Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Cluster G Society

By Nicholas Stix

“The Cluster B Society”

“Psychological dysfunction is now valorized and embedded in our institutions. We need to understand what we’re dealing with.”

By Christopher Rufo

City Journal

Christopher Rufo: “There is a creeping sense that our society has turned upside-down.”

“One might be tempted to laugh at these manifestations as the outbursts of small but vocal minority…”

“If we have any hope for recovering our sanity, we must first understand what we are dealing with.”

In 1960, most Americans had a galloping sense that America was losing its moorings. Now, there’s “a creeping sense” of this?

In 1986, I learned that for communists, “politically correct” was high praise. By the end of the decade, republican writers spoke critically of “politically correctness,” and even liberal new york magazine devoted a cover story to the topic in 1989, or early 1990.

The Reds immediately began their counter-attack. A pc comic strip arose, whose author called it “politically incorrect.”

Throughout the 1990s, non-communists, and even “republicans”/“conservatives” chuckled, in private and in print, about “pc.” For the past three or four years, people have spoken of “woke/wokeness,” but that’s just the same thing.

The Cluster G Society consists of powerful, influential people who see morality being destroyed, and who initially criticize such developments, before submitting to and supporting them.

During the 1950s, when “conservative republican” William F. Buckley Jr. founded national review, he opposed integration and voting rights for blacks.

During the early 1960s, Buckley formed a conspiracy to drive John Birch Society founder Robert Welch from the public square. Buckley wished to exercise a monopoly over conservative thought in America. He would eventually delude himself that he had brought about the Reagan presidency.

In 1963, President Kennedy worked to deliver a civil rights law as a gift to the most destructive figure in American history. After a communist assassinated the President, his successor signed the bill into law. Although the bill outlawed racial discrimination, it was a racial quota bill, the product of a conspiracy so immense, such that America’s ruling class immediately inflicted a racial quota system upon the nation.

Republicans supported the racial quota bill more passionately than did democrats.

The following year saw the passing of and enactment of a nation-breaking immigration bill. The only political leader who passionately argued against said bill was Democrat South Carolina Senator Sam Ervin.

President Reagan signed off on a national holiday honoring the most destructive figure in American history, and a nation-breaking amnesty of racist, foreign criminal invaders.

In this century, “conservatives,” including those at national review, claimed to oppose same sex marriage, only to pivot and support it. Ditto for queering the military.

Cluster G stands for people who claim to be patriots, and who again and again sucker hard-working, taxpaying, law-abiding White patriots into supporting them, only to give them the shaft, while supporting the powers which openly seek to destroy the country. Cluster “G,” as in GOP.


Anonymous said...

"William F. Buckley Jr. . . . he opposed integration and voting rights for blacks."

Just that not it be imposed at the national level. Must be a state thing.

Anonymous said...

"And they will not stop until they’ve transformed the world in their image."

GRA:I wrote that exact sentence,a week ago about blacks,running big cities.The author correctly uses it as an example of areas of society where women run things:education,business,hospitals.
"In their image,"could be rephrased:"In their defective image."


Anonymous said...


(ZH)Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly has launched a United Nations declaration that calls for action to protect what it calls "information integrity" and to tackle "disinformation.

Ms. Joly launched the Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online jointly with Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Hanke Bruins Slot during the U.N. General Assembly in New York on Sept. 20.

“Information integrity is essential to help ensure the strength of democratic processes and to protect fundamental rights,” says a joint statement by Canada and the Netherlands.

“The erosion of information integrity, including the propagation of disinformation, weakens the strength of democratic engagement.”

In a speech on Sept. 20, Ms. Joly said the declaration is a “concrete step toward establishing global norms on disinformation, misinformation, and information integrity,” the National Post reported.

Speaking to the U.N. on the same day, Ms. Bruins Slot said the emerging online environment makes it difficult to determine what is and what is not truthful.

(GRA:And WHO will decide--in real time--the truth?That's not up to a government third party.In fact,that's not up to media.But they both have teamed up to give us the DIS-information they've decided the public should hear.That's NOT democracy or freedom.)

“Every day, the world is flooded with disinformation and misinformation. Rapid advances in technology—particularly generative AI—make it more and more difficult to tell fact from fiction,” she said.

Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, and South Korea are among the 30 countries that have signed the declaration.

GRA:"WOMEN--a mistake?Or did he do it to us on purpose?"

Jack Nicholson in "The Witches of Eastwick".


Anonymous said...

There's no doubt--in my mind--that the internet has fueled the coordinated decay of the United States.


Anonymous said...

So it is a Cluster F*ck.