Friday, December 31, 2021
More on the Mass Shooting at a Garland, Texas, Gas Station
Fri, Dec 31, 2021 4:02 p.m.
Ivan lived with his mother, brothers, grandmother and two uncles. Rafael, the older shooting victim, also lived with the family, said Ivan’s uncle Luciano Macedonio. Rafael’s funeral is scheduled for Wednesday.
You might be a wetback...
If 12 of you are crammed into a 2-bedroom house in old Garland, Texas.
MUST WATCH: Dr. Robert Malone Drops BOMBSHELLS During Much-Anticipated Interview with Joe Rogan – Says Federal Government is “Lawless”
The Home Where Betty White Spent Her Final Years
Of course, the content providers have to promote feminist talking points: She was a “pioneer,” a “trailblazer.”
Realtors Remove Crime Heat Maps – Watch
More on the black suspect in the Murder of One White Cop, and Wounding of a Second, in Bradley, Illinois
The shooter also wounded Officer Tyler Bailey, Sgt. Rittmanic’s partner, putting him in critical condition
“black man with Extremely Loud, Barking Dogs Allegedly Shot Two Cops, Killing One, at Illinois Hotel.”]
By David in TN
Fri, Dec 31, 2021 5:37 p.m.
Suspect Arrested in Shooting that Killed One Bradley Police Officer, Wounded Another
Darius Sullivan has been arrested. A second suspect is still at large. [Update: The second suspect turned herself in, claiming to be innocent. They're all innocent.]
By Anonymous
Friday, December 31, 2021 at 11:05:00 A.M. EST
Barking dogs? Barking dogs? The media will only say that the shootings occurred. Not that it occurred for such an absurd reason as the police telling a bad guy to stop his barking dogs. I bet guard dogs at a stash house.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, December 31, 2021 at 11:12:00 A.M. EST
Darius should be executed ASAP.
By someone—anyone.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, December 31, 2021 at 12:22:00 P.M. EST
According to wbbm radio, Chicago—“arrests have been made of both thugs wanted.”
Did They Jinx Her? Game Show Icon, Comedy Actress, Betty White Dies at 99, but She Won HER Game of Craps
[“Is the Universe a Crap Shoot?”]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, December 31, 2021 at 8:05:00 P.M. EST
GRA: The last two weeks, all I saw on the covers of the ragmags at the supermarket were these: “Happy 100th Birthday, Betty!” “Betty White’s Centennial Celebration.”
They jinxed her.
Obviously, though, Betty White won HER game of craps.
A fast talking, game show hall of famer, Ms.White also made time for The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Golden Girls, and Hot in Cleveland—along with innumerable guest shots on everything from The Carol Burnett Show to The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
All these years, I thought the only person she was married to was Allen Ludden (Password), but no—he was her third marriage—and last. He died in the mid 1980s.
Another White-y bites the dust.
Notorious, Tenured black supremacist Nikki Giovanni Condemns White American Hero Kyle Rittenouse
black man with Extremely Loud, Barking Dogs Allegedly Shot Two Cops, Killing One, at Illinois Hotel
By N.S.
Illinois Cop Killed, Second Injured in Hotel Shooting
Some Minneapolis Arsonists, Looters, and Rioters are Doing Time—Three, to be Exact
From a PowerLine entry …
.. about the post-Floyd disaster that’s Minneapolis, this comment:
Miguel • 13 hours ago
“The problem with all this crime isn’t the nonsensical notion of ‘systemic racism,’ but rather the fact that inner city blacks, and blacks in general, have been coddled in this country for decades. They now believe that they are exempt from the rules of a civilized society. Almost without exception, these police brutality issues with blacks have been because blacks do not feel they need to obey the lawful commands of police officers. From St. Floyd, to hands up don’t shoot, to the smokes vendor in NCY [NYC], these people don’t feel that laws apply to them. Now, this same attitude has spread to the spoiled brats of white liberals. They also feel blacks don’t need to obey the rules of a civilized society. They also believe that if they act in support of these perpetual victims, then they are exempt from civilization’s rules. The liberal parents of these spoiled brats believe that since blacks commit most crime in America, and because all of their nonsensical social engineering policies over the past 60 years have failed, the solution now is to simply pretend that crime does not exist. black crime is a racist notion of Trump supporters.
The solution to this rapidly spreading criminal activity is to come down real hard on the perps. Real hard. And build more prisons. And keep the criminals in prison a long, long time. In fact, make these privately run prisons.
AOF: One hopes Whites are getting thoroughly sick of the lethal nonsense.
N.S.: Whites have been sick of it for years. The problem is, they need candidates for whom they can vote, in the knowledge that they’ll do what Miguel called for.
They voted for Trump, and he let black drug kingpins out of prison even earlier than they were supposed to be. He responded to the burning and looting of American cities with threats of sending in the National Guard, but did nothing.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Diamond and Tionda Bradley
Two affirmative action, nycpd cops were Sort-of, Kind-of, Maybe Punished for Walking Away from Shooting in Brooklyn
[“Tessa Majors and Davide Giri were Victims, Not Only of black supremacism, but also of Extreme Negligence, on the Part of Columbia University Officials.”]
By Eahilf
Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 9:38:00 A.M. EST
Two nypd cops Punished for Walking Away from Shooting in Brooklyn
“The officers, Waqar Zafar and Sergio Garcia-Castillo, ...”
Federal Prosecutors Issue Free Crimes to Jeffrey Epstein’s black Prison Guards
“Michael Thomas and Tova Noel were supposed to check on Epstein every 30 minutes the night he committed suicide, but shopped online and took breaks instead.” N.S.: And falsified federal records, by asserting that they had done their job.
Federal Prosecutors End Criminal Case against Jeffrey Epstein’s Prison Guards
nation of islam Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Continues with Racial Purge of nypd; Second Generation affirmative action hire Will be #2
Edward Caban: His father, Juan, was the head of the hispanic racial spoils group, the hispanic society
By N.S.
“nypd Commissioner [sic] Keechant Sewell has picked a 30-year NYPD veteran to be the No. 2 person in the department, sources told the post.
“Edward Caban will be named the new first deputy commissioner for the largest police force in the nation and will be the highest-ranking Hispanic member of the department, sources said.”
Whatever happened to the Chief of Department being the nypd’s #2?
Oh, and “nypd Commissioner Keechant Sewell” is factually incorrect, Larry Celona and Mark Lungariello. Sewell doesn’t become nypd commissioner until after the noi’s Eric Adams gets sworn in on New Year’s Day. At present, the nypd commissioner is, for better or worse, Dermot Shea.
Keechant Sewell was named pc-in-waiting by noi mayor Eric Adams, not in spite of, but because she is laughably unqualified for the job. She will go from supervising 331 cops as nassau county pd chief of detectives, to being in charge of over 35,000 nycpd cops. Until recently, big-city pols would at least go through the motions, regarding qualifications in the age of diversity, hiring someone who had run the police department of a smaller city. Then again, Keechant Sewell wasn’t hired to be a crimebuster. Just the opposite; she will be an advocate for colored criminals. And like Mona Nelson, Sewell may well be a triple affirmative action client: black, female and, the post has insinuated, a lesbian. The daily underscored that she has no children, boyfriend, or present or past husband.
“nypd commissioner Names 30-Year Veteran and Bronx Native to Deputy Post
Gotta Represent! Houston Finishes 2021 with the Most Homicides the City Has Seen in Decades
Affirmative Action Criminal Justice: Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Reduced the Sentence for Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, the Houston Truck Driver Who Killed 4 through His Reckless Driving, by 100 Years
Be Careful What You Wish for
I was hoping that Ron Unz would re-publish my newest VDARE report, on the White Genocide Project. And Ron gave me what I wanted...good and hard!
(Steve Sailer’s crew, some of whom made supportive comments, is much more like mine.)
To the one or two people left on the planet who don’t know what the foregoing meant, I’d call the typical Unzler a Nazi, only it might be unfair to Nazis. I’m not just talking genocidal anti-Semitism here, but S-T-U-P-I-D. Or, as The Boss would say, “Dumb as my big toe.”
Take a gander.
JerseyJeffersonian called Ike a “vengeful Republican Yankee.” Eisenhower, who was born in Denison, Texas, and raised in Abilene, Kansas!
Mulga Mumblebrain says:
December 26, 2021 at 10:17 p.m. GMT
@Haxo Angmark
“The far more historic Soviet and Chinese nations saved civilization in WW2. The Septics [N.S.: Jews?] enjoyed a couple of side-shows, and have been boasting of it, with INCREASING delusion and histrionics, ever since.
Che Guava says:
December 26, 2021 at 2:57 p.m. GMT
So much is wrong with this long article.
Curtis Lemay was a brutal mass-murderer, likely in the top ten of all time as for individual and personal responsibility.
I know enough history to know that Lindbergh was truly against war, and pro-your nation, so
GIs and so on did not save civilisation in Europe, I have read anecdotes and references in history and literature on how more civilised the Germans were than the invaders from the coast. Unshaven and ill-disciplined troops, in the case of the U.S.A.
The heavy lifting and suffering had all been done already by mainly Russian forces from the U.S.S.R.
On a longer timeline, continued occupation of so many places after more than seventy years, and the U.S.A. having become totally controlled by the zio-empire in the meantime, is really destroying civilation in all of those places.
I can see that U.S.A. had its good points, Lemay is certainly not one. At least in Japan, we have several small memorials against the inhuman bombing raids, not just in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I read that the few similar sites in Germany have been destroyed, at the behest of the same people who ran the extermination of several million Germans, after the latter had been defeated.
You may like the idea that Eisenhauer was one of your better presidents, in some ways I understand it, but he too was a major war criminal, facilitating the murder of at least several hundreds of thousands of German soldiers after hostilities were over, except the new hostilities he wanted, of course, all on helpless Ps.o.W.
Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, what a joke, that was Marshal Zhukov and his comrades.
Could say more, but supposing that is enough for now.
Che Guava says:
December 27, 2021 at 1:39 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago
@Nicholas Stix
Imteresting that you take such a cheap
shot. LOL.
Alright, a bunch of total slobs with weapons.
More to the point, was Lemay anyone to admire?
Why is Lindberg missing from your list?
Why Eisenhauer and not Patton? Aside from the post-war war crimes against demobilised and surrendered Axis soldiers (I doubt they would all have been German, some Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and others), hundreds of thousands. Nice man, Ike.
He was also involved in the sending of all U.S.S.R. Ps.o.W., and all free former U.S.S.R. citizens who weren’t Jewish back to spend time in the Gulags at best.
When I say I think Eisenhauer was a relatively good president for your dying nation state, I only mean it from a perspective of international relations, and that he seems to have been interested in prosperity for working-class people and small businesses.
If I were to adopt the viewpoint of an American, however, or of, say, a V-Dare American in particular, I would have to see that he used armed state force to destroy your right to free assembly and to start the destruction of your state school systems.
anon[287] • Disclaimer says:
December 27, 2021 at 6:51 p.m. GMT
@Nicholas Stix
as a jew it is in your DNA to say US saved the world. no. the US saved the communists and the jews but I repeat myself.after WWII the jews took total control over the west
News on the War Crime Murder of Five-Year-Old White Boy, Cannon Hinnant, and on the msm Accessories Before and After the Fact
[“Remembering Cannon Hinnant, a Little Boy Whose black Neighbor Slaughtered Him, Just Because He was White; a Park Has been Named for the Victim.”]
By David in TN
Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 5:09:00 P.M. EST
I do a google search every two weeks or so, to see if there is any news on Cannon Hinnant and other black-on-White murders, given the news blackout treatment.
Two days ago, a North Carolina Grand Jury indicted Darius Sessoms for the murder of five-year-old Cannon Hinnant. It only took nearly a year-and-a-half. There were only a handful of news stories.
Is the Universe a Crap Shoot?
By A Longtime Contributor
Happy holidays to you, too, but I guess you don’t celebrate Christmas. We are not religious, but I recommend you read Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer. I was raised as an atheist and a believer in Darwinian evolution by means to natural selection of random mutations.
After reading Signature in the Cell, I was absolutely convinced that evolution by random mutation is mathematically impossible. The universe has not existed nearly long enough for mere chance to create what exists—it is far above my level, but the book is incredible. I don’t pretend to know what is out there, but it looks like some kind of intelligence made things happen.
N.S.: Actually, we do celebrate Christmas, but not in a religious sense. An American Christmas, from the Golden Age of America’s civil religion of pluralism (circa 1940-1970), like out of a Frank Capra movie.
New msnbc Show to Expose Colored Killers
HBO's ‘Black and Missing,’ a documentary series featuring the work of the Black and Missing Foundation, raises awareness of and searches for missing people of color.
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) December 30, 2021
N.S. replying to @msnbc
The last thing you want to do is "raise awareness of ... missing people of color," because then you'll learn that many of them were murdered... by killers "of color."
Get a Load of This News Hoax by the Daily Beast's Rachel Olding!
.@thedailybeast has quietly retracted a shocking, viral headline which erroneously claimed that a rioter who shot at a Minneapolis police station during a BLM riot, had admitted to "posing" as a BLM supporter in a false flag operation. It didn't happen.
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) December 28, 2021
Re-posted by N.S.
Thank you, Mr. Ngo!
Gas Cost How Much?! (Photo)
Those were the days!
— Mr. Potato Head (@America1Scotty) December 29, 2021
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Tessa Majors and Davide Giri were Victims, Not Only of black supremacism, but also of Extreme Negligence, on the Part of Columbia University Officials
[“Columbia to Bolster Security Following Fatal Stabbing, Non-black Student Outrage; but What Will the black supremacist ‘students’ Say?”]
By Eahilf
Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 7:23:00 P.M. EST
These college administrators are not serious people:
“Barnard Missed Months of Crime Briefings before Tessa Majors’ Murder.”
They could and should have “bolstered” security after the Tessa Majors killing – wasn’t that enough?
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
White Bodybuilder Arrested for Shooting His Parents on Christmas Day: It was All Due to a Child Custody Conflict!
CDC Director Confesses: Many Children Hospitalized with Covid-19 are Admitted for Another Reason
More Vaxx=More Infections
Tue, Dec 28, 2021 8:39 p.m.
More Vaxx=More Infections
Art Moore at WND writes: "A study by Danish researchers finds that after 90 days, the COVID-19 vaccines will make you more likely to get infected from omicron, not less."
And, "The study shows that after three months, the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines against omicron is actually negative.
The Pfizer vaccine makes recipients 76.5% more likely and the Moderna recipients 39.3% more likely to be infected than unvaccinated people."
In addition, "Last week, the new york times reported scientists were warning that a plan by the Israeli government to recommend a fourth vaccine dose to address signs of waning immunity a few months after the third shot could backfire.
The scientists said, in the times' words, that 'too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body's ability to fight the coronavirus.'"
Spite and Rage and Vengeance Give Way to Economic Necessity: Managers Who Fired Unvaccinated Workers are Suddenly Begging Them to Return
Unvaccinated Workers Who were Fired Now Suddenly being Begged to Return
"They fired hundreds out of spite and rage and vengeance, but forgot they actually need them."
There's Good News, and Bad News: The Good News: A "California Man" Planned on Going to D.C., and Doing the Right Thing; the Bad News: The Cops Caught Him First
Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-Induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs
Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-Induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs
Police in Garland, Texas Allege that a 14-Year-Old hispanic, Still at Large, Committed Mass Murder
Detailed Article on French Politician Eric Zemmour and His Prospects
By An Old Friend
Wed, Dec 29, 2021 1:50 p.m.
Detailed Article on Zemmour and His Prospects
Will Zemmour Bring a Right-Wing Revolution in France?
If you follow European politics even a little bit, you must have heard of Éric Zemmour, the former right-wing pundit who is running for president in France and who is now a serious contender for the second round of the election. Everyone thought the results of the April 2022 election were written in advance, with a second round between Macron and Le Pen, which the former would have won easily. But Zemmour's entry into the race and his rise in the polls suddenly made this campaign very interesting. Unless he collapses in the coming month, which I doubt, you're probably going to hear a lot more about him soon, so I figured that it might be useful to write a short post explaining who he is and what he wants and give some context that people not familiar with French politics might lack. I'm going to briefly present his background, platform, strengths and weaknesses and explain what his victory would entail and to what extent the comparisons people make with Trump are sensible. In the conclusion I will explain why his election would be a political earthquake in Europe.
Please Support My New GiveSendGo campaign. Thanks, in advance!
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About Me
- Nicholas
- I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms. While living in internal exile in New York, where I am whitelisted, I maintain NSU/The Wyatt Earp Journalism Bureau and some eight other blogs (some are distinctive but occasional venues, while others are mirrors), and also write for stout-hearted men such as Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor. Please hit the “Donate” button on your way out. Thanks, in advance. Follow my tweets at @NicholasStix.
$ $ $
Thanks in advance, to all who will be giving!
Nicholas Stix