Monday, February 13, 2012, 11:08 a.m.
Corrected and expanded, Friday, February 17, 2012, 3:12 a.m.

By Nicholas Stix
Whitney Houston once had a golden set of pipes, but they left her years ago, and now she’s left us.

Creative talent is always scarce, and it breaks my heart to see people squander talent that could make the world a less ugly place, even when the talent belongs to a vicious racist like Whitney Houston.

Most readers below a certain age will have no idea what I’m talking about, and even many readers who are old enough to know will suffer from self-imposed ignorance.

Almost 20 years ago, I saw Houston appear as a guest on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Now, as a late night talk show host, Jay Leno is as friendly and easy-going as they come, in stark contrast to David Letterman, who can sometimes make for a difficult interview—just ask Shirley MacLaine. But Houston was the worst interview guest I ever saw. She kept staring daggers at Leno, making it impossible for him to engage even in the smallest of small talk with her. (The Internet Movie Database incorrectly dates that appearance as May 22, 1992, which was the date of Johnny Carson’s on-air farewell.)

Of course, she got a pass from what she called “the white media” for that exhibition.

And for everything else.

Indeed, her AP obit replayed the typical MSM sycophancy, even changing drug abuse to “drug use”:

She had the he [sic] perfect voice, and the perfect image: a gorgeous singer who had sex appeal but was never overtly sexual, who maintained perfect poise….

But by the end of her career, Houston became a stunning cautionary tale of the toll of drug use [sic]. Her album sales plummeted and the hits stopped coming; her once serene image was shattered by a wild demeanor and bizarre public appearances. She confessed to abusing cocaine, marijuana and pills, and her once pristine voice became raspy and hoarse, unable to hit the high notes as she had during her prime.

Early in Houston’s career, the New York Times wrote that she “possesses one of her generation's most powerful gospel-trained voices, but she eschews many of the churchier mannerisms of her forerunners. She uses ornamental gospel phrasing only sparingly, and instead of projecting an earthy, tearful vulnerability, communicates cool self-assurance and strength, building pop ballads to majestic, sustained peaks of intensity.” (Quoted in her Associated Press obit.)

She had only had a serene image, because the MSM covered for her. There was never anything serene about Whitney Houston.

She got a pass from the law, too.

On January 11, 2000, airport security guards found half an ounce (14 grams) of marijuana Houston and husband Bobby Brown’s luggage at an airport in Hawaii.

MSM reports later spun this incident in wildly divergent terms. One obit claimed (before being plagiarized), implausibly, that the couple were able to escape to their plane and fly away, before the authorities caught up with them. More credibly, in 2001, following one of several mistaken reports of Houston’s death, ABC News reported that Houston had been charged with possession of marijuana, but that the charges were later dismissed.

She was in an abusive relationship (1989-1992) and then marriage (1992-2007) with singer Bobby Brown, himself a racist who was in the habit of acting out in public, baiting white policemen, and then committing charming acts such as urinating on the back seat of police cars.

He was also capable of great charm and poignancy, when it served his purposes, such as when his wife was leaving him. The hated white media gave him airtime, during which he pleaded with Houston to stay with him. I was moved by Brown’s importunings but then, I’m a romantic fool from way back.

Romance and urine aside, it has long been widely believed that it was Brown who got Houston into the drugs that would prove her undoing. But that story only goes so far, especially in the context of fans and MSM apologists who have an excuse for every one of her missteps. She did drugs because of Bobby Brown. She did drugs because her voice was shot on her 2009 comeback album, and the critics were mean to her. (And how did she lose her voice? From doing drugs!) She did drugs because of the pressure of being in the limelight, due to her movie being due in the summer. (But for someone like Houston, being in the limelight was normal; it was being out of the limelight that was unnatural. Well, that sets up yet another excuse: She stayed at home in her bedroom using drugs all of those years due to her loneliness. Yeah, that’s the ticket!)

For many years, prior to leaving Brown, Houston spread racist blood libels, whereby “the white media” were conspiring to destroy her marriage. And how do I know this? She would announce said charges in interviews with the white media! And the “racist” white media would never challenge her ugly, paranoid racism.

Her racism endeared her all the more to most of her black fans. Typical of their delusional attitude towards Houston was Huffington Post reader Marie Brandon, who got 10 “fan” votes in the first 48 minutes after the HuffPo censors permitted her comment.

She was beautiful, aged gracefully¬, and had come into her own. A celebrity who led a tough road but made us dance and feel good with her voice and song. God Bless you, Whitney, sleep well.

However, not all blacks were fans of her. As vicious as Houston was towards whites, a certain part of the black community considered her insufficiently racist, and even booed her at times for it.

The more viciously she behaved towards the mainstream media, the more sycophantic the latter were to her. But then, the dynamic between her and the media was no different than that between the MSM and ordinary blacks: The more the media suck up to them, the more blacks accuse them of “racism.”

Whitney Houston was a mediocre actress. She was ridiculous in The Bodyguard with Kevin Costner. Then again, that was a ridiculous movie. She was passable in Waiting to Exhale, a movie that was badly directed by Forrest Whittaker, which had some good (Gregory Hines, Loretta Devine, Wesley Snipes) and some atrocious performances (Lela Rochon). She was much better in The Preacher’s Wife, a blackface remake of The Bishop’s Wife.

Whitney Houston could have been a great singer. She was hampered by a generation of terrible songwriters and, even more, by her own character. With the exception of her grand performance of “I Will Always Love You,” in The Bodyguard, she belted out songs, as opposed to singing them.

Houston "had to delay 24 hours a concert in Barcelona because of gastroenteritis," February 2005. I never heard of anyone getting gastroenteritis from a crack pipe.
Houston reportedly sold over 55 million albums in America alone, and made at least $100 million, and as much as $200 million. However, she only cut ten albums, including three movie soundtracks and one best hits collection, and 45 percent of her sales were from her first, eponymous 1985 album. She could easily have cut two albums per year, with all of them going platinum.

Last month, Houston was rumored to be flat broke, with music industry friends supporting her. Over $100 million went up her nose.

Police have been barred from announcing a cause of death, but if reports that Houston was binging on drugs and alcohol in the last two days are true, she probably died of an overdose of the two, much the way Judy Garland did in 1969 at age 47.

Like Garland, Houston spent her last years boomeranging between anorexia and obesity, mixing drugs and alcohol, and working less and less. As with Houston, the press gave Garland, who was not a nice person, a free ride. However, Garland was the more talented and hard-working of the two and, unlike Houston, put together a grand career.

Blacks like to say “God don’t like ugly,” but pretty as Whitney Houston’s face may have once been, she was an ugly person.

I'm still trying to find concrete examples of here alleged racism toward Whites. You mentioned her attitude toward the Lamestream Media but toward everyday Whites? I don't find it.
Annoyed In Illinois
To what degree was this fine voice, mediocre talent, pathetic person pumped up by the media and industry to something beyond the actual? Would they have carried the water to that degree if she was a WASP?
Clearly a beneficiary of racism.
Damn, that's a lot of ugly. As they say, you can put lipstick (and even a blonde wig) on a pig... And she had no talent. She couldn't hold a note, and made a career of not holding a note. The most irritating "performer" this side of (c)rap.
Call me a racist. I prefer White people's music.
I disagree that she was a racist but simply one that often shot off at the mouth. Black racists exist but I see no reason to include Whitney among them. She's simply another talent gone too soon do to adverse lifestyle choices (like Elvis, Morrison, Hendrix, Joplin, etc...).
I remember a story about Whitney Houston from years back where she had made racist comments against whites. What she said actually briefly appeared on TV although I do not remember in what context or exact venue (Leno or whatever). I do recall that her comments upset me so much that I vowed not to purchase any of her music then or in the future.
The harm Houston did to female pop vocal styles is incalculable. However great the instrument she possessed, she (or her handlers) squandered it on mediocre material and covered the shortfall with vocal pyrotechnics—there is nothing emptier or more soulless than the gratuitous melismas that nearly every female vocalist has felt obliged to spackle onto *every* song, be it a standard or something contemporary, for the last twenty-five years or so, and she is almost entirely to blame for this. Plus Houston struck me long ago as incredibly lazy—you can make up for a thin oeuvre by getting out there and performing on a regular and sustained basis, but I don’t recall her doing even that.
Why didn't cousin Dionne get a heads-up about this from the Psychic Friends network?
A couple of further thoughts: I’ve been hearing a lot about how Houston was “discovered” by Clive Davis when it’s obvious that, as Cissy Houston’s daughter and Dionne Warwick’s cousin, there were likely expectations of her almost from the moment she was born. There had to be a great deal of calculation in making her into what she became—perhaps too much calculation. She always struck me as pure technique, devoid of content. And then there’s the hair. Scroll through the images you’ve posted. If that’s her real hair, imagine the tortuous treatment it had to undergo to look like that. If (as is more likely) it’s not her real hair…well, the rest anyone can figure out. I’ve known since grade school that hair is a knotty (forgive the pun) issue for black women—it just doesn’t get the treatment (again, forgive the pun) it deserves if any of the rest of us are to have any understanding of just how important it is to them.
This is how I remember Whitney Houston.
I was working with a club band back in the early 90's and the guitar player worked on a backline crew providing sound and monitors for a Whitney tour rehearsal. I was sitting side stage with him when the monitors started feeding back. She grabbed her mic and slung it at his head from about 30 feet away. Clocked him right out and gave him 10 stitches. The other sound guys started heading her way and her "people" got her off stage. Her Management was quick to offer monetary payoff not to sue and report it. She may have been an icon in her genre but pure diva all the way.... This was after getting with Bobby Brown. People who worked production for her before said she was an angel to work with "Pre-Bobby".
G Nomon makes a good point, her material has always been soulless and overly crafted, music designed to sell not engage emotionally or challenge in any way, of course you could argue all pop music is like that but her music took it to an extreme, kind of like a modern day Fifth Dimension. I believe the manufacturing of her image began in childhood and contributed to her entitled attitude, the same attitude you see in so many black athletes today. How many of us are born with her kind of talent? though even if you have it success is not guaranteed, to make a living performing is difficult enough, success on her scale incredibly rare and difficult to attain. Does she demonstrate any appreciation for her great fortune in life? Of course not. Over the years I've also picked up on the not so suble anger she has toward white people (you know those awful people that have given her millions of dollars for her records), I recall an interview where she was screaming "white people ruined my life"! What? HOW did they ruin her life? Yes, Miss Houston there is a vast conspiracy of white people devoted simply to ruining your devastated life, a life at the pinnacle of success, so awful that you need massive doses of drugs to deal with the pain and deprivation. Yes, I realize this transcends race, Jim Morrison, Hendrix, Belushi, Joplin...more recently MJackson, Heath Ledger, Amy Winehouse...young talented people who can't seem to grapple with achieving their dreams in life and must numb themselves to cope. As a working stiff who is not even sure if he will have a comfortable retirement I'm having a hard time sympathizing. I think Houston was a petty, small minded person who latched onto race as a rationalization for her inability to cope with life, the gods or whatever forces grant us our gifts can be fickle, poor examples of humanity can be gifted with a lot better people that deserve more get nothing. Houston didn't deserve her gifts but she got them anyway and squandered them mired in self pity, self abuse and misdirected anger.
I remember the White People Ruined my Life incident. it's been a long time, it was around the time she had the big hit I Will Always Love You. I also recall Dolly Parton was interviewed and asked about Whitney's comment. She said something like: The Whitney I know wouldn't say something like that. I tried to find a mention of this on the internet and could find nothing. Interesting, she was so high profile at the time the media couldn't ignore it completely but it did what it typically does when a black celeb makes a racist comment, it downplayed and mitigated it. It quickly disappeared from the news and was forgotten. Never got the attention or created the firestorm when a white media personality says something deemed to be racist.
Whitney Houston:
"I'm bigger than the Beatles.",,20099318,00.html
G. Nomon,
You make a number of valid points.
Clive Davis: Yeah; what’s up with that? A daughter of musical royalty doesn’t get “discovered.”
Calculation: As another poster observed, her music is soulless. Think of the great Motown acts of the ‘60s—the Temptations, Four Tops, Supremes, Martha and the Vandellas, Marvin Gaye, Gladys Knight & the Pips. As slickly as their material was packaged and produced by Berry Gordy and his tunesmiths, you still got emotionally, or at least physically, into their better songs. The performers sang with talent, skill, and passion. Houston had only the talent part.
Hair: I followed your advice. I now have 51 pics of Whitney posted, yet we can only be sure that the first one showed her with her own hair. So, she put on wigs, and in one cracked-out image, hair extensions, whenever she left the house. This doesn’t bother The Boss, but she has always had beautiful hair of her own, never had hair issues, and never worn a wig. So, did Houston she had short, nothing hair of her own? And the pictures of her, where she looks pretty, are so unnatural. She looks like a mannequin in some of them. I have little idea what she really looked like, except that she was no beauty.
And, when you are gone - I am sure you hope that everyone who ever knew you, or knew about you, will say unkind things.
Anon, February 18, 2012 11:46:00 a.m. EST
That would be not only a foolishly unrealistic hope, but not even a desirable one. Why should I want people to lie on my behalf, and to heap unearned honors on my grave? I’ve accomplished enough in life, that I don’t need lies.
On the other hand, I know that my enemies will defame me in death, just as they have in life.
I deal in the truth, regarding others, and ask no more of others than that, regarding me.
Do you really think anybody is going to give you a donation after all the crap you have talked about Whitney Houston? She had her demons, I give you that, but for you to critize her voice, talent and even go as far critizing her HAIR and appearance? What is this? High School? And of course, the racist remarks....Im not even going there. People like you should learn to be quiet, especially when you depend on the kindness of others to continue with your unfounded remarks and unnecessary comments about a deceased person.
I didn't like Houston, but you're a petty little racist. People like you make the rest of us white folks look bad.
James Michael
This was just a harsh tirade written by someone who can/will NEVER accomplish the things Whitney Houston has. I was actually looking forward to reading about her racism and of course you didn't provide any examples. She glared at J Leno, REALLY... REALLY?? WTF??? As far as the other foolish statements regarding blacks "getting away" with racist comments put it like this - Whites were not beat, lynched, murdered, mutilated and worst a little over 50 years ago. So until a mob of black men women and children chase you down, put a noose around your neck, string you up in a tree while cutting off your ear fingers or genitals and then setting you on fire... ALL in the center of town with an audience cheering - you should NOT worry about what is SAID.
There is a whole lot of racism on this page, but what else is new? Whitney Houston was not a racist and furthermore even after she lost her voice, she could sing better than ANY white woman before her or that will come behind her!
Anon, February 23, 2012, 11:11 a.m.,
“So until a mob of black men women and children … you should NOT worry about what is SAID.”
Are you stoned or stupid? Blacks lynch whites every day in this country. This blog has hundreds of stories of black-on-white lynchings.
Oh… I can only complain about blacks lynching whites after I’m dead.
And your description of whites lynching blacks is a complete lie. Conversely, blacks have dismembered whites, prior to lynching them.
So, in addition to being a pathetic liar, you’re, as The Man would say, “industrial grade stupid.”
Anonymous black racist with terrible taste, Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:40 a.m.
“even after she lost her voice, she could sing better than ANY white woman before her or that will come behind her!”
Since you even counted “after she lost her voice,” my scientific study concluded that 500,000,000 white women sang better than Houston.
You wouldn’t happen to be Jada Pinkett Smith, hiding out in Anonyland, would you?
She Was Definetly Not A Racist...All Of Those Drug Pictures That You Said Was Taken In 2011 And In Circa 2010...Are Not Even From Those Years They Are From 2004...And She Was Serene! You Need To Get Your Facts Straight! UR THE RACIST!
D. Wakanda, aka Whitney-bot, Thursday, February 23, 2012, 6:27 p.m. EST
You’re wrong on the spelling, wrong on the tense, wrong on the capitalization, wrong on the judgment, and wrong on the racism. But I’m an open-minded, tolerant man, and so I’ll give you the chance to prove your assertions, regarding the year of any photograph that I identified as being from 2010 or 2011, but which you maintain was from 2004.
The clock is ticking on you.
Nicholas Stinks is a penis!
Damn this whole article. BULLSHIT.COM
Yes, I agree with Annoyed in Ill. Whitney was not racist - I think she called it as it was. She grew up in racist America. and yes, it would be wonderful if those who grew up in such circumstances would not be bitter or angry, but then if they din't say anything, we would still be buying black slaves.
i cant stand people who disrespect a death of anyone nicholas who ever you are, is just mad because she was a beautiful black talented woman and was not racist. she didn't just sing for black she song for everyone. im just saying that this is going to come back on you, you are very disrespectful and not just to Whitney Houston but everyone. no one asked for your opinion. dumb ass
Hug (2/26/12 1039P),
You don’t agree with Annoyed in Illinois. All he did was challenge me on examples of Houston being racist “toward everyday Whites.” He didn’t say any of the garbage you did. Whitney Houston didn’t grow up in “racist America”; during her lifetime, she never suffered from white racism, but grew up surrounded by black racism, and committed quite a bit herself. She had no reason to “be bitter or angry,” and your conclusion is a complete non sequitur.
dejonay (2/26/12 1126P),
I see that logic, English, and morality are all insuperable hurdles to you.
By the way, millions of people have been interested in my opinions over the years. Yours—not so many.
"non sequitur..." nice elitist summary. Are you saying Whitney did not grow up in racist America? That the fame of some of her family members somehow shielded her from being black in racist America? Last I heard, Whitney was black. Still, she seemed accessible as a friend to many people including white people and mixed. To sort of come over to your side, most of her personal problems had nothing to do with Racist America.
Actually Nancy Wilson from the group Heart was the greatest pop singer. She quit at the height of her career to pursue her own thing with her sister. Nobody could belt it out like her or sing so beautifully. Her voice was phenomenal like Celine Dion. These women had pure raw voices and they could sing love songs too with great emotion which Houston could not do.
Whitney Houston had one of the greatest voices that I have ever heard and she will be missed. You have made several negative comments about black people yet you call her racist. Just because she looked at someone a certain way does not make her racist. Elvis Presley was one of the biggest racist known to man and also abused drugs and alcohol but everyone in white america loved him so much that they can't even accept the fact that he's dead almost 40 years later! He's out eating and pumping gas and everything. Furthermore,she was imperfect as we all are so get over it and let her rest in peace you racist piece of shit and stop using her mistakes to insult black people!!
I'm am very sad to see an adult would post something like this on the web about someones deceased mother, daughter, icon, legend etc. What of your morals? Ms. Houston was an amazing artist with a voice of an angel. Yes like EVERYONE else on this page including me have our battles but they should not be pointed put, highlighted and mocked - especially not in death. Where is your respect? Shame on you.... And as for her being a racist for having an opinion??? No- she may have been candid but was right and though many say "oh blacks are racist & have it easy..... I bet deep down inside not one white person, asian, mexican, etc would trade places with us! GET REAL & GET A LIFE!!!! RIP MS. HOUSTON!!!!!
****!!! ahahaha!! actually you ARE a proud/pro-apartheid/sad/disguting racist!! Ahahaha! my bad, i didn't read your other posts! :-). Interesting...
Wow so many haters here. Whitney was racist and a has been whose career was long over before this happened. She couldn't even perform any more due to her drugged out appearance and raspy voice. I mean how many times do you want to listen to some screaming singer belt out corny songs and lord that girl could not dance at all! Her material was silly and the one decent song she did was written and originally performed by a white woman. Her "dancing" was material for a lot of comedians. She couldn't write, dance or even sing at the end at all. And this was considered a great talent? Get over it, she was not that great, lots better out there only they aren't the politically correct skin color for racist Hollywood. And dont get me started on her wigs, god only knows how hellish she must have looked under all that makeup and fake hair, a real disaster with dead eyes and a scrawny body. Totally ugly.
One good thing of being religious is believing that people like you will righteously get a good kick in the ass by some sort of God when they will finally free ourselves from their presence on earth.
Unfortunately I'm an atheist so I have to deal with how deep human stupidity and ignorance can get, with a deep sense of impotence.
Only a fool would worship a druggie. She does not deserve all this attention just because she was a good singer. She was a selfish human being who reaped what she sewed. She played a dangerous game and lost knowing full well what she was doing and how many people she was hurting. I have to seriously question just what kind of human being would sit here and condemn people for telling the truth about her. I hope that God kicks you in the mouth Stefano and tells you what an ass you are. We all know that if Whitney had been white you would be here condemning her instead of defending her. You have shown that you are just as racist as she was.
She no good, too many drugs, so what she die! I work for her once, very mean lady with no kind word for anyone and much attitude, mean to children and husband. Spend all the money on drugs no family, she leave nothing to the daughter or family. I will no miss her. Stupid people who think she great not even know her! Idiot Americans worship wrong people!
she was not racist, sad but true she was a legend @ beautiful, but sadly was hooked for a long time on class A drugs.i totally understand this type ov addiction n how things go on the back burner,
whitney houston n family have nothing to be ashamed of,the pic in the enquirer crossed a line for a price,love you whitters,god bless ur true loved ones,
Your blog sucks!
grammatically and factually, you have nothing correct. Dates of pictures are wrong and you are calling Whitney a racist? WTF?
Any asshole these days can post a blog. Fuck off. If you have any balls, you will post what I am saying.
I'm white, and even if Whitney was racist that's ok because she is so beautiful she has that right and who are we to question it? She deserves our adoration because she was so beautiful regardless of how she was on the inside
Any more shit coming out of you and I'd be dabbing around your back end with a fistful of toiler paper.
You are vile, words are vile, article is vile.
And what the F is your obsession with racist hair? If you were any more stoned you'd be on a slowboat to Amsterdam.
Fuck you.
you dont know what the hell your talking about your probably a Got damn racist yourself!
She obviously brought millions of fans pleasure. I personally was moved by her music and will always be a fan. I find it rather disturbing that so many people have lined up to take shots at her. For someone who has so much disdane for her you have put forth a great deal of effort in sharing your opinions. Why bother? Because you too, like it or not, were fascinated by her. You may not have liked her, but she got your attention. Her talent made her iconic and her struggles made her real. How about you get a life while you can still enjoy yours and let her finally have some peace.
I cannot believe in this day and age that this blatant disrespectful and racist crap is still coming out of people.smh....this woman was more than you summed up her life to be.
After approval lmfao
A racist condemning another racist how ironic
U honkey
Your website sucks and I don't remember reading anything or hearing about her being a racist - the media would have been all over it.
Just leave Whitney alone - she was a troubled soul and yes she had drug issues. We all have our schtick. She is gone now - may she rest in peace.
I'm 40 years old & have been a WEH fan since her first album. I am still a fan.
In all those years, I NEVER heard in the black press, the white press, from black friends, or from white friends that she was racist.I think we all knew that she wasn't the all-American "princess" from Newark. We all knew she wore wigs (but then again, not always). She was doing drugs before she met Bobby Brown; her drug use wasn't his fault. I don't like him, & I can honestly say that. We saw her without makeup; she was pretty. We should all look into a mirror & she how we truly look without hair, makeup, Botox, facial fillers, crowns, veneers, dentures, padded bras, breast implants, Brazilian butt lifts....need I go on? Short & sweet: NONE of us is perfect. We all have demons. She had hers. HOw many of us use the same drugs she did? One more thing: A young woman is now without a mother. A mother is now without a daughter.Think about that.
U are a racist and if u didnt like her music then why are you blogging about her and her music? Good for you if you like white music. I like whatever sounds good personally. Music and the artists that perform aren't performing to please noone of certain race or backgrounds and the only color they care about is GREEN. You ole dumb ass idiot.
Whitney Houston was amazing !! No one is perfect, she gave her all and loved her fans, I can not understand why some people on here would pull her down and pass such awful judgement !! At the end of the day she was human with feelings and a good soul let her rest in peace !! WHITNEY I LOVE YOU XXX
And you my Friend are an asshole...... (I'm white.. i like Whitney..) YOU however sound like a jealous Racist with nothing better to do than shit some more on her.... YOU are among the people who should be thrown on an island and left to rot.... get a life!
LOL Michael jackson is a diva? xD
Date of pictures were not accurate... fix it. Whitney is not racist by the way. She gave her best... just unable to fight the demon..
You are a racist idiot.
You are obviously clueless about black hair. It is not knotty you moron. Why do you care if she is wearing wigs. White women wear them too. Hair is important to all women. Your comments reveal how uninformed you are.
Disagree with you. White entertainers say and do racist stuff all the time and get away with it.
god she was genial in 1987.
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