Friday, July 26, 2024

"extremely offensive": former die hire reacts to another die hire being id'd as such

Re-posted by N.S.

"‘extremely offensive’: former un ambassador reacts to ‘dei hire’ comment about Harris"


Anonymous said...

Okay,instead of referring Harris as a DEI,call her an UMM--an unqualified minority misfit..



Anonymous said...

MFUs--minority fu*k ups


Anonymous said...

The truth hurts. No matter what blacks are called it feels like an insult to them. Hence we went from colored people to African Americans to "people of color" etc. Tell me why "colored people" is worse than "people of color"? They scream for affirmative action--which is simply discrimination, but when they get it--called DEI--they scream "insult" and deny that they got the special treatment they demanded. Not all blacks are inferior or criminal--but there are an awful lot of bad ones. There are very few I admire--including Clarence Thomas (if he dies or retires we are in big trouble) and Thomas Sowell. There was an extremely talented and outspoken patriot--Terry Anderson--he used to say "If you ain't mad, you ain't paying attention" and "There is no practice America"--but he died too young.

Bradley Morris said...

WTF is this idiot talking about? People on the left OPENLY ADMIT they are promoting people based on color and gender superficiality. Obama proudly stated that he was nominating a "Wise Latina " to the Supreme Court when he nominated DEI candidate Sotomayor. Biden stated that he would nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court with Ketanji Jackson

Anonymous said...


(ZH)The FBI will pay disgraced former FBI official Peter Strzok and his former lover Lisa Page millions in a settlement over the release of their anti-Trump text messages, CNN reported on Friday.

Strzok will receive $1.2 million, while Page will get $800,000 after the bureau released email exchanges that exposed their anti-Trump bias during the 2016 presidential campaign. Such bias ultimately ignited the now-defunct Russian collusion hoax probe.

The infamous messages between Page and Strzok, both married at the time, showed them discussing ways to “stop” Trump, whom they labeled an “idiot.” The two also backed Hillary Clinton, the twice-failed presidential candidate, in text messages.

GRA:Are the fbi and the country diseased?Yes,advanced stages.How else can you explain totally corrupt,rotten people being paid off for their efforts to destroy a Presidential candidate they didn't like?


Anonymous said...

She spews the crappola.


IamDevo said...

Old and busted: DEI is the greatest thing eveah!
New hotness: How dare you accuse Harris of being DEI hire?

Anonymous said...

Too many DEI hires.

We need some DEI lowers. A lot.

Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote tonight's Harris speech got it right:

"We need to help the middle class get relief from the high cost of living..."

GRA:Whose administration was in office while inflation went up 19.5% the past 3 1/2 years?


Trump should replay that.clip.