Tuesday, July 31, 2018
When the Vehicle the Trio was in Arrived at the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Onramp to the Southbound 710 Freeway in Lynwood, the Gunman Asked His Friend to Pull over and then Fatally Shot Him; He Dragged His Friend's Body Out of the Vehicle...
At Least 1 Dead Following Triple Shooting in Gardena
At least one person was killed in a triple shooting that took place in Gardena early Tuesday morning. The shooting occurred about 4 a.m. near the intersection of West 135th Street and Budlong Avenue. Responding crews found three gunshot victims, including one person who was pronounced dead at the scene, a Los Angeles County Fire Department ...
R.C.: Nothing good ever happens on a street named after Doctor (sic) Martin Luther King.
The Higher Education (Humor)
September 15, 2007 at 6:18 a.m.
A young man, hired by a supermarket, reported for his first day of work.
The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gave him a broom and said,
“Your first job will be to sweep out the store.”
“But I’m a college graduate.” the young man replied indignantly.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that,” said the manager. “Here, give me the broom, I’ll show you how.”
The Merchants of Death Must be Stopped! Stop the Straws!
By Charles Hurt - The Washington Times - Sunday, July 29, 2018
Let the pogrom begin!
There is a town in California that has finally taken action on this vitally important issue of humans sucking liquid from cups through plastic straws.
Given the clear and present existential threat these plastic straws pose to all of humankind, it was only prudent that the City Council of Santa Barbara pass a law
threatening jail time for bloodthirsty straw merchants who insist upon peddling these vile weapons against humanity….
When straws are outlawed, only outlaws will have straws. Personally, I'm stocking up on fully automatic straws while they're still legal.
Are Democrats setting this up as a straw man argument?
Purple Sword
What would we do without the Democrats........ everyday I woke up and prayed someone would ban straws....... What on earth could be more important than banning straws! Who could rest comfortable without a ban on straws.
What a weak argument. There is no need to drink milkshakes. They' will be much easier to outlaw because we already know where all the machines that make them are located. So they get scooped up and destroyed! There, another argument against banning straws done away with. NEXT .....
I can see straw buy-back programs in California cities, along with serial numbers printed on each straw and registration requirements. That bureaucracy alone will employ a million or so illegal aliens.
When I was young, we had to eat our milkshakes with spoons. And we LIKED it!!!
At The Washington Times.
More News on the Knoxville Horror Racist Atrocity! (Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom) My New VDARE Report is Up!
By Nicholas Stix
My headline is neither a typo, nor a reprint of something I wrote a long time ago.
While a gang of at least seven racist blacks carjacked, kidnapped, gang-raped, tortured and murdered white lovebirds Channon Christian 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, from January 6-7, 2007, the case is far from over.
Mark my words: I will be rotting in my grave, or my ashes will rest in a nice vase, years before this case will have been resolved.
That’s due to the way policing and criminal justice are in the failed state previously known as America.
I have covered this case since circa March 15, 2007, when one legendary editor, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, asked me to; and later, when a second legendary editor, Peter Brimelow of VDARE started asking me to cover the trials—seven so far, with another scheduled to begin in September.
So far, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins, George Thomas, Vanessa Coleman and partially, Eric Boyd, have been convicted for their roles in the racist atrocity.
And if the two as-yet-unnamed rapist-killers are ever identified and arrested, there will be at least two more trials.
“With New Charges, the Knoxville Horror is a Live Case Again—Possibly with More Indictments to Come!

War criminal Eric Boyd
Monday, July 30, 2018
Globalists Can Celebrate: Florida Police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller Dies After Allegedly being Shot by Haitian Illegal Alien
By A Texas Reader
Law enforcement confirmed to the media this week that Fort Meyers Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller...
Florida Police Officer Dies After Allegedly Shot by Illegal Alien | Breitbart
Florida police officer Adam Jobbers-Miller has died after allegedly being shot in the head by an illegal alien from Haiti.
No Good Deed: Manchester Bomber was Rescued by the Royal Navy from Libyan Warzone and Evacuated Back to Britain - Three Years before He Slaughtered 22 People at a Pop Concert

War criminal Salman Abedi slaughtered 22 Britons
By Reader-Researcher R.C.
Mon, Jul 30, 2018 9:37 p.m.
Manchester bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from Libyan warzone
The Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was rescued from Libya together with his brother by the Royal Navy - three years before he killed 22 people at the Manchester Arena.
As D.C. Anticipates a Planned White Nationalist Rally to Coincide with August's One-Year Anniversary of the Deadly Protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, D.C.’s Police Chief is Prepared for What’s to Come
White D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham, chaperoned by Jeffrey D. Richardson, the black director of the Mayor's Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs
By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Democrat Candidate for Governor is Dead Broke, Owes $77,522 in Credit Card Debt, Yet She Wants to Run Georgia's Economy

By Reader-Researcher R.C.
Democrat Candidate for Governor Is Dead Broke, Owes $77,522 in Credit Card Debt, and Wants to Run Georgia Economy
Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams became the first black female candidate to win a major party primary for governor in May. Stacey Abrams was the guest of honor at the Democrat “Way to Win: 2022 Victory Party” at the party’s annual spring conference. Abrams and fellow Democrats want reparations for blacks and free college for all …
Read About Violent, Obama Administration Perv William Mendoza the MSM Didn’t Tell Us about at the Time

Don’t offend William Mendoza, especially if you’re an autistic Indian!
By Nicholas Stix
When Mendoza wasn’t using his Obama Administration-issued smartphone to film women “upskirt” under their clothes, he beat a man so badly that he left him with a broken arm, broken teeth and a black eye, and needing three surgeries.
Mendoza wasn’t charged at all for that attack, which would have resulted in a civilian being charged with felony assault. He said he was offended by his victim’s wearing a Washington redskins jersey. He also did no time for the perv stuff.
The victim was an autistic Indian who, like Mendoza, was attending a powwow.
At Western Journal.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
The Forward: Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Steven Spielberg, Barbra Streisand and Woody Allen are Chopped Liver!
In 2016, The Forward, the socialist paper put out by Jewish anti-Semites, came up with a list of the 50 Most Influential American Jews.
The problem with the list was that I’d heard of hardly any of them, and the ones I had heard of, were mostly vastly overrated. In 2016, for instance, Ivanka Trump was very famous, but Jane Eisner, The Forward’s editor-in-chief, put Ivanka at the top of the list, due to the latter’s idiotic speech at the Democrat, er, I mean Republican National Convention.
In 2017, with her father ensconced in the White House, Ivanka Trump unfortunately became much more influential, but Eisner’s list was for 2016.
And in 2016, and any year since, Jared Kushner did not rate.
Some of the people on my list—Jerry Lewis, S.I. Newhouse, Philip Roth, and Nat Hentoff have since died, but they were all very much alive in 2016.
Whereas, The Forward’s List makes little sense (and only adds up to 48), but some entries were based on their being in the news (Dylan, based on winning the Nobel Prize, Sanders, based on his White House run, Ivanka and Jared), the rationale for most was a mystery. Some (Daveed Diggs and Michael Twitty) were apparently named merely because they were mulattos.
By contrast, most of my picks were for their long-term influence, e.g., Jerry Lewis, Nat Hentoff, Lorne Michaels. Note that “influence” is morally neutral. Thus, George Soros may be evil, but he is the most influential Jew of the past generation.
A Year of Curses and Many Blessings
In this tumultuous, contentious year, we learned that it was a blessing and, sometimes, a curse to be a Jew in America.
[N.S.: “We learned”?]
The presidential campaign dominated the discourse much more than usual, and in some unwelcome ways. Many Jewish journalists were targeted by white nationalists on social media, threatened for who they are and what they wrote. But journalists such as Julia Ioffe and Ben Shapiro stood firm in the face of harassment, and their cause was aided by communal leaders like the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt.
[“Targeted”? “Harassment”? Garbage. They were criticized. “Targeted” suggests they suffered violence.]
At the same time, the notable role played by the candidates’ Jewish family members spoke to Jewish political empowerment. Never in our memory did the Democratic and Republican nominee both have a Jewish son-in-law — and in Donald Trump’s case, a Jewish daughter, Ivanka, who is a brand unto herself.
Jews dominated the cultural landscape, in television, cinema, music, books, fashion, theatre — up to Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize. [Jewish mediocrities.] We also made an unexpectedly strong showing in the sports arena, thanks to Theo Epstein’s leadership bringing the forlorn Chicago Cubs to a World Series win and Aly Raisman’s stunning Olympics display.
[Momentary athletic success does not equate to “influence.” Eisner should have titled her thing, “American Jewish Newsmakers.”]
America’s legal and business sectors benefited from Jewish entrepreneurial ingenuity, while our religious and communal leaders challenged orthodoxies of all kinds.
[How would it be a virtue for “religious and communal leaders challenged orthodoxies of all kinds”? That sounds nihilistic, like saying, “Our religious and communal leaders worked hard to erode our foundations.”]
As always, the Forward’s annual list of Jews who have impacted American life is a communal effort, but special tribute goes to Dan Friedman, Thea Glassman and Kurt Hoffman for their creativity and leadership. This project went to press hours after Trump’s stunning victory, opening an uncertain [new] chapter in the American Jewish story. But to paraphrase the play that made Daveed Diggs famous, the Jews in the Forward 50 never threw away their shot, and we know they never will.
—Jane Eisner
Read more: https://forward.com/series/forward-50/2016/
The Forward’s List
Ivanka Trump
Bob Dylan
Theo Epstein
Julia Ioffe
Daveed Diggs
The Full List
• Sarah Hofstetter
• Michael Dubin
• Evan Spiegel
• Mark Hetfield
• Harry Swimmer
• Thomas Frieden
• Rachel Gilmer
• Michael Twitty
• Jonathan Greenblatt
• Gali Cooks CULTURE
• Paula Vogel
• Abbi Jacobson
• Isaac Mizrahi
• Deborah Lipstadt
• Bob Dylan
• Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath
• Geza Rohrig
• Daveed Diggs
• Jonathan Safran Foer
• Lil Dicky (David Burd)
• Natalie Portman
• Jeffrey Goldberg
• Danielle Berrin
• Masha Gessen
• Julia Ioffe RELIGION
• Daniel Landes
• Sharon Weiss-Greenberg
• Rachel Cowan
• Shmuly Yanklowitz
• Yehuda Glick
• Gloria Allred
• Judy Sheindlin
• Alexandra Brodsky
• Liz Alpern
• Roger Sherman
• Sarah Hurwitz
• Yael Lempert
• Jared Kushner
• Eric Schneiderman
• Ben Shapiro
• Ivanka Trump
• Haim Saban
• David Wildstein
• Bernie Sanders
• Charles Schumer
• Jona Rechnitz
• Aly Raisman
• Theo Epstein
My List
*Died since 2016
George Soros
Henry Kissinger
Steven Spielberg
Barbra Streisand
Woody Allen
Elena Kagan
Stephen Breyer
Ruth Bader-Ginsburg
Richard Posner
Philip Roth*
Bob Dylan
Alan Dershowitz
Jeffrey Toobin
Jonathan Turley
Entertainment Media
Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Lewis*
Mel Brooks
Lorne Michaels
News Media
Nat Hentoff*
Thomas Friedman
William Kristol
Adam Moss
John Podhoretz
Norman Podhoretz
Media Moguls
Sumner (Rothstein) Redstone
Michael Eisner
S.I. Newhouse*
Michael Bloomberg
David Geffen
Harvey Weinstein
Larry Page
Sergey Brin
Mark Zuckerberg
Ronald Perelman
Carl Icahn
Sheldon Adelson
Henry Kravis
Eli Broad
Howard Schultz (Starbucks)
Bernie Sanders
Chuck Schumer
Jonathan Greenblatt (ADL)
Robert Kraft (Gillette, N.E. Patriots)
Jeffrey Lurie (Philadelphia Eagles)
Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks)
Peter Guber (Golden State Warriors and Mandalay Entertainment)
David Stern
Adam Silver
Bud Selig
Theo Epstein
Sam Francis Foresaw the Rise of Donald Trump
"Is there anything that can be done to cure the incessant self-destructiveness of the Right or remove the causes of its own suicidal tendencies?
Probably not, as long as the "Right" insists on defining itself in terms of social and historical forces that have already lost. The only thing it can do is try to grasp the truth that those forces have lost and that what they represented cannot be restored and, instead of presenting itself as the champion of lost causes, to align itself with new forces able to challenge the established order and to do so in terms that will neither be co-opted by the new regime nor deflected by the phantoms of the old
Once in a while such a movement appears, but invariably it only excites the wrath of the "Right." It is too "populist," it appeals to Mass Man, it is too "statist," it is too "radical," or it deviates from the ideological orthodoxy of the Right in some other arcane way.
Sooner or later, such a movement is either captured by its allies on the Right and simply becomes one more phone booth into which all the malcontents and oddwads try to cram themselves, or else it ignores them, wishes them a good day, and proceeds to make a little history all by itself, on its own terms and for its own purposes. But, of course, when the movement does the latter, it ceases to belong to the "Right" at all and actually begins to evolve into one of history's winners."
-Sam Francis, “Principalities and Powers,” Chronicles, November 1998
Mysterious Infantryman (Photo)
That moment you realize your dog is infantry........... pic.twitter.com/nGtFQV6PJM
— German Shepherd (@GermanShepher10) May 27, 2018
Saturday, July 28, 2018
The Increaisng PC-Ification of NewsCorp and Fox News
NYC releases documents connected to Central Park 5 case ...
A lawyer for five men wrongly convicted in the vicious 1989 rape of a Central Park jogger said Friday that the release of investigative records leaves them reliving the horror of their experiences.
They weren't wrongly convicted. They were guilty as hell. It was the "vacating" of their convictions that was an outrage.
What Does Chicken & Watermelon Have to Do with a Mass Shooting in New Orleans?
3 dead, 7 injured in South Claiborne Avenue shooting Saturday night: NOPD
The shooting was reported in the 3400 block of South Claiborne Avenue.
Two bodies could be seen on the ground Saturday night in front of Chicken & Watermelon, a restaurant in the 3400 block of South Claiborne.
"They never stop killing each other," [sic] said, shaking his head as he spoke.
R.C.: Every stereotype imaginable regarding blacks encapsulated in just one story.
Indiscriminate shootings.
Disbelief at the shootings.
Fried chicken and watermelon restaurant.
Porch dwellers.
Why do some black people sit on their porches all day? • r ...
I am a Private Investigator that does most of my surveillance work in Detroit, and I do a lot of my work in black neighborhoods that tend to be...
NYC releases documents connected to Central Park 5 case ...
A lawyer for five men wrongly [sic] convicted in the vicious 1989 rape of a Central Park jogger said Friday that the release of investigative records leaves them reliving the horror of their experiences.
R.C.: The fact that indiscriminate killings are never ending.
“Wilma’s Theme,” from The Best Years of Our Lives (1946); with Andre Previn on the Piano, Arranged by a Young “Johnny” Williams (Yes, that John Williams!); and the Story Behind the Music
Wilma Cameron (Cathy O’Donnell), the girl next door, who has always loved Homer Parrish (Harold Russell), in The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
The hauntingly beautiful West German model, Dagmar, who posed for Previn’s album cover
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
This piece of music was composed by Aaron Copland, as a theme in the 1937 ballet, Billy the Kid, expressing the stepped-up pace of town life.
Hugo Friedhofer worked it—much slowed down—into his beautiful score for what I consider the greatest picture ever made, The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), to express the romantic passion and domestic longings of Wilma Cameron (Cathy O’Donnell), the girl next door, who has always loved Homer Parrish (Harold Russell), who came back from the war with no hands, and no self-respect.
Friedhofer also used the music as an homage to Copland, whom director Willi Wyler had sought to engage to compose the picture’s score. Homages to Copland, who revolutionized movie music, would abound in the years to come, especially by his student, Elmer Bernstein (e.g. Bernstein’s score to To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) contains no fewer than two such homages).
Copland had been too busy with prior commitments to score BYOL. And thank God for that!
In a pivotal scene late in the picture, in which Homer seeks to convince Wilma not to marry him, Friedhofer takes over the scene, pitting Homer’s dark theme against Wilma’s passionate theme. Wilma’s theme overwhelms Homer’s theme, conquering Homer, and assuring us that the lovers shall marry.
Over 40 years later, composer John Rubinstein worked the theme into the legendary TV series, China Beach, about a very real combination military hospital and R&R center in South Vietnam, during the war there, where the show’s creator, William Broyles, had served.
The theme was used during the show’s third season, in which episodes would alternate between the characters’ post-war life “in the world,” and the life they’ led “in country.”
Rubinstein was providing a special treat for the very few viewers who would recognize and understand the theme, which complemented the dramatic undercurrent, whereby the men and women of China Beach installation had experienced the best years of their lives in the war. Everything that followed was a disappointment.
Andre Previn - Theme from The Best Years of Our Lives
35 0 Share
Bruce Kennewell
Published on May 30, 2010
This track come from the 1963 Columbia LP, "Andre Previn in Hollywood". (This is a monophonic record).
There is a story relating to the cover of this LP...............
If you look closely at the first image of the cover you will see some writing in the bottom RH corner. That was added at my request by the photographer who did the cover shot of the beautiful model.
I bought this LP (imported) in 2000 and was so taken by the young lady on the front that I tracked down and then contacted the photographer, Peter, (whose name appears on the back of the cover), asking if he could autograph it and did he know who the model was. I heard from him and sent the cover off to the USA to be autographed.
When it was returned he had included a note explaining that the young lady's name was Dagmar, a model with the Eileen Ford agency (New York) in the late 1950's. He fell in love with her but his infatuation was not pursued, as she was married and she subsequently returned to Germany with her husband.
Some years later she returned to New York after separating from her husband but by that time the photographer was in an established relationship and although they worked together a few times the occasions were strained and uncomfortable. He would now be 74 years old and Dagmar would be 71 or 72.
And, as Peter said in his note to me in 2000 "I'll bet she's still a knock-out".
For the technically-minded:-
The vinyl was played on a Garrard Zero-100 tangential turntable utilising a Shure M7OBX magnetic cartridge.
The analogue signal was then input via a NAD PP3 USB Preamp to my HP Pavilion laptop running Windows XP.
The sound was recorded as a WAV file using VinylStudio and then converted to an MP3 using GoldWave editing suite.
The final MP4 file was created with VideoPad video editor before uploading to You Tube.
Other music files that I have recorded from various not-often-heard 1960's and 1970's vinyl LP's may be found here by searching for 'hcrun'.
Nazi Philosopher Martin Heidegger is Back!

By Nicholas Stix
1. It's impossible to separate Heidegger's (1889-1976) philosophy from his Nazism. His 1933 Freiburg Rektoratsrede makes this clear;
2. One must read Hannah Arendt's apologia while keeping in mind that she was in love with him. The Nazi and the Jew!;
3. His philosophy, even when he said nothing about politics, was a big zero. (Actually, he was much more interesting when he joined philosophy to Nazism!) I believe that his influence was due to personal magnetism that only worked in person, but did not translate to the written page;
4. Heidegger took philosophy’s point of departure, an awareness of man’s mortality, and acted as if it were its final destination; and
5. Although fascist political and legal philosopher Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) was also banned from teaching at West German universities after The War, due to his Nazism, Schmitt was so brilliant, exciting, and clear that students still read him, and theorists of all political stripes still debated discussed his ideas. Heidegger they ignored.
At The American Notice.
The Earliest and Most Succinct Critique of Diversity
Letter near the end of his life (November 9, 1830)
As you know, I have led for twenty years and have obtained only a few certain results:
1. [South] America is ungovernable.
2. He who serves a revolution plows the sea.
3. The only thing one can do in America is emigrate.
4. This country [Bolivia] will fall unfailingly into the hands of the unbridled crowd and then pass almost imperceptibly to tyrants of all colors and races.
5. Devoured by all crimes and extinguished by ferocity, the Europeans will not deign to conquer us.
6. If it were possible for one part of the world to return to primitive chaos, this would be the last period of America.
Simon Bolivar
• Gutiérrez Escudero, Antonio, ed. (2005), "6. Carta al general Juan José Flores, jefe del estado de Ecuador (Barranquilla, 9 de noviembre de 1830) [Letter to General Juan José Flores, head of state of Ecuador, Barranquilla, November 9, 1830"] (in Spanish), Simón Bolívar: aproximación al pensamiento del Libertador (approximations to the thoughts of the liberator), Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (CSIC), Sevilla, p. 12, retrieved on 2017-11-06
Friday, July 27, 2018
5 Dead in Robstown after Active Shooter Situation at Nursing Home
5 Dead in Robstown after Active Shooter Situation at Nursing Home, police say
Fri, Jul 27, 2018 11:17 p.m.
Mexico Needs to Join the Fakestats Revolution! Record Murders Plague Mexico in First Half of 2018: "The Figures are Horrible"
Record Murders Plague Mexico In First Half Of 2018: "The Figures Are Horrible"
Mexico’s next president Andrés Manuel López Obrador has a significant uphill battle once he is inaugurated as President on December 01: Deadly violence in the country is intensifying and has hit an all-time high.
The Invisible War in Mexico with Professor George Grayson
George W. Grayson, the Class of 1938 Professor of Government at the College of William & Mary, has made more than 200 research trips to Latin America. He is a senior associate at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, an associate scholar at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, a board member of the Center for Immigration Studies, and a lifetime member of the NAACP.
Harvard Slams Group Alleging Bias against Asian Americans
Harvard slams group alleging bias against Asian Americans
Both sides have been sparring over the group's 2014 lawsuit accusing Harvard of discrimination against Asian-American students.
Amazon "Rekognition" Falsely [?] Identifies 28 Congress Members as Criminals
Amazon ‘Rekognition’ Falsely Identifies 28 Congress Members as Criminals
The ACLU showed that Amazon's Rekognition facial recognition tech isn't harmless in a test that incorrectly matched 28 members of Congress with mugshots.
R.C.: Correct: Amazon's software falsely recognized only 28 members of Congress as criminals.
ALL members of Congress are criminals.
I don't need Jeff Bezos to tell me that.
TCM's Film Noir of the Week for Saturday Night-Sunday Morning at Midnight ET (and 10 a.m. ET Sunday Morning) is Scene of the Crime (1949), Starring Van Johnson, Gloria deHaven, and Arlene Dahl
By David in TN
Friday, July 27, 2018 at 12:15:00 A.M. EDT
TCM's Film Noir of the Week for Saturday Night-Sunday Morning at Midnight ET (and 10 a.m. ET Sunday Morning) is Scene of the Crime (1949).
Van Johnson, an unusual film noir protagonist, plays a Los Angeles police detective investigating the murder of an ex-partner, who may have been on the take. Arlene Dahl plays Johnson's long-suffering wife who wants him to quit the force. Gloria DeHaven is a stripper Johnson is playing around with.
According to The Film Noir Guide, "Scene is a standard crime movie fortified by good performances and a sensational climatic shoot-out."
Thursday, July 26, 2018
"Man": Pflugerville Police Seeking Man Accused of Sexually Assaulting Girlfriend's 10-Year-Old Daughter
A witness at a Pflugerville home reportedly told police that on one occasion, he overheard the victim telling the suspect to "stop" and the suspect reportedly told the victim not to tell her mother about what he did.
ATR: More mayhem, misogyny, and Mexicans in Tejas.
DC Health: STD Cases See "Record Numbers": Study Shows New HIV Diagnoses High Among Youth
Black men who have sex with men, and black women that engage in heterosexual contact [with said men] also account for the highest proportion of newly diagnosed HIV cases, according to the report.
These groups are considered high risk for HIV in the District.
A DC Health annual report reveals record numbers for STDs, and that new HIV diagnoses among young people represents 41 percent, a higher rate over the past 10 years. According to the report, there were 10,157 cases of chlamydia, a 35% increase from 2013 to ...
ABC’s New York City Eyewitness News Gets Obscene in Its Warm-and-Fuzzy Black “News”
A few years ago, The Boss and I we were watching ABC’s New York City Eyewitness News, something we don’t do very often, as opposed to watching other awful newscasts. Painfully pc David Novarro was the news reader. He read two consecutive stories, one about gays, and the other about obsessive compulsives. He read the story about gays with a smile and a sunny demeanor, but read the one about the OCDs as if they were sex perverts, or something.
Granted, Novarro doesn’t write the news stories, but he has some control over how he delivers them.
Last week, on I believe Tuesday, July 17, we happened onto Novarro on ABC again, for a “news”cast that ended at 1 p.m.
The two last things were both black racial propaganda.
The first one was about a black guy who was late to work, because his car had broken down, and he’d walked …. miles to work. His white, female boss responded by buying him a car.
Back in 1977, my bike broke down on my way to my job as a hotel bellhop in the Catskills, causing me to have to walk to work late.
You know what my boss’ response was: “You’re fired.”
But we’re supposed to lament at how badly blacks have it.
The second story was about a black boy who wrongly called 911, and the black sheriff’s deputy who then engaged with the boy in a dance-off, captured by someone at the house on a cellphone video. Novarro treated the incident as a heart-warming moment, rather than a case of a lawman acting unprofessionally.
The video was a big hit on Twitter among people who think lawmen should be affirmative action cheerleaders in high-crime, er, diverse neighborhoods, rather than hard men who take down violent bad guys.
There is no typical day on patrol at #LASD. Accidental 911 call ends in a #dancechallenge after deputies take extra minutes to make sure kids were ok. Keeping Kids Safe in our Communities because they are our future https://t.co/cNqEGvWlX3 #MondayMotivation #LASDShareProgram pic.twitter.com/EoeOh4IvTy
— LA County Sheriff's (@LASDHQ) July 16, 2018
Obviously, this policy isn’t limited to ABC News, but that doesn’t make it any more palatable.
Back in the 1970s and 80s, the New York affiliate’s nightly news broadcast was co-hosted by smooth, handsome, Bill Beutel and grumpy, Roger Grimsby, the latter of whom used to say (via Marvin Kitman), “And now, for more of the so-called news.”
Bay of Pigs: Watch This Video of a World-Class Cat Fight
It's worth watching the one-minute video ...
I don't really feel like "a plague on both their houses" -- I sympathize with the employees.
Other American decline: Note the "viscous" in the URL, and the caption.
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) July 26, 2018
At Fox News.
Hoax?! Did a White Woman Murder Her Own Baby Boy, and then Falsely Accuse Blacks of Doing the Evil Deed?
Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 5:45:00 A.M. EDT
Mother of baby who was burned to death in Natchitoches arrested
Updated at 04:33 P.M., July 25, 2018
NATCHITOCHES, La. — Police in Natchitoches have arrested the mother of a 6-month-old baby who was burned to death about a mile away from the home where his mother said he was kidnapped.
According to the Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office, 23-year-old Hannah Barker, the infant’s mother, is the second person arrested in connection with the baby’s death.
Barker told police that men banged on the door of her trailer the night of July 17 and sprayed her with pepper spray. She said she fled the trailer to get away from the men, and when she returned, her 6-month-old son, Levi Cole Ellerbe, was gone.
About an hour later, the baby was found severely burned about a mile away from the trailer. He was airlifted to a burn center in Shreveport, where he succumbed to his injuries.
A few days later, on July 21, police arrested 25-year-old Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith, 25, on one count of first-degree murder.
Police say the baby’s mother, Barker, has been arrested on one count of principal to first-degree murder. Investigators are not releasing details, but they said Barker and Smith knew each other before the baby’s death.
“I want to highlight the determination and dedication of the team of investigators from both agencies who have doggedly worked this case from the start,” said State Fire Marshal Chief H. “Butch” Browning. “Rest assured, that diligent work is not over yet.”
I have removed this poor child's name from the list pending further information and clarity as to who did what.
N.S.: If this proves out as a hoax, you know we’ll be hearing about it forever, just like with the racial hoax murders of Charles Stuart and Susan Smith, as if the thousands of real black-on-white murders never happened. And Lester Holt, who routinely refuses to report on BOW murders, will lead with it tonight.
The Central Park Five are Back in the News!
"The SJW's verdict: Award the criminals $41 million. Trump's idea: Punish them. And you still can't figure out how he became president." https://t.co/NzqJroNQmC
— Virginia Dare (@vdare) July 25, 2018
Nicholas Stix on Ken Burn's Central Park Five myth-making https://t.co/XIdsHH2Jkz
— Virginia Dare (@vdare) July 25, 2018
Burns has always been a white guilt propagandist & a liar. He's currently working on one about country music which sickens me because he will somehow claim it was stolen from blues musicians & really originated in Africa.
— A Western Man 🤠🐎 (@CannedPeaches72) July 26, 2018
Denial, Deceit, and Delusion: Black Crime in Oakland (Colin Flaherty)
Black Crime Gets Crazier
By Colin FlahertyJuly 25, 2018
American Thinker
Whatever you thought crazy was, put it aside. Because no matter what you think is the craziest story of black violence – and the denial, deceit, and delusion surrounding it – this recent story out of Oakland is way past that.
It began simply and sadly enough on a BART system in the Oakland area. Two younger black people killed two older white guys. The reaction from BART was as predictable as it was lame: BART is safe; murder and violence are isolated; and no, you cannot see the videos from any of the hundreds of cameras in the stations.
Then, over the weekend, John Lee Cowell, a white guy, met two black women, Nia Wilson and her sister, on BART. He cut their throats, killing Nia.
Soon the streets of Oakland were full of black protesters, wondering why white people are able to get away with so much murder against black people. Many took to Twitter as well. “White supremacy slashes throats, it stabs, it lynches, and continues to kill our people in horrific ways,” said one Twitter poster. It is evil. “Don’t tell us to play patty-cake with it.” And on and on this went by the thousands: black people bitterly complaining about white-on-black crime and how cops in places like Oakland never do anything about it.
The only other explanation is one that just happened to be true: crime in Oakland, one of America’s most dangerous cities, is a black thing, wildly out of proportion. Anyone who cannot see that is in full denial, deceit, and delusion.
BART commuters are often its keenest witnesses.
In 2015, the crime on BART trains was so bad that BART created an app where riders could document any chaos or violence or lawlessness, then automatically send it to BART.
After a year, the geniuses at the East Bay Express ascertained that black ridership on BART was about 11 percent, but complaints against black people made up about 70 percent of the info from the app. It did not take long to figure out that the app was racist, and it was soon never heard from again.
Flash forward to less than a year ago: 50-70 black people rampaged through a BART station, beating and robbing a few white passengers – just the latest in a series of black mob violence at BART trains and stations. Some fatal. Most ignored. All treated as a symptom of white racism.
All with videotape that BART executives refused to share for the craziest of reasons: BART executives said doing so would be “embarrassing to minorities.” And no, I do not expect you to believe that unless you see it for yourself. So here’s an excerpt from a recent video I did. Just click here: BART refuses to release videos.
If that is not enough, try this on for size: an article I wrote about it at the time for American Thinker with lots of links. Just click here. [And here.]
Just a few weeks ago, BART was back in the news when it was revealed that 66% of the people banned from BART for criminal behavior are black. More racism, of course, said the people who were loath to consider, even for a second, that black people on BART create holy Hell six times more than their ridership should.
It is not just Oakland. Even as black people in Oakland were revving up their protests to remember Nia Wilson and protest this tsunami of fictitious white-on-black crime, black-on-white murder proceeded apace around the rest of the country the same way it always does: wildly out of proportion.
In Atlanta, a middle-aged white restaurant manager, Christian Broder, was visiting his home town for a wedding when a black person recently out of jail killed him. The killer was supposed to be staying in a “diversion program” instead of finishing a sentence for violent crime. But even after he was caught brandishing guns and drugs on social media with some of his bros before the murder, he was soon free again. Free to kill Christian.
In Natchitoches, Louisiana, Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith, a black woman, is under arrest for kidnapping, murdering, then burning [sic] a six-month-old white child, Levi Cole Ellerbe. [N.S.: Actually, little Levi was burned alive.]
So far, no protests. Not even an angry Twitter stream.
This is a long list from just recently. In North Portland, Oregon, a black man killed a white woman and burned her. I guess that’s a black thing, too.
In Bradenton, Massachusetts, a black person is wanted for killing a couple of white kids.
From Baltimore to Oakland, a common reaction to black-on-white crime is that only white privilege gives white people living near black people an expectation of safety. Besides, everyone knows there is no difference between black crime rates and white crime rates.
White people do it, too.
Just because something is easily shown to be the greatest lie of our generation, that does not mean that lots and lots and lots of people refuse to say it over and over and over again.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
New York Daily News Cuts 50% of All Newsroom Jobs; Republican Writer Completely Misses Point
In “Justice: Leftist Publication Notorious for Anti-Trump ‘Fake News’ Forced to Cut Half Its Staff,” the Western Journal/Conservative Tribune’s Ben Marquis writes,
“It would be an understatement of epic proportions to say that much of the mainstream media is biased in favor of the left and against President Donald Trump, which they make known through the slanted articles and blatant “fake news” that is published on a near-daily basis.
“To be fair, not every media outlet is overtly biased or constantly promote fake news, but some outlets are worse than others and the New York Daily News is definitely one of the worst when it comes to negative and even wholly manufactured bad news against Trump.
“But it would appear that a staunchly negative stance against all things Trump doesn’t sit particularly well with readers, even in largely liberal New York City, as Mediaite just reported that the Daily News has had to lay off roughly 50 percent of its newsroom staff….”
If you hate democracy and think local governments should operate unchecked and in the dark, then today is a good day for you.
— Jim Rich (@therealjimrich) July 23, 2018
[Just-fired Daily News editor-in-chief Jim Rich.]
Jim RichVerified account
Just a guy sitting at home watching journalism being choked into extinction
New York, NY
Joined August 2011
“Those lost jobs are the result of dismal economic conditions for print media outlets that have fallen behind in the age of technology, where digital outlets now appear to have leaped to the forefront of the industry.Popular, right-of-center sites like Western Journal/Conservative Tribune,” which once showed promise, are degenerating into moron fodder.
“The manner in which Americans consume news has changed over the years, and though certain legacy media outlets will no doubt continue to persist in the changing environment, the media would be well advised to stick to just reporting the actual news instead of promulgating opinionated ‘fake news’ to promote certain agendas and narratives.
“The American people have grown tired of it and just aren’t buying it any more. In an age of unprecedented media choices, they don’t have to.”
Ben Marquis' conclusion is all wrong. The Daily News is published in New York City, where over 80% of voters are registered Democrats, and most people love fake news. But New York City is also only 33.3% white. Only white people read daily newspapers in great enough numbers for them to be profitable.
Note, too, that millions of black, Hispanic, Asian and Arab New Yorkers are illiterate in English, and in many cases, any language.
Well, that's the world that the DN wanted, and it's the world it got, good and hard.
'Tis a shame. It used to be a centrist, Democrat paper until the early 2000s, when it went hard, racist Left.
I was a freelancer there during the late 1990s, as “Robert Berman.”
Original Mediaite story.
Who Got the Last Laugh, George Will or Sam Francis?
Samuel Francis (1947-2005), reviled by all right-thinking people, and cast out into internal exile in his life, remains the most important political thinker since James Burnham (1905-1987), to whom he devoted one of his many books. This photograph shows Francis close to the end, after he'd lost 100 or so pounds on the Atkins diet.

George Will coulda been a contender, but instead he took the sure money for taking dives for Democrats. Will presumably staking out some K Street PR firm in D.C., 2004.
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Question Diversity/Countenance Blogmeister:
As someone who knew Sam Francis pretty well, it both delights and pains me to see how he's finally getting the recognition he deserves in this the second decade after his too-soon departure from this world.
I should note that David Brooks isn't quite right when he describes PJB as Sam's political mentor. In reality, Sam's political mentor was North Carolina Sen. John East. The relationship between Sam and PJB was that of adviser.
Now, as for George Will, it's not any more difficult than the fact that you really can't trust a "conservative" who gets paid so well by the major mainstream media and can afford a very expensive Beltway house.
George Will: Liberals’ Dutiful Patsy
By Peter BradleyJuly 25, 2018
American Renaissance
Sam Francis is proven correct—again.
“Why are you writing about George Will?” asked a 30-something friend when I told him I was working on this article. That is a perfectly natural question. Many people his age do not know there was a time when George Will may have been the most prominent conservative in the United States. In the pre-internet days of the early 1990s—when I was looking for alternatives to the dominant leftism that seemed to infest every institution—Mr. Will may have been challenged only by William F. Buckley as the nation’s best-known conservative.
With columns in the Washington Post and Newsweek, and weekly appearances on ABC’s Sunday news show This Week with David Brinkley, Mr. Will was everywhere. The Pulitzer Prize winner was sharp, well spoken and, to his credit, often unafraid to take on (however tepidly) leftist issues such as affirmative action and campus political correctness. Today, Mr. Will still has a column in the Washington Post and is a commentator on MSNBC, but he is hardly ever quoted or mentioned unless he is criticizing President Trump or conservatives. Even then, his opinions are basically a footnote. Rush Limbaugh spent less than a minute brushing aside Mr. Will’s recent comment that he hopes Democrats win the 2018 mid-term elections.
How did one of America’s leading conservative pundits fall so far and so fast? The answer can be found in a 1986 article in Modern Age. Written by a then little-known Samuel Francis, this was a review of Mr. Will’s first book, Statecraft as Soulcraft: What Government Does, but Francis also critiqued “conservatism properly understood,” to use one of Mr. Will’s favorite phrases.
Francis didn’t quibble with Mr. Will’s central thesis, that “modern political thought since the time of Machiavelli forward has ignored or denied the ethical potentialities of human nature and has concentrated on passion and self-interest as the constituent forces of society and government.” But Francis noted that many conservative thinkers (Russell Kirk, Eric Voegelin, Leo Strauss—whom Mr. Will simply ignored) have decried this same abandonment of the ethical. He also questioned Mr. Will’s own application of this critique:
Although Mr. Will is consistent in his strong support for the illegalization of pornography and abortion, he also tries to use pre-modern or classical conservatism to endorse the welfare state and to justify the civil rights legislation of the 1960s, both of which are the principal creations of modern liberalism and constitute revolutionary engines by which the radicalizing dynamic of liberalism is built into contemporary American government.
In his defense of civil rights legislation, Will had written:
The most admirable achievements of modern liberalism—desegregation and the civil rights acts—were explicit and successful attempts to change (among other things) individuals’ moral beliefs by compelling them to change their behavior. The theory was that if government compelled people to eat and work and study and play together, government would improve the inner lives of those people.
Francis wrote:
What the conservative wants to know, however, is by what authority a state undertakes such massive transformations and whether what is gained compensates adequately for the damage that is inevitably done. . . . It is not clear they [civil rights acts] have led or will lead to more justice and tolerance and greater racial harmony. They certainly did damage to the Constitution by allowing the national judicial and legislative branches to override state and local laws. They also damaged the political culture by popularizing and legitimizing the idea that every conceivable “minority” (women, sexual deviants, the handicapped, and all racial and ethnic groups) may use the federal government to satisfy its ambitions at the expense of local jurisdictions, the public treasury, and the social order. . . .
Indeed, for all of his expostulations in favor of the high minded and aristocratic enforcement of virtue, Mr. Will repeatedly expresses his deference to the conventional and the popular. The rights of proprietors [who wanted to keep the right to choose whom they would serve] in 1964 ‘had become intolerably divisive,’ so ‘conservatism properly understood’ accepts the demands of those who initiated the division. ‘An American majority was unusually aroused.’ So, authority must follow the majority. The welfare state is an idea whose time ‘has now come,’ so conservatives must accept the idea and must not resist the times. ‘If conservatism is to engage itself with the way we live now,’ it must adapt itself to current circumstances . . . .
Francis makes the useful observation that George Will is not a neoconservative, because that ideology tries to derive conservative policy positions from liberal premises. Mr. Will did the opposite: try to defend liberal initiatives from conservative principles. So, if not neoconservative, libertarian or classic conservative, what is Will’s ideology?
Mr. Will’s ideology is consistent . . . with the agenda of liberalism and the structures that carry out its agenda, and his self-professed aim ‘to recast conservatism in a form compatible with the broad popular initiatives of the day’ is in fact an admission of his acceptance of and deference to the liberal idols that modern statecraft adores. . . . It is therefore not surprising that his commentary is welcomed in and rewarded by liberal power centers. They have little to fear from him and his ideas and much to gain if his version of ‘conservatism’ should gain currency. He enjoys every prospect of a bright future . . . .
Will has indeed enjoyed the last 32 years as a spokesman for the establishment. His views are exactly as Sam Francis described over 30 years ago. He left the Republican Party in 2016 over the nomination of Trump and called for conservatives to “help him lose 50 states.” Last month, the man who lectured us on “conservatism properly understood” wrote that he hopes the Democrats win the mid-term elections so as to stop Mr. Trump. Just this week, he called the president “a sad, embarrassing wreck of a man,” for having met Vladimir Putin. It is fitting that the 77-year old pundit will end his career opining for MSNBC, the home of the leftist “resistance” against the first political leader in my lifetime to fight back against the liberal establishment.
It is also fitting that as Mr. Will heads toward irrelevance, Francis is more popular and influential than ever, 13 years after his untimely death at the age of 57. Three books on Francis’ work have been published and more may follow. The website Counter-Currents regularly publishes his old Chronicles columns, which are as insightful now as they were 25 years ago. He is widely given credit for setting the stage for the rise of Donald Trump. His work was profiled in an article in National Journal in 2015. The piece was read on air by Rush Limbaugh to his 20 million followers. Even New York Times columnist David Brooks, one of Mr. Will’s Never Trump colleagues, wrote the following in September 2017:
The only time I saw Sam Francis face-to-face—in the Washington Times cafeteria sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s—I thought he was a crank, but it’s clear now that he was at that moment becoming one of the most prescient writers of the past 50 years. There’s very little Donald Trump has done or said that Francis didn’t champion a quarter century ago.
Will anyone ever write anything like that about George Will?
Sam Francis labored in relative obscurity during his lifetime, even as George Will won awards and was paid handsomely for his defense of “liberal power centers.” It is too bad that Sam did not live to see the demise of “Conservative Inc.” lapdogs like Mr. Will and the rise of Donald Trump, fueled mostly by the Middle American Radicalism he advocated. But his work lives on and he is continually being proven correct to a wider and more appreciative audience. Unlike George Will, Sam’s legacy has a bright future.
About Peter Bradley
View all posts by Peter Bradley

A Thousand Emmett Tills: A List of White Children Murdered by Blacks in the USA Only
“And some there be, which have no memorial; who are perished, as though they had never been; and are become as though they had never been born.”
By PaxRomana58
More White victims added to the list:
Remembering the latest victims:
Like a mournful metronome, a list of just a few of the many white teenagers, children, and babies who were murdered by blacks in the USA only, listed by age... the oldest being the same age as the mass media favored Trayvon Martin, down to the youngest being five months old. Google any name for further details of these violent black-on-white child murders.
NOTE: An (*) indicates that the victim had known their killer(s), either as an acquaintance, friend, or a romantic relationship, or as in the case of young children through a parent, other relative, or guardian.
This is only a partial list:
17-year-old Zachary Parker (shot to death) Omaha, Neb., 2-25-2018
17-year-old Collin Doyle (shot to death) Toledo, Ohio., 2-22-2017
17-year-old Steven Colt Coggins (shot to death) Hueytown, Ala., 12-27-2016
17-year-old Autumn Burkhart (shot to death)* Henderson, Ky., 11-21-2016
17-year-old David Trahan Jr. (shot to death)* Terrebonne Parish, La., 10-25-2016
17-year-old Jacob Thomas (shot to death) Mobile, Al., 10-23-2016
17-year-old Jonthomas Hobbs (shot to death) Fort Myers, Fla., 5-8-2016
17-year-old Bryan Allen Thompson (shot to death) Sherwood, Ar., 4-21-2016
17-year-old Kristine Carman (shot to death) Los Angeles, Ca., 1-6-2016
17-year-old Sean Michael Turner (shot to death)* Atlanta, Ga., 12-4, 2015
17-year-old Ashley Marie Scott (shot in the neck) Gary, Ind., 12-3-2015
17-year-old Kelsie Crow (shot to death at "sweet 16" birthday party) Cincinnati, Oh., 4-4-2015
17-year-old Karter Alderman (shot to death; home invasion) Shawnee, Okla., 3-14-2015
17-year-old Dylan Peters (shot to death) Poquoson, Va., 1-27-2015
17-year-old Mani Viktoria Aldridge (beaten to death along with her mother) Charlottesville, Va., 12-5-2014
17-year-old Kayla Storey (stabbed in chest and neck)* West Palm Beach, Fla., 11-10-2014
17-year-old Michael “Eli” Mohney (shot to death, mother also killed)* Mayfield, Ky., 9-2014
17-year-old Katelyn Beard (kidnapped, shot to death) Jackson, Ms., 8-31-2014
17-year-old Caleb Woosley (beaten to death with aluminum baseball bats) Richmond, Ind., 5-18-2014
17-year-old Hannah Bickley (shot to death)* Cleveland County, NC., 5-10-2014
17-year-old Christian Alexander Markoff (shot to death) Ozark, Ala., 2-2-2014
17-year-old Jourdan Bobbish (tortured, multiple shots to head, 18-year old white friend also tortured, shot in head) Detroit, MI., 12-2012
17-year-old Marley Lion (shot five times) West Ashley, SC., 6-16-2012
17-year-old Ryan Satterfield (shot to death; home invasion) Muskogee,OK., 11-23-2011
17-year-old Edward Mark Caylor (shot in head by sister's ex boyfriend, 2 other white teens also killed, home invasion)* Amarillo, TX., 1-21-1998
17-year-old Colleen O'Connor (shot in head while kneeling and begging for her life, killed along with three others) Aurora, Colo., 12-14-1993
17-year-old Benjamin Grant (shot in head, killed along with three others) Aurora, Colo., 12-14-1993
17-year-old Carolyn Andrew (shot in head)* Duluth, MN., 5-6-1981
17-year-old Debra Ann Chandler (kidnapped, raped, strangled) North Highlands Ca., 1981
17-year-old Brian Glenfeldt (kidnapped on way to church, shot in chest, arm, and head, teen girlfriend also killed) Miami. FL., 1-8-1978
17-year-old Belinda Worley (kidnapped on way to church, raped, shot in head. teen boyfriend also killed) Miami. FL., 1-8-1978
16-year-old William Cade Booher (shot to death) Aliquippa, Pa. 9-29-2016
16-year-old Michael White (beaten with brass knuckles, repeatedly stabbed in head, throat cut)* Wyoming, MI. 3-21-2016
16-year-old Hailey Hall (beaten to death)* Cincinnati OH. 3-14-2016
16-year-old Hailey Scheetz (stabbed to death along with her mother)*
16-year-old Katherine Burdick-Crow (robbed, beaten, vehicular murder)*
16-year-old Gina Burger (stabbed to death)* Austintown, Oh., 6-23-2014
16-year-old Alexandria Bertrand (vehicular homicide) Orange County, TX. 2-7-2014
16-year-old Ryan Mangan (shot to death)*
16-year-old Nicholas Grant (choked, beaten to death)*
16-year-old Paige Stalker (shot in the head)
16-year-old Brenden Wilson (shot to death; 8 bullets. 6 in the back, 1 to the head, and 1 to the side )
16-year-old Joshua Stepp (shot to death, home invasion)
16-year-old Mary-Ann Leneghan (kidnapped, raped, tortured for 8 hours, beaten, stabbed over 40 times; overkill)
16-year-old Alexandria Nicole Bertran (vehicular homicide)
16-year-old Elizabeth Pena (kidnapped, gang raped, tortured, strangled to death, along with her 14-year old white girlfriend)
16-year-old Taylor Fitting (shot in the face)
16-year-old Mark Thornton (single punch to the head)*
16-year-old Bobbie Sartain (shot to death, along with her 15-year old white girlfriend)*
16-year-old Meghan Landowski (raped, stabbed over 40 times; overkill)*
15-year-old Alexus Postorino (shot to death)* Las Vegas, Nv. 12-6-2010
15-year-old Nicole Angstadt (homicide; police refuse to disclose cause of death)*
15-year-old Kai Brooke Geyer (shot in head, two other white teens also killed, home invasion)
15-year-old Steven Brady Watson (shot in head, two other white teens also killed, home invasion)
15-year-old Nacole Winter (raped, strangled then stomped to death, body burned)
15-year-old Jonathan Lee Russell (shot to death)
15-year-old Susan Jordan (kidnapped, raped, strangled to death)
15-year-old Mary Clare (Molly) Conley (shot to death)
15-year-old Sara Beth Lundquist (kidnapped, stabbed to death; overkill)
15-year-old Raquel Gerstel (shot to death, along with her 16-year-old white girlfriend)*
15-year-old Taylor Adams (beaten to death)
15-year-old Barbara Kralik (stabbed to death)*
15-year-old Ann Harrison (kidnapped, raped, stabbed to death)
14-year-old Ian Wilsey (shot to death) Philadelphia, Pa. 11-28-2016
14-year-old David Kohler-Carpenter (shot to death, along with his 18-year old sister and their father; home invasion)
14-year-old Chelsea Brooks (pregnant from rape, later strangled to death by rapist and accomplice)
14-year-old Jennifer Ertman (kidnapped, gang raped, tortured, strangled to death, along with her 16-year old white girlfriend)
14-year-old Kelli O'Laughlin (stabbed to death during home burglary)
14-year-old Jody Lynn Wolf (raped, beaten to death)
14-year-old Susan Jacobson (strangled to death)* New York, N.Y., 5-15-1976
13-year-old Julianna Chambers (vehicular homicide) Whiting, Ind. 2-8-2017
13-year-old Genelle Conway-Allen (kidnapped, raped and sodomized, beaten and then strangled to death)
13-year-old Cori Baker (kidnapped, murdered)*
13-year-old Krystal Jean Baker (kidnapped, raped, strangled to death)
13-year-old Esme Kenney (kidnapped, strangled to death, attempted sexual assault, set on fire)
13-year-old Helene Navarro (shot to death)
13-year-old Gabriel Martinez (shot to death)
13-year-old Julie McElhiney (beaten, raped, then drowned in bathtub; home invasion)
13-year-old Sharon Brady (raped and stabbed to death, along with her mother; home invasion)
12-year-old Keith Passmore (shot to death)
12-year-old Jonathan Foster (kidnapped, tortured to death with welding torch)
12-year-old Garrett Phillips (strangled to death)*
12-year-old Emily Haddock (shot to death; home invasion)
12-year-old Christina LeAnn Neal (kidnapped, raped, strangled to death)
12-year-old Autumn Leigh Pasquale (strangled to death)
12-year-old Bobby Leonard (shot to death, along with mother)
12-year-old Ryan Carter (stabbed to death)
12-year-old Raymond Fife (kidnapped, tortured, raped, face burned, and stangled)
11-year-old Cherie Morrisette (kidnapped, raped, murdered)
11-year-old Bonnie Bulloch (kidnapped, shot to death)
10-year-old Philip Savopoulos (tortured, brutally beaten & then stabbed to death along with his mother, father, and housekeeper)*
10-year-old Aubrey Clark (vehicular homicide; run over while riding bike on sidewalk; white girlfriend injured)
10-year-old Duwayne Coke (strangled to death, along with his sister and mother)*
10-year-old Mark Ethan Alexander Stewart (stabbed, slashed, beaten to death)*
10-year-old Jennifer Heaton (stabbed to death, along with her sister and mother; extreme case of overkill; home invasion)
10-year-old Samantha Evans (stabbed to death, along with mother; 8-year old brother tortured, throat cut)*
10-year-old Tiffany Nicole Long (kidnapped, raped, sodomized, strangled then beaten to death)
10-year-old Kayla Burchett (shot to death, along with mother and father; home invasion)
10-year-old Lauren Relyea (kidnapped, raped, beaten, stabbed and slashed repeatedly)*
10-year-old Marissa Lynn Emkens (shot to death, along with her mother and aunt)*
9-year-old Marissa Lynn Taylor (shot to death along with her mother by mother's boyfriend)* Fitzgerald, GA 1-19-2017
9-year-old Jack Garcia (beaten to death by mother's boyfriend for eating a piece of birthday cake)* Hagerstown, MD, 6- 2015
9-year-old Cassie Lee Kucher (raped and strangled to death by her mother's black boyfriend. He also strangled to death her mother)*
9-year-old Michael ‘Connor’ Verkerke (stabbed to death)
9-year-old Stella Harvey (beaten, throat cut, along with her sister, mother, father; home invasion)
9-year-old Dylan James Royer (beaten to death, overkill)*
9-year-old Jennifer Ann Lewis (kidnapped, raped, strangled, set on fire)
9-year-old Marcia Trimble (kidnapped, raped, strangled to death)
8-year-old Aiden Bard (disabled boy burned to death in scalding bath water)
8-year-old Destiny Sargent (strangled to death, along with her brother and mother)*
8-year-old Riley Burdick (strangled to death, along with her mother)*
8-year-old Kevin Shifflet (stabbed to death, overkill)
8-year-old Joshua Evans (tortured with electric drill, throat cut; sister and mother stabbed to death)*
8-year-old Melissa Heaton (stabbed multiple times, skull crushed, murdered along with her sister and mother; extreme case of overkill; home invasion)
7-year-old Kyleigh Crane (shot to death, along with her uncle; home invasion)
6-year-old Logan Tipton (Repeatedly stabbed in the head while sleeping in his bed during home burglary)
6-year-old Jeremy Mardis (shot to death)
6-year-old Jake Robel (dragged to death)
6-year-old Viktoria Ivanova (hung from pipe in basement after mother was raped and strangled to death; home invasion)
6-year old Kayla Rolland (shot to death)
6-year-old Ryan Smith (beaten to death)*
6-year-old Adiele Crutchfield (media not reporting cause of death; killed along with sister and stepfather)
5-year-old Robert Jack Moorhead (vehicular homicide; hit and run)
5-year-old Laylah Petersen (shot to death)
5-year-old Claudia Wadlington (hit by car; vehicular murder while fleeing police)
5-year-old Cadence Harris (kidnapped, shot to death)*
5-year-old Emily Rimel (kidnapped, raped, decapitated)*
5-year-old Devon Duniver (stabbed to death)
5-year-old Allison Griffor (shotgun blast; home invasion)
5-year-old Bryor Gibbins (arson fire, along with mother who was raped and beaten)
4-year-old Savannah Walker (homicide along with her mother; cause of death yet to be determined; bodies found burned beyond recognition)
4-year-old Joshua Maxwell (burned to death along with his 3-year old brother; arson)*
4-year-old Joshua Snyder (vehicular homicide, perp ran over victim multiple times)
4-year-old Mercedes A. Blair (beaten to death)*
4-year-old Ruby Harvey (beaten, throat cut, along with her sister, mother, father; home invasion)
4-year-old Riley Jane Lawrence (hit by car; vehicular murder while fleeing police)
4-year-old Reba Ryan (beaten to death)*
4-year-old Marley Crutchfield (media not reporting cause of death, killed along with sister and stepfather)
4-year-old Layla Malone (beaten to death)*
3-year-old Liam Murray (shot to death)* Shelby, N.C., 10-27-2016
3-year-old Owen Buggey (beaten to death)* Canton. Oh., 10-19 -2016
3-year-old Michael Maxwell (burned to death along with his 4-year old brother; arson)*
3-year-old Amabel Calderon (beaten to death)*
3-year-old Tabatha Brown (vehicular homicide)
3-year-old Celina Marie Jackson (raped, strangled to death, along with brother, and mother)*
3-year-old Hunter Wise (punched in the mouth, whipped, burned, submerged in tub of scalding water)*
3-year-old Jason Evers (kidnapped, sufficated to death)
2-year-old Kane Friess-Wylie (beaten to death)* Belleville, Ill, 4-13-2017
2-year-old Annika Bianco (killed along with both her parents; hit by car; vehicular murder while fleeing police) North Versailles, Pa., 10-25-2016
2-year-old Joseph Bankston (intentionally shot in head during home invasion by black Fort Campbell Soldier)
2-year-old John Swoveland, Jr. (shot to death)
2-year-old Madison Ruano (hit by car; vehicular murder while fleeing police)
2-year-old Avery King (intentionally run over and dragged by car)
2-year-old Bryan Butts (beaten to death)*
2-year-old Jordan Land (kidnapped, shot, set on fire, along with mother)
2-year-old Paul Gallagher Jr. (hit by car; vehicular murder while fleeing police)
2-year-old Cody Allen Rollins (beaten to death)*
22-month-old Ruby Fields (vehicular homicide, along with both parents) Oklahoma City OK., 4-6-2015
22-month-old Kyleann Burress (shaken to death)* Jacksonville, FL., 11-2-2013
21-month-old Lonzie Barton (exact cause of death unknown; remains found in lake with evidence of severe abuse)* Jacksonville, FL., 7-24-2015
20-month-old Kylah Mikel Woodard (beaten to death)* Fort Smith, Ar., 2-2-2018
18-month-old Wayne Albert Jackson IV (strangled to death, along with sister, and mother)* Sandusky, OH., 9-8-2012
15-month-old Damien Christopher Lynn (beaten to death)* Bangor, ME., 1-23-2010
14-month-old Ryan Hacke (shot to death; shot in eye) Pittsburgh, Pa., 1-11-1997
13-month-old Antonio Santiago (shot to death; shot in face) Brunswick, Ga., 3-21-2013
12-month-old Xander Toliver (beaten to death)* Salt Lake City, UT., 11-30-2013
11-month-old Malaki Lindley (beaten to death)* Kokomo ind., 11-23-2008
10-month-old Silas Nelson (beaten to death, thrown down a flight of stairs)* Olyphant , PA., 3-26-2014
7-month-old Jayden Eric Redden (shot to death)* Minneapolis, Min. 10-9-2016
5-month-old Andre Jenkins (multiple skull fractures and extensive burns from being placed in running clothes dryer) Jefferson Parish, LA., 9-11-2009
What the list does not include are the names of the many mothers, fathers, older brothers or sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents or other white adults who may have been raped, or tortured, and murdered with them, ... at times in front of their own eyes before they themselves were killed.
Their stories and final moments are what the most horrific nightmares are made of. All downplayed, or ignored by the Liberal MSM to protect their Black Victimist Narrative.
Where is the Duke Lacrosse/Jena 6/Trayvon Martin/Michael Brown MSM, Jesse “HymieTown”/“I spit in white people's food” Jackson, Al “Tawana Brawley”/“Freddie's Fashion Mart” Sharpton, Eric “My people” Holder, and Barack “If I had a son” Obama?
The “Black Victimist” MSM has strived to make sure that Emmett Till will always be remembered, just as they strive to make sure that all the names on the above list will soon and always remain forgotten.
Pax Romana
National MSM Silent, after Black Woman Kidnaps 6-Month-Old White Baby and Burns Him to Death
By Pax Romana58
Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 2:04:00 A.M. EDT
National MSM silent. "The most insidious power the media has, is the power to ignore.” (Chris Plante, WMAL)
"A six-month old baby boy was kidnapped, set on fire and dumped near train tracks in Louisiana last week."
At The Daily Mail.

Suspected war criminal Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith; two other suspects are still at large
A Racist Murder Takes a Woman’s Life in Portland, Oregon, Yet the MSM Seem Oddly Indifferent to It
War crime victim Dallas Boyd was only 29 but could pass for being well past 40. That’s what drugs and the street life will do to you.
By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 12:58:00 A.M. EDT
Yet another white woman falls victim to a murderous black in the progressive paradise known as Portland OR, but the muted local coverage this story is getting pretty much guarantees it will be forgotten by the public within a day or two, if they even noticed it in the first place, that is.
Dallas Boyd, 29, was strangled to death by 58-year-old black man Terry Hickman in a van. No word on what she was doing in the van with him but according to reader comments, Ms. Boyd was involved in drugs. Hickman has a long rap sheet of various crimes. I can't help but wonder if he's killed before and might be a serial killer. Of course, since he's black it's a lot less likely anybody will look into his past.
Going back to my comment about “noticing,” try this experiment: Ask family and friends if they remember certain local killings that involved race. I've done it and noticed an interesting pattern. They virtually never remember black-on-white murders, even when they've recently happened, but they'll remember white-on-black killings that happened decades ago.
Same things happen with race killings that make the national stage. They'll only know white-on-black killings but won't remember a single white murdered by a black, except for O.J. killing his white wife and her friend Ron Goldman, though they may well think he's innocent of that. Seriously, though, I can be sitting in front of the TV and see this story with someone I know and then a few hours later ask if they remember, and they'll give me a blank look and say: I don't remember anything about it. It's actually happened more than a few times, practically everybody in my family practices this kind of willful forgetfulness. However, if it's the much rarer white-on-black murder, they will remember it.

Mug shot of suspected war criminal Terry Hickman, 58