the original S. 1348 omnibus amnesty/open borders/democide bill, nor his newest attempt, by throwing senators an additional $4.4 billion bribe, at selling the destruction of America, should surprise anyone. [“Senate Leaders Agree to Revive Immigration Bill”, by David Stout, NYT, June 14, 2007]

But people are continually surprised by Bush because of the unimaginably radical nature of his defend America/destroy America policies—as Sailer dubs them, “invade the world/invite the world.”

For over six years, Bush has sought to abolish America, at the same time that he has led the party that for generations has been identified historically with the national interest and patriotism. Since 9/11, he has been waging a War on Islam, er, I mean, Terror, supposedly in defense of America but justified—and possibly motivated—by Wilsonian messianism.

No less than four mutually compatible motives can be brought to bear to explain Bush’s treasonous position on immigration:

Cheap labor, GOP soccer moms, the North American Union, and the Bush family dynasty.

Cheap Labor

The most obvious motive binding Bush and the Republican Party is cheap labor, due to the business lobbies filling the Party’s campaign coffers. These people, the most powerful in America, are persistent felony offenders who have amassed billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains through years-long criminal conspiracies to break the nation’s immigration, labor, and tax laws. The mass amnesty would also grant them amnesty for their crimes.

If President Bush had the slightest patriotic feeling, he would have adamantly opposed amnesty, which Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation has estimated—conservatively in my opinion—will cost American taxpayers at least $2.6 trillion. [“Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion,”, Heritage Foundation, June 6, 2007.]

Rector's figure of $2.6 trillion is based on a lowball estimate of 12 million illegals presently in the country. I believe that the figure that Bear Stearns analysts Betty Ng and Robert Justich provided in January 2005 (presaged in VDAREin August 2004) of 20 million illegals, is much closer to reality. Two-and-a-half years later, Ng and Justich’s figure would have to be revised to at least 22 million, and Rector’s costs accordingly to $4.76 trillion. Meanwhile, in an interview published on May 31, [see] Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist estimated the number of illegals to be 33 million (at a cost of $7.15 trillion).

Rector’s conservative figure would average out to a bill of approximately $9,000, that every American man, woman, and child alive today—tens of millions of whom will have been economically displaced by the amnesty recipients—will have to pay. Under my estimate, the bill would average out to $16,500 per current American. Under Gilchrist’s estimate, the average tab would be $24,750 per current American.

Rector takes his number of illegals from the Census Bureau estimate. While I do not know how Gilchrist derived his estimate, Ng and Justich compared the census figures to rising levels of wire transfers, housing starts, and school attendance, and found that the census figures failed to account for the increases. (Note that none of the aforementioned observers counted as illegal the American-born children (“anchor babies”) of illegals whom, the current misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment notwithstanding, are themselves illegal.)

Through the vast expansion of socialized costs visited upon pre-amnesty (read: real) American citizens—education, health care, prison care, social security, infrastructure, etc.—and privatized profits among the elites, another mass amnesty will bankrupt the American treasury.

The granting of citizenship to tens of millions of foreign hostiles now, and potentially hundreds of millions in the years to come will through their refusal to speak the language of the land or respect her laws, destroy the culture and the already perilously weakened rule of law.

Many economists have so betrayed their profession, that they have embraced the rule of crime, when in fact the rule of law is a pre-requisite to a functioning market economy—as is enough cultural homogeneity so that people can trust those with whom they do business.

The above collapses will combine to bring about the end of the last, best hope of earth.

Amnestisiacs (I call them that because they refuse to remember how disastrous previous amnesties have been) will say that I am exaggerating the consequences of amnesty. But the already demoralized INS bureaucracy could not handle the less than three million eligible illegals in the wake of the last mass amnesty in 1986. Of course, in the face of so many other systemic failures, the administrative collapse will be just an afterthought.

Republican Soccer Moms

Republican soccer moms represent a related but separate motive. Related, because soccer moms like cheap help. In many cases, a soccer mom hiring illegal help for the home is married to a persistent felony immigration offender at work who pays the bills. While a GOP soccer mom is taking Jennifer to soccer practice, Maria, the illegal babysitter, is at home with Jason, the baby; Carlos, the illegal gardener, is tending to the family lawn; and Sonia, the illegal cook, is making dinner.

The separate part: Republican soccer moms like to think of themselves—and here is where they overlap with socialists, er, Democrats—as compassionate.” Translation: Supporting an invasion of America that makes them richer while destroying the standard of living of tens of millions of their fellow citizens is for them an expression of their moral superiority over the latter. Were the Republican leadership to begin enforcing the immigration, labor, and tax laws, and deporting illegals, GOP soccer moms would condemn the insult to their moral vanity as “mean-spirited.”

Many, perhaps millions of the moms would react by voting Democrat. Ian Jobling has dubbed the desire among well-to-do whites to appear morally superior to less prosperous whites, whom they harm on behalf of racial minorities, “competitive altruism.” (See here and here.)

The Democrat way of explaining away Bush’s misconduct is to say he’s "stupid." But as Ann Coulter has pointed out, that has been the Democrat way of explaining away every Republican standard-bearer since Coolidge, while insisting that every Democrat candidate, even a John Kerry or Al Gore, is a bloomin’ genius. (Even in the case of Nixon, who would prove to be the most intellectually brilliant president of the 20th century, when Jack Kennedy wanted to quash a suggestion he opposed from one of his advisors, he’d opine,” That sounds like something Dick Nixon would say.”)

George W. Bush is not stupid. I don’t buy the popular notion of him being utterly dependent on Karl Rove. The problem with George Bush is moral, not intellectual. The problem is that he has no patriotic feelings. He cares not a whit for America. He is, in simple English, a traitor.

The cheap labor lobby, who are also traitors, as are the soccer moms, who are additionally moral hypocrites.

The North American Union

Since his first year in office, Bush has been doing everything in his power to dissolve America into a tripartite “North American Union” with Canada and Mexico. Of course, he and his mouthpieces deny this—just as they have denied that he seeks to amnesty the untold millions of illegal immigrants currently residing in America. But various writers, including pre-eminently Jerome Corsi, have been busy over the past year or so exposing the NAU plan.

The NAU plan, also known as a “Security and Prosperity Partnership,”as proposed in May 2005 by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), is the brainchild of globalism guru and American University professor of international affairs, Robert Pastor.

“[T]he Task Force proposes the creation by 2010 of a North American community to enhance security, prosperity, and opportunity. We propose a community based on the principle affirmed in the March 2005 Joint Statement of the three leaders [of America, Mexico, and Canada] that ‘our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary.’ Its boundaries will be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter within which the movement of people, products, and capital will be legal, orderly, and safe. Its goal will be to guarantee a free, secure, just, and prosperous North America.”

In the name of helping Mexico, while actually giving to Mexico’s criminal elites, the CFR plan robs the American people and endangers America by making her delegate to Mexico much of her security against terrorists.

The plan’s contempt for the American people is clearest in its discussion of the worst day in recent American history. According to the plan, 9/11 was a problem solely because it cost businesses money. The 3,000 dead aren’t even mentioned.

The NAU seeks to eliminate the pre-amnesty, non-treasonous American people as a political factor. As in the case of the European Union, the NAU would abolish national sovereignty, render American elections meaningless, and create a transnational judiciary to strike down America’s laws. With an NAU, two overlapping, lawless groups would together rule the continent: Unbearably sanctimonious lawyer-parliamentarians who would drone on endlessly in public about continental and international laws, treaties, and conventions, which they would routinely violate behind closed doors, as they raped the “North American people”; and gangster-politicos who laugh at all laws.

Even without an NAU, open borders/amnesty would seal the deal for the abolition of America. The new racist, anti-American Hispanic majority would gleefully support any legislation, judicial decision, or executive act, so long as it harmed the historic American people—even at the expense of Hispanics’ own interests. To paraphrase Golda Meir, they hate whites more than they love their own children.

Moreove, as Steve Sailer has repeatedly shown, no matter how much Republicans pander to them, at least 60-70 percent of Hispanics will vote Democrat. Open borders/amnesty would thus signal the end of the Republican Party. People are baffled as to why a Republican president would destroy his own party. The answer: George W. Bush does not identify with the Republicans—or any other American political party.

The “44” Factor

Bush is working not for the GOP, let alone the non-treasonous American people, but for goals that he sees as useful to the Bush family’s interests.

Just one month after Bush’s 2001 inauguration, Steve Sailer discussed the connections between the Bush family and Mexico’s criminal-political elites. Three years later, Sailer showed how Bush has been doing everything possible to consolidate and strengthen those ties.

Mexico’s criminal-political elites rule over a country rich in natural resources, yet in which there is an incredible gap between the rich and everyone else, in which the rich pay almost no taxes, in which government services are utterly corrupt, and the rule of law has ceased to function, if indeed it ever did.

This is the model that George W. Bush has been busily importing to America.

As Sailer wrote in 2004:

“[During the 2000 campaign, Bush’s] nephew George P. Bush told reporters, ‘Our biggest challenge will be to separate my uncle from the rest of the Republican Party.’

This, then, could be why George W. has spent so much effort promoting a wedge issue that can only split his own party. He thinks the long-run fate of his dynasty demands a new, improved Republican Party —and a new, debased America.” [“The Bush Betrayal: Maybe He’s Not Thinking but Feeling—Family Feeling, Mexican Style, January 11, 2004]

Which brings us to the “George P.” factor, which Steve Sailer also was the first to think about. The President, known in the Bush family as “43” (and whose father is known among the Bushes as “41”), already refers to his nephew, George P. Bush, the son of former Florida governor, Jeb Bush and the latter’s Mexican-born, America-hating wife, Columba, as “44.” In George P.’s hostility towards the nation that has made him (and his uncle) rich and powerful, in spite of his lack of loyalty or talent, he takes after his mother. The Bushes clearly want George P. to become the third Bush President. Indeed, they may even see such a development as a birthright, much as the Kennedys once did.

But why, given my end-of-the-GOP scenario, would the Bushes even care anymore about the presidency? There’s family tradition. There’s sentiment and symbolism—not for the sake of Americans or even Hispanics, but for the sake of Jeb and Columba Bush, and the Bushes’ criminal-political-business friends in Mexico, and in the NAU-to-be. Most important of all, the American presidency would by then exist as a stepping stone to the NAU government.

In any event, I find it unlikely that George P. would run as a Republican. With the GOP by then a lame or even dead party, he would run either as a Democrat, or as the standard-bearer of some new NAU or regional (The Nation Formerly Known as America?) party.

Left-libertarian New York columnist Sidney Zion often lamented, “It’s the two parties against the people.” But now, it’s the two parties and the transnational elites against the people— and the nation.


Either the elites that George W. Bush is serving are insanely myopic regarding the consequences of their scheme, or they think that they can put so many layers between themselves and their loved ones and external reality that only the “little people”—the American citizen-taxpayers—will be destroyed.. After all, in Mexico and other Third World countries, the ruling elites live like drug lords (and often are drug lords!), behind high walls in massive compounds patrolled by machine-gun wielding gunslingers

The Nation Formerly Known as America (TNFKAA) would experience phenomena that are routine in the Third World, but from which America had largely been protected: Dictatorship, civil war, starvation, genocide. In that brave new world, different parts of TNFKAA will variously resemble Mexico, Brazil, the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, the Congo and Zimbabwe: slavery; kidnappings; where one cannot count on the provision of running water and electricity; where hospitals have no medical supplies because the staff has stolen them all; where at any time of the day a woman may be grabbed off an open street, gang-raped, murdered, and disappeared; and where one must bribe civil servants for the most basic services, and even pay off policemen to leave one alone when one has not violated any laws, or be thrown in jail.

But in one crucial characteristic, things will be different.

Historically, the kleptocrats running many failed states have been able to rely on America to bail them out. If America is abolished, however, say goodbye to Sugar Daddy.

And since billions of people see in America a light unto the world, giving them hope not to plunder her but to improve their own societies, if America is abolished, the world will descend into darkness.

My head is spinning! "'left-wing domestic terror': Trump shooter used popular social site, appears to be pro-Biden"

By N.S.

"'left-wing domestic terror': Trump shooter used popular social site, appears to be pro-Biden"

'the first evidence making it very apparent that Crooks was a left-wing partisan who hated President Trump's immigration policies' ..."

Bruce Jenner

By R.C.
thursday, july 25, 2024 at 08:57:20 p.m. edt

Who allows—or pushes—the propaganda on nbc, cbs, abc, etc.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

GRA: As I said YEARS AGO, the owner of nbc is comcast and the ceo is Brian Roberts—who gave out vibes, back then, that he was not a fan of White people. I spoke up often about the network’s unrepentant bias for the democrats and their lies against then-President Trump (by Lesta Holt and others).

On sunday, Katy Tur and Rachel Maddow giggled and orgasmed on national tv when biden quit the race and immediately started a “harris bandwagon,” which has only grown exponentially since. Since then, every network has climbed on board with the task of elevating kamala harris ABOVE the level of adoration that joe biden enjoyed—just because she is not White—or a man.

I’ve watched abc a lot more lately, after dumping comcast cable for antenna (free) tv, and that network’s news is not much better than nnn, if at all.

They flipped the switch also, and went all in on kamala harris IMMEDIATELY after Biden made his x announcement on sunday. Who gave the order? The news president or their ceo? negro, Kimberly Godwin, was the president of abc news until may of this year and was replaced by (White) Debra O’Connell. The network is owned by Disney, and Robert Iger oversees Disney.

Is it O’Connell or Iger who calls the newsroom and gives the thumbs up to anchors and reporters alike that they should become over-the-top democrat cheerleaders?

At cbs, another Brian—Robbins—is the ceo of paramount, and paramount owns the network. At cbs, a black named Ingrid Cipien-Matthews was president of cbs noise, until SHE was dumped and replaced by indian, Neeraj Khemiani.

HE left in August 2023, and 49-year-old, Wendy McMahon took over the position. McMahon, it is said, “was a liberal canadian politician.”

With all that information, all I can surmise is it’s the ceo who’s to blame for what viewers are forced to watch and be influenced by (not me, though).

Those are the true scum of our nation.

Who is Wade Wilson and what did he do? Inside the case of man who killed 2 women 'for the sake of killing' And why are we hearing about him?

By "W"
thursday, july 25, 2024 at 07:54:30 p.m. edt

"who is Wade Wilson and what did he do? Inside the case of man who killed 2 women 'for the sake of killing'"

N.S.: And why are we hearing about him? Because he's White!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: People True Crime <>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 5:07 p.m.
"who is Wade Wilson and what did he do? Inside the case of man who killed 2 women 'for the sake of killing'"

Plus, FedEx Driver Allegedly Stole French Bulldog While on Job, Then Dog Died While Left in Hot Delivery Truck
‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
People True Crime
Who Is Wade Wilson and What Did He Do? Inside the Case of Man Who Killed 2 Women 'for the Sake of Killing'

TV movies: One of the venues, in which Communists spread their tentacles


From TV GUIDE, 1974:

An article on made-for-TV movies calls the early efforts “potboiling trash” (and later equates them with B-movies, implying that B-movies are “trash”). But according to the author, they’ve “grown up” and become respectable-and why is that? Because they now incorporate LEFTIST sociological themes!

Of course the writer doesn’t describe it that way, but these are the examples given: The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (black woman survives “racism” and lives to be over 100); Brian’s Song (interracial friendship with homo-erotic undertones); That Certain Summer (outright depiction of a homo relationship); The Execution of Pvt. Slovik (anti-military story wherein a “foreigner” is chosen as a scapegoat); I Heard the Owl Call My Name (priest sent to 3rd-world country, learns life-lessons from the primitives, encounters White “exploiters”). Depiction of social ills like abortion, rape, and alcoholism also garners cheers from the critics (pure “escapist” entertainment is despised, as always).

The author even finds a non-existent “allegory” in Spielberg’s Duel. He doesn’t mention the highest rated of all TV movies, The Night Stalker, which he undoubtedly would classify as “trash.” The main point: at the end of the story, we’re promised an upcoming movie by Roy Huggins (best known for creating Maverick and The Fugitive) “...taking on the House Un-American Activities Committee”! It would seem that a Leftist social agenda, especially in the mass media, invariably leads to the justification and promotion of Communism.


N.S.: I have since read that the interracial friendship between black star Chicago Bears running back Gale Sayers and White backup running back Brian Piccolo, the latter of whom died young of cancer, depicted in Brian’s Song, was entirely fraudulent. It seems that Sayers and Piccolo were never friends.

Note that the same leftist actor, Martin Sheen, who would later star in the sometimes brilliant, leftwing dramatic series, The West Wing, co-starred in That Certain Summer (with crypto-Communists Hope Lange and Hal Holbrook), and starred in The Execution of Pvt. Slovik.

For most of my adult life, I thought there was escapist TV and realistic TV. Now, I see that “realistic” TV has always been a myth. There’s TV shows and movies that appear to be realistic, and those which do not appear to be realistic.

Note that RM had to send this to my eddress at, because google had blocked his two earlier attempts at posting it in the comments section. The first time, he submitted it straightforwardly; the second time, he chopped up words with “homo” in them, but each time the google Gauleiter killed them. I finally asked RM to send the essay to my email.

What’s next? Blocking me from posting such works as essays? I wouldn’t put it past them.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Reince Priebus came on with 10 minutes left and made a good point that"biden,in his speech,never said WHY he left the race."

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, july 24, 2024 at 8:56:00 p.m. edt

Reince Priebus came on with 10 minutes left and made a good point that "biden,in his speech, never said WHY he left the race."

That's what this was advertised as, and it was a lie. Then Muir offhandedly threw out the statement that "crime is dropping across the country."

We know why--they aren't being reported.

A spic reporter named Maria told Muir, "There's no evidence that the surge in immigration is leading to more crime."

Noise is everywhere on network tv.


​bIDEN’s garbled speech turns into a free hour of democrat propaganda

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, july 24, 2024 at 8:42:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Barely resurrected, biden—from the oval office—spoke a few understandable lies and some unintelligible ones. If this is what 12 doses of paxlovid does for someone, supposedly with covid, the company (Pfizer?) should go out of business.

After biden was done, abc's David Muir and his dem cohorts pushed the dem agenda for the rest of the time.

Trump should ask for equal time—this was as usual, noise—not news.

"Whatta man, to give up his power for the good of the country, said one nig reporter.

No, he wanted to stay—the ballbusters dumped him. They twisted his arms, his legs, and probably his head a la Linda Blair in The Exorcist.

Donna Brazille then came in and lied some more: “a true public servant, passing the torch.”

Not voluntarily, but who cares about facts?

Then abc laughed at the President for not having biden to run against.

"Trump is still bringing up biden--and he isn't running anymore"--as if Harris wasn't biden's v.p.

. This is 100% noise now, and 0% news until november 5th.


more "bLACK law" insanity: michiogan supreme court rules cops (in high-crime areas) can't chase fleeing bLACKS without "cause"; jkust because nIGS drive off and ignore cops' orders isn't enough

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, july 24, 2024 at 4:35:00 p.m. edt

"grand rapids, mich. (wood) — the michigan supreme court has overturned the conviction of a man found guilty of fleeing from kalamazoo police officers, a ruling that is expected to change how michigan officers articulate [!] reasonable suspicion.

"Douglas Prude was visiting his girlfriend at fox ridge apartments in kalamazoo on may 30, 2019, when he was approached by police. two kalamazoo department of public safety officers on patrol asked his name, but he wouldn’t give it and said that he was visiting. the officers told him they were detaining him to find out whether he was trespassing, but he drove away. he was later arrested and charged with fleeing and eluding and resisting arrest."

“'there was no reason to suspect mr. Prude of any wrongdoing, and so (officers) had no right to detain him, and so it was not unlawful for him to drive away because the police orders themselves were unlawful,' John Zevalking, the attorney who represented Prude, told news 8.

lower courts upheld the arrest, ruling officers had reasonable suspicion to detain Prude. Prude kept appealing and the case eventually made the michigan supreme court’s docket.

“'it’s difficult to get into the michigan supreme court. they don’t take a lot of cases. and then it’s difficult to get a positive ruling because the courts always have some deference for the courts below. [N.S.: Not anymore, they don't. They have deference for black criminals.] “but in this case, we just felt it was worth going all the way,' Zevalking said.

Earlier this month, the state’s high court ruled in Prude’s favor.

“What the supreme court, michigan supreme court, ruled is simply being in a high-crime area is not a reason to detain someone,' Zevalking said.”

GRA: Then why stop ANYONE? That is where this is leading to.

“You can't STOP me if I run from y'all.”

N.S.: White policemen can't stop black criminals. This is a continuation of the Francis Lyoya case (in grand rapids), and the case from earlier this year, in which a White cop is being persecuted by the state's lesbian criminal general for "murder," for accidentally running over and killing a fleeing black felon (also in grand rapids). All in michigan. The state's elites have spoken. They have handed the state over to violent black felons.


You're not supposed to say Kamala is a "DEI hire" because ...

By Anonymous
wednesday, july 24, 2024 at 7:48:00 a.m. edt

Hey listen up everybody! You're not supposed to say Kamala is a "DEI hire" because

it's like the N word. So just cut that out!

Check out the l.a.p.d.'s lewd lesbian recruiting photo

On monday, november 14, 2022, I wrote, if you're a lesbian, and especially a colored lesbian, the lapd wants you!" However, I was unable to download the photo below, which was and remains on the once-great police force's main page. I just succeeded at doing so, and posted one screen capture here, and one at the original blog item.

In my november 15, 2022 homage, "Joe Wambaugh, Bill Parker, and the Thin Blue Line," I wrote,
But today, more often than not, law enforcement bosses are the biggest supporters of black and hispanic criminals, and against civilization. And today’s LAPD actively solicits lesbian and homosexual cops, with its “gay and lesbian recruitment drive.” Check out its lewd recruiting photo (I couldn’t download it), which is also the lead photo on the department’s main page, in which a butch, asian police person leans on the shoulder of a femme, White police person, with both in uniform, strongly suggesting that they are lesbian lovers, with the butch asian ready, at any moment, to jump the bones of the White one.

"gunshot re-enact shows bloodspray and head pieces absent from Butler rally roof sniper aftermath, blood, brains, should be sprayed all over roof (graphic)" (video)

Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, july 23, 2024 at 01:48:34 p.m. edt

"gunshot re-enact shows bloodspray and head pieces absent from Butler rally roof sniper aftermath, blood, brains, should be sprayed all over roof" (graphic)

Nixon on LBJ: The Last Sitting President to Not Seek Renomination (Video)

By N.S. (Richard Nixon Foundation)

Note that the President argues that a major feature of Johnson's decline (the press' turning on him) was his separating himself from the Kennedys. However, in a book from circa 2010 which had been downloaded online, but which I can no longer find, the author demonstrated how working with Bobby Kennedy was an impossibility for Johnson. As I wrote a month ago (though it seemed like much longer),
Bobby Kennedy was a man lacking in generosity, even towards his fellow democrats. In a book that came out 10-15 years ago on Lyndon Johnson's foreign policy, the author said that when Jack Kennedy was conferring with his vice president, Bobby (then Jack's AG) was wont to burst into the room, without excusing himself, indeed without acknowledging that Johnson even existed. And when the communist Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated Kennedy, Bobby kept trying to stall Johnson's ascendance to the presidency, because Bobby thought that HE should have become president, the Constitution be damned!

I think "arrogant" is a more accurate descriptor of Bobby Kennedy, who was drenched in hubris.
I'm not sure "arrogant" is even a strong enough word to describe Robert F. Kennedy Sr.

Police Struggle to Find Drivers “That Don’t Exist”

Note the date. Things have just been getting worse and worse, in a million different ways since. If only we had a patriotic political party to fight such official and criminal depravity.

April 20, 2008
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored and VDARE

“Hit-and-run” just got a whole new meaning.

Newspaper readers see stories all the time of accidents caused by drunken, Mexican, illegal aliens who ran away, after crashing their cars. Like many readers, I have often wondered:

1. How can someone who was driving so blind drunk that he just maimed and/or killed people and totaled his own car, be in any shape to run?; and

2. What’s the point? In the past, police would identify the vehicle’s owner, and the drunken killer would be rounded up in no time at all.

Apparently, such incidents also gave pause to some of the finest minds in state government in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia. And they came up with a solution: Those states no longer require applicants for car registration and title to furnish proof of identity, just proof of address.

Those government bureaucrats must have been upset by the stereotyping non-undocumented workers (i.e., the demographic group formerly known as “Americans”) would engage in, saying things like, “Look at that dumb undocumented worker, running from the scene of an accident. Law’s just gonna chase him down, anyway.” Now, they can say, “Look at that smart undocumented worker, running from the scene of an accident. He just might get away with murder.”

These reflections were prompted by the April 12 article, “Police struggle to find drivers ‘that don't exist,’” by reporter Carol Vaughn, in Virginia’s Dellmarva Daily Times, a Gannett paper. (Postscript, 2024: The link was killed years ago.)

Vaughn reports on an accident that demolished the front porch of Darryl Hopkins’ house on Fisher Road outside of Parksley, Virginia, and almost killed Hopkins. Hopkins was sleeping in a recliner in his living room, just a few feet from the front door, whose splintered glass landed in his lap. The car lay outside his door on its side, its lights on, but with no driver to be found. It was registered to a ghost named “Fidel Chavez Escalante,” according to the license left behind in Sr. Escalante’s wallet.

It was the second crash on Hopkins’ property by a ghost driver in the past year.

More progress: Not only did the non-existent driver escape, but the car had Mississippi plates front and back, unlike a previous crash Hopkins recounts that occurred across the road, in which a ghost driver’s car had Mississippi plates on one end, and Tennessee plates on the other.

Vaughn interviewed Virginia State Police First Sgt. J.P. Koushel, who is seeing more “hit-and-run cases involving falsified vehicle registrations.” Koushel said,

“We can't solve these [cases] because in Mississippi, this car is registered to a person who doesn't exist.”

“These cars are untraceable; they all come back to a fictitious person. If you don’t have to prove who you are, what’s the use of registering and titling a car? If migrant workers can do it, [other] criminals can do it.”

Vaughn reports,
“A search of General District court records this week turned up three cases involving a person with the name on the license found in the car with a Parksley address — one for speeding, one for not having a Virginia driver’s license and one for no license. The man was found guilty in all three cases and paid fines ranging from $75 to $100.”
She quotes Hopkins as saying, “It’s a zoo back here. This is a major corridor for drugs, alcohol and illegal immigrants.”

This writer was surprised to see Gannett permitting one of its reporters to be so frank about illegal immigration.

(E-mail Carol Vaughn, to thank her for doing such a bang-up job.)

A tip ‘o the hat to’s Minuteman Steve, who sent me Carol Vaughn’s article.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Texas Longhorns football coach, woman who were sued in alleged monkey bite incident, get married

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 07:53:14 PM EDT
Subject: Texas Longhorns football coach, woman who were sued in alleged monkey bite incident, get married

The Longhorns coach and woman, who goes by "poleassassin_" on Instagram, previously made headlines in 2021 after being sued in an alleged monkey biting incident.
They throw brown rice at Miss Monkeypox after the wedding ceremony?