Monday, July 22, 2024

"top dems threatened to forcibly remove Biden from office unless he resigned, set him up to fail at Trump debate"

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah,they played hardball with cement baseballs.

Just in:Harris hired Eric Holder to vet V.P. candidates.

No WHITES should vote for a democrat.



Anonymous said...


(abc noise)U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who came under scrutiny for the agency's failure to prevent the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, has resigned.

Cheatle had faced calls to step down since the shooting at a Trump rally on July 13, which left one attendee dead and two others critically injured.

She announced her resignation Tuesday morning in an email to Secret Service employees, which was obtained by ABC News.

"The Secret Service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders and financial infrastructure. On July 13th, we fell short on that mission," she wrote. "The scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases. As your Director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse."

GRA:I didn't include the platitudes from "biden" and mayorkas--a waste of time.The resignation should not be the end of it--find the TRUTH--get rid of the screw ups and Trump haters.


Anonymous said...


(ZH)On Sunday, July 21, President Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential campaign via a text-only post on Twitter/X.

Less than an hour later, Biden - also via a text-only post on Twitter/X - endorsed vice president Kamala Harris for the presidency.

Thus, in just a few minutes, the ruling party in Washington completely erased the primary election process from one of the country’s major parties.

That is, the same Democratic party that tells us it is the party of “democracy” just completely cut ordinary voters out of the selection process for the Democratic nominee.

Instead, the Democratic nominee in 2024 will be chosen by a small group of elite party insiders. We’re told there will be an “open convention” in Chicago to choose the nominee, but all that means is that that there is no pre-determined nominee going into the convention. In any case, however, the nominee will be chosen by delegates and superdelegates (i.e., wealthy party elites like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) behind closed doors.

The Democratic party’s efforts to circumvent the primary process are quite remarkable for a ruling coalition that lectured the general public endlessly in 2020 about how Donald Trump was allegedly a “threat to democracy” and how “democracy is on the ballot.”

Yet, this is what we’ve come to expect from political elites who use the term “democracy” as a propaganda term. For these people, the term has no objective meaning, it just means “something we like.” “Anti-democratic,” in contrast, just means “something we don’t like.”

GRA:biden should have been 25th'ed long ago.Instead,the vile,conniving dems wanted to sneak him through the 2024 process,but found out their nominee was losing it faster than they had projected,so Brandon was inveigled into quitting the race with removal from office.Now they've chosen Harris and are not apologetic about it one bit. Shameful,treasonous behavior by the commies these last 3 1/2 years topped off by the last 6 months of deception.They should all be hung,but not in effigy.

-- GRA