Saturday, September 30, 2023
Why Think about Rome? One Reason: The Fall of Rome Coincided with the Fall of Roman IQ
By R.C.
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 05:21:26 p.m. edt
Why Think about Rome? One Reason: The Fall of Rome Coincided with the Fall of Roman IQ
I brought up dysgenic immigration on Richard Poe's blog many years ago.
Nice to be prescient.
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 05:21:26 p.m. edt
Why Think about Rome? One Reason: The Fall of Rome Coincided with the Fall of Roman IQ
I brought up dysgenic immigration on Richard Poe's blog many years ago.
Nice to be prescient.
off-duty sheriff's deputy murdered
By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 05:21:44 p.m. edt
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 05:21:44 p.m. edt
“exclusive: expert explains possible reason why cops waited over two decades to arrest Tupac murder suspect...
By N.S.
Because they were cowards.
“cops likely waited over two decades to arrest Tupac murder suspect Duane ‘Keefe D’ Davis so he would air more confessions: expert
“'perhaps what they were doing was saying, “He's already tied the noose, now, let's let him hang himself,” speculated Kading, who previously investigated Shakur’s killing.'”
Because they were cowards.
“cops likely waited over two decades to arrest Tupac murder suspect Duane ‘Keefe D’ Davis so he would air more confessions: expert
“'perhaps what they were doing was saying, “He's already tied the noose, now, let's let him hang himself,” speculated Kading, who previously investigated Shakur’s killing.'”
"Here's the most popular bcm video I made this year - 'dindu demolition derby'"
By R.C.
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 07:32:03 p.m. edt
Like Sir Richard Attenborough
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 07:32:03 p.m. edt
Like Sir Richard Attenborough
Footnote: I, Faucius
Matt Taibbi <>
To: "" <>
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 07:58:39 p.m. edt
Footnote: I, Faucius
About being late to the party, finding "proof" against Anthony Fauci, and other issues raised by readers about today's "Anthony Fauci, Warmup Dictator" piece
The piece published earlier today, "Anthony Fauci was America's Warmup Dictator," prompted a few hot texts and comments that deserve responses. A common theme is that I need to own being late to the topic.
It's true. Fauci, covid, and treatment of people like fired podcaster Alison Morrow and censored drs. Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, and Aaron Kheriaty are on my conscience. Intimidated by the science, I decided early to sidestep pandemic stories, and as a result blew off people who could have used support. Bari Weiss and Michael Shellenberger were the ones who knew to look up Jay's name in the "twitter files. Their focus on covid turned out to be key in spotting the worst mischief in those documents, because so many pandemic-related removals were based on narrative rather than factual transgressions. Suppression of posts supposedly encouraging "vaccine hesitancy" created the template for true political censorship. This was the moment when platforms and government agencies learned to punish based not on what was written, but the state of mind of the writer, a next-level dystopian technique.
I had to start over to get through jargon-laden texts like the Slack chats of the "proximal origin" authors. Going back through pandemic chronology was embarrassing — I can't believe how much I missed in real time — but also drove home how much olé journalism went on among people who supposedly covered the story every day. There was close to zero meaningful pushback in the early months to public messaging on a slew of issues like natural immunity, age-specific risk, and especially the monstrous infection mortality rate error that sent the country into a panic from which it still hasn't really recovered:
So, yes, there was an awful lot that anyone paying even minimal attention should have known then, but many official deceptions are also only becoming clear now. An example is this past week's Public/Racket story about Fauci's "big tour" promoting zoonotic origin to the cia, state department, and white house.
Even though emails show Fauci was intimately involved with crafting the "proximal origin of sars-coV-2" paper, and one source told us this week that Fauci might even have brought one of the paper's authors with him in those official briefings, he pretended not to know their names in an april 17, 2020 press conference touting their findings. "I don't have the authors right now," he said, when he insisted "highly qualified evolutionary virologists" determined the data on covid was "totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human."
We didn't find out until late July of this year that the "Proximal Origin" authors were exchanging thoughts like "I'm still not fully convinced that no culture was involved," and "we also can't fully rule out engineering" up until april 16th of that year, i.e. the day before that april 17 press conference above. That adds a brand new extreme-cringe factor to a video you've probably seen before. It's one thing to have an "evolving" take on mask efficacy, and another to tell a lie or two to scare people into getting a shot. Bullying bad research into existence and pretending in perfect TV deadpan not to know the names of the researchers, all while hyping a bogus paper you helped create, is corruption on a different scale. Add algorithmic suppression of covid policy critics we now know was going on by then, and you have a story that looks uglier every time you glance in the rearview mirror. So yes, a lot of this is old news, but there are also new dimensions to the covid debacle popping up every day that need examining, as no one's come close to finding the bottom of this thing.
"Footnote: I, Faucius"
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 07:58:39 p.m. edt
Footnote: I, Faucius
About being late to the party, finding "proof" against Anthony Fauci, and other issues raised by readers about today's "Anthony Fauci, Warmup Dictator" piece
The piece published earlier today, "Anthony Fauci was America's Warmup Dictator," prompted a few hot texts and comments that deserve responses. A common theme is that I need to own being late to the topic.
It's true. Fauci, covid, and treatment of people like fired podcaster Alison Morrow and censored drs. Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, and Aaron Kheriaty are on my conscience. Intimidated by the science, I decided early to sidestep pandemic stories, and as a result blew off people who could have used support. Bari Weiss and Michael Shellenberger were the ones who knew to look up Jay's name in the "twitter files. Their focus on covid turned out to be key in spotting the worst mischief in those documents, because so many pandemic-related removals were based on narrative rather than factual transgressions. Suppression of posts supposedly encouraging "vaccine hesitancy" created the template for true political censorship. This was the moment when platforms and government agencies learned to punish based not on what was written, but the state of mind of the writer, a next-level dystopian technique.
I had to start over to get through jargon-laden texts like the Slack chats of the "proximal origin" authors. Going back through pandemic chronology was embarrassing — I can't believe how much I missed in real time — but also drove home how much olé journalism went on among people who supposedly covered the story every day. There was close to zero meaningful pushback in the early months to public messaging on a slew of issues like natural immunity, age-specific risk, and especially the monstrous infection mortality rate error that sent the country into a panic from which it still hasn't really recovered:
So, yes, there was an awful lot that anyone paying even minimal attention should have known then, but many official deceptions are also only becoming clear now. An example is this past week's Public/Racket story about Fauci's "big tour" promoting zoonotic origin to the cia, state department, and white house.
Even though emails show Fauci was intimately involved with crafting the "proximal origin of sars-coV-2" paper, and one source told us this week that Fauci might even have brought one of the paper's authors with him in those official briefings, he pretended not to know their names in an april 17, 2020 press conference touting their findings. "I don't have the authors right now," he said, when he insisted "highly qualified evolutionary virologists" determined the data on covid was "totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human."
We didn't find out until late July of this year that the "Proximal Origin" authors were exchanging thoughts like "I'm still not fully convinced that no culture was involved," and "we also can't fully rule out engineering" up until april 16th of that year, i.e. the day before that april 17 press conference above. That adds a brand new extreme-cringe factor to a video you've probably seen before. It's one thing to have an "evolving" take on mask efficacy, and another to tell a lie or two to scare people into getting a shot. Bullying bad research into existence and pretending in perfect TV deadpan not to know the names of the researchers, all while hyping a bogus paper you helped create, is corruption on a different scale. Add algorithmic suppression of covid policy critics we now know was going on by then, and you have a story that looks uglier every time you glance in the rearview mirror. So yes, a lot of this is old news, but there are also new dimensions to the covid debacle popping up every day that need examining, as no one's come close to finding the bottom of this thing.
"Footnote: I, Faucius"
loyal pup misses her friend
By R.C.
saturday, september 30, 2023 12:28 p.m.
loyal pup misses her friend
saturday, september 30, 2023 12:28 p.m.
loyal pup misses her friend
Feinstein spot on in the '90s about immigration
By A Colleague
Back in the 90s, Dianne Feinstein spoke the truth about the cost of illegal immigration and open borders.
Let this be part of her legacy
Back in the 90s, Dianne Feinstein spoke the truth about the cost of illegal immigration and open borders.
Let this be part of her legacy
Senseless reporting: Incoherent, daily mail “thing” portrays mexican cartel mass murder of teenaged boys and young men as without rhyme or reason, but towards the end, implies that at least one of the vics was a member of a rival cartel; editor-in-chief Ted Verity has blocked almost all comments
By “W” and N.S.
six fewer spicanos who can illegally enter the u.s.
“horrific moment mexican cartel goon in SKELETON mask leads six innocent [sic] boys [sic] aged between 14 and 18 to their deaths - before sending victims’ parents the warped clip
• “family [six] of the six teenagers [sic] that were slaughtered by mexican cartel members shared the unsettling footage sent to them in a blackmail attempt
• “the video shows a terrifying man in a skeleton mask leading the young boys to their death in zacatecas, mexico
• “the song playing in the background disturbingly has the lyrics ‘death is in their eyes’”
by Martha Williams for
published: 15:26 edt, 30 september 2023 | updated: 18:18 EDT, 30 september 2023
“parents of six teenagers murdered by the mexican cartel were sent cruel video footage of a gangster leading the boys [sic] to their deaths in a disturbing skeleton mask.
“six boys [sic] aged between 14 to 18 were slaughtered at a remote ranch in zacatecas, mexico, on wednesday after being kidnapped three days earlier.
“the teenagers’ grieving parents released the disturbing alleged ransom footage they were sent by their children’s killer to the media after mexican authorities denied that the victims were kidnapped.
“the victims have been identified as: Diego Rodríguez, 17; Jorge Ocon, 14 and his cousin Hector Salcedo, 14; Gumaro Santacruz, 18; Oscar Rojas, 15; and Jesus Rodriguez, 18.
“one teenager, identified as Sergio Acevedo, 18, survived the heinous attack but suffered a head and nose wound and was rushed to hospital where he is being guarded by police, the zacatecas attorney general’s office said wednesday afternoon.
“in the video, the cartel member leading the group of teens appears to be armed and he is joined by fellow gang members who are trailing the the [sic] boys with more guns.
“the video was shown on local news channel milenio tv because the distraught parents of the dead teens were desperate to disprove the mexican officials’ claims that their children were not kidnapped.
“audio from the video reveals that a ‘narcocorrido’ - a song about the life of criminals in mexico - is playing as the barbaric cartel members evilly take the boys to be slaughtered. the lyrics to the song say ‘death is in their eyes.’
“the video was allegedly sent in an effort to blackmail the families by tormenting them with the cruel footage.
“the kidnapping happened when the boys - who were all friends and cousins - were all on a weekend away together with their families near the town of malapso [sic; malpaso]. on the trip, a group of armed men suddenly entered the property firing off gunshots in the air.
“the group of mobsters took all of the teenagers while they were still barefoot and that is when they led them down the hill and filmed the scary video they then used in an extortion attempt.”
“zacatecas is among mexico’s most violent states where rival criminal gangs regularly clash over lucrative smuggling routes. more than 500 people were murdered during the first eight months of this year, according to government data
“kidnappings are apparently a strategy employed by cartels in their turf wars with rivals and that victims are released when they notice they are not their targets, according to Governor David Monreal.”
N.S.: This sounds like an inside job. The young man whom the kidnappers did not slaughter, Sergio Acevedo, would have told the killers where the group would be, or called them, once the group arrived. They wounded him, to make it look as if he were a vic, as well, but if he were really a vic, they would have finished him off. These are mexican gangsters, not blacks. No Sailer Law is in effect, where mexicans are concerned.
Also, the claim that the video was used for “extortion” seems dubious. dm operative Martha Williams and her editors suggest that the video was of the boys and young men being led to their deaths, in which case the video had no ransom value.
Williams, et al. speak of the three 18-year-olds as “boys,” but no 18-year-old is a boy. And if some (all?) members of the group were themselves gangsters, then Williams had no business speaking of them all as “innocent.”
As for Martha Williams’ assertion that “zacatecas is among mexico’s most violent states,” as opposed to what? This is mexico we’re talking about.
“FreidaLivia, freedonia, united states, 7 hours ago
“thankfully our border is secure”
An open borders zealot replied:
“KateeKat, Wilmington, united states, 3 hours ago
“this is so abhorrent. there was no need to bring in political issues. this is about those poor young men who were slaughtered. shame on you”
One of KateeKat’s comrades added,
"Honey Pot, Tinseltown, United States, 6 hours ago
"This news does not need to be out there for the public to see."
six fewer spicanos who can illegally enter the u.s.
“horrific moment mexican cartel goon in SKELETON mask leads six innocent [sic] boys [sic] aged between 14 and 18 to their deaths - before sending victims’ parents the warped clip
• “family [six] of the six teenagers [sic] that were slaughtered by mexican cartel members shared the unsettling footage sent to them in a blackmail attempt
• “the video shows a terrifying man in a skeleton mask leading the young boys to their death in zacatecas, mexico
• “the song playing in the background disturbingly has the lyrics ‘death is in their eyes’”
by Martha Williams for
published: 15:26 edt, 30 september 2023 | updated: 18:18 EDT, 30 september 2023
“parents of six teenagers murdered by the mexican cartel were sent cruel video footage of a gangster leading the boys [sic] to their deaths in a disturbing skeleton mask.
“six boys [sic] aged between 14 to 18 were slaughtered at a remote ranch in zacatecas, mexico, on wednesday after being kidnapped three days earlier.
“the teenagers’ grieving parents released the disturbing alleged ransom footage they were sent by their children’s killer to the media after mexican authorities denied that the victims were kidnapped.
“the victims have been identified as: Diego Rodríguez, 17; Jorge Ocon, 14 and his cousin Hector Salcedo, 14; Gumaro Santacruz, 18; Oscar Rojas, 15; and Jesus Rodriguez, 18.
“one teenager, identified as Sergio Acevedo, 18, survived the heinous attack but suffered a head and nose wound and was rushed to hospital where he is being guarded by police, the zacatecas attorney general’s office said wednesday afternoon.
“in the video, the cartel member leading the group of teens appears to be armed and he is joined by fellow gang members who are trailing the the [sic] boys with more guns.
“the video was shown on local news channel milenio tv because the distraught parents of the dead teens were desperate to disprove the mexican officials’ claims that their children were not kidnapped.
“audio from the video reveals that a ‘narcocorrido’ - a song about the life of criminals in mexico - is playing as the barbaric cartel members evilly take the boys to be slaughtered. the lyrics to the song say ‘death is in their eyes.’
“the video was allegedly sent in an effort to blackmail the families by tormenting them with the cruel footage.
“the kidnapping happened when the boys - who were all friends and cousins - were all on a weekend away together with their families near the town of malapso [sic; malpaso]. on the trip, a group of armed men suddenly entered the property firing off gunshots in the air.
“the group of mobsters took all of the teenagers while they were still barefoot and that is when they led them down the hill and filmed the scary video they then used in an extortion attempt.”
“zacatecas is among mexico’s most violent states where rival criminal gangs regularly clash over lucrative smuggling routes. more than 500 people were murdered during the first eight months of this year, according to government data
“kidnappings are apparently a strategy employed by cartels in their turf wars with rivals and that victims are released when they notice they are not their targets, according to Governor David Monreal.”
N.S.: This sounds like an inside job. The young man whom the kidnappers did not slaughter, Sergio Acevedo, would have told the killers where the group would be, or called them, once the group arrived. They wounded him, to make it look as if he were a vic, as well, but if he were really a vic, they would have finished him off. These are mexican gangsters, not blacks. No Sailer Law is in effect, where mexicans are concerned.
Also, the claim that the video was used for “extortion” seems dubious. dm operative Martha Williams and her editors suggest that the video was of the boys and young men being led to their deaths, in which case the video had no ransom value.
Williams, et al. speak of the three 18-year-olds as “boys,” but no 18-year-old is a boy. And if some (all?) members of the group were themselves gangsters, then Williams had no business speaking of them all as “innocent.”
As for Martha Williams’ assertion that “zacatecas is among mexico’s most violent states,” as opposed to what? This is mexico we’re talking about.
“FreidaLivia, freedonia, united states, 7 hours ago
“thankfully our border is secure”
An open borders zealot replied:
“KateeKat, Wilmington, united states, 3 hours ago
“this is so abhorrent. there was no need to bring in political issues. this is about those poor young men who were slaughtered. shame on you”
One of KateeKat’s comrades added,
"Honey Pot, Tinseltown, United States, 6 hours ago
"This news does not need to be out there for the public to see."
"texas man" seeks to shake down mortuary service for dropping his father's corpse!
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 08:45:29 p.m. edt
"'plaintiff William Mejia rushed down the stairs after seeing his deceased father's body lying on the cement sidewalk of the public courtyard," the lawsuit said. 'plaintiff William Mejia frantically covered his father's body by hugging it in an attempt to..."
N.S.: What? Bring the old man back to life?!
"a texas [sic] family is seeking monetary relief over $1 million after a Houston mortuary service allegedly dropped their deceased relative's remains, [allegedly] resulting in visible denting observed during the relative's wake. |
You might be a mexican...
But which side was he on? Which side was the statue on? a new mexico man was charged friday with attempted murder in a shooting that wounded one person at a protest over plans to install a statue of a spanish conquistador
By A Texas Reader
saturday, september 30, 2023 at 08:27:12p.m. edt
"santa fe, n.m. (ap) — a new mexico man was charged friday with attempted murder in a shooting that wounded one person at a protest over plans to install a statue of a spanish conquistador outside government offices in the city of espanola.
By Morgan Lee associated press "santa fe, n.m. (ap) — a new mexico man was charged friday with attempted murder in a shooting that wounded one person at a protest over plans to install a statue of a spanish conquistador outside government offices in the city of espanola. defendant Ryan David Martinez, from Sandia park... |
Max Steiner, the Million Dollar Movie, and Working-Class Heroes
By Nicholas Stix
Many movie lovers consider the main theme to Gone with the Wind, “Tara,” the greatest movie theme of them all, and its composer, Max Steiner, the father of movie music.
Steiner was aware of the plaudits, but humbly refused the honor, insisting that Wagner (1813-1883) was the father of movie music, particularly through the Saxon’s use of leit-motifs. (I can’t call Wagner a “German,” because in his prime, Germany was yet to come into being. That would not occur until 1871, late in the Teuton’s life.)
As a child, I never saw Gone with the Wind (1939), the picture that the late film historian Robert Osborne considered the greatest movie of them all.
By the time I saw it for the first time, it was 1980, and I was 21. A dear friend of mine, Sharon, had learned that GWTW was to be broadcast, uncut, on one of the big TV networks, over the course of two nights.
There was a room in SUNY Stony Brook’s Student Union, which had a huge, heavy TV set (though not nearly as big as today’s flat screen monsters, of which the Stix family owns two) suspended from the ceiling, and set on a large stand.
That I was madly in love with Sharon, was fitting. You should see Gone with the Wind with someone you love.
The feeling was not mutual, and yet that my love was unrequited did not drive me to despair.
We had met on the LIRR, at the beginning of my first semester at SUSB, in early September, 1978. Sharon was commuting from her family’s house in Levittown, Nassau County, while I was briefly staying at my big sister’s apartment on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, as I hunted for an apartment.
I believe she was studying physical (upper) or occupational (lower) therapy. She was already betrothed to a rabbinical student, who was away in Israel.
Sharon had grown up secular, a child of the working class, but had had a religious awakening.
Her father was a skinny malink who worked in a factory for Grumman Aircraft. Mr. S had grown up during the Great Depression, and never put on weight, but in seeking to compensate for the poverty he’d known, would buy “pop” and ice cream by the case, thereby causing his two daughters to frequently get chubby, and have to go on diets.
Sharon would later tell me of how I reminded her of her father, who would also get into long, involved conversations with total strangers with whom he’d just crossed paths.
(I met Mr. S when Sharon and I went to a Fleetwood Mac concert at the Nassau Coliseum, in the fall of 1979. She had me over to her house in Levittown, where I met the whole family. I don’t remember Mrs. S, but I do recall that Sharon had a cutie-pie of a younger sister.
Sharon was very neurotic about washing food, especially lettuce, adequately.)
That fall, we stayed on campus and fasted for Yom Kippur, under the guidance, I believe, of Chabad-Lubavitcher schliach (missionary), Tuvia Teldin. While at SUSB, I considered two men my rabbis: Tuvia and Gershon Winkler, who was “straight” Orthodox.
It was during Yom Kippur that I told Sharon that I was in love with her.
She couldn’t have been shocked, and I expected nothing in return. I just wanted her to know.
As it turned out, Gone with the Wind was everything it was cooked up to be.
I still recall the camera showing an extreme close-up of starving protagonist Scarlett O’Hara, at the end of Part I (after the fall of “the Lost Cause”), I believe, in bizarre colors (twilight?), ripping a large turnip from the ground at Tara, the O’Hara family estate, and shouting (not screaming), as she bit into it, “I swear by God before me, I shall never go hungry again!”
And what a title invalid Southern belle Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949) had given what would prove to be her only work! Although Victor Fleming (1889-1949) would win the Oscar for Best Director for helming the massive undertaking of the man we Stixes call “Zero,” because David O. Selznick’s middle initial stands for nothing, with all due respect to the memory of Vic Fleming (who also directed The Wizard of Oz that year!), at least 13 different men directed Gone with the Wind, including Zero, and its ultimate director, I believe, was none other than David O. Selznick (1902-1965) himself.
Still, given that Selznick won the Oscar for Best Picture as producer, it’s fit and proper that Vic Fleming won the Oscar that year for Best Director. (Zero would repeat his feat the following year, with Rebecca. He remains the only producer who has ever pulled off Best Picture winners in consecutive years.)
And the whole show began with that amazing theme, which I realized I’d heard before. (Granted, the composer was the last man to work on the picture.)
It would be over 30 years before I would again see Gone with the Wind, on DVD, with the person I love the most, my chief of research. (As much as The Boss and I love each other, we have long agreed that each loves my CoR more than he loves the other.)
When I was seven and eight years of age and in the second grade, I lived with Nana. Initially, I had been sent to live with my public school teacher Aunt Ruth (the eldest of Nana’s three children) and Trinidadian civil engineer Uncle Frank, who worked for The Phone Company. Both were good Stalinists. However, that didn’t work out. I would sit on the toilet in their lovely, compact, Levitt house in Bellmore, Long Island, and say to myself, “They hate me, they hate me, they hate me.”
I had thought I was whispering, until one day, Aunt Ruth said to me, “We don’t hate you, Nick.”
But they did! (The only reason I remember my mutterings, is because Aunt Ruth brought them up.)
Meanwhile, my big sister was staying with Nana, whom she hated.
And so, a trade was arranged. Big Sis and I were swapped.
It was the most felicitous trade imaginable. Big Sis loved Aunt Ruth, and became a Stalinist, and I loved Nana, and became cantankerous, or at least was permitted to live in comfort with my character, at least as long as I was in Apartment 202, in The Buckingham, at East 170 Broadway, in Long Beach, N.Y.
I was then in the second grade at the East School, in Miss Weyman’s class. Miss Weyman was the only homeroom teacher I ever had who liked me. She even fixed it so that I was elected classroom president. (Once, when I was cutting class in the ninth grade by the administrative offices, my Irish guidance counselor, who was married to one of my gym teachers, saw me and invited me in to her office. There, she sat down with me, opened my personal files, and read me the annual evaluations of my homeroom teachers.)
Every day, I would come home from school, and Nana and I would watch pictures from the 1930s and early ‘40s, on WOR-TV’s Million Dollar Movie, on Channel 9 in the New York metropolitan area. The movie moguls of Hollywood’s Golden Age had built movie palaces all over the country, where people could go with loved ones and, for a few hours, forget their personal misery.
Nana’s bedroom was our movie palace! We watched classic pictures on her old, black & white Zenith.
One of the earliest pictures I saw with Nana was The House of Rothschild (1934), about the Jewish banking dynasty, starring George Arliss, a grand stage star who easily transitioned to making sound biopics. However, Arliss was too old to have much of a career as a movie star. (And the picture was so long ago that I had to look up its name and year.)
One time when we were watching the 1939 William Dieterle masterpiece of Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame (starring The Man of the Thirties, Charles Laughton, 1899-1962), I learned Nana’s second favorite phrase in the English language: “Now, there’s a character actor.”
Thomas Mitchell had just taken center stage, as King of the Beggars.
Nana’s favorite English language phrase was simply, “Jimmy Stewart.”
While she didn’t know all the particulars of Stewart’s wartime service, which Jimmy himself refused to talk about, Nana had to know that America’s greatest leading man had also been a great war hero. But then, we were a nation of war heroes.
My first movie stars were Ronald Colman and Norma Shearer.
I saw Ronald Colman, he of the classically handsome face with the beautiful voice, in The Light that Failed (1939), about a great painter who is going blind; as the noble hero in Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities (1935), who gave up his life to save another's; in the swashbuckler, The Prisoner of Zenda and Capra’s film of Hilton’s Lost Horizon, both in 1937. In Horizon, Colman’s hero was destroyed by his hubris, his attempt to leave Shangri-La, but without giving up his great love, whom he had met there.
I saw Norma Shearer in The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934), about the (real) bedridden poet Elizabeth Barrett, who fell in love with, and eventually married the poet Robert Browning (Fredric March), over the objections of her ogreish father, played by, of course, Charles Laughton. I later learned about the French Revolution through the Shearer vehicle, Marie Antoinette (1938).
But I had no great passion for Norma Shearer. My first great love, rather, was Margaret Sullavan. To my mind’s eye, I’d seen countless Margaret Sullavan pictures. However, when I checked her credits, there were only three that I’d seen at the time: Three Comrades (1938); The Mortal Storm (1940); and And so Ends Our Night (1941).
All three pictures warned of the coming catastrophe, which in 1939 would hit the Continent.
In real life, Sullavan was in love with Jimmy Stewart, and he with her. However, they were never in love with each other at the same time, and so they never became a couple.
Margaret Sullavan and James Stewart, in The Mortal Storm. In a scene like this one, they didn’t have to act much.
She never made that many pictures, leaving Tinseltown to return to the legitimate stage, marrying her producer, Leland Hayward (#3), bearing him three children, and while with her fourth husband, Kenneth Arthur Wagg, going deaf and mad and committing suicide at 50 on New Year’s Day, 1960 (barbiturates). (She had previously briefly been married to Hank Fonda and Willie Wyler.)
I’m sure Nana knew, but she spared me the news.
I remember little of most of those pictures. First, there’s the age factor. I saw them almost 60 years ago. Additionally, there’s the butchery factor. WOR had an employee whose job consisted of chopping out scenes, so that each picture would fit into its narrow time slot, with sufficient time for commercials, whenever things got interesting.
And so Ends Our Night was a story about a group of anti-Nazi refugees. Everything in the story revolved around the hero (Fredric March), who was named Steiner, and who at the end of the story returned to Nazi Germany, on a sabotage mission that could well cost him his life.
However, with all the butchering, every single scene in which Freddie March appeared, was deleted!
But the one thing I remember was the way in which all of the other characters said his name, “Steiner,” as if it were magical.
However, the real heroine in our little movie palace was the pretty old lady sitting on the overstuffed, beautifully upholstered chair in the corner on the left. (I sat at her card table on the right.) She bestrode my world like a 4’11,” 98 lb. colossus.
Someone at WOR had a grand inspiration. At the end of every afternoon’s broadcast, the station would show an old film from a New York City train station, in which a faceless set of hands would fill up one paper cup after another with coffee from a huge, steel urn, and hand them to one set of faceless hands after another, working-class heroes all.
And during the entire passage, the viewer would be treated to a musical piece of overwhelming power, whose source was unknown to me: It was the main theme, “Tara,” from Gone with the Wind.
Friday, September 29, 2023
black supremacist “journalist” Errol Louis at ny1 demonstrated nation of islam mayor eric adams as being so incompetent that “we need to deal with the state” (gov. Kathy Hochul) during future disasters
By N.S.
Revised at 2:25 a.m., on saturday, september 30, 2023
At 5 p.m.: Errol Louis: "In this age of advanced technology, the governor piccked up the telephone, and called ny1," to let them know what she was doing about the torrential downpour.
Louis or one of his colleagues (one White and one hispanic female at the desk) complained that Adams waited until 10:30 a.m. to suspend opposite-side-of-the-street parking, which was two hours after people had had to move their cars. He also never announced that parents should keep their kids out of school.
Louis also complained that "not everyone has twitter," which was, apparently, the only way to keep up with the illegally elected, nation of islam mayor. But since Adams wasn't doing his job, what did that matter? And Accuweather had posted a flood watch up for the day at 2 a.m.
What was Adams doing, when he needed to be in his office, making executive decisions? His story was that he was traveling around town, seeing how things were on the ground. But he could have sat in his office, and watched tv feeds on all the local newscasts, like the people who depended on him did.
During the late 1990s, rich neo-con Seth Lipsky, who had been the editor-in-chief of the previously socialist Jewish Weekly Forward (1990-2000; the socialists and communists there hated him, and forced him out), which he'd bailed out, founded The City Sun daily. The Sun was supposed to be a conservative paper. So, whom did Lipsky hire as his "conservative" columnists? black supremacist Errol Louis and a reconquista female. When black supremacist murderer-kidnapper-extortionist-gang leader Robert "Sonny" Carson (1936-2002) died, Louis devoted a column to him. Did Louis mention that Carson was a black supremacist gang leader? A murderer? A kidnapper? An extortionist? Not at all. Louis said nothing about Carson's life of violent crime, including the racially-motivated murder of one of the Korean greengrocers he terrorized during the early 1990s, or the black man he'd bragged of having murdeered, which he bragged of from the witness stand in his early 1970s kidnapping trial. Instead, Louis vaguely referred to Carson as a "trickster," who somehow functioned without violence.
I wrote a letter to The City Sun explaining Carson's murderous history. Either Lipsky, or his letters editor tossed it into "the circular file."
So much for Seth Lipsky as a "conservative"--he shut down The Sun after a brief run of indeterminate duration (one site pegged it as 2002-2008)--but hardly anyone was aware that it had ever existed.
A Dovid Efune reportedly bought the paper from Lipsky and re-launched it last year, but that can't be. I've seen online articles in it for a few years, now.
In any event, when a Sonny Carson apologist criticizes Eric Adams, it's worth noting.
Revised at 2:25 a.m., on saturday, september 30, 2023
At 5 p.m.: Errol Louis: "In this age of advanced technology, the governor piccked up the telephone, and called ny1," to let them know what she was doing about the torrential downpour.
Louis or one of his colleagues (one White and one hispanic female at the desk) complained that Adams waited until 10:30 a.m. to suspend opposite-side-of-the-street parking, which was two hours after people had had to move their cars. He also never announced that parents should keep their kids out of school.
Louis also complained that "not everyone has twitter," which was, apparently, the only way to keep up with the illegally elected, nation of islam mayor. But since Adams wasn't doing his job, what did that matter? And Accuweather had posted a flood watch up for the day at 2 a.m.
What was Adams doing, when he needed to be in his office, making executive decisions? His story was that he was traveling around town, seeing how things were on the ground. But he could have sat in his office, and watched tv feeds on all the local newscasts, like the people who depended on him did.
During the late 1990s, rich neo-con Seth Lipsky, who had been the editor-in-chief of the previously socialist Jewish Weekly Forward (1990-2000; the socialists and communists there hated him, and forced him out), which he'd bailed out, founded The City Sun daily. The Sun was supposed to be a conservative paper. So, whom did Lipsky hire as his "conservative" columnists? black supremacist Errol Louis and a reconquista female. When black supremacist murderer-kidnapper-extortionist-gang leader Robert "Sonny" Carson (1936-2002) died, Louis devoted a column to him. Did Louis mention that Carson was a black supremacist gang leader? A murderer? A kidnapper? An extortionist? Not at all. Louis said nothing about Carson's life of violent crime, including the racially-motivated murder of one of the Korean greengrocers he terrorized during the early 1990s, or the black man he'd bragged of having murdeered, which he bragged of from the witness stand in his early 1970s kidnapping trial. Instead, Louis vaguely referred to Carson as a "trickster," who somehow functioned without violence.
I wrote a letter to The City Sun explaining Carson's murderous history. Either Lipsky, or his letters editor tossed it into "the circular file."
So much for Seth Lipsky as a "conservative"--he shut down The Sun after a brief run of indeterminate duration (one site pegged it as 2002-2008)--but hardly anyone was aware that it had ever existed.
A Dovid Efune reportedly bought the paper from Lipsky and re-launched it last year, but that can't be. I've seen online articles in it for a few years, now.
In any event, when a Sonny Carson apologist criticizes Eric Adams, it's worth noting.
raceless, female student hurled a metal CHAIR at her invisible, michigan teacher, and knocked her out cold
Friday, September 29, 2023 at 07:02:09 PM EDT
Shocking moment Michigan teacher is knocked out cold by female student who hurled a metal CHAIR at her head during classroom brawl
The harrowing incident took place on Thursday afternoon at the Southwestern Classical Academy in Flint, Michigan.
"an American airlines flight attendant who was found dead with a ‘sock’ in her mouth, has now been identified"; cops try to get their lies straight
Friday, September 29, 2023 at 07:49:05 PM EDT
An American Airlines flight attendant who was found dead with a 'sock' in her mouth, has now been identified. Police say that 66-year-old Diana Ramos suffered a 'sudden death', though they are also claiming that her death was 'suspicious.'
UPDATE On Flight Attendant Found Dead With A 'Sock' In Her Mouth
I knew she was brown.
Affirmative Action airlines no longer hires White folk.
war crime in florida: raceless couple steal moviegoer's reserved, vip seat, beat him to a pulp after he asked them to move
Friday, September 29, 2023 at 09:37:27 PM EDT
florida moviegoer beaten after asking couple to move from his reserved, VIP seats in 'callous' attack
netflix biography of Diane Feinstein
Subject: Netflix biography of Diane Feinstein
yep, same cadaverous look to her.
Though a bit more tanned than her doppelganger.
deadly northeast DC quintuple shooting shocks community
Friday, September 29, 2023 at 11:23:51 AM EDT
Subject: Deadly Northeast DC quintuple shooting shocks community, victim's mother speaks out
How can blacks be "shocked" by "senseless" violence?
Had to use a song with "quintet" in it.
arterio morris, dusky kansas basketball player, charged with rape
By "W"
friday, september 29, 2023 at 10:19:15 PM EDT
arterio morris, dusky kansas basketball player, charged w/ rape
footage of a us-bound haitian in tapachula, mexico complaining that the u.n. failed to make its payment to him and now his u.n. debit card is empty.
Friday, September 29, 2023 at 11:15:41 PM EDT
footage of a u.s.-bound haitian in tapachula, mexico complaining that the UN failed to make its payment to him and now his UN debit card is empty.
TCM’s Film Noir of the Week Saturday Night-Sunday Morning at 12:15 and 10 a.m. ET is Lewis Seiler’s Whiplash (1948) with Dane Clark, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott, Jeffrey Lynn, Eve Arden and Alan Hale
By David in TN
friday, september 29, 2023 at 10:31:00 p.m. edt
TCM’s Film Noir of the Week Saturday Night-Sunday Morning at 12:15 and 10 a.m. ET is Lewis Seiler’s Whiplash (1948) with Dane Clark, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott, Jeffrey Lynn, Eve Arden and Alan Hale.
Film Noir Guide: “Clark stars as a promising young artist who takes to the boxing ring because he feels rejected by the woman he loves (Smith). Between rounds of his championship fight at Madison Square Garden, we learn via flashback that nightclub singer Smith is married to wheelchair-bound ex-boxer (Scott) who is living vicariously through Clark’s meteoric rise to the middleweight championship.”
“Lynn plays the doctor who operated on Scott, leaving him a bitter cripple. Arden provides the comic relief as Clark’s supportive and romantically interested friend; and Hale is Clark’s crusty trainer.
“The good acting, especially by Clark and Smith, doesn’t compensate for the overly dramatic, cliché-ridden script. Before turning to acting, Clark boxed a little, and it shows during the realistic fight scenes.”
David in TN: According to Eddie Muller, Dane Clark was known as the “poor man’s John Garfield,” which Muller said Clark didn’t like. In Whiplash, Dane Clark is playing a John Garfield-type role.
N.S.: This is a B-movie rip off of Jew Robert Rossen’s (a former pug) masterpiece of the previous year, Body and Soul, which was Julie Garfinkle’s (Garfield’s real name) finest hour. The odd thing about Body and Soul was that Garfield’s boxer, Charley Davis, was supposedly a Jew, though I don’t recall anyone saying so when I was saw it over 50 years ago. (Yes, it was THAT memorable!). However, Anne Revere, who played his mother, didn’t seem for one second Jewish. Meanwhile, Lilli Palmer, who played the German emigre beauty queen who becomes Charley’s on-again, off-again girlfriend and the love of his life, was a Jew, though not in the picture.
Red Eddie recently showed Dane Clark co-starring as a psycho killer who escapes from a convict work detail in a hurricane in California, and falls in love with Ida Lupino, a young woman with a terrible life, in a high-quality B-picture, Deep Valley (1947). Clark had Julie’s intensity, but wasn’t as talented. (Who was?)
friday, september 29, 2023 at 10:31:00 p.m. edt
TCM’s Film Noir of the Week Saturday Night-Sunday Morning at 12:15 and 10 a.m. ET is Lewis Seiler’s Whiplash (1948) with Dane Clark, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott, Jeffrey Lynn, Eve Arden and Alan Hale.
Film Noir Guide: “Clark stars as a promising young artist who takes to the boxing ring because he feels rejected by the woman he loves (Smith). Between rounds of his championship fight at Madison Square Garden, we learn via flashback that nightclub singer Smith is married to wheelchair-bound ex-boxer (Scott) who is living vicariously through Clark’s meteoric rise to the middleweight championship.”
“Lynn plays the doctor who operated on Scott, leaving him a bitter cripple. Arden provides the comic relief as Clark’s supportive and romantically interested friend; and Hale is Clark’s crusty trainer.
“The good acting, especially by Clark and Smith, doesn’t compensate for the overly dramatic, cliché-ridden script. Before turning to acting, Clark boxed a little, and it shows during the realistic fight scenes.”
David in TN: According to Eddie Muller, Dane Clark was known as the “poor man’s John Garfield,” which Muller said Clark didn’t like. In Whiplash, Dane Clark is playing a John Garfield-type role.
N.S.: This is a B-movie rip off of Jew Robert Rossen’s (a former pug) masterpiece of the previous year, Body and Soul, which was Julie Garfinkle’s (Garfield’s real name) finest hour. The odd thing about Body and Soul was that Garfield’s boxer, Charley Davis, was supposedly a Jew, though I don’t recall anyone saying so when I was saw it over 50 years ago. (Yes, it was THAT memorable!). However, Anne Revere, who played his mother, didn’t seem for one second Jewish. Meanwhile, Lilli Palmer, who played the German emigre beauty queen who becomes Charley’s on-again, off-again girlfriend and the love of his life, was a Jew, though not in the picture.
Red Eddie recently showed Dane Clark co-starring as a psycho killer who escapes from a convict work detail in a hurricane in California, and falls in love with Ida Lupino, a young woman with a terrible life, in a high-quality B-picture, Deep Valley (1947). Clark had Julie’s intensity, but wasn’t as talented. (Who was?)
mexican authorities find six dead teens and one survivor after they were kidnapped by armed men
By A Texas Reader
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 04:03:45 p.m. edt
"mexican authorities find six dead teens and one survivor after they were kidnapped by armed men"
"Sergio Acevedo, a lone survivor among the seven teenagers kidnaped [sic] from a ranch in mexico on sunday, told his mother from this hospital bed that he did not do anything 'wrong' after his rescue."
There are jobs that only aztecs will do.
most read articles:
"Suzanne Morphew's 'scattered remains' were found in a shallow grave in a remote desert field 40 minutes from her home - as husband Barry says he's 'relieved' she's been found and again protests his innocence"
"ohio hospital propped dead woman up in bed to fool family into thinking she was alive, two hours after surgeon dr. Jarrod Betz 'botched' routine procedure, lawsuit alleges"
"amazon's new ceo Andy Jassy 'is being forced to clean up Jeff Bezos' mess that saw firm expand too quickly during covid as firm's billionaire owner enjoys 'neverending vacation'"
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 04:03:45 p.m. edt
"mexican authorities find six dead teens and one survivor after they were kidnapped by armed men"
"Sergio Acevedo, a lone survivor among the seven teenagers kidnaped [sic] from a ranch in mexico on sunday, told his mother from this hospital bed that he did not do anything 'wrong' after his rescue."
There are jobs that only aztecs will do.
most read articles:
"Suzanne Morphew's 'scattered remains' were found in a shallow grave in a remote desert field 40 minutes from her home - as husband Barry says he's 'relieved' she's been found and again protests his innocence"
"ohio hospital propped dead woman up in bed to fool family into thinking she was alive, two hours after surgeon dr. Jarrod Betz 'botched' routine procedure, lawsuit alleges"
"amazon's new ceo Andy Jassy 'is being forced to clean up Jeff Bezos' mess that saw firm expand too quickly during covid as firm's billionaire owner enjoys 'neverending vacation'"
Thursday, September 28, 2023
"former wwe superstar Manu, 38, has been hospitalised and is 'fighting for his life' due to a 'severe and unexpected complex cardiac issue'"
By R.C.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 04:07:33 p.m. edt
"former wwe superstar Manu, 38, has been hospitalised and is 'fighting for his life' due to a 'severe and unexpected complex cardiac issue'"
"the 38-year-old, whose real name is 'Afa Anoa'i Jr' represented the Anoa'i dynasty before the rise of current wwe stars roman reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 04:07:33 p.m. edt
"former wwe superstar Manu, 38, has been hospitalised and is 'fighting for his life' due to a 'severe and unexpected complex cardiac issue'"
"the 38-year-old, whose real name is 'Afa Anoa'i Jr' represented the Anoa'i dynasty before the rise of current wwe stars roman reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa.
Mother of murdered Croydon schoolgirl breaks down in tears at vigil
By R.C.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 07:30:12 p.m. edt
"Mother of murdered Croydon schoolgirl breaks down in tears at vigil"
"'we are overwhelmed by sorrow and grief': mother of murdered Croydon schoolgirl breaks down in tears at emotional vigil for 15-year-old - who was stabbed to death 'by her friend's ex-boyfriend' at bus stop after intervening in row"
"the heartbroken mother of a 15-year-old girl stabbed to death on her way to school wept as she visited the spot where her daughter, Elianne, died.
blacks are the same everywhere on planet Earth.
"most read articles:
"philly looter known as MEATBALL breaks down in tears in mugshot after livestreaming herself during looting of apple [Jayna Murray], footlocker and lululemon [Jayna Murray] stores - as cops confirm dozens of ransacking arrests
"looting rocks philly for a SECOND night: brazen thieves rip out safe and lottery machine of closed liquor store in latest flash mob crime to hit city of brotherly love"
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 07:30:12 p.m. edt
"Mother of murdered Croydon schoolgirl breaks down in tears at vigil"
"'we are overwhelmed by sorrow and grief': mother of murdered Croydon schoolgirl breaks down in tears at emotional vigil for 15-year-old - who was stabbed to death 'by her friend's ex-boyfriend' at bus stop after intervening in row"
"the heartbroken mother of a 15-year-old girl stabbed to death on her way to school wept as she visited the spot where her daughter, Elianne, died.
blacks are the same everywhere on planet Earth.
"most read articles:
"philly looter known as MEATBALL breaks down in tears in mugshot after livestreaming herself during looting of apple [Jayna Murray], footlocker and lululemon [Jayna Murray] stores - as cops confirm dozens of ransacking arrests
"looting rocks philly for a SECOND night: brazen thieves rip out safe and lottery machine of closed liquor store in latest flash mob crime to hit city of brotherly love"
Cowboy Musk heads to eagle pass: stetson-wearing billionaire warns nyc is 'buckling under the pressure' of illegal alien border policy
By A Texas Reader
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 08:03:04 p.m. edt
"Cowboy Musk heads to eagle pass: stetson-wearing billionaire warns nyc is 'buckling under the pressure' of migrant [sic] border crisis [sic] - before technical glitch on his own x platform cuts him off"
"Elon Musk was in eagle pass, texas on thursday to try and livestream from the struggling border town. but his x platform struggled to cope with the demand, and crashed after only four minutes."
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 08:03:04 p.m. edt
"Cowboy Musk heads to eagle pass: stetson-wearing billionaire warns nyc is 'buckling under the pressure' of migrant [sic] border crisis [sic] - before technical glitch on his own x platform cuts him off"
"Elon Musk was in eagle pass, texas on thursday to try and livestream from the struggling border town. but his x platform struggled to cope with the demand, and crashed after only four minutes."
swedish capital rocked by murder spree
By R.C.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 08:18:05 p.m. edt
"Swedish capital rocked by murder spree — rt world news
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 08:18:05 p.m. edt
"Swedish capital rocked by murder spree — rt world news
nude groomers go on kids' show, to tell them to get themselves mutilated
By N.S.
"a 1-year-old child was hit and killed by a vehicle in the parking lot of an apartment complex in fort Worth on tuesday"
By A Texas Reader
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 09:43:54 p.m. edt
fort Worth, texas — A 1-year-old child was hit and killed by a vehicle in the parking lot of an apartment complex in fort Worth on tuesday, police said. Alimu Kangirlio was identified as the victim"

1-year-old child hit and killed by car in fort Worth apartment parking lot
Refugee's kid?
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 09:43:54 p.m. edt
fort Worth, texas — A 1-year-old child was hit and killed by a vehicle in the parking lot of an apartment complex in fort Worth on tuesday, police said. Alimu Kangirlio was identified as the victim"
1-year-old child hit and killed by car in fort Worth apartment parking lot
Refugee's kid?
Whatsamatter, Muriel?! "D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser, a former supporter of the 'defund the police' movement, urgently calls for increased policing as the nation's capital faces out-of-control murder crisis"
By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 09:52:22 p.m. edt
"D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser, a former supporter of the 'defund the police' movement, urgently calls for increased policing as the nation's capital faces an out-of-control murder crisis."
Home sweet home.
You can wish in one hand, and….
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 09:52:22 p.m. edt
"D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser, a former supporter of the 'defund the police' movement, urgently calls for increased policing as the nation's capital faces an out-of-control murder crisis."
Home sweet home.
You can wish in one hand, and….
florida showdown: angry customer and auto shop owner kill each other in a shootout
By A Texas Reader
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 10:11:19 p.m. edt
"angry customer and auto shop owner kill each other in a shootout, florida cops say"
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 10:11:19 p.m. edt
"angry customer and auto shop owner kill each other in a shootout, florida cops say"
spell his name! Ja’ Keivious Arnold has been charged with murder, kidnapping, and robbery over a young woman’s death
By A Texas Reader
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 10:16:42 p.m. edt
"police say Ja' Keivious Arnold has been charged with murder, kidnapping and robbery in connection to the young woman's death."
The perp looks like the Missing Link with his weird forehead.
N.S.: Where's the mention of the rape? Are we supposed to believe he murdered her without raping her, either before or after?
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 10:16:42 p.m. edt
"police say Ja' Keivious Arnold has been charged with murder, kidnapping and robbery in connection to the young woman's death."
The perp looks like the Missing Link with his weird forehead.
N.S.: Where's the mention of the rape? Are we supposed to believe he murdered her without raping her, either before or after?
"I can fly!" "researchers have linked Alan Turing’s pattern formation theory to the spontaneous movement of sperm tails, revealing potential applications in medicine and robotics"
By R.C.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 10:59:16 p.m. edt
"researchers have linked Alan Turing's pattern formation theory to the spontaneous movement of sperm tails, revealing potential applications in medicine and robotics."

"mathematically decoding nature: sperm swimming linked to Alan Turing's pattern formation theory
"Researchers have linked Alan Turing's pattern formation theory to the spontaneous movement of sperm tails, revealing potential applications in medicine and robotics. patterns of chemical interactions are thought to create patterns in nature such as stripes and spots. this new study shows that the
Turing was gay.
N.S.: It sounds like a big non sequitur to me, but since Turing was a homosexual, and homosexuals are part of the racial socialist alliance, we have to constantly give credit to their members for spurious accomplishments. It's like the classic broadway musical, peanut butter.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 10:59:16 p.m. edt
"researchers have linked Alan Turing's pattern formation theory to the spontaneous movement of sperm tails, revealing potential applications in medicine and robotics."

"mathematically decoding nature: sperm swimming linked to Alan Turing's pattern formation theory
"Researchers have linked Alan Turing's pattern formation theory to the spontaneous movement of sperm tails, revealing potential applications in medicine and robotics. patterns of chemical interactions are thought to create patterns in nature such as stripes and spots. this new study shows that the
Turing was gay.
N.S.: It sounds like a big non sequitur to me, but since Turing was a homosexual, and homosexuals are part of the racial socialist alliance, we have to constantly give credit to their members for spurious accomplishments. It's like the classic broadway musical, peanut butter.
"delta flight makes emergency landing after pilot becomes incapacitated"
By A Texas Reader
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 11:10:38 p.m. edt
"delta flight makes emergency landing after pilot becomes incapacitated"
The elites want you dead.
Why you think otherwise is beyond me.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 11:10:38 p.m. edt
"delta flight makes emergency landing after pilot becomes incapacitated"
The elites want you dead.
Why you think otherwise is beyond me.
pc retailer target is turning on its favorite clients; it aims to close eight stores on the woke, west coast—and one in harlem; how long before they shutter the rest, and go all-online?
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, september 26, 2023 at 7:41:00 p.m. edt
“(zh) retail giant target on tuesday announced the closure of nine stores in major cities across the u.s., citing violence, theft and organized retail crime. the news comes on the heels of a warning from the company that lost or stolen inventory has created a $500 million dent in profitability this year.
“‘we cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance,’ the company said in a press statement. ‘we know that our stores serve an important role in their communities, but we can only be successful if the working and shopping environment is safe for all.’
“according to cnbc, the company will close one store in harlem, two stores in seattle, three stores in the San Francisco-oakland bay area, and three more in portland, oregon.”
GRA: Can those stores be any more violent than those in chicago, baltimore, detroit or St. Louis? I wouldn’t think so—what’s up with these closings?
tuesday, september 26, 2023 at 7:41:00 p.m. edt
“(zh) retail giant target on tuesday announced the closure of nine stores in major cities across the u.s., citing violence, theft and organized retail crime. the news comes on the heels of a warning from the company that lost or stolen inventory has created a $500 million dent in profitability this year.
“‘we cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance,’ the company said in a press statement. ‘we know that our stores serve an important role in their communities, but we can only be successful if the working and shopping environment is safe for all.’
“according to cnbc, the company will close one store in harlem, two stores in seattle, three stores in the San Francisco-oakland bay area, and three more in portland, oregon.”
GRA: Can those stores be any more violent than those in chicago, baltimore, detroit or St. Louis? I wouldn’t think so—what’s up with these closings?
A dissertation on war criminal Jason Billingsley’s offenses, the baltimore p.d.’s incomplete description of them, and why the h—l he was released after only seven years from a 30-year sentence in 2022
[“woke diversity advocate who demonized companies for having too many White people gets murdered by diversity.”]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 3:00:00 p.m. edt
“(zh) authorities in baltimore city, plagued with out-of-control crime, ‘initially withheld details’ from the public that a convicted felon raped and set fire to a person last week. for some reason, officials felt the need to leave out the ‘rape’ part of the crime – just calling it an ‘arson.’ the felon went on to murder [N.S.: and surely also rape] a young tech ceo on monday. adding to the disgust, officials freed the man last fall, having served only seven years of a 30-year sentence.
“local media outlet baltimore banner said registered sex offender Jason Billingsley, 32, kicked down the door of a home last tuesday in west baltimore and ‘pointed a gun at two people inside, then handcuffed and duct-taped them.’
“a source told the media outlet, ‘authorities believe Billingsley raped the woman and cut her neck. he doused her and the man with some liquid, then set them on fire. the couple survived and were hospitalized along with a child in the house.
“police then issued a warrant for Billingsley’s arrest last week but left out one very critical piece of information. they initially called the crime an ‘arson,’ leaving out ‘rape.’
“why officials in the crime-ridden city would ever do that is beyond comprehension.
“fast forward to this week, the registered sex offender killed a young tech entrepreneur (Pava LaPere) that sparked national attention in the corporate press.
“even as police identified Billingsley as a suspect and warned that he was a dangerous threat, authorities released few details about his involvement in another alleged crime that had occurred days earlier,’ baltimore banner said.
“we ask again: why did officials do that?
“it was only until late tuesday that acting police commission [sic] Richard Worley said: ‘this individual will kill and he will rape. he will do anything he can to cause harm. please be aware of your surroundings.
“Billingsley was released from jail in october 2022, only serving seven years of a 30-year prison term for ‘good conduct and engaging in work programs,’ according to baltimore banner.
“by october 2022, he earned enough diminution credits to trigger mandatory release after serving about nine years and three months of his 14-year sentence,’ the media outlet said.
[N.S.: “good time” is rhetorical garbage. I’ve never heard of a black felon being held in prison longer for bad behavior.]
“in a separate report, fox baltimore said annapolis lawmakers had several opportunities to pass legislation targeting repeat violent offenders by implementing harsher penalties but failed.
“‘we had legislation that we thought was critically important and every single year, leaders from baltimore city killed it. that’s my biggest frustration as governor – that we couldn’t get that fixed,’ former gov. Larry Hogan said in december 2022.
“this is the result of bad policies and soft-on-crime stances from the liberal democrats. their policies have created these situations. we need mandatory sentences for violent criminals, and it is time to reinstate the death penalty for the most heinous crimes,’ republican state del. Nino Mangione from baltimore county said. he is also one of the sponsors of the violent firearms offender act of 2023 that was killed.
“wsj reported on thursday that armed and dangerous Billingsley was arrested.”
GRA: A few days ago, I wrote a report questioning Billingsley’s release. More proof that sociopaths should NEVER be released—“good behavior” or not.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 6:06:00 p.m. edt
Why is there no mention of race in the two cases? 100% certain that billingsley chose Whites to attack. Any mention of the dreaded “hate crime” declaration?There should be.
In baltimore city, 30=7, when it comes to savage war criminals
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 6:52:00 p.m. edt
baltimore cops look for savage war criminal, Jason Dean Billingsley, in murder of 26-year-old White woman, Pava Lapere
“(baltimore banner) police have identified and are searching for a suspect in the killing of 26-year-old tech entrepreneur Pava LaPere, an admired leader known as a rising star in her field, saying the suspect ‘will kill and he will rape.’
“police said they found LaPere’s body late monday morning with signs of blunt-force trauma. the medical examiner’s office has not released a cause of death. LaPere, 26, had been reported missing earlier that day. at about 11:34 a.m. monday, baltimore police responded to an apartment building on the 300 block of west Franklin street in the mount vernon neighborhood near downtown baltimore, where they discovered her body.
“late tuesday, acting police commissioner Richard Worley said a warrant had been issued for 32-year-old Jason Dean Billingsley and that authorities were actively seeking him.
“Worley said Billingsley was considered armed and dangerous, and was a suspect in ‘at least one other case’ that he declined to describe. [N.S.: Why did he decline to describe the other case?!] he said he was not aware of any connection between Billingsley and LaPere.
“‘this individual will kill and he will rape,’ Worley said. ‘he will do anything he can to cause harm. please be aware of your surroundings.’
“Worley did not say how investigators identified Billingsley as a suspect.
“according to court records, Billingsley pleaded guilty to first-degree assault in December 2009 and second-degree assault in June 2011. He pleaded guilty to a sex offense in February 2015 and was sentenced to 30 years in prison with 16 years suspended.
[N.S.: What happened to his sentences for the 2009 and 2011 crimes?]
“the state corrections department lists Billingsley as a registered sex offender who lives in the 1500 block of Baker street in the sandtown-Winchester neighborhood of west baltimore. according to the department, he was released in oct. 5, 2022.”
GRA: Sentenced to 30 years—no, sentenced to 14 years—no, SEVEN YEARS. And now a White woman suffers the consequences of an extremely lax judicial system, which is not meting out the proper punishment to black thugs like this one—and thousands of others. I’ll predict he commits suicide by cop.
N.S.: Well, this is exactly what baltimore authorities wanted Jason Dean Billingsley to do, when they let him out so early, and issued him so many free crimes—to rape and murder as many White women as possible. The funny thing is, that was exactly what Pava Lapere and her ilk wanted Billingsley to do, only not to them! He was just supposed to do that to republicans.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 6:52:00 p.m. edt
baltimore cops look for savage war criminal, Jason Dean Billingsley, in murder of 26-year-old White woman, Pava Lapere
“(baltimore banner) police have identified and are searching for a suspect in the killing of 26-year-old tech entrepreneur Pava LaPere, an admired leader known as a rising star in her field, saying the suspect ‘will kill and he will rape.’
“police said they found LaPere’s body late monday morning with signs of blunt-force trauma. the medical examiner’s office has not released a cause of death. LaPere, 26, had been reported missing earlier that day. at about 11:34 a.m. monday, baltimore police responded to an apartment building on the 300 block of west Franklin street in the mount vernon neighborhood near downtown baltimore, where they discovered her body.
“late tuesday, acting police commissioner Richard Worley said a warrant had been issued for 32-year-old Jason Dean Billingsley and that authorities were actively seeking him.
“Worley said Billingsley was considered armed and dangerous, and was a suspect in ‘at least one other case’ that he declined to describe. [N.S.: Why did he decline to describe the other case?!] he said he was not aware of any connection between Billingsley and LaPere.
“‘this individual will kill and he will rape,’ Worley said. ‘he will do anything he can to cause harm. please be aware of your surroundings.’
“Worley did not say how investigators identified Billingsley as a suspect.
“according to court records, Billingsley pleaded guilty to first-degree assault in December 2009 and second-degree assault in June 2011. He pleaded guilty to a sex offense in February 2015 and was sentenced to 30 years in prison with 16 years suspended.
[N.S.: What happened to his sentences for the 2009 and 2011 crimes?]
“the state corrections department lists Billingsley as a registered sex offender who lives in the 1500 block of Baker street in the sandtown-Winchester neighborhood of west baltimore. according to the department, he was released in oct. 5, 2022.”
GRA: Sentenced to 30 years—no, sentenced to 14 years—no, SEVEN YEARS. And now a White woman suffers the consequences of an extremely lax judicial system, which is not meting out the proper punishment to black thugs like this one—and thousands of others. I’ll predict he commits suicide by cop.
N.S.: Well, this is exactly what baltimore authorities wanted Jason Dean Billingsley to do, when they let him out so early, and issued him so many free crimes—to rape and murder as many White women as possible. The funny thing is, that was exactly what Pava Lapere and her ilk wanted Billingsley to do, only not to them! He was just supposed to do that to republicans.
u.n. plan for global totalitarianism: dis-information and dat-information—which one will you be allowed to hear (and believe) in the new u.n. plan?
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 8:53:00 a.m. edt
“(zh) foreign affairs minister Melanie Joly has launched a united nations declaration that calls for action to protect what it calls ‘information integrity’ and to tackle ‘disinformation.
“ms. Joly launched the global declaration on information integrity online jointly with dutch foreign affairs minister Hanke Bruins Slot during the u.n. general assembly in new york on sept. 20.
“‘information integrity is essential to help ensure the strength of democratic processes and to protect fundamental rights,’ says a joint statement by canada and the netherlands.
“‘the erosion of information integrity, including the propagation of disinformation, weakens the strength of democratic engagement.
“in a speech on sept. 20, ms. Joly said the declaration is a ‘concrete step toward establishing global norms on disinformation, misinformation, and information integrity,’ the national post reported.
“speaking to the u.n. on the same day, ms. Bruins Slot said the emerging online environment makes it difficult to determine what is and what is not truthful.”
[GRA: And WHO will decide—in real time—the truth? That’s not up to a government third party. In fact, that’s not up to media. But they both have teamed up to give us the DIS-information they’ve decided the public should hear. That’s NOT democracy or freedom.]
“every day, the world is flooded with disinformation and misinformation. rapid advances in technology—particularly generative ai—make it more and more difficult to tell fact from fiction,’ she said.
“canada, the united states, the united kingdom, germany, australia, japan, and south korea are among the 30 countries that have signed the declaration.”
GRA: “WOMEN—a mistake? Or did he do it to us on purpose?”
Jack Nicholson, in The Witches of Eastwick.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 8:53:00 a.m. edt
“(zh) foreign affairs minister Melanie Joly has launched a united nations declaration that calls for action to protect what it calls ‘information integrity’ and to tackle ‘disinformation.
“ms. Joly launched the global declaration on information integrity online jointly with dutch foreign affairs minister Hanke Bruins Slot during the u.n. general assembly in new york on sept. 20.
“‘information integrity is essential to help ensure the strength of democratic processes and to protect fundamental rights,’ says a joint statement by canada and the netherlands.
“‘the erosion of information integrity, including the propagation of disinformation, weakens the strength of democratic engagement.
“in a speech on sept. 20, ms. Joly said the declaration is a ‘concrete step toward establishing global norms on disinformation, misinformation, and information integrity,’ the national post reported.
“speaking to the u.n. on the same day, ms. Bruins Slot said the emerging online environment makes it difficult to determine what is and what is not truthful.”
[GRA: And WHO will decide—in real time—the truth? That’s not up to a government third party. In fact, that’s not up to media. But they both have teamed up to give us the DIS-information they’ve decided the public should hear. That’s NOT democracy or freedom.]
“every day, the world is flooded with disinformation and misinformation. rapid advances in technology—particularly generative ai—make it more and more difficult to tell fact from fiction,’ she said.
“canada, the united states, the united kingdom, germany, australia, japan, and south korea are among the 30 countries that have signed the declaration.”
GRA: “WOMEN—a mistake? Or did he do it to us on purpose?”
Jack Nicholson, in The Witches of Eastwick.
baltimore war criminal Jason Billingsley has been arrested
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 1:14:00 p.m. edt
“baltimore (wbbf) — sources have confirmed to fox 45 news that Jason Billingsley, the suspect wanted for the brutal murder [and rape?] of White, baltimore technology ceo Pava LaPere, was arrested on wednesday night.
read also| sources: “warrant issued for Billingsley in attempted murder, rape, arson case days prior to tech ceo LaPere’s murder”
“at 11:10 p.m., Billingsley was tracked by law enforcement to the marc train station on laurel-Bowie road in Bowie, prince George’s county, sources say.
“Billingsley was taken into custody without incident, sources say.”
GRA: police say he could be connected to as many as 4 other murders (and rapes) in baltimore. Good way to close up some open cases.
thursday, september 28, 2023 at 1:14:00 p.m. edt
“baltimore (wbbf) — sources have confirmed to fox 45 news that Jason Billingsley, the suspect wanted for the brutal murder [and rape?] of White, baltimore technology ceo Pava LaPere, was arrested on wednesday night.
read also| sources: “warrant issued for Billingsley in attempted murder, rape, arson case days prior to tech ceo LaPere’s murder”
“at 11:10 p.m., Billingsley was tracked by law enforcement to the marc train station on laurel-Bowie road in Bowie, prince George’s county, sources say.
“Billingsley was taken into custody without incident, sources say.”
GRA: police say he could be connected to as many as 4 other murders (and rapes) in baltimore. Good way to close up some open cases.
Doug Mcgregor: pentagon leadership has been lying to Americans (video)
Re-posted by N.S.
retired army colonel accuses pentagon leadership of lying to Americans
fox news
557,694 views Aug 16, 2021
"retired army colonel Doug MacGregor discusses collapse of afghanistan, arguing he 'can't think of anything worse' on Tucker Carlson tonight."
retired army colonel accuses pentagon leadership of lying to Americans
fox news
557,694 views Aug 16, 2021
"retired army colonel Doug MacGregor discusses collapse of afghanistan, arguing he 'can't think of anything worse' on Tucker Carlson tonight."
See the Man of a Thousand Faces as Quasimodo, in Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)! Free, Uncut, and without Commercial Interruptions, at WEJB/NSU!
Dec 26, 2020
In 15th-century Paris, Jehan (Brandon Hurst), the evil brother of the archdeacon, lusts after a Gypsy named Esmeralda (Patsy Ruth Miller), and commands the hunchback Quasimodo (Lon Chaney) to capture her. Military captain Phoebus (Norman Kerry) also loves Esmeralda and rescues her, but the Gypsy is not unsympathetic to Quasimodo's condition, and an unlikely bond forms between them. After vengeful Jehan frames Esmeralda for the attempted murder of Phoebus, Quasimodo's feelings are put to the test.
Film: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)
Studio: Universal Pictures
Director: Wallace Worsley
Writer: Edward T. Lowe, Jr.
Perley Poore Sheehan
Cast: Lon Chaney as Quasimodo
Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda
Norman Kerry as Phoebus de Chateaupers
Kate Lester as Madame de Gondelaurier
Winifred Bryson as Fleur de Lys
Nigel De Brulier as Dom Claude
Brandon Hurst as Jehan
Ernest Torrence as Clopin
Tully Marshall as King Louis XI
Harry von Meter as Monsieur Neufchatel
Dec 26, 2020
In 15th-century Paris, Jehan (Brandon Hurst), the evil brother of the archdeacon, lusts after a Gypsy named Esmeralda (Patsy Ruth Miller), and commands the hunchback Quasimodo (Lon Chaney) to capture her. Military captain Phoebus (Norman Kerry) also loves Esmeralda and rescues her, but the Gypsy is not unsympathetic to Quasimodo's condition, and an unlikely bond forms between them. After vengeful Jehan frames Esmeralda for the attempted murder of Phoebus, Quasimodo's feelings are put to the test.
Film: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)
Studio: Universal Pictures
Director: Wallace Worsley
Writer: Edward T. Lowe, Jr.
Perley Poore Sheehan
Cast: Lon Chaney as Quasimodo
Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda
Norman Kerry as Phoebus de Chateaupers
Kate Lester as Madame de Gondelaurier
Winifred Bryson as Fleur de Lys
Nigel De Brulier as Dom Claude
Brandon Hurst as Jehan
Ernest Torrence as Clopin
Tully Marshall as King Louis XI
Harry von Meter as Monsieur Neufchatel
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
woke diversity advocate who demonized companies for having too many White people gets murdered by diversity
By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 09:44:49 p.m. edt
woke diversity advocate who demonized companies for having too many White people gets murdered by diversity.

"black felon suspected in murder of 'anti-racist' ceo"
"a u.s. executive who spoke out against 'criminalization of black bodies' has been found dead after allegedly being beaten by a black felon"
"police in baltimore, Maryland, have launched a manhunt for a black suspect who allegedly murdered a local business executive who had railed against "criminalization of black bodies" and described herself as an "anti-racist."
I guess she is on the fast track on the highway to Hell.
AC/DC - Highway to Hell (Official Video)
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about ecomap tech | the ecosystem company
"ecomap technologies creates platforms that power all types of ecosystems, from entrepreneurial communities to entire industries. learn more about the ecosystem company proudly headquartered in baltimore, MD"
Her bio is still on the website.
"diversity is not a checkbox, it's an advantage"
"ecosystems come in every shape and size, and so does our team. ecomap is diverse in background, perspectives, experiences, and interests - and we're better off for it"
thank Soros for that, and many, many more
By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 09:54:47 p.m. edt
thank Soros for that, and many, many more
wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 09:54:47 p.m. edt
thank Soros for that, and many, many more
albuquerque, n.m. – red "chinese immigrant workers allege they were lured to northern new mexico under false pretenses and forced to work 14 hours a day trimming marijuana on the navajo nation where cultivating the plant is illegal, according to a lawsuit filed"
By A Texas Reader
wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 10:03:43 p.m. edt
albuquerque, n.m. – red "chinese immigrant workers allege they were lured to northern new mexico under false pretenses and forced to work 14 hours a day trimming marijuana on the navajo nation where cultivating the plant is illegal, according to a lawsuit filed"

chinese immigrant workers sue over forced labor at illegal marijuana operation on navajo land
"a group of chinese immigrant workers is suing over forced labor and human trafficking claims that stem from an illegal marijuana growing operation in northwestern new mexico.
Up in smoke.
wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 10:03:43 p.m. edt
albuquerque, n.m. – red "chinese immigrant workers allege they were lured to northern new mexico under false pretenses and forced to work 14 hours a day trimming marijuana on the navajo nation where cultivating the plant is illegal, according to a lawsuit filed"

chinese immigrant workers sue over forced labor at illegal marijuana operation on navajo land
"a group of chinese immigrant workers is suing over forced labor and human trafficking claims that stem from an illegal marijuana growing operation in northwestern new mexico.
Up in smoke.
a cartel member who mexican authorities say was involved in the massacre of three mothers and six of their children was hiding in albuquerque
By A Texas Reader
wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 10:13:55 p.m. edt
"a cartel member who Mexican authorities say was involved in the massacre of three mothers and six of their children was hiding in albuquerque.
"cartel member connected to the killings of 9 Americans was hiding in albuquerque"
wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 10:13:55 p.m. edt
"a cartel member who Mexican authorities say was involved in the massacre of three mothers and six of their children was hiding in albuquerque.
"cartel member connected to the killings of 9 Americans was hiding in albuquerque"
dc crime: only 4 shot wednesday p.m.; yearly total 200 with over 3 months to go
By "W"
wednesday, september 27, 2023 8:00 p.m. edt
dc crime: only 4 shot wednesday p.m.; yearly total 200 with over 3 months to go
in the capital of "the land of the free and the home of the brave," as they sing at the bottom of the 7th inning in home games, the death total is climbing. Scroll through:
wednesday, september 27, 2023 8:00 p.m. edt
dc crime: only 4 shot wednesday p.m.; yearly total 200 with over 3 months to go
in the capital of "the land of the free and the home of the brave," as they sing at the bottom of the 7th inning in home games, the death total is climbing. Scroll through:
The Cluster G Society
By Nicholas Stix
“The Cluster B Society”
“Psychological dysfunction is now valorized and embedded in our institutions. We need to understand what we’re dealing with.”
By Christopher Rufo
City Journal
Christopher Rufo: “There is a creeping sense that our society has turned upside-down.”
“One might be tempted to laugh at these manifestations as the outbursts of small but vocal minority…”
“If we have any hope for recovering our sanity, we must first understand what we are dealing with.”
In 1960, most Americans had a galloping sense that America was losing its moorings. Now, there’s “a creeping sense” of this?
In 1986, I learned that for communists, “politically correct” was high praise. By the end of the decade, republican writers spoke critically of “politically correctness,” and even liberal new york magazine devoted a cover story to the topic in 1989, or early 1990.
The Reds immediately began their counter-attack. A pc comic strip arose, whose author called it “politically incorrect.”
Throughout the 1990s, non-communists, and even “republicans”/“conservatives” chuckled, in private and in print, about “pc.” For the past three or four years, people have spoken of “woke/wokeness,” but that’s just the same thing.
The Cluster G Society consists of powerful, influential people who see morality being destroyed, and who initially criticize such developments, before submitting to and supporting them.
During the 1950s, when “conservative republican” William F. Buckley Jr. founded national review, he opposed integration and voting rights for blacks.
During the early 1960s, Buckley formed a conspiracy to drive John Birch Society founder Robert Welch from the public square. Buckley wished to exercise a monopoly over conservative thought in America. He would eventually delude himself that he had brought about the Reagan presidency.
In 1963, President Kennedy worked to deliver a civil rights law as a gift to the most destructive figure in American history. After a communist assassinated the President, his successor signed the bill into law. Although the bill outlawed racial discrimination, it was a racial quota bill, the product of a conspiracy so immense, such that America’s ruling class immediately inflicted a racial quota system upon the nation.
Republicans supported the racial quota bill more passionately than did democrats.
The following year saw the passing of and enactment of a nation-breaking immigration bill. The only political leader who passionately argued against said bill was Democrat South Carolina Senator Sam Ervin.
President Reagan signed off on a national holiday honoring the most destructive figure in American history, and a nation-breaking amnesty of racist, foreign criminal invaders.
In this century, “conservatives,” including those at national review, claimed to oppose same sex marriage, only to pivot and support it. Ditto for queering the military.
Cluster G stands for people who claim to be patriots, and who again and again sucker hard-working, taxpaying, law-abiding White patriots into supporting them, only to give them the shaft, while supporting the powers which openly seek to destroy the country. Cluster “G,” as in GOP.
“The Cluster B Society”
“Psychological dysfunction is now valorized and embedded in our institutions. We need to understand what we’re dealing with.”
By Christopher Rufo
City Journal
Christopher Rufo: “There is a creeping sense that our society has turned upside-down.”
“One might be tempted to laugh at these manifestations as the outbursts of small but vocal minority…”
“If we have any hope for recovering our sanity, we must first understand what we are dealing with.”
In 1960, most Americans had a galloping sense that America was losing its moorings. Now, there’s “a creeping sense” of this?
In 1986, I learned that for communists, “politically correct” was high praise. By the end of the decade, republican writers spoke critically of “politically correctness,” and even liberal new york magazine devoted a cover story to the topic in 1989, or early 1990.
The Reds immediately began their counter-attack. A pc comic strip arose, whose author called it “politically incorrect.”
Throughout the 1990s, non-communists, and even “republicans”/“conservatives” chuckled, in private and in print, about “pc.” For the past three or four years, people have spoken of “woke/wokeness,” but that’s just the same thing.
The Cluster G Society consists of powerful, influential people who see morality being destroyed, and who initially criticize such developments, before submitting to and supporting them.
During the 1950s, when “conservative republican” William F. Buckley Jr. founded national review, he opposed integration and voting rights for blacks.
During the early 1960s, Buckley formed a conspiracy to drive John Birch Society founder Robert Welch from the public square. Buckley wished to exercise a monopoly over conservative thought in America. He would eventually delude himself that he had brought about the Reagan presidency.
In 1963, President Kennedy worked to deliver a civil rights law as a gift to the most destructive figure in American history. After a communist assassinated the President, his successor signed the bill into law. Although the bill outlawed racial discrimination, it was a racial quota bill, the product of a conspiracy so immense, such that America’s ruling class immediately inflicted a racial quota system upon the nation.
Republicans supported the racial quota bill more passionately than did democrats.
The following year saw the passing of and enactment of a nation-breaking immigration bill. The only political leader who passionately argued against said bill was Democrat South Carolina Senator Sam Ervin.
President Reagan signed off on a national holiday honoring the most destructive figure in American history, and a nation-breaking amnesty of racist, foreign criminal invaders.
In this century, “conservatives,” including those at national review, claimed to oppose same sex marriage, only to pivot and support it. Ditto for queering the military.
Cluster G stands for people who claim to be patriots, and who again and again sucker hard-working, taxpaying, law-abiding White patriots into supporting them, only to give them the shaft, while supporting the powers which openly seek to destroy the country. Cluster “G,” as in GOP.
city journal has deleted me
By N.S.
Jack Cashill on White Flight
Nicholas Stix a month ago Removed
As left-libertarian New York writer Sidney Zion (1933-2009) used to say, “It’s the two parties against the people.”
Since The War, democrats and republicans alike, though for different reasons, have united to destroy, first, the White working class, and then, the White middle class, as well.
They cost White homeowners trillions of dollars (adjusted for inflation) when they “integrated” their neighborhoods and schools, forcing them to leave, if they didn’t want their families robbed, raped, maimed and murdered. And then they pick pocketed Whites out of additional tens of trillions of dollars, for welfare boondoggles for black criminals.
The ruling elites turned over 100 million Whites into tax slaves, and now it’s on to the Holocaust II of the White Genocide Project.
For roughly 60 years, the gop has been completely reliant on the White vote, and yet it has never done anything to help ordinary Whites. The President acted as if he cared about ordinary Whites… until he got elected, at which point he revealed himself to be just another republican, prematurely releasing black felons from prison, and offering a “platinum plan” for black supremacists.
Now, he’s up to his old tricks.
Every year, corrupt, racist police, prosecutors, judges and juries issue racist, black thugs free crimes by the millions, while railroading more and more innocent Whites.
But don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that all blacks are evil, it’s just that the bad 95% make the good 5% look bad.
And yet, I look forward to reading Jack Cashill’s new book. That’s because though I have no hope that it will bring about change, he’s one of the few legitimate journalists (and now historians) left in “America,” and because the truth is a good, in and of itself.
N.S.: I got two upvotes, including from the following man. So, initially, the cj gauleiter permitted people to read my comment. But not for long.
Alexbensky a month ago
Many years ago I was a young lawyer picking up crummy little criminal cases in Detroit and young as I was I figured if you had a black client get blacks on the jury, they’ll be sympathetic.
Then one day I had a black client on some charge like purse snatching and the jury was mostly middle-class blacks. The jury filed in and looked at my client and I could tell they were thinking, “If he didn’t steal that lady’s purse he stole someone else’s.” I asked court veterans and they said no,, jurors from parts of the county might be able to stand back and see the matter objectively.
This was a long time ago and prosecutors tell me that they have had open and shut cases against black defendants and the black jury lets the guy off, often in such short order that they couldn’t have deliberated on the evidence.
The prosecutor with whom I spoke said that while her boss does look at won-loss records he understands this happens and on occasion when she loses what should be a winning case he looks over what she did and then tells her if the jury wants this guy back on the street that’s the jury’s problem.
I stoutly disagree with your charge that 95% of blacks are problematic. Most are not but they’re caught up in a system that is dangerous and corrosive and there are too many people who have an interest in it staying that way.
N.S.: “Caught up in a system”? What on Earth does that mean? I’ve heard black supremacists say the same thing, in alibiing for black criminals. “She got caught up in the system.”
Jack Cashill on White Flight
Nicholas Stix a month ago Removed
As left-libertarian New York writer Sidney Zion (1933-2009) used to say, “It’s the two parties against the people.”
Since The War, democrats and republicans alike, though for different reasons, have united to destroy, first, the White working class, and then, the White middle class, as well.
They cost White homeowners trillions of dollars (adjusted for inflation) when they “integrated” their neighborhoods and schools, forcing them to leave, if they didn’t want their families robbed, raped, maimed and murdered. And then they pick pocketed Whites out of additional tens of trillions of dollars, for welfare boondoggles for black criminals.
The ruling elites turned over 100 million Whites into tax slaves, and now it’s on to the Holocaust II of the White Genocide Project.
For roughly 60 years, the gop has been completely reliant on the White vote, and yet it has never done anything to help ordinary Whites. The President acted as if he cared about ordinary Whites… until he got elected, at which point he revealed himself to be just another republican, prematurely releasing black felons from prison, and offering a “platinum plan” for black supremacists.
Now, he’s up to his old tricks.
Every year, corrupt, racist police, prosecutors, judges and juries issue racist, black thugs free crimes by the millions, while railroading more and more innocent Whites.
But don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that all blacks are evil, it’s just that the bad 95% make the good 5% look bad.
And yet, I look forward to reading Jack Cashill’s new book. That’s because though I have no hope that it will bring about change, he’s one of the few legitimate journalists (and now historians) left in “America,” and because the truth is a good, in and of itself.
N.S.: I got two upvotes, including from the following man. So, initially, the cj gauleiter permitted people to read my comment. But not for long.
Alexbensky a month ago
Many years ago I was a young lawyer picking up crummy little criminal cases in Detroit and young as I was I figured if you had a black client get blacks on the jury, they’ll be sympathetic.
Then one day I had a black client on some charge like purse snatching and the jury was mostly middle-class blacks. The jury filed in and looked at my client and I could tell they were thinking, “If he didn’t steal that lady’s purse he stole someone else’s.” I asked court veterans and they said no,, jurors from parts of the county might be able to stand back and see the matter objectively.
This was a long time ago and prosecutors tell me that they have had open and shut cases against black defendants and the black jury lets the guy off, often in such short order that they couldn’t have deliberated on the evidence.
The prosecutor with whom I spoke said that while her boss does look at won-loss records he understands this happens and on occasion when she loses what should be a winning case he looks over what she did and then tells her if the jury wants this guy back on the street that’s the jury’s problem.
I stoutly disagree with your charge that 95% of blacks are problematic. Most are not but they’re caught up in a system that is dangerous and corrosive and there are too many people who have an interest in it staying that way.
N.S.: “Caught up in a system”? What on Earth does that mean? I’ve heard black supremacists say the same thing, in alibiing for black criminals. “She got caught up in the system.”
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