Saturday, December 04, 2021

Paging Scrappy Koala! Mesquite Police Id Officer Killed in Grocery Store Parking Lot Shooting

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Dec 4, 2021 4:17 p.m.

Mesquite Police Identify Officer Killed in Grocery Store Parking Lot Shooting

ATR: We know that a Knee Grow murdered him.

Otherwise the dallas morning "news" would have shown the perp's photo.


Anonymous said...


The news within the news,must be interpreted by readers and viewers nowadays.
Let's see,what area of town was the murder?In Grand Rapids,the SE side is automatic black thugicide.The SW side of town is Mexicide.

Whitey doesn't kill anyone in GR,so a murder on my side of town--the NW side--is assumed to be a negro invader.The NE side is mostly White,but blacks have infiltrated to a small degree--and commit the small number of homicides in that section.

What kind of cars do black criminals drive?Old Caddy's,Monte Carlos,Lincoln Continentals.

Are witnesses assisting the cops?Yes--the perp is definitely White.Only one of those in the last 2-3 years--and a black called the cops on a White guy for murdering his(the White guy's) female acquaintance.

black guy said,"something stunk in the basement of the duplex."

Bet he wouldn't have called the cops on a fellow nig!

What time was the crime?After sunset,it's ALWAYS blackie.


eahilf said...

Otherwise the dallas morning "news" would have shown the perp's photo.

Not if the police haven't released his identity, which seems to be the case here.

I see this not infrequently: the police do not immediately release the name:


The man police accused in the shooting was last listed in critical condition with one gunshot wound. His name has not yet been made public.

Usually the reason given is an ongoing investigation -- if the suspect is dead (not the case here), it could be they are trying to notify next-of-kin first.

Considering that a cop was killed, the name of the shooter will probably be released sooner rather than later.