[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“Invisibility Blues: National Media Ignore Racist Lynching at Georgia State U., in Which White Student was Beaten Almost to Death by the Sons of Obama; Vic Spouts PC Talking Points.”]
By Nicholas Stix
The incident in the WSBTV report that I previously re-posted actually came nine days after this one. I came across this report, after reading the aforementioned one. Following the crime against Chloe Singleton, GSU said that it was beefing up security. Things are only getting worse there, and now even white men victims’ names and faces must be kept secret.
And WSBTV again gives its inadvertent tip-off that this was a black-on-white crime: “Comments are not being accepted.”
Georgia State student robbed catching shuttle
Friday, February 24, 2012, 6:14 a.m.
By Anonymous
Georgia State University is beefing up security after a student was recently robbed.
The Georgia State senior was waiting for a shuttle in a remote parking lot at Turner Field in southeast Atlanta when she was robbed. It happened around 10:40 a.m. Tuesday.
Channel 2’s Eric Philips sat down with the victim at her home in Gwinnett County on Thursday night.
Chloe Singleton said she had parked in the blue lot, the only free lot for GSU students. She was walking toward the shuttle to campus when a man mugged her. Then, her adrenaline kicked in.
“I first screamed for help and then, after he took off running, I chased him,” Singleton told Philips.
But the man got away with her iPhone 4. Someone called 911, and an Atlanta police officer arrived to take Singleton to file a report.
Campus police officials told Channel 2 they patrol the blue lot from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m., the hours it is open to students. Singleton wondered why a campus officer didn’t hear her scream.
“They drive golf carts so they're not very visible,” Singleton said.
When she returned to the lot after filing the report, she told a Georgia State officer in the lot she’d been screaming for help.
“She told me that with the loudness of their heaters, even with the windows down, with their heaters still on, she could barely hear me as I was standing right outside of her cart. Let alone if she had the windows up and I was standing across the parking lot,” Singleton said.
Campus police said they are stepping up patrols.
“It is unfortunate it happened. We are taking whatever actions we can,” Georgia State Police Deputy Chief Carlton Mullis said in a statement to Channel 2.
Meanwhile, Singleton is spreading the word to fellow students as best she can to be careful.
“I’m glad that this time it was just a cellphone, instead of something that was more serious,” said Singleton.
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1 comment:
The Oakland Tribune ran a column about the profiling of black and hispanics wearing hoodies. I commented, saying that I was violently mugged last year by 2 black teens in hoodies and that I would now be keeping my eyes open for teens in hoodies and especially black teens. A fat liberal guy who has his actual blubbery face as his avatar, commented that I was a really horrible person for "Blaming the victims of society" and " Encouraging vigilante justice." It seemed to escape him that I was a victim. As per usual, my thoughts, aka hate, are more evil than actual physical violence against
another person. In any case, they deleted my comment from the paper's website, even though there have been multiple crimes reported involving minorities wearing hoodies over the last few weeks. The opinion piece on which I commented,by Tamerlane Drummond, suggests that, blacks and hispanics are all perfect angels, but might be giving the wrong impression, by wearing hoodies!
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