Tuesday, December 14, 2021

black african migrant Rapes White, French, Anti-Mass Migration Activist


eahilf said...

>Thaïs d’Escufon

I recognize the name -- she has her own French Wikipedia page (link), where she's described as 'a militant of the extreme Right in France', although the organization she was (it was banned) associated with, Génération identitaire, just called attention to, and non-violently protested against, the ongoing demographic displacement of Europeans in Europe -- the ban was based on laws against 'inciting hatred', which nearly every European country has -- the way things are going, America will have them too one day.

Most people don't know that France is in every way as bad, if not worse, than Germany (with its Nazi past) in waging vicious lawfare against political dissent they see as too far on the Right.

Anonymous said...

"This is what thousands of French women go through every day."

And British. And Italian. And German. And Spanish. And Dutch. And Spanish. And. And And . . .