Sunday, June 18, 2023

"‘a sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as moslem-led u.s. city bans 'pride' flags"

By R.C.
saturday, june 17, 2023 at 11:01:44 p.m. edt

"‘a sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as moslem-led u.s. city bans 'pride' flags"

I detect a sense of mental retardation on the part of leftists.

But you knew that.

By the way, if being gay is “normal,” then why isn’t the whole world “gay”?

Because it’s a biological dead-end.

But the real reason for the global homo agenda is that it furthers the globalists’ revolution, that is, the destruction of the old order.


Anonymous said...

The old order being White and hetero and family based.


Bradley Morris said...

You have to love the irony as these two grievance groups consume each other.

Anonymous said...

NBC 15 News

Disney to help employees, their children obtain 'gender-affirming' procedures, per report

GRA:That SHOULD be mental help and not physical alterations of their original human body.If they're confused about their appendages--or lack of them--they need to go to their library and find a book on human anatomy(published before 2016?)to help them understand.


Anonymous said...

Correct. One world religion. No more Allah, JESUS, YHWH, Buddha, etc.

Just a force, a higher power, a great mystery for the common good, a supreme being unknowable but having a good will, etc.