Friday, December 03, 2021

Is fox news Tryng to Con the Public into Believing that black supremacist terrorist Darrell Brooks is White?

By Jerry PDX
Friday, December 3, 2021 at 5:19:00 P.M. EST

You'd think from this headline on fox that Darrell Brooks is a White guy:

Of course, when you scan the MSM headlines and see Brooks photo, many appear to be whitewashed, showing him to be much lighter skinned than he really is:

Shades of Chris Harper Mercer? The Umpqua college shooter whose picture was photoshopped to make him look White. Either that, or they only showed grainy ambiguous looking pictures trying to camouflage his race:

I'd think that at least fox would know better than to use one of those lightened photos of the Waukesha racist hate crime killer but it's just another sign of their gradual slide to the left.


eahilf said...


I didn't pay much attention to the Oregon shooting -- but doing an image search for Chris Harper-Mercer, in pretty much all of them he looks exactly like what he is: mixed race -- he has a white father, and a black mother -- fotos (even video) of the white father are easier to find, but in the rare fotos of the mother she appears to have more the color of a mulatto -- she's certainly not black like a coal black African.

link -- link

At the following link is the best foto of Laurel Harper I was able to find:

UCC shooter's mother said her son was born angry

Maybe the fact he was mixed race/a mongrel contributed to his anger -- ?

>You'd think from this headline on fox that Darrell Brooks is a White guy:

Why would anyone think that from the headline? -- here's the link/headline:

Waukesha suspect Darrell Brooks faces charges in area that has long downplayed violent crimes, expert says


In every foto of him I've seen, including both at the Fox page, Darrell Brooks also looks exactly like what he is: a tattooed 'African-American' ghetto thug.

He is also not a coal black African -- but he's obviously black.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
My experience is that many, if not most, people don't read stories, they glance at the headlines and whatever bias they have is reinforced. Of course the story I sent from Fox clearly explains it's not Darrell Brooks but some kind of news analyst guy. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop a lot of semi literate people (especially the 13%) or ones with a pre existing bias from making an assumption. A very high percentage of people do exactly that, and I believe the media spinmeisters are well aware of it.

Inerestingly, a "controversy" has broken out about a photo of Ethan Crumbley that show him praying:
Now there are accusations of a double standard because people claim the media released photos of Treyvon Martin "smoking". OK, there seems to some major denial here. Those people don't remember the People front page photo of Martin showing him at age 11? Plus, those photos of him acting "gangsta" didn't get posted on the front pages of the newspapers, they were out there but you had to look for them. I did a search for this Crumbley praying photo and couldn't find a single major media outlet posting it. Supposedly, "outlets" had released it but what outlets? Some obscure blog page? Most major MSM outlets have that photo of him with a somewhat demonic look on his face.

As for Chris Harper, is was the initial frenzy of media attention that flashed the more ambiguous photos, and only showed his White father which imprinted on people's minds that he was White. Later on as things died down, more photos were released but the general public was already being moved along to other stories. The Umpqua shooting happened in Oregon so it was harder to downplay the story here but even then when I asked people I knew and members of my family about Mercer, none of them were aware that he was black. They all thought it was "another White guy". Even the more conservative people I knew didn't realize he was black and were shocked when I informed them he was. Those "White Supremacist" headlines and ambiguous photos certainly did the trick.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
19 Senate Republicans team up with Dems to give Biden 13 billion to resettle Afghans across the US:
So what's the point of voting Republican again?

Anonymous said...

The Waukesha bad guy does have the facial features of a whitey man. The master is in their somewhere.