[See my May, 2004 VDARE exposé, “Disappearing Urban Crime.”]
By Nicholas Stix
You can’t make this stuff up, folks. Black berserkers are shooting up the city, yet crime is down. That’s Chief Gerry McCarthy’s story, and he’s sticking to it. Prior to McCarthy, Chief Jody Weis told the same story. For over three years, the Chicago PD has been peddling this tale. Is it any wonder that the department has no credibility among the city’s white and Asian population? (It has no credibility among its black population, either, but that’s due to black race mania, and has nothing to do with the CPD’s honesty problems. No matter what a police department does, blacks will say that it’s racist.)
Here’s how you “bring down” crime, in spite of an explosion in shootings. You “unfound” rapes or reduce them to something like “illegal touching,” convert thefts and burglaries into misdemeanors (e.g., by deliberately underestimating the value of the stolen items) or non-crimes (“lost/stolen property”), write up felony assault as misdemeanor assault or “harassment,” make it as difficult as possible for victims to file police reports, talk victims out of filing reports, and in some cases, simply refuse to help crime victims. And increasingly, with the explosion of black hate crimes committed by mobs of blacks against whites and Asians—i.e., which entail various felonies: mob attack, hate crime, and riot—since the inauguration of the John Doe, the police under charge what they can’t cover up, but had some success covering up the attacks, with the collaboration of the racial socialist MSM. For instance, when black gangs committed racist attacks against whites on Chicago city beaches on last Memorial Day Weekend, McCarthy shut down the beaches, but lied, claiming it was due to a rash of heat stroke. And so, anywhere from scores to hundreds of major felonies at those beaches, inflating the month’s crime totals, the incidents all vanished, and the city could report yet another month of decreased crime.
Even after McCarthy got caught, he stuck to his story. However, an anonymous CPD official did later admit to the Memorial Day attacks in a conversation with a Chicago Tribune reporter about preparations for the August Air Show.
I have discussed most strategies for fudging crime statistics in my various investigative reports and blog items since at least 1996, particularly in my encyclopedic, 2004 VDARE article, “‘Disappearing’ Urban Crime.”
Chicago homicides soar in first quarter of 2012
Aliyah Shell, 6, was shot and killed during a violent weekend last month…
By Jeremy Gorner
April 12, 2012
Chicago Tribune
Homicides in Chicago soared by 60 percent in the first three months of 2012, continuing a troublesome trend that began late last year. Nonfatal shootings also rose sharply in the first quarter, Police Department statistics show.
The worsening violence comes as the Emanuel administration touts its efforts to combat gang crime and add officers and resources to some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods.
Chicago police blame street gangs for much of the violence. Another contributing factor for the rise in homicides was the unseasonably warm weather this past winter, according to criminologists, but Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy scoffed at that explanation earlier this year.
"In better weather, people are outside more, interacting more with neighbors, acquaintances, even strangers, and there's greater opportunity for conflict than when it's cold and windy," said James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology, law and public policy at Northeastern University in Boston.
Fox and other experts caution that concluding too much from a few months of crime statistics can be misleading and noted that in recent years Chicago has been at historic lows for homicides. But in 2008, the city saw similar spikes early in the year and ended up with more than 500 homicides, the only time that has happened in the last nine years.
From Jan. 1 through April 1 this year, 120 homicides were recorded in Chicago, up sharply from 75 in the same period in both 2011 and 2010, according to department statistics. Nonfatal shootings totaled almost 490 in the first three months of 2012, up 37 percent from a year earlier.
Crime in every other major category fell, including a 15 percent drop in sexual assaults and a 10 percent decline in burglaries. Overall crime dropped 10 percent citywide, according to the department.
To combat violence in two of Chicago's most violent neighborhoods, McCarthy saturated "conflict zones" in the Englewood and Harrison police districts with additional officers early this year as a long-term strategy.
But the early results appear mixed. Through April 1, homicides fell to six in the Harrison District on the West Side, down from nine a year earlier. But killings almost doubled in the Englewood District on the South Side, jumping to 15 from eight. Nonfatal shootings rose sharply in both districts, however.
Homicides were also up sharply in the Ogden and Chicago Lawn police districts, the statistics show.
In mid-January, McCarthy trumpeted that Chicago had gone 24 hours without a single homicide or shooting. But by near the end of the month, killings had risen 54 percent. At the time, McCarthy expressed confidence that homicides would go down when shootings fell. At that point, the number of shootings was the same as in 2011. But since the beginning of 2012, nonfatal shootings have risen by more than a third.
During one particularly violent weekend last month, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally, including a 6-year-old girl as she sat between her mom's legs on the family's Little Village front porch. The violence was largely concentrated on the South and Southwest sides.
In the last two weeks of March, the violence continued unabated. The department's statistics show that 26 people were killed and more than 80 nonfatal shootings occurred from March 19 through April 1.
At the end of March, McCarthy reshuffled his command staff, replacing commanders in five of the city's 23 districts.
"We took a pretty big hit for the first quarter of this year," Bob Tracy, chief of the department's crime control strategies, acknowledged in a telephone interview Wednesday.
Tracy said a lot of retaliatory shootings among "some of our younger gang members" contributed to the spike.
Tracy insisted that keeping officers on beat patrols will prove more effective in the long run than having cops work in specialized units like the now-defunct Mobile Strike Force. The department is making strides in ensuring that its beat officers and citywide gang units work more closely together to determine where gang conflicts exist and identify their main players, he said.
"We're making sure the intelligence is in the hands of the officers," Tracy said. "As we keep our plan going, I think in the long run you're going to start seeing a decline in the violence."
The president of the Fraternal Order of Police, the union that represents rank-and-file cops, continued to blame the rising violence on the department's failure to replace retiring officers.
"Any officer will tell you that the Chicago Police Department is short-staffed, except for the superintendent," said Michael Shields. "This year's budget was balanced at the expense of public safety."
[Thanks to reader-researchers “W” and RC for this story.
From WEJB/NSU’s Chicago Files:
“Illinois Sentencing Guideline for Robbery + Assault + Attempted Murder by a Black on a White: One Year;
“Chicago: 21-Year-Old Shoots 84-Year-Old for ‘Disrespecting’ Him (with a Surprise Ending!)”;
“Chicago is Enriched by ‘Jaliscan’ (or is It ‘Arizonan’?) and ‘African’ Diversity”;
“Shooting at Whitey: Running the Gauntlet in Chicago Public Transportation”;
“Amish Gone Wild: Chicago Police Brace for ‘Flash Mob’ Attacks”;
“Walter Williams: America's new racists”;
“Chicago: Fifty-Strong, Black Robbery Mob Hits Walgreens on the Magnificent Mile”;
“The Great Chicago Memorial Day Gang Attack Cover-Up”;
“Convicted Murderer to Chicago Tribune’s Dawn Turner Trice: ‘I’m Not a Murderer’”;
“One Act of Memorial Day Weekend Violence That Neither the Chicago Police Department Nor the New York Times Tried to Cover Up”;
“Cognitive Dissonance in Chicago: Last Weekend, 20 People were Shot and 5 Killed of All Ages and in All Situations, Yet Crime is Dropping Like a Rock!”;
“Chicago Tribune Editor to Readers: It’s None of Your Damned Business, Who’s Racially Targeting Whites and Asians for All of These Ceaseless, Brutally Violent Crimes!”;
“Speaking Truth to Black Power in Chicago”;
“Edward Vincent Hanrahan (1921-2009): He Helped Kill Fred Hampton”;
“Air Conditioner Attacks Chicago Sister, Causing a Brother’s Murder”;
“Lynch Mob of Seven Blacks Rob, and Try to Stomp to Death Raceless 18-Year-Old in Chicago’s Chinatown”;
“DADT/Due Diligence, Diversity-Style: For Years, Illinois State Program Did No Background Checks, and Paid Black Convicted Rapists to be Baby-Sitters”;
“The Black Wall of Silence: Harvey, IL, Police Department Conspired for at Least 14 Years to Protect Black Rapists; County Prosecutor’s Office Had to Raid Local PD, in Order to Rescue Stashed Rape Kits”;
“Video: In Racist Attack in Chicago, Two Huge, Fat, Black Sisters, 17 and 18, Jump Skinny Spanish Girl, 14, in Bio Class, Beat Her for 6-7 Minutes, Leaving Her with a Concussion and Internal Injuries; Frightened, Helpless,White Teacher Does Nothing”;
“12 Shot in 11.5 Hours, as Violent Crime Continues to Plummet in Chicago”;
“In Chicago: Happy Birthday … You’re Dead!”;
“7 Dead, 3 Injured Out of Ecuadorean Extended Family in Minivan; Van Hit Deer, was Hit by Semi; No One Wore Seatbelts”;
“The Kelli O'Laughlin Slaying: The Crazy Card, Again”;
“Media Alchemy: Sun-Times, Fox News Staffers Transform a Robbery into “a Fight over a Cell Phone”;
“Federal Judges Thwart Justice, on Behalf of Cop-Killers… Again”;
“Chicago Tribune Breaks with Policy, and Racially IDs Perps in Home Invasion!”;
“The Gouger II: Exulam I. Holman Allegedly Gouged Out Uncle’s Eyes Over TV Remote”;
“Chicago Cops Release Photos of Negro Execution-Killers Celebrating Christmas”;
“Here’s a Mass Murder That Not Only the Nat'l MSM, but Even the Local Chicago Tribune Doesn’t Want Known: Cedric Anderson Murdered 4 Yesterday”;
“Chicago: Spree-Killer Dante Simmons Murders Troy Cameron, 22, Anton Sanders, 15, Shoots Up Chicago Walgreen’s, City Bus, Then Does Taxpayers a Favor”;
“Chicago: Rogers Park Gang Hit at Traffic Light Claims Lives of Dion Miller and Jonathan Bell; Killings Follow Pair the Previous Night.”;
“Six Shot Saturday Night on Chicago’s South Side; One Dead, as Crime Continues to Drop!”;
“Chicago: Murders Exploded in January, While Overall Crime Died”;
“Rub-Out by Hispanic Gang in Chicago Suburb of North Lake Claims James Romero, 18”;
“Chicago: 8 Shot, 2 Dead, in 7.3 Hours Saturday Night, as Crime Continues to Drop”;
“Chicago: 13 Hours, 17 Shot, 1 Dead, as Crime Continues Its Brutal Decline”;
“In Chicago’s Vibrant Little Village Section, 2 Latin Kings are Accused of Killing Girl, 6, from a ‘Two Six’ Gang Family; Police Cover for One Suspect; Chicago Tribune Turns Hispanic Gangbangers into ‘Teens’;5 Shot within 1 Hour”;
“34 Shot in Chicago Over Weekend: 1/16 Friday Night, 5/12 Saturday Night; as Crime Continues to Plummet”;
“Chicago’s Ultra-Violent Racist Derrick King, Again: Prosecutors Magically Transform Felonies Attempted Robbery and Making Terroristic Threats into ‘Misdemeanor Assault,’ While AOL’s Huffington Post Transforms Two Violent Felony Convictions into ‘Accusations’”;
“More Derrick King News, Out of Chicago!”;
“Trayvon Martin: Racist Terrorist Rep. Bobby Rush (Race-Chicago/Black Panthers), is Thrown Off House Floor for Donning a Hoodie, and Denouncing ‘Racial Profiling’; CBS ‘News’ Soldiers on with Race Hoax”;
“Chicago Shooters Don’t Wait for Weekend: 13 Shot, 2 Dead in 6 hours Thursday Night, as Crime Continues to Fall!”; and
“Only 3 Shot on a Thursday Night in Chicago: Light Night, or Poor Shooting?”]
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