Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The Bush foundation’s illegal “bondzi” scheme

[“Don’t Miss: $50M to build wealth for slavery’s descendants.”] By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 7:44:00 p.m. edt

Wait, there’s blacks in south dakota and north dakota?

“the Bush foundation is funding this project with money from social impact bonds they issued in 2020.

“Essentially, that means we took on debt to put more money into the region during unprecedented times.”

GRA: What it means is that there’s no such thing as money anymore in real terms (unless you’re poor). You invent some ponzi bond scheme (bondzi?), which ALWAYS gets funded (but are they?). THAT money (which doesn’t actually exist) gets passed to negro slave descendants (for no reason at all).


Class is over.


Its dubious funding scheme notwithstanding, the project is illegal, because it violates the 1964 civil rights act, in openly discriminating based on race. Yes, I realize that the cra is a joke, but it’s an ugly joke that is constantly played on Whites every day in every institution in “America.” the cra forbids all discrimination based on race in both the public and the private spheres. (How does it manage to cover both the public and private sectors? I used to know, but I forgot. When you’re constantly learning knew things, you tend to forget some old things.)

N.S.: The Bush foundation is apprently not related to the Bush political dynasty. It was founded by 3m executive Archie Bush and his widow, Edyth, in 1953 with a bunch of 3m stock. The Bushes couldn’t have children, and so their foundation was their baby. However, I doubt that it functions as foreseen by the Bushes.

Note the foundation’s Orwellian language.

we are radically open. we do all of our grantmaking through open processes so everyone in the region has the opportunity to get funding from us. we will talk with anyone who wants to talk with us about an idea or a proposal, and we will provide feedback if an application is declined. we are open to funding on any issue important to a community, and we are transparent about who gets funding and share what we are learning. we are stewarding community resources and we take our accountability to the people of the region seriously.

we want everyone to thrive. equity is central to our purpose….”

When the foundation says “equity is central to our purpose,” it is confessing to working on a zero-sum game model. “equity.” That means that their side (black supremacists and, possibly, other genocidal non-Whites, may only gain, to the degree that Whites are harmed and eventually annihilated. They don’t want everyone to thrive. Actually, since blacks (etc.) only “thrive” to the degree that they are able to freeload off of prosperous, dominant Whites, they don’t want anyone to thrive. They want to kill off the Whites (except for “allies,” like themselves), while leaving the vast majority of non-Whites to live in dire poverty, fed off of hatred, with mass starvation, except for Robert Mugabe-style, kleptocrat leaders and their henchmen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I KNOW you know this,but the Civil Rights Act excludes Whitey--except in very obvious situations.