Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Guess What Vaxx Fanatic, Who Has Called on the Military to Knock Your Front Door Down, and Force a Vaxx Needle in Your Arm, Has Just Tested Positive for Covid?

By Jerry PDX
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 11:59:00 A.M. EST

Triple-vaccinated, globalist tool, and stock huckster Jim Cramer, who advocates for the military to conduct door-to-door mandatory vaccinations, has tested positive for Covid:


He claims due to the vaxx his symptoms are less than a mild cold would be. Maybe, but when you've been triple vaccinated and still catch the bug, it puts to question the notion most Americans have that the vaxx makes you truly immune. Also begs the question: If his symptoms are so mild and the vaccine does nothing to keep you from getting infected and being infectious, how long was he walking around unknowingly passing the bug on to others?

And yes, he does want the military to knock down your door and shove a needle in your arm:


If Cramer had his way, we’d also be cleaning out our bank accounts, cashing in our retirement funds and buying his stock picks at the point of a gun.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 9:01:00 P.M. EST

The point of a vaccine is to become immune from the targeted virus. The fact that it can still be passed around by the vaxxed eliminates the jab as a solution. Everyone he came in contact with—speaking of Cramer—is now capable of randomly passing either Delta or Omicron to various people. Just because HE’S not seriously ill doesn’t mean the person he transmits it to—won’t be—vaxxed or not.

The “vaxx” is worthless.


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