wednesday, september 27, 2023 at 10:03:43 p.m. edt
albuquerque, n.m. – red "chinese immigrant workers allege they were lured to northern new mexico under false pretenses and forced to work 14 hours a day trimming marijuana on the navajo nation where cultivating the plant is illegal, according to a lawsuit filed"
chinese immigrant workers sue over forced labor at illegal marijuana operation on navajo land
"a group of chinese immigrant workers is suing over forced labor and human trafficking claims that stem from an illegal marijuana growing operation in northwestern new mexico.
Up in smoke.
American Indians were noted slavers. Comanche in particular made 2,000 mile slave raids round trip into Mexico every year to abduct slaves. The American Indians called the slaves "captives". YES they were.
Hey man,open up,this is Dave."
"There's no Dave,here."
"C'mon,man(sounds somewhat like Biden),I got the stuff."
"Nope,no Dave,here,man.
"I'M Dave,open up,I got the stuff.?"
"No man,but we have a bunch of Chinamen stayin' here,getting ready to pick some weed."
"Close enough."
When a Navajo man died, his slaves were usually killed so they would accompany him to the afterlife. A Navajo National Park Ranger admitted to me that they had slaves but he said they were given a bead necklace to show "that they were one of us." He neglected to say the part about the slaves being killed when the owner died. Also, slave women were not allowed to weave rugs--that was reserved for Navajo only. The good thing was Navajos generally did not scalp victims nor did they torture them--unlike Apaches, Comanches, and other tribes. But I think this was not out of kindness but rather because of fear of the dead.
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