“8 shot dead in chicago,” Bing

By Nicholas Stix
For over one year, I have posted one blog headline after another, mocking the Chicago Police Department’s surreal claims to be cutting crime in the Windy City, yet they continue to claim, while floating in a sea of blood, that “overall” crime is down.
The authorities in Chicago don’t even seem to know how many people were shot last weekend; they lost count at eight dead and “40-plus wounded.” Or did they simply refuse to give a precise count? After all, 50 is also “40-plus,” in a manner of speaking.
Is this what is going on?
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
[Theodore Dalrymple (Anthony Daniels), in “Our Culture, What’s Left of It,” by Jamie Glazov, in Front Page, on August 31, 2005.]
Or are the coppers in places like Chicago just robots in human guise?
Chicago's bloody weekend: 8 dead, 40-plus wounded
By MSNBC.com staff and wire reports
A series of shootings in Chicago over the weekend left eight people dead, including a 16-year-old, and more than 40 people wounded, according to NBCChicago.com.
During one particularly bloody stretch overnight Saturday, about 20 people were shot, police said.
"None of it is OK," Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy told NBCChicago.com.
"And I don't want it to seem like we're managing it, but the realistic expectations have to be over the long-term."
The youngest to die from the weekend gun violence was 16-year-old Joseph Briggs, shot on his front porch in Marquette Park, police said, adding that the shooting may have been gang-related.
The teen’s grandmother, who was raising him and his sisters, told the Chicago Sun-Times she did not believe Briggs was the intended target, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[N.S.: Where were his parents?]
She said her grandson’s murder has caused her to think about relocating.
“There’s been a lot of shootings on this block,” Josephine Briggs said to the Sun-Times. “Once I bury him, I’m going to try and move."
McCarthy said guns and gang activity remain a huge issue for the city but he maintains overall crime in Chicago is down 10 percent.
"Crime reduction is a process," McCarthy said. "We implement the strategies and the question is are we doing better than we were last year. And the answer is yes."
After a bad first quarter that saw a 60 percent spike in murders over the previous year, McCarthy said, shootings are down eight percent in the second quarter and gun recovery is up 20 percent.
He pointed out that this time last year 17 people were murdered in a week.
"It's not something we want to declare victory about, but it's progress," McCarthy said. "You have to have that perspective and it's the reality."
The first shootings of the weekend happened around 4:43 p.m. on Friday near the Back of the Yards neighborhood on the southwest side of the city, where two men were killed and three others were wounded.
Rashuan Stephany, 22, and Mario Jackson, 26, were standing outside with three others when two unknown men approached them on foot and fired shots, Chicago police spokesman Daniel O’Brien told the Sun-Times.
Stephany and Jackson were pronounced dead a short while later at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office.
I don't know how many times I've seen a report like this. A black male is walking down the street or standing in his yard. A car pulls up or somebody walks up, and they start shooting. The individual standing around falls dead. Nobody knows anything.
The local media pays little attention after the initial report. As I've written here, if people want to see more black victims in crime stories, this (along with killings over Kool-Aid, a woman, or whose team lost) is what you will have.
This is the reason the MSM jumped on the Trayvon story. An innocent black boy murdered while walking through a "gated community" by a "white racist" with a name like George Zimmerman. It was too good to be true, and as usually is the case, it was.
David In TN
Nah, nobody got shot. No real people, just the usual tribesmen.
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