By “BR”
Crime is up in Seattle--especially in the “Rainier Valley” and the “southern parts of Seattle.”
Of course they don't mention demographics but this is the black part of town—although other minorities are also present. Judging by the names at some of the recent nightclub shootings, at least some of those involved sound black as well.
Recently, statistics came out showing most bus crime occurred on three routes—all through bad neighborhoods of course. Note number two is the Rainier Valley route, while I believe the north Seattle route runs down Aurora—a street with cheap motels, prostitution, and drug dealing. Federal Way is also a bad area with minorities. (Federal Way is where racist, savage, future Lululemon murderer, Brittany Norwood grew up.)
According to one Rainier Valley robbery victim, 29 of 32 neighbors he talked to said they had been victims of crime—so he concludes that much crime is unreported, and thus so much worse than we are told.
Of course, the local media is more interested in hiding the truth than revealing it, except for when gangs are involved.
[From WEJB/NSU’s Seattle files:
“De-Policing in America’s Cities: Erasing the ‘Thin Blue Line’” ;
“Kristopher Kime, James Paroline, and Edward Scott McMichael: Three Race Murders in Seattle”;
“Race Hustler Alert at Wikipedia! Someone Has been Making Mischief Regarding Maurice Clemmons’ Lakewood Massacre”;
“Seattle: Diversity Trainers Wage War on Policing”;
“Ex-Cons May Gain Affirmative Action Status in Madhouse Seattle”;
“Seattle's Meanest Streets (Updated!)”;
“Seattle Cop Rails Against Affirmative Action Policing”;
“Seattle: Baby-Faced ‘Tuba Man’ Killer, Billy Chambers, Strikes Again”;
“Stone Killer Billy Chambers, Who Murdered Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, is Undercharged Yet Again in His Newest Alleged Crime”;
“War on Competent, White, Male, King County, WA Prosecutor James Konat Continues Apace: NAACP Demands His Dismissal, and He is Removed from Two Murder Cases”;
“Is It Possible for Blacks to Have a Good Time Without Bloodshed? Seattle Reader Asks if ‘Bite of Seattle’ Festival Could Become Blood of Seattle”;
“A Riot in San Francisco, with More to Come! Cop Shoots Innocent Black Honor Student (from Seattle), Kenneth Wade Harding, 19, in the Back; the Brothers are (as Always) on War Footing”;
“Seattle Blacks Believe That They Can Resist Arrest, and Aid and Abet Those Resisting Arrest with Impunity Against White Policemen…”;
“Billy Chambers, Racist Killer of Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, Pleads Guilty, Gets Minimal Sentence, in Attempted Murder of Witness”;
“One of Tuba Man’s Killers Goes to the Big House, but for a Mere 22 Months for Attempted Murder”;
“For Alleged Reporter Levi Pulkinnen at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, There are No Black Murderers of Whites, Only ‘Accused’ Ones”;
“AOL/Huffington Post and AP Manage the Black Air Jordan Riots Story”;
“Seattle: Since Blacks Support Black Criminals, City Needs Surveillance Cameras Everywhere”;
“Seattle: Nameless, Faceless, Raceless Suspect Arrested for Murder of Faceless, Raceless Victim in Belltown”;
“Belltown Murder: Still Raceless and Faceless in Seattle”;
“Cause and Effect? Seattle Reader Writes on Military Academy Diversity and Rape, and the Seattle Air Jordan Riots”;
“Seattle’s Good Nazis Watch Racist Black Mob Attack Couple for 4 Minutes, Without So Much as Calling 911; Racist Blacks Perform for Bus Cameras”;
“Seattle: The Raymel J. Curry Story”;
“WA Wants to Solve Crime by ‘Disappearing’ Videos; ‘Security’ Wants to Watch; Violent, Career Felon, Aiesha Stewart-Baker, 15, Wants Ghetto Lottery”;
“Seattle: Blacks Account for 7.7% of Residents, Yet They Seem to Have Taken the Entire City Prisoner”; and
“Seattle Police Have Pushed Down the Crime Rate—Through Discouraging Victims from Reporting Crimes!”]
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Kristopher Kime, James Paroline, and Edward Scott McMichael: Three Race Murders in Seattle
Media pretend race was not a factor.
By Nicholas Stix
[Originally published as “Three Race Murders in Seattle” on March 16, 2009, in American Renaissance News, and then re-published in the April, 2009 issue of American Renaissance magazine.]
Kristopher Kime, James Paroline, and Edward Scott McMichael had three things in common: They were white, they helped make Seattle a more civilized place, and they were murdered by blacks. Only Kime’s murder was officially recognized as racially motivated, but it is hard not to conclude that the other two men were also killed because they were white.
Edward Scott McMichael
Late last November 2 [2008] or early the next day, Edward Scott McMichael, 53, better known as “Tuba Man,” died of injuries he suffered several days earlier when he was stomped by five Seattle “youths” at a bus stop. Three of the five were arrested but their names were not released because they were only 15 at the time of the attack. McMichael, a lifelong Seattleite, had gained local fame as a busker, a street musician who played the contrabass tuba wherever people gathered for sports and cultural events. The gregarious eccentric could be identified by his tuba, Dr. Seuss or Uncle Sam hat, scraggly beard, horn-rimmed glasses, and by the fact that he often needed a bath. The classically trained McMichael took requests for a price, remembered old customers by name, and played rock songs, movie themes, American pop standards, and classical music.

“Tuba Man”
At about midnight on October 25, five teenagers attacked McMichael and stole his ring and wallet. After they knocked him to the ground he curled up into a ball but they continued to beat and kick him. A passing police officer arrested two attackers on the spot. Police have also caught one of the three who ran away but are still looking for the other two.
On November 12, an estimated 1,500 mourners, mostly sports fans, gathered for a hastily organized memorial service for Tuba Man at Qwest Field Event Center, where Seattle Mariners president Chuck Armstrong tearfully read a tribute written by Mr. Armstrong’s son: “It was just impossible to be sad while he was playing that tuba.” The New York Times even sent a reporter to cover the service.
At the service, someone handed out a flier, pointing out that McMichael’s death was part of “the hidden campaign of murder against white people.” An indignant Todd Dybas, editor of Seattle Sports Online, said this took “a staggering level of insensitivity.” The truth may be staggeringly insensitive, but not as insensitive as beating someone to death.
None of the many prominent news stories and columns I read about the crime gave any description of the attackers still at large or mentioned the race of the two who had been arrested. It took several days for me to find a quote from a message board, and follow it to a copy of the Seattle Police Department’s “morning press release” at a crime blog, which reported: “Unfortunately, the only description that we have is that the suspects were black males in their mid-teens.”
On November 7, an entry for McMichael appeared at Wikipedia, the Internet’s most popular reference (see “Wikipedia on Race,” AR, August 2008). The entry did not mention race, and still does not.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer published a column on the killing that attracted over 1,000 reader comments. The vast majority of responses were deleted for “insensitivity,” and a number of people whose responses remain were permanently banned after complaints by politically correct posters.
James Paroline
On July 9, 60-year old, Vietnam War veteran James Paroline was killed in his residential Seattle neighborhood of Rainier Beach, as he did his daily duty of watering the garden in a small traffic circle in front of his house. He always put out traffic cones to prevent cars from driving over the hose, which he ran from his house. This meant some cars had to drive the long way around the circle to avoid the cones.
That evening, three black women in their teens and early twenties in two cars refused to drive the long way around. They stopped their car, and started yelling at Paroline. A neighbor shot a video of the confrontation, in which Paroline tries to ignore the girls, while one can be heard claiming they were hosed and beaten by Paroline. One can be seen throwing a jug of water at Paroline. One girl then fetched her sister’s boyfriend, 28-year-old Keith David Brown, who walked up to the older man, spoke quietly to him, and then “sucker-punched” him in the face, according to court documents. The blow knocked Paroline to the pavement, fracturing his skull in several places. Mr. Brown got in his car and drove away. Paroline died that night in the hospital, without ever regaining consciousness.
The next day, a white Seattle television reporter at the crime scene described the killer only as “a man in his twenties.” That same day, the black women admitted to police that they had lied, when they claimed they did not know the man who killed Paroline. Police also found no evidence that Paroline had assaulted them.
Once Seattle police learned Mr. Brown’s name, they publicized his photograph but still could not find him. His mother contacted the NAACP, which arranged for Mr. Brown to give himself up at what it called a “neutral” and “safe” location, a black church known for “social activism.” One week after the killing, the police finally got their man. Mr. Brown had a previous record of nine criminal convictions, including theft, felony drug possession, criminal trespass, and two convictions for felony assault. On one occasion, he head-butted and nearly strangled a woman to death.
His mother said Mr. Brown was wracked with remorse since killing Paroline and had been “praying continuously.” She called him the “sweetest” of her three sons, and said he would have attacked Paroline only to protect the women. She also explained that he had moved in with foster parents when she had had to serve time for bank robbery. Shewanda Coleman, the mother of Mr. Brown’s seven-year-old son, reported that he was “a sweetheart,” who “tries to do everything to help everybody.” Mr. Brown has pleaded innocent.
Wikipedia has no entry for James Paroline.
Kristopher Kime
During Seattle’s 2001 Mardi Gras celebrations, gangs of blacks — male and female — charged into the crowd of predominantly white revelers, beating and robbing isolated whites, hitting them with brass knuckles, skateboards, rocks and bottles, and groping white women (see “Bloody Fat Tuesday,” AR, April 2001). White vandals smashed several cars, but the assaults were overwhelmingly by blacks against whites.
Kristopher Kime, a 20-year-old white man who worked in construction and attended Highline Community College, came to the aid of a lone, petite, white woman on the ground being stomped by blacks. One of them, 18-year-old Jerell Thomas, came up behind him and smashed a bottle on the back of Kime’s head. Kime went down, and the pack stomped him.
Seattle’s Finest were assembled nearby, some on the ground, and some on rooftops, and could see the savagery, but were ordered to stand down because Chief Gil Kerlikowske didn’t want to stir up the rioters. When Kime’s friends telephoned 911 for help, the dispatchers refused to send officers into the riot to rescue him. He died that night in the hospital as his grief-stricken father looked on.
After the murder, two Seattle police officers publicly condemned Chief Kerlikowske for ordering police to stay out of the fighting, and one sent the Kime family the $200 in overtime he had earned that night. He said it was to help pay for the funeral. Seattle police eventually recommended that the Kime murder and other black-on-white attacks be treated as hate crimes, but the King County prosecutor made no hate crime charges.
Seattle police officers publicly condemned Chief Kerlikowske for ordering police to stay out of the fighting.
Black Seattle preachers and community leaders were outraged — not by the racist violence — but because the media had dared to show that the perpetrators were black. Black preachers and the president of the Urban League, James Kelly, met with Mayor Paul Schell to demand that the media stop mentioning the riot’s racial character, calling complaints about black racism a “vilification of African Americans.” Chief Kerlikowske dutifully announced that race had had nothing to do with the race riot, and the media took the same line. Eventually, in a rare show of honesty, Chief Kerlikowske did admit that the attacks were racially motivated.
Jerell Thomas was convicted in 2001 of Kime’s murder and sentenced to 22 years in prison. In 2003, however, the Washington Supreme Court overturned Mr. Thomas’ conviction and those of hundreds of other killers in an arcane and controversial decision that appeared to require that murder convictions require incontrovertible evidence of an intent to kill. Mr. Thomas was then re-charged with manslaughter. In February 2006, he pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter and received a sentence of 10 years in prison.
Kris Kime’s family sued the City of Seattle for failing to protect him, and in 2002 received a settlement of $1.75 million, a small scholarship fund set up in Kime’s name, and a plaque in Pioneer Square.
At Wikipedia, the original May 10, 2005 article about the riot clearly described the racial nature of the riots, but it was quickly removed by censors and replaced with a vaguely worded, 39-word stub that mentioned nothing about race. The current version says the riot’s racial character is a matter of dispute.
Media Complicity
In all three of the above cases, the media were in some way complicit with the killers. During the 2001 Mardi Gras riot, the press photographed dozens of mob attackers, all of them black. After publicizing some images—the next day, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer ran a cover picture of a 250-pound black man wearing brass knuckles—the media remembered their duty to downplay black crime. The first images, however, were transmitted around the world via the Internet.
On the day following the murder of James Paroline at his traffic-circle garden, Karen O’Leary, a 24-year veteran of Cox Broadcasting’s KIRO Television, told viewers that “the suspect is a man in his twenties.” The police had, of course, told her the man was black, and she knew by then that she was reporting on a murder.
The black girls who claimed Paroline had attacked them followed the “don’t snitch” policy and falsely claimed to the police that they did not know who he was. The police quickly publicized his name, but the “don’t snitch” mentality ensured that Mr. Brown had a full week in which to think over whether to turn himself in.
In the case of Edward Scott McMichael, the “Tuba Man,” I looked through dozens of news articles and columns without finding a single reference to the race of the killers, even though I was able — after much digging — to find the description the Seattle police had originally given the media: “two 15-year-old black boys.”
Blacks attack a ponytailed white boy during the Mardi Gras rioting in which Kris Kime was killed
So how do you fight crime in a city in which race must not be mentioned and motives must not be examined? Seattle’s current mayor, Greg Nickels, first won office in 2001 with a promise that never again would a man be beaten to death in Seattle while police looked on. He said that if he were elected, he would hang Kristopher Kime’s death certificate on the wall of the mayor’s office. He kept that promise, but left Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske on the job despite campaign hints that he would fire him for incompetence. His latest crime-fighting proposal? Shortly after “Tuba Man” was killed, he proposed a new city regulation that would make it illegal for a private citizen to carry a gun in any city-owned building or park. This would include citizens who have the legal right to carry concealed weapons.
Most legally armed citizens are white, while a vastly disproportionate number of gun criminals are black. Law-abiding citizens would, of course, be the only ones who would obey this silly law, leaving them defenseless against robbers and murderers. If his proposal goes through, Mayor Nickels had better be prepared to hang more death certificates on the wall of his office.
[From WEJB/NSU’s Seattle files:
“De-Policing in America’s Cities: Erasing the ‘Thin Blue Line’” ;
“Race Hustler Alert at Wikipedia! Someone Has been Making Mischief Regarding Maurice Clemmons’ Lakewood Massacre”;
“Seattle: Diversity Trainers Wage War on Policing”;
“Ex-Cons May Gain Affirmative Action Status in Madhouse Seattle”;
“Seattle's Meanest Streets (Updated!)”;
“Seattle Cop Rails Against Affirmative Action Policing”;
“Seattle: Baby-Faced ‘Tuba Man’ Killer, Billy Chambers, Strikes Again”;
“Stone Killer Billy Chambers, Who Murdered Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, is Undercharged Yet Again in His Newest Alleged Crime”;
“War on Competent, White, Male, King County, WA Prosecutor James Konat Continues Apace: NAACP Demands His Dismissal, and He is Removed from Two Murder Cases”;
“Is It Possible for Blacks to Have a Good Time Without Bloodshed? Seattle Reader Asks if ‘Bite of Seattle’ Festival Could Become Blood of Seattle”;
“A Riot in San Francisco, with More to Come! Cop Shoots Innocent Black Honor Student (from Seattle), Kenneth Wade Harding, 19, in the Back; the Brothers are (as Always) on War Footing”;
“Seattle Blacks Believe That They Can Resist Arrest, and Aid and Abet Those Resisting Arrest with Impunity Against White Policemen…”;
“Billy Chambers, Racist Killer of Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, Pleads Guilty, Gets Minimal Sentence, in Attempted Murder of Witness”;
“One of Tuba Man’s Killers Goes to the Big House, but for a Mere 22 Months for Attempted Murder”;
“For Alleged Reporter Levi Pulkinnen at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, There are No Black Murderers of Whites, Only ‘Accused’ Ones”;
“AOL/Huffington Post and AP Manage the Black Air Jordan Riots Story”;
“Seattle: Since Blacks Support Black Criminals, City Needs Surveillance Cameras Everywhere”;
“Seattle: Nameless, Faceless, Raceless Suspect Arrested for Murder of Faceless, Raceless Victim in Belltown”;
“Belltown Murder: Still Raceless and Faceless in Seattle”;
“Cause and Effect? Seattle Reader Writes on Military Academy Diversity and Rape, and the Seattle Air Jordan Riots”;
“Seattle’s Good Nazis Watch Racist Black Mob Attack Couple for 4 Minutes, Without So Much as Calling 911; Racist Blacks Perform for Bus Cameras”;
“Seattle: The Raymel J. Curry Story”;
“WA Wants to Solve Crime by ‘Disappearing’ Videos; ‘Security’ Wants to Watch; Violent, Career Felon, Aiesha Stewart-Baker, 15, Wants Ghetto Lottery”;
“Seattle: Blacks Account for 7.7% of Residents, Yet They Seem to Have Taken the Entire City Prisoner”; and
“Seattle Police Have Pushed Down the Crime Rate—Through Discouraging Victims from Reporting Crimes!”]
By Nicholas Stix
[Originally published as “Three Race Murders in Seattle” on March 16, 2009, in American Renaissance News, and then re-published in the April, 2009 issue of American Renaissance magazine.]
Kristopher Kime, James Paroline, and Edward Scott McMichael had three things in common: They were white, they helped make Seattle a more civilized place, and they were murdered by blacks. Only Kime’s murder was officially recognized as racially motivated, but it is hard not to conclude that the other two men were also killed because they were white.
Edward Scott McMichael
Late last November 2 [2008] or early the next day, Edward Scott McMichael, 53, better known as “Tuba Man,” died of injuries he suffered several days earlier when he was stomped by five Seattle “youths” at a bus stop. Three of the five were arrested but their names were not released because they were only 15 at the time of the attack. McMichael, a lifelong Seattleite, had gained local fame as a busker, a street musician who played the contrabass tuba wherever people gathered for sports and cultural events. The gregarious eccentric could be identified by his tuba, Dr. Seuss or Uncle Sam hat, scraggly beard, horn-rimmed glasses, and by the fact that he often needed a bath. The classically trained McMichael took requests for a price, remembered old customers by name, and played rock songs, movie themes, American pop standards, and classical music.

At about midnight on October 25, five teenagers attacked McMichael and stole his ring and wallet. After they knocked him to the ground he curled up into a ball but they continued to beat and kick him. A passing police officer arrested two attackers on the spot. Police have also caught one of the three who ran away but are still looking for the other two.
On November 12, an estimated 1,500 mourners, mostly sports fans, gathered for a hastily organized memorial service for Tuba Man at Qwest Field Event Center, where Seattle Mariners president Chuck Armstrong tearfully read a tribute written by Mr. Armstrong’s son: “It was just impossible to be sad while he was playing that tuba.” The New York Times even sent a reporter to cover the service.
At the service, someone handed out a flier, pointing out that McMichael’s death was part of “the hidden campaign of murder against white people.” An indignant Todd Dybas, editor of Seattle Sports Online, said this took “a staggering level of insensitivity.” The truth may be staggeringly insensitive, but not as insensitive as beating someone to death.
None of the many prominent news stories and columns I read about the crime gave any description of the attackers still at large or mentioned the race of the two who had been arrested. It took several days for me to find a quote from a message board, and follow it to a copy of the Seattle Police Department’s “morning press release” at a crime blog, which reported: “Unfortunately, the only description that we have is that the suspects were black males in their mid-teens.”
On November 7, an entry for McMichael appeared at Wikipedia, the Internet’s most popular reference (see “Wikipedia on Race,” AR, August 2008). The entry did not mention race, and still does not.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer published a column on the killing that attracted over 1,000 reader comments. The vast majority of responses were deleted for “insensitivity,” and a number of people whose responses remain were permanently banned after complaints by politically correct posters.
James Paroline
On July 9, 60-year old, Vietnam War veteran James Paroline was killed in his residential Seattle neighborhood of Rainier Beach, as he did his daily duty of watering the garden in a small traffic circle in front of his house. He always put out traffic cones to prevent cars from driving over the hose, which he ran from his house. This meant some cars had to drive the long way around the circle to avoid the cones.
That evening, three black women in their teens and early twenties in two cars refused to drive the long way around. They stopped their car, and started yelling at Paroline. A neighbor shot a video of the confrontation, in which Paroline tries to ignore the girls, while one can be heard claiming they were hosed and beaten by Paroline. One can be seen throwing a jug of water at Paroline. One girl then fetched her sister’s boyfriend, 28-year-old Keith David Brown, who walked up to the older man, spoke quietly to him, and then “sucker-punched” him in the face, according to court documents. The blow knocked Paroline to the pavement, fracturing his skull in several places. Mr. Brown got in his car and drove away. Paroline died that night in the hospital, without ever regaining consciousness.

The next day, a white Seattle television reporter at the crime scene described the killer only as “a man in his twenties.” That same day, the black women admitted to police that they had lied, when they claimed they did not know the man who killed Paroline. Police also found no evidence that Paroline had assaulted them.
Once Seattle police learned Mr. Brown’s name, they publicized his photograph but still could not find him. His mother contacted the NAACP, which arranged for Mr. Brown to give himself up at what it called a “neutral” and “safe” location, a black church known for “social activism.” One week after the killing, the police finally got their man. Mr. Brown had a previous record of nine criminal convictions, including theft, felony drug possession, criminal trespass, and two convictions for felony assault. On one occasion, he head-butted and nearly strangled a woman to death.
His mother said Mr. Brown was wracked with remorse since killing Paroline and had been “praying continuously.” She called him the “sweetest” of her three sons, and said he would have attacked Paroline only to protect the women. She also explained that he had moved in with foster parents when she had had to serve time for bank robbery. Shewanda Coleman, the mother of Mr. Brown’s seven-year-old son, reported that he was “a sweetheart,” who “tries to do everything to help everybody.” Mr. Brown has pleaded innocent.
Wikipedia has no entry for James Paroline.
Kristopher Kime
During Seattle’s 2001 Mardi Gras celebrations, gangs of blacks — male and female — charged into the crowd of predominantly white revelers, beating and robbing isolated whites, hitting them with brass knuckles, skateboards, rocks and bottles, and groping white women (see “Bloody Fat Tuesday,” AR, April 2001). White vandals smashed several cars, but the assaults were overwhelmingly by blacks against whites.
Kristopher Kime, a 20-year-old white man who worked in construction and attended Highline Community College, came to the aid of a lone, petite, white woman on the ground being stomped by blacks. One of them, 18-year-old Jerell Thomas, came up behind him and smashed a bottle on the back of Kime’s head. Kime went down, and the pack stomped him.
Seattle’s Finest were assembled nearby, some on the ground, and some on rooftops, and could see the savagery, but were ordered to stand down because Chief Gil Kerlikowske didn’t want to stir up the rioters. When Kime’s friends telephoned 911 for help, the dispatchers refused to send officers into the riot to rescue him. He died that night in the hospital as his grief-stricken father looked on.
After the murder, two Seattle police officers publicly condemned Chief Kerlikowske for ordering police to stay out of the fighting, and one sent the Kime family the $200 in overtime he had earned that night. He said it was to help pay for the funeral. Seattle police eventually recommended that the Kime murder and other black-on-white attacks be treated as hate crimes, but the King County prosecutor made no hate crime charges.
Seattle police officers publicly condemned Chief Kerlikowske for ordering police to stay out of the fighting.
Black Seattle preachers and community leaders were outraged — not by the racist violence — but because the media had dared to show that the perpetrators were black. Black preachers and the president of the Urban League, James Kelly, met with Mayor Paul Schell to demand that the media stop mentioning the riot’s racial character, calling complaints about black racism a “vilification of African Americans.” Chief Kerlikowske dutifully announced that race had had nothing to do with the race riot, and the media took the same line. Eventually, in a rare show of honesty, Chief Kerlikowske did admit that the attacks were racially motivated.
Jerell Thomas was convicted in 2001 of Kime’s murder and sentenced to 22 years in prison. In 2003, however, the Washington Supreme Court overturned Mr. Thomas’ conviction and those of hundreds of other killers in an arcane and controversial decision that appeared to require that murder convictions require incontrovertible evidence of an intent to kill. Mr. Thomas was then re-charged with manslaughter. In February 2006, he pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter and received a sentence of 10 years in prison.
Kris Kime’s family sued the City of Seattle for failing to protect him, and in 2002 received a settlement of $1.75 million, a small scholarship fund set up in Kime’s name, and a plaque in Pioneer Square.
At Wikipedia, the original May 10, 2005 article about the riot clearly described the racial nature of the riots, but it was quickly removed by censors and replaced with a vaguely worded, 39-word stub that mentioned nothing about race. The current version says the riot’s racial character is a matter of dispute.
Media Complicity
In all three of the above cases, the media were in some way complicit with the killers. During the 2001 Mardi Gras riot, the press photographed dozens of mob attackers, all of them black. After publicizing some images—the next day, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer ran a cover picture of a 250-pound black man wearing brass knuckles—the media remembered their duty to downplay black crime. The first images, however, were transmitted around the world via the Internet.
On the day following the murder of James Paroline at his traffic-circle garden, Karen O’Leary, a 24-year veteran of Cox Broadcasting’s KIRO Television, told viewers that “the suspect is a man in his twenties.” The police had, of course, told her the man was black, and she knew by then that she was reporting on a murder.
The black girls who claimed Paroline had attacked them followed the “don’t snitch” policy and falsely claimed to the police that they did not know who he was. The police quickly publicized his name, but the “don’t snitch” mentality ensured that Mr. Brown had a full week in which to think over whether to turn himself in.
In the case of Edward Scott McMichael, the “Tuba Man,” I looked through dozens of news articles and columns without finding a single reference to the race of the killers, even though I was able — after much digging — to find the description the Seattle police had originally given the media: “two 15-year-old black boys.”

So how do you fight crime in a city in which race must not be mentioned and motives must not be examined? Seattle’s current mayor, Greg Nickels, first won office in 2001 with a promise that never again would a man be beaten to death in Seattle while police looked on. He said that if he were elected, he would hang Kristopher Kime’s death certificate on the wall of the mayor’s office. He kept that promise, but left Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske on the job despite campaign hints that he would fire him for incompetence. His latest crime-fighting proposal? Shortly after “Tuba Man” was killed, he proposed a new city regulation that would make it illegal for a private citizen to carry a gun in any city-owned building or park. This would include citizens who have the legal right to carry concealed weapons.
Most legally armed citizens are white, while a vastly disproportionate number of gun criminals are black. Law-abiding citizens would, of course, be the only ones who would obey this silly law, leaving them defenseless against robbers and murderers. If his proposal goes through, Mayor Nickels had better be prepared to hang more death certificates on the wall of his office.
[From WEJB/NSU’s Seattle files:
“De-Policing in America’s Cities: Erasing the ‘Thin Blue Line’” ;
“Race Hustler Alert at Wikipedia! Someone Has been Making Mischief Regarding Maurice Clemmons’ Lakewood Massacre”;
“Seattle: Diversity Trainers Wage War on Policing”;
“Ex-Cons May Gain Affirmative Action Status in Madhouse Seattle”;
“Seattle's Meanest Streets (Updated!)”;
“Seattle Cop Rails Against Affirmative Action Policing”;
“Seattle: Baby-Faced ‘Tuba Man’ Killer, Billy Chambers, Strikes Again”;
“Stone Killer Billy Chambers, Who Murdered Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, is Undercharged Yet Again in His Newest Alleged Crime”;
“War on Competent, White, Male, King County, WA Prosecutor James Konat Continues Apace: NAACP Demands His Dismissal, and He is Removed from Two Murder Cases”;
“Is It Possible for Blacks to Have a Good Time Without Bloodshed? Seattle Reader Asks if ‘Bite of Seattle’ Festival Could Become Blood of Seattle”;
“A Riot in San Francisco, with More to Come! Cop Shoots Innocent Black Honor Student (from Seattle), Kenneth Wade Harding, 19, in the Back; the Brothers are (as Always) on War Footing”;
“Seattle Blacks Believe That They Can Resist Arrest, and Aid and Abet Those Resisting Arrest with Impunity Against White Policemen…”;
“Billy Chambers, Racist Killer of Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, Pleads Guilty, Gets Minimal Sentence, in Attempted Murder of Witness”;
“One of Tuba Man’s Killers Goes to the Big House, but for a Mere 22 Months for Attempted Murder”;
“For Alleged Reporter Levi Pulkinnen at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, There are No Black Murderers of Whites, Only ‘Accused’ Ones”;
“AOL/Huffington Post and AP Manage the Black Air Jordan Riots Story”;
“Seattle: Since Blacks Support Black Criminals, City Needs Surveillance Cameras Everywhere”;
“Seattle: Nameless, Faceless, Raceless Suspect Arrested for Murder of Faceless, Raceless Victim in Belltown”;
“Belltown Murder: Still Raceless and Faceless in Seattle”;
“Cause and Effect? Seattle Reader Writes on Military Academy Diversity and Rape, and the Seattle Air Jordan Riots”;
“Seattle’s Good Nazis Watch Racist Black Mob Attack Couple for 4 Minutes, Without So Much as Calling 911; Racist Blacks Perform for Bus Cameras”;
“Seattle: The Raymel J. Curry Story”;
“WA Wants to Solve Crime by ‘Disappearing’ Videos; ‘Security’ Wants to Watch; Violent, Career Felon, Aiesha Stewart-Baker, 15, Wants Ghetto Lottery”;
“Seattle: Blacks Account for 7.7% of Residents, Yet They Seem to Have Taken the Entire City Prisoner”; and
“Seattle Police Have Pushed Down the Crime Rate—Through Discouraging Victims from Reporting Crimes!”]
“Journalist” Piers Morgan is as Fraudulent as Opinion Pollsters on Gay Marriage: They Fake Support for Their Side
By Nicholas Stix
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU on this story:
“No to Same-Sex ‘Marriage’: N.J. Gov. Chris Christie is Good for Something.”]
Eight days ago, I wrote of Piers Morgan’s hopeless attempt to browbeat Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie into supporting same-sex marriage.
Morgan acted as if because seven states—initially illegally, through judges—
Have permitted seam-sex marriage, the other 43 were somehow obliged, in the spirit of “democracy,” to submit to them. Never mind, that every single time a state electorate has had a chance to vote on the matter, it has decisively rejected this abomination: 31-0!
Pollsters keep telling us that the people support gay marriage. The pollsters are liars, who are trying to manufacture a fraudulent consensus, in order to steamroll voters.
Morgan is doing the same thing, in his own little way, by censoring reader comments, in order to make it look as though his readers overwhelmingly supported same-sex marriage. Thus, he has posted only six comments, five of them in support of same-sex marriage, including one form a man claiming to be a Catholic Republican.
And since Morgan permits vicious personal attacks on Chris Christie, he can’t possibly say that he’s censoring comments based on their consisting of personal attacks or bad taste.
And from someone calling himself Shane:
To which I replied, on February 21,
To Shane and any homosexuals reading this:
By the way, those polls are cooked. The gay lobby always says that the people support same-sex marriage, and yet, every time the people have voted on it, they have said, “No!” Normalcy 31, Perversion 0.
It’s strictly moral, nothing personal.
By the way, if homosexuals have the moral high ground, why do they behave like a bunch of Nazis?
I didn’t expect Morgan to post my comment, and he didn’t. Since he posted six, and his site says there were eight, that means that he officially censored two, but that doesn’t mean he only got eight comments. And you can bet your sweet life that all of the comments he censored were in opposition to same-sex marriage. He did, however, respect the First Law of Lying, plausibility, in posting one comment opposed to same-sex marriage. So, he’s not a complete idiot, he’s just your standard, vicious MSM operative.
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU on this story:
“No to Same-Sex ‘Marriage’: N.J. Gov. Chris Christie is Good for Something.”]
Eight days ago, I wrote of Piers Morgan’s hopeless attempt to browbeat Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie into supporting same-sex marriage.
Morgan acted as if because seven states—initially illegally, through judges—
Have permitted seam-sex marriage, the other 43 were somehow obliged, in the spirit of “democracy,” to submit to them. Never mind, that every single time a state electorate has had a chance to vote on the matter, it has decisively rejected this abomination: 31-0!
Pollsters keep telling us that the people support gay marriage. The pollsters are liars, who are trying to manufacture a fraudulent consensus, in order to steamroll voters.
Morgan is doing the same thing, in his own little way, by censoring reader comments, in order to make it look as though his readers overwhelmingly supported same-sex marriage. Thus, he has posted only six comments, five of them in support of same-sex marriage, including one form a man claiming to be a Catholic Republican.
And since Morgan permits vicious personal attacks on Chris Christie, he can’t possibly say that he’s censoring comments based on their consisting of personal attacks or bad taste.
A politician who undermines his legislation and the people who voted said legislatures in to office – Grade A Politician, honey. Vetoing a bill is to prevent harm to the people, because the bill could potentially prove to be detrimental to the public. When is two people who are in love and want to have that recognized locally and federally a safety issue? I think Christie should be more concerned with childhood obesity to really get to the root of his underlying problem. He is, and always will be just a fat kid.
And from someone calling himself Shane:
1. Shane
It's always been my view and position that you should lose weight. So you veto a bill just because you care only about your opinion?? BREAKING NEWS: IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR POSITION....
February 20, 2012 at 8:10 p.m.
To which I replied, on February 21,
To Shane and any homosexuals reading this:
By the way, those polls are cooked. The gay lobby always says that the people support same-sex marriage, and yet, every time the people have voted on it, they have said, “No!” Normalcy 31, Perversion 0.
It’s strictly moral, nothing personal.
By the way, if homosexuals have the moral high ground, why do they behave like a bunch of Nazis?
I didn’t expect Morgan to post my comment, and he didn’t. Since he posted six, and his site says there were eight, that means that he officially censored two, but that doesn’t mean he only got eight comments. And you can bet your sweet life that all of the comments he censored were in opposition to same-sex marriage. He did, however, respect the First Law of Lying, plausibility, in posting one comment opposed to same-sex marriage. So, he’s not a complete idiot, he’s just your standard, vicious MSM operative.
White Meth-Head Josh Blake Murders Washington State Trooper Tony Radulescu, Commits Suicide; 6 of Killer’s White Junkie Friends Arrested for Aiding
and Abetting
Posted by Nicholas Stix

Murdered State Trooper Tony Radulescu

The growing Bremerton memorial for Trooper Tony Radulescu/by Drew Mikkelsen/KING5 News

Mug shot of cop-killer Josh Blake
“The citizens of Washington have lost a humble public servant”
Posted: 4:25 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012
GORST, Wash. —
Investigators still don't know why a Port Orchard man shot and killed a Washington State Patrol trooper early Thursday morning and then took his own life later in the day.
The trooper, 44-year-old Tony Radulescu, had pulled over a green truck on State Route 16 near Anderson Hill Road Southwest around 1 a.m. and radioed dispatch to notify them of the stop, the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office said.
The State Patrol did not hear back from Radulescu for 15 minutes, so a Kitsap County deputy went to check on him, and found him slumped over the wheel of his patrol car, shot. Police said the suspect, Joshua Blake, had fled the scene in the truck.
Radulescu was transported to St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma, where he died of his injuries. A police procession escorted the ambulance from the hospital to the Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office.
Blake shot himself when police approached him at his home later in the day and died several hours later, leaving his motives a mystery.
"Every little detail we can find that's going to put that person back to 12:57 (a.m., the time of the shooting) with Trooper Radulescu on the freeway, we're going to look for," Sheriff's Office spokesman Sgt. Ken Dickinson said.
Police found Blake's vehicle, a dark green 1999 Ford F350, at about 4:30 a.m. in some bushes in the 4200 block of Sidney Road in Port Orchard.
Radulescu's death set off a manhunt that culminated with police closing in on Blake's house on Southeast Scofield Road in a secluded, heavily wooded, rural area of Port Orchard. As officers approached, they heard a single gunshot. They found Blake inside soon thereafter, suffering from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Blake was taken to Tacoma General Hospital "to make sure every possible chance to resuscitate him [was] made by doctors," KIRO 7 reporter Richard Thompson said. Blake died at about 1:30 p.m., sources told reporter Kevin McCarty.
Video from Chopper 7 showed multiple buildings, trailers, shacks and vehicles in various states of decay. Debris was scattered around the property.
A neighbor said she did not know the people who lived on the property, but said she knew there were "various living situations" there.
Another neighbor, Theresa Meyers, said she had just returned home when she "heard the SWAT team guys saying, ‘Get down! Get Down! Get down now!’ and there were shots fired. It was very surreal."
As Meyers was watching KIRO 7's live coverage and speaking by phone with KIRO 7 news anchors live, she said saw the green truck associated with the trooper's shooting at the property before. Meyers said there had been "drug busts" and other police activity there in the past. She described the residents as "odd" and "paranoid," and knew that several people were living there on and off.
Chopper 7 video showed numerous officers at the scene and a SWAT vehicle.
Remembering Trooper Tony Radulescu
Trooper Radulescu, assigned to the state patrol office in Bremerton, was popular among coworkers and was well-known in the community for visits and presentations he did at local schools.
“We’ve lost a co-worker, and the citizens of Washington have lost a humble public servant,” said WSP Chief John R. Batiste. “Tony was the kind of person everyone wanted to be around, including me. I truly enjoyed working with him.”
Kitsap County Sheriff Steve Boyer had close ties to Trooper Radulescu.
"Never saw him without a smile on his face," he told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Kevin McCarty.
Funeral arrangements are pending.
Batiste said Radulescu is the 27th officer lost since 1921.
Batiste said he had a “real sense of humor,” was highly thought of in the community and was in high demand for talks at local schools.
The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office is the lead agency investigating the shooting.
* * *
Six people now held in connection with trooper's murder
By Drew Mikkelsen
Bio | Email | Follow: @Drewmikk
February 27, 2012 at 5:30 a.m.
Updated yesterday at 5:21 p.m.
PORT ORCHARD, Wash. - When a member of law enforcement dies, there is usually an outpouring of support. But police say a group in Kitsap County took a different route following the death of Trooper Tony Radulescu.
Hours after his shooting, when police asked 18-year-old Megan Mollet if she knew the trooper's killer, Josh Blake, detectives say "she replied snidely that she knew lotsa Josh's.’”
Police say she not only knew Blake, but was with him when he pulled the trigger. She was in the passenger seat when the trooper pulled over Blake's truck, possibly for speeding.
Mollet later told police she was told to “roll down her window and turn her head.”
She said Blake grabbed a gun from the glove box and shot Trooper Radulescu in the face.
Mollet’s brother-in-law says she lied to police out of fear.
"She's a victim… she's traumatized by all of this really,” said Ray White.
Dan Carter is accused of finding a ride for Blake, and Andrew Bartlett and Corinne Nelson are accused of giving him a lift while he was on the run - with full knowledge of what he had done.
"It's just flat wrong. It can't be tolerated in a society,” said Kitsap County Sheriff Steve Boyer.
As the memorial for Trooper Radulescu grows, so does the anger for those who tried to help his killer.
"I think it's just senseless… and I think it's just tragic. The good guys aren't supposed to lose… and the good guys lost,” said Port Orchard resident Celia Murray.
Five of Blake's friends were arrested last week. Police picked up the sixth on Monday. It’s not yet known what role that man played.
Other than Josh Blake, the one thing police say all six have in common: methamphetamine use.
No additional information was released on the sixth person arrested. The other five include Blake’s ex-girlfriend Jessi Leigh Foster, who appeared in court Friday.
Investigators say she actively tried to help Blake get out of the area. The two are parents of a young girl.
Also arrested were a 26-year-old woman, a 30-year-old man and a 37-year-old man. These four face charges of rendering criminal assistance. Bail for each is set at $500,000.
A public memorial for Trooper Radulescu will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. at the ShoWare Center in Kent. Those wishing to attend are encouraged to carpool.
You can make a donation to the Anthony Radulescu Memorial Fund at any Key Bank branch.
Leave condolences on the Officer Down website
* * *
Man who lived where shooter in trooper slaying died charged with assistance
Kitsap County prosecutors on Tuesday charged a 43-year-old man for allegedly helping Josh Blake in the hours after he killed Washington State Patrol Trooper Tony Radulescu last week.
John de Leon
February 28, 2012 9:52 p.m.
The Seattle Times/(Tacoma) News Tribune
Kitsap County prosecutors on Tuesday charged a 43-year-old man for allegedly helping Josh Blake in the hours after he killed Washington State Patrol Trooper Tony Radulescu last week.
Steven M. Banks is the sixth person to be charged with rendering criminal assistance in the wake of the trooper’s death early Thursday. All six are being held in Kitsap County Jail on $500,000 bail each.
According to the certification of probable cause, Banks lived at the residence on Scofield Road where Blake, 28, and his ex-girlfriend, Jessi L. Foster, 32, hid as they tried to find a ride for Blake from the area.
Banks told investigators he had not invited Blake nor Foster to his home and that he suspected Blake was wanted by police, court documents say. However, prosecutors say he placed more than 30 calls during the approximately four hours Blake was there.
Banks told investigators he just “wanted them gone,” according to the documents.
Blake shot himself in the head as SWAT teams surrounded the home. He died at Tacoma General Hospital several hours later.
Radulesco was fatally shot after he pulled Blake over on state Route 16 near Gorst shortly before 1 a.m. on Thursday, according to the according to the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators say Blake told his 18-year-old passenger, Megan Mollet, to roll down the window and turn her head before shooting Radulescu.
Mollet has been charged with rendering criminal assistance.
Two other people, Corinne Leah Nelson, 26, and Andrew William Bartlett, 30, gave Blake a ride from a Port Orchard house, where he abandoned his truck, to the mobile home where he shot himself, authorities said. Another person, Daniel Lee Carter, 37, helped provide the getaway car, police said.
Posted by Nicholas Stix

“The citizens of Washington have lost a humble public servant”
Posted: 4:25 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012
GORST, Wash. —
Investigators still don't know why a Port Orchard man shot and killed a Washington State Patrol trooper early Thursday morning and then took his own life later in the day.
The trooper, 44-year-old Tony Radulescu, had pulled over a green truck on State Route 16 near Anderson Hill Road Southwest around 1 a.m. and radioed dispatch to notify them of the stop, the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office said.
The State Patrol did not hear back from Radulescu for 15 minutes, so a Kitsap County deputy went to check on him, and found him slumped over the wheel of his patrol car, shot. Police said the suspect, Joshua Blake, had fled the scene in the truck.
Radulescu was transported to St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma, where he died of his injuries. A police procession escorted the ambulance from the hospital to the Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office.
Blake shot himself when police approached him at his home later in the day and died several hours later, leaving his motives a mystery.
"Every little detail we can find that's going to put that person back to 12:57 (a.m., the time of the shooting) with Trooper Radulescu on the freeway, we're going to look for," Sheriff's Office spokesman Sgt. Ken Dickinson said.
Police found Blake's vehicle, a dark green 1999 Ford F350, at about 4:30 a.m. in some bushes in the 4200 block of Sidney Road in Port Orchard.
Radulescu's death set off a manhunt that culminated with police closing in on Blake's house on Southeast Scofield Road in a secluded, heavily wooded, rural area of Port Orchard. As officers approached, they heard a single gunshot. They found Blake inside soon thereafter, suffering from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Blake was taken to Tacoma General Hospital "to make sure every possible chance to resuscitate him [was] made by doctors," KIRO 7 reporter Richard Thompson said. Blake died at about 1:30 p.m., sources told reporter Kevin McCarty.
Video from Chopper 7 showed multiple buildings, trailers, shacks and vehicles in various states of decay. Debris was scattered around the property.
A neighbor said she did not know the people who lived on the property, but said she knew there were "various living situations" there.
Another neighbor, Theresa Meyers, said she had just returned home when she "heard the SWAT team guys saying, ‘Get down! Get Down! Get down now!’ and there were shots fired. It was very surreal."
As Meyers was watching KIRO 7's live coverage and speaking by phone with KIRO 7 news anchors live, she said saw the green truck associated with the trooper's shooting at the property before. Meyers said there had been "drug busts" and other police activity there in the past. She described the residents as "odd" and "paranoid," and knew that several people were living there on and off.
Chopper 7 video showed numerous officers at the scene and a SWAT vehicle.
Remembering Trooper Tony Radulescu
Trooper Radulescu, assigned to the state patrol office in Bremerton, was popular among coworkers and was well-known in the community for visits and presentations he did at local schools.
“We’ve lost a co-worker, and the citizens of Washington have lost a humble public servant,” said WSP Chief John R. Batiste. “Tony was the kind of person everyone wanted to be around, including me. I truly enjoyed working with him.”
Kitsap County Sheriff Steve Boyer had close ties to Trooper Radulescu.
"Never saw him without a smile on his face," he told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Kevin McCarty.
Funeral arrangements are pending.
Batiste said Radulescu is the 27th officer lost since 1921.
Batiste said he had a “real sense of humor,” was highly thought of in the community and was in high demand for talks at local schools.
The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office is the lead agency investigating the shooting.
Six people now held in connection with trooper's murder
By Drew Mikkelsen
Bio | Email | Follow: @Drewmikk
February 27, 2012 at 5:30 a.m.
Updated yesterday at 5:21 p.m.
PORT ORCHARD, Wash. - When a member of law enforcement dies, there is usually an outpouring of support. But police say a group in Kitsap County took a different route following the death of Trooper Tony Radulescu.
Hours after his shooting, when police asked 18-year-old Megan Mollet if she knew the trooper's killer, Josh Blake, detectives say "she replied snidely that she knew lotsa Josh's.’”
Police say she not only knew Blake, but was with him when he pulled the trigger. She was in the passenger seat when the trooper pulled over Blake's truck, possibly for speeding.
Mollet later told police she was told to “roll down her window and turn her head.”
She said Blake grabbed a gun from the glove box and shot Trooper Radulescu in the face.
Mollet’s brother-in-law says she lied to police out of fear.
"She's a victim… she's traumatized by all of this really,” said Ray White.
Dan Carter is accused of finding a ride for Blake, and Andrew Bartlett and Corinne Nelson are accused of giving him a lift while he was on the run - with full knowledge of what he had done.
"It's just flat wrong. It can't be tolerated in a society,” said Kitsap County Sheriff Steve Boyer.
As the memorial for Trooper Radulescu grows, so does the anger for those who tried to help his killer.
"I think it's just senseless… and I think it's just tragic. The good guys aren't supposed to lose… and the good guys lost,” said Port Orchard resident Celia Murray.
Five of Blake's friends were arrested last week. Police picked up the sixth on Monday. It’s not yet known what role that man played.
Other than Josh Blake, the one thing police say all six have in common: methamphetamine use.
No additional information was released on the sixth person arrested. The other five include Blake’s ex-girlfriend Jessi Leigh Foster, who appeared in court Friday.
Investigators say she actively tried to help Blake get out of the area. The two are parents of a young girl.
Also arrested were a 26-year-old woman, a 30-year-old man and a 37-year-old man. These four face charges of rendering criminal assistance. Bail for each is set at $500,000.
A public memorial for Trooper Radulescu will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. at the ShoWare Center in Kent. Those wishing to attend are encouraged to carpool.
You can make a donation to the Anthony Radulescu Memorial Fund at any Key Bank branch.
Leave condolences on the Officer Down website
Man who lived where shooter in trooper slaying died charged with assistance
Kitsap County prosecutors on Tuesday charged a 43-year-old man for allegedly helping Josh Blake in the hours after he killed Washington State Patrol Trooper Tony Radulescu last week.
John de Leon
February 28, 2012 9:52 p.m.
The Seattle Times/(Tacoma) News Tribune
Kitsap County prosecutors on Tuesday charged a 43-year-old man for allegedly helping Josh Blake in the hours after he killed Washington State Patrol Trooper Tony Radulescu last week.
Steven M. Banks is the sixth person to be charged with rendering criminal assistance in the wake of the trooper’s death early Thursday. All six are being held in Kitsap County Jail on $500,000 bail each.
According to the certification of probable cause, Banks lived at the residence on Scofield Road where Blake, 28, and his ex-girlfriend, Jessi L. Foster, 32, hid as they tried to find a ride for Blake from the area.
Banks told investigators he had not invited Blake nor Foster to his home and that he suspected Blake was wanted by police, court documents say. However, prosecutors say he placed more than 30 calls during the approximately four hours Blake was there.
Banks told investigators he just “wanted them gone,” according to the documents.
Blake shot himself in the head as SWAT teams surrounded the home. He died at Tacoma General Hospital several hours later.
Radulesco was fatally shot after he pulled Blake over on state Route 16 near Gorst shortly before 1 a.m. on Thursday, according to the according to the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators say Blake told his 18-year-old passenger, Megan Mollet, to roll down the window and turn her head before shooting Radulescu.
Mollet has been charged with rendering criminal assistance.
Two other people, Corinne Leah Nelson, 26, and Andrew William Bartlett, 30, gave Blake a ride from a Port Orchard house, where he abandoned his truck, to the mobile home where he shot himself, authorities said. Another person, Daniel Lee Carter, 37, helped provide the getaway car, police said.
The New York Times: Hollywood is Insufficiently PC!
By Nicholas Stix
“Race-Obsessed and Fanatical About Sniffing Out Oppression Wherever It Does Not Exist, the Mad-Dog Diversity Enforcers of 42nd Street Spit on the Oscars with a Vehemence Extreme Even for Them”
That’s the newest headline at Crimes of the Times, a blog devoted to “Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America’s Newspaper of Record.”
Citing Salon, of all places, Crimes blogger Artur speaks of the middle-aged and older white men who dominate Hollywood:
True, but all whites increasingly avoid movie theaters. Just the other day, a non-white immigrant friend pointed out to me that blacks have made movie theaters no-go zones over much of the country. I figured that my friend was referring to all of the vicious, racist assaults of white patrons. But no, it’s more basic even than that, covering stuff like blacks shoving whites in line, while waiting for tickets or snacks, and of course, shouting their heads off during the picture.
At some point, theater operators stopped enforcing basic manners, where blacks are concerned. And influential blacks, like writer Esther Iverem, responded over 20 years ago to their own “brothers’” and “sisters’” uncivilized behavior by going to movie theaters in white areas—and then venting their spleens against whites!
“Race-Obsessed and Fanatical About Sniffing Out Oppression Wherever It Does Not Exist, the Mad-Dog Diversity Enforcers of 42nd Street Spit on the Oscars with a Vehemence Extreme Even for Them”
That’s the newest headline at Crimes of the Times, a blog devoted to “Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America’s Newspaper of Record.”
Citing Salon, of all places, Crimes blogger Artur speaks of the middle-aged and older white men who dominate Hollywood:
The Academy Awards emanate from a closed universe of movie industry insiders, who are overwhelmingly rich white guys over age 50 (in the real world, one of the demographic groups least likely to go see movies in the theater).
True, but all whites increasingly avoid movie theaters. Just the other day, a non-white immigrant friend pointed out to me that blacks have made movie theaters no-go zones over much of the country. I figured that my friend was referring to all of the vicious, racist assaults of white patrons. But no, it’s more basic even than that, covering stuff like blacks shoving whites in line, while waiting for tickets or snacks, and of course, shouting their heads off during the picture.
At some point, theater operators stopped enforcing basic manners, where blacks are concerned. And influential blacks, like writer Esther Iverem, responded over 20 years ago to their own “brothers’” and “sisters’” uncivilized behavior by going to movie theaters in white areas—and then venting their spleens against whites!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Seattle Police Have Pushed Down the Crime Rate—Through Discouraging Victims from Reporting Crimes!

Is crime going unreported in parts of Seattle?
By Linda Byron
January 4, 2012 at 11:04 p.m.
Updated Wednesday, January 4 at 11:04 p.m.
SEATTLE -- A South Seattle man who was the victim of a violent robbery reaches out to his neighbors and makes a startling discovery. A discovery that raises questions about whether Seattle's crime rate could be higher than statistics reveal in some parts of the city.
37-year-old Nhan Thai says he's committed to staying in the vibrant Rainier Valley neighborhood he's called home for five years.
"I'm not going to let what happened drive me out of here," said Thai.
But Thai's commitment is being tested daily.
"I think about dark spots, lights, noises, voices I hear. who walks where," said Thai.
Thai remembers the September night that changed how he sees his community. He was walking home from the the Othello light rail station
"I was literally ten steps away from the house. And I felt a hit on my right face and another hit on the back of my neck and on my lower back, and so as I was falling forward I felt hands grabbing my jacket and my bag," said Thai.
Two months later, not far from where Thai was attacked, another man was grabbed from behind, robbed and beaten. His name was Danny Vega, and he died.
"I was angry...when I heard about Danny Vega's story I was angry," said Thai.
The robberies continued and Thai found himself becoming someone he'd never expected--a community activist.
He kept hearing crime was down in Seattle--robberies had fallen three percent in 2011--but it sure didn't feel that way.
Thai started visiting his neighbors, they had a lot to say, and soon he realized he was doing his own crime survey.
Thai knocked on 49 doors. 32 people were home. How many of them had been victims of a crime since moving to the neighborhood? All but three.
Many victims told Thai they'd never reported the crimes to police.
"It happens to them so often that after 2 or 3 times they stopped reporting because they didn't see any progress," said Thai.
Thai's survey was clearly unscientific, but it does raise the question--is crime going unreported in the south end?
"I'm aware that this has been an issue...I don't think it's the rule. I think it's the exception," said Captain Mike Nolan of the Seattle Police Department.
Police are sending out emphasis patrols since the robberies. And they're regulars at the crime prevention meetings and so is Thai.
"I never feel hopeless in anything. You know, there's things that happen in our lives that we just have to deal with. And not doing anything--is not--it's not an option," said Thai.
Where some feel hopeless when they've been victimized, Thai feels energized.
"I've never felt hopeless. Doing nothing is not an option," said Thai.
Seattle Police say they are making progress. In just the past two weeks, they've arrested ten men, five of them juveniles, for robberies and burglaries in the south end.
[Thanks to my man in Seattle, BR, for this story.
Related stories at WEJB/NSU:
“Seattle: Blacks Account for 7.7% of Residents, Yet They Seem to Have Taken the Entire City Prisoner” (Nhan Thai and the Danny Vega Murder!);
“De-Policing in America’s Cities: Erasing the ‘Thin Blue Line’” (Seattle is where the de-policing story began.);
“‘Disappearing’ Urban Crime”;
“The Great Chicago Memorial Day Gang Attack Cover-Up”;
“Cognitive Dissonance in Chicago: Last Weekend, 20 People were Shot and 5 Killed of All Ages and in All Situations, Yet Crime is Dropping Like a Rock!”;
“Chicago: Murders Exploded in January, While Overall Crime Died”;
“Detroit: New Crime Stats Fail Smell Test; How Could Crime Go Down 7% Overall Last Quarter, While Homicides Went Up 31%?”;
“Detroit: Murder Up 12%, but “Serious” Crime is Down; Broken Windows Policing is on the Way”; and
“Re-Victimization and ‘Disappearing’ Scandals: Dallas PD Revolutionizes Crime-Fighting Through Wholesale Stashing, ‘Unfounding,’ & Ignoring Complaints.”;
WEJB/NSU’s Seattle file:
“De-Policing in America’s Cities: Erasing the ‘Thin Blue Line’” ;
“Why is James Paroline Dead?”;
“Three Race Murders in Seattle”;
“Race Hustler Alert at Wikipedia! Someone Has been Making Mischief Regarding Maurice Clemmons’ Lakewood Massacre”;
“Seattle: Diversity Trainers Wage War on Policing”;
“Ex-Cons May Gain Affirmative Action Status in Madhouse Seattle”;
“Seattle's Meanest Streets (Updated!)”;
“Seattle Cop Rails Against Affirmative Action Policing”;
“Seattle: Baby-Faced ‘Tuba Man’ Killer, Billy Chambers, Strikes Again”;
“Stone Killer Billy Chambers, Who Murdered Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, is Undercharged Yet Again in His Newest Alleged Crime”;
“War on Competent, White, Male, King County, WA Prosecutor James Konat Continues Apace: NAACP Demands His Dismissal, and He is Removed from Two Murder Cases”;
“Is It Possible for Blacks to Have a Good Time Without Bloodshed? Seattle Reader Asks if ‘Bite of Seattle’ Festival Could Become Blood of Seattle”;
“A Riot in San Francisco, with More to Come! Cop Shoots Innocent Black Honor Student (from Seattle), Kenneth Wade Harding, 19, in the Back; the Brothers are (as Always) on War Footing”;
“Seattle Blacks Believe That They Can Resist Arrest, and Aid and Abet Those Resisting Arrest with Impunity Against White Policemen…”;
“Billy Chambers, Racist Killer of Seattle’s Beloved ‘Tuba Man,’ Edward McMichael, Pleads Guilty, Gets Minimal Sentence, in Attempted Murder of Witness”;
“One of Tuba Man’s Killers Goes to the Big House, but for a Mere 22 Months for Attempted Murder”;
“For Alleged Reporter Levi Pulkinnen at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, There are No Black Murderers of Whites, Only ‘Accused’ Ones”;
“AOL/Huffington Post and AP Manage the Black Air Jordan Riots Story”;
“Seattle: Since Blacks Support Black Criminals, City Needs Surveillance Cameras Everywhere”;
“Seattle: Nameless, Faceless, Raceless Suspect Arrested for Murder of Faceless, Raceless Victim in Belltown”;
“Belltown Murder: Still Raceless and Faceless in Seattle”;
“Cause and Effect? Seattle Reader Writes on Military Academy Diversity and Rape, and the Seattle Air Jordan Riots”;
“Seattle’s Good Nazis Watch Racist Black Mob Attack Couple for 4 Minutes, Without So Much as Calling 911; Racist Blacks Perform for Bus Cameras”;
“Seattle: The Raymel J. Curry Story”;
“WA Wants to Solve Crime by ‘Disappearing’ Videos; ‘Security’ Wants to Watch; Violent, Career Felon, Aiesha Stewart-Baker, 15, Wants Ghetto Lottery”; and
“Seattle: Blacks Account for 7.7% of Residents, Yet They Seem to Have Taken the Entire City Prisoner.”]
Documentary on Genocide in South Africa: The Murder of the White Farmers Continues (with Nelson Mandela’s Exuberant Support)!
Posted by Nicholas Stix
This was posted at Youtube by VlaamsBelangEuropa. The passages below accompanied it. I have cleaned up the English in the first one.
Note that Nelson Mandela’s hands are covered in the blood of South African Boers. See the second video below.
This is a 10-minute extract from the stunning documentary, War of the Flea, from director Rian van der Walt, made in 2011. It contains shocking information on the genocide that is being carried out under ANC-rule in the “new” South Africa against the white minority of the “Afrikaners” by farm killings or “plaasmoorde.” It was shown at an international conference in the European Parliament in February, 2012, in the presence of farmers’ spokesman, Henk Van de Graaf, and hosted by Philip Claeys, member of the European Parliament for the Vlaams Belang Party. The full movie is 93minutes long. Did you see it already on your TV screen? Neither did we. Compare this to the worldwide hysteria in the time of “apartheid,” and draw your own conclusions... (Note: “war of the flea” means “guerilla warfare.”) Please visit the Youtube channel of the makers:
[Dutch translation]
(NL) Dit is een schokkend deel van de Engelstalige reportage 'War of the Fleas' over de genocide op blanke boeren in Zuid-Afrika onder het ANC-regime. Zag u het op uw TV? Wij ook niet... Vergelijk dit even met de mediahysterie ten tijde van de apartheid... Een vertaling in het Nederlands wordt voorbereid.
Nelson Mandela to Young, South African Blacks: “Kill the Boer!” (Translation: “Kill the White Farmer!”)
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU, on South Africa:
“Champion of the Gridiron, and of Racial and Ethnic Pandering: Remembering Jack Kemp”;
“Nelson Mandela and South African Blacks Sing, ‘Kill the Whites!’”;
“2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa: Hitler Learns That FIFA Refuses to Ban the Vuvuzela”;
“Tolstoy Schoeman, R.I.P.: South African Genocide Continues Apace”;
“Remember the James Byrd Jr. Murder? These Cases are Shockingly Similar, Yet the MSM are Silent”;
“South Africa: ‘Human Rights Groups,’ the UN, and the New Zealand Herald Protest ‘Xenophobic’ “Hate Crimes’ Against Black Foreigners, While Ignoring Ongoing Black Genocide Against White Citizens”; and
“Black (South African) Reverend Calls for Killing Whites: So, What Else is New?]
This was posted at Youtube by VlaamsBelangEuropa. The passages below accompanied it. I have cleaned up the English in the first one.
Note that Nelson Mandela’s hands are covered in the blood of South African Boers. See the second video below.
This is a 10-minute extract from the stunning documentary, War of the Flea, from director Rian van der Walt, made in 2011. It contains shocking information on the genocide that is being carried out under ANC-rule in the “new” South Africa against the white minority of the “Afrikaners” by farm killings or “plaasmoorde.” It was shown at an international conference in the European Parliament in February, 2012, in the presence of farmers’ spokesman, Henk Van de Graaf, and hosted by Philip Claeys, member of the European Parliament for the Vlaams Belang Party. The full movie is 93minutes long. Did you see it already on your TV screen? Neither did we. Compare this to the worldwide hysteria in the time of “apartheid,” and draw your own conclusions... (Note: “war of the flea” means “guerilla warfare.”) Please visit the Youtube channel of the makers:
[Dutch translation]
(NL) Dit is een schokkend deel van de Engelstalige reportage 'War of the Fleas' over de genocide op blanke boeren in Zuid-Afrika onder het ANC-regime. Zag u het op uw TV? Wij ook niet... Vergelijk dit even met de mediahysterie ten tijde van de apartheid... Een vertaling in het Nederlands wordt voorbereid.
Nelson Mandela to Young, South African Blacks: “Kill the Boer!” (Translation: “Kill the White Farmer!”)
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU, on South Africa:
“Champion of the Gridiron, and of Racial and Ethnic Pandering: Remembering Jack Kemp”;
“Nelson Mandela and South African Blacks Sing, ‘Kill the Whites!’”;
“2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa: Hitler Learns That FIFA Refuses to Ban the Vuvuzela”;
“Tolstoy Schoeman, R.I.P.: South African Genocide Continues Apace”;
“Remember the James Byrd Jr. Murder? These Cases are Shockingly Similar, Yet the MSM are Silent”;
“South Africa: ‘Human Rights Groups,’ the UN, and the New Zealand Herald Protest ‘Xenophobic’ “Hate Crimes’ Against Black Foreigners, While Ignoring Ongoing Black Genocide Against White Citizens”; and
“Black (South African) Reverend Calls for Killing Whites: So, What Else is New?]
Monday, February 27, 2012
Tulsa Murder Suspects in Court Today

By David in TN
The two suspects in the murders of Carissa Horton and Ethan Nichols are scheduled to be in court today. Darren Price and Jerard Davis are to be arraigned in district court on felony murder charges.

There may be more news later today.
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“Racial Atrocity in Tulsa: Two Black Men Confess to Murdering Young White Couple, Execution-Style”;
“Videos on Tulsa Hate Crime Murder of White Couple Carissa Horton, 18, and Ethan Nichols, 21, by ‘Remorseless’ Blacks Darren Price and Jerard Davis, Including Crime Scene Interview with Price Posing as a Passerby!”;
“Now Multiculturalists Praise Even Racist Black Murderers: ABC News Blogger Christina Ng Calls One of the Killers of White Couple Carissa Horton and Ethan Nichols ‘Gutsy’ and ‘Bold’”;
“Christian Hate Crime Victims Carissa Horton and Ethan Nichols were Fed to the Lions in Tulsa’s ‘Colosseum’”;
“Diversity is Strength! It's Also…No Walking While White in Tulsa, OK” [VDARE report!];
“Update on Racist, Tulsa Hate Crime Committed by Blacks Darren Price and Jerard Davis Against Whites Carissa Horton and Ethan Nichols”;
“Preliminary Hearing in Racist Tulsa Murders of Carissa Horton and Ethan Nichols”; and
“Hicks Park Murder Suspects Stand Trial.”
Read This Hard-Hitting Exposé on the Corrupt Refugee Racket, Including Incestuous Private-Public Relations, That Appeared in The Tennessean, of
All Places!
By Nicholas Stix
Pow! Bam!
I can’t believe a Gannett paper permitted a guest op-ed on the refugee racket with an off-the-charts truth quotient (TQ).
* * *
Official line on refugee costs doesn't hold up
Written by Don Barnett
12:53 AM, Feb. 25, 2012 |
The Tennessean
[Add a comment!]
Reacting to public concern about the U.S. refugee program and not wanting to lose another city for its resettlement program, the U.S. State Department mounted a charm offensive in Nashville recently.
The visit from Washington consisted of a press conference preceded by small group meetings involving David Robinson, the director of the State Department’s refugee bureau; local program participants; a lobbyist; and state legislators.
Tennessee’s law allowing localities to request a “time out” from the program if social services are shown to be overly burdened was deemed compatible with federal law. Why it was needed at all was the question raised during the visit. After all, according to Tennessee’s state refugee coordinator, refugees “are financially self-sufficient within a few months and are not dependent on public welfare.” Also, “Tennessee does not provide funding for refugee resettlement within its borders.”
Actually, a federal study of refugees who arrived in a recent five-year period shows high welfare usage among refugees. Almost 45 percent of refugees in this group ages 16 and older are on Medicaid (TennCare in Tennessee — 35 percent funded by state taxes). According to a Metro Nashville Social Services report: “More services will be needed for the refugee and immigrant population. More translation services are needed now. Currently, there is more demand for rent, utilities, medical and transportation assistance.”
During the visit, there was much talk of public/private initiatives and the work of State Department “partners” such as Catholic Charities. Tennessee’s state refugee coordinator — in what must be the oddest arrangement in modern Tennessee state governance — is also a full-time employee of Catholic Charities, the main federal contractor responsible for resettling refugees in Tennessee.
If you are thinking charity, think again. According to Robinson, writing earlier about the refugee budget of Catholic Charities’ parent organization: “The federal government provides about 90 percent of its collective budget,” and its lobbying umbrella “wields enormous influence over the administration’s refugee admissions policy. It lobbies the Hill effectively to increase the number of refugees admitted for permanent resettlement each year. ... If there is a conflict of interest, it is never mentioned. ... The solution its members offer to every refugee crisis is simplistic and the same: Increase the number of admissions to the United States without regard to budgets.”
In fact, refugee resettlement is profitable for the nonprofits. Fifty-eight percent of Catholic Charities’ budget goes to salaries, including $150,000 for its director.
A 2010 congressional report concludes that refugees “place demands, sometimes significant, on local schools, police, hospitals and social services. Local governments are often burdened with the weight of addressing the unique assistance refugees require, yet they rarely have an official role in influencing how many refugees are resettled by local voluntary agencies, and often are not even informed in advance that new residents will be arriving.”
The refugee program raises fundamental questions about states’ rights, federal unfunded mandates, church-state relations and contractor accountability. But, as a practical matter, Eric Schwartz, a former refugee bureau director, once said that the U.S. should not support “partners” and “aid providers that see themselves as contractors.”
Neither should Tennessee.
Don Barnett is an information technology professional and freelance writer in Brentwood.
By Nicholas Stix
Pow! Bam!
I can’t believe a Gannett paper permitted a guest op-ed on the refugee racket with an off-the-charts truth quotient (TQ).
Official line on refugee costs doesn't hold up
Written by Don Barnett
12:53 AM, Feb. 25, 2012 |
The Tennessean
[Add a comment!]
Reacting to public concern about the U.S. refugee program and not wanting to lose another city for its resettlement program, the U.S. State Department mounted a charm offensive in Nashville recently.
The visit from Washington consisted of a press conference preceded by small group meetings involving David Robinson, the director of the State Department’s refugee bureau; local program participants; a lobbyist; and state legislators.
Tennessee’s law allowing localities to request a “time out” from the program if social services are shown to be overly burdened was deemed compatible with federal law. Why it was needed at all was the question raised during the visit. After all, according to Tennessee’s state refugee coordinator, refugees “are financially self-sufficient within a few months and are not dependent on public welfare.” Also, “Tennessee does not provide funding for refugee resettlement within its borders.”
Actually, a federal study of refugees who arrived in a recent five-year period shows high welfare usage among refugees. Almost 45 percent of refugees in this group ages 16 and older are on Medicaid (TennCare in Tennessee — 35 percent funded by state taxes). According to a Metro Nashville Social Services report: “More services will be needed for the refugee and immigrant population. More translation services are needed now. Currently, there is more demand for rent, utilities, medical and transportation assistance.”
During the visit, there was much talk of public/private initiatives and the work of State Department “partners” such as Catholic Charities. Tennessee’s state refugee coordinator — in what must be the oddest arrangement in modern Tennessee state governance — is also a full-time employee of Catholic Charities, the main federal contractor responsible for resettling refugees in Tennessee.
If you are thinking charity, think again. According to Robinson, writing earlier about the refugee budget of Catholic Charities’ parent organization: “The federal government provides about 90 percent of its collective budget,” and its lobbying umbrella “wields enormous influence over the administration’s refugee admissions policy. It lobbies the Hill effectively to increase the number of refugees admitted for permanent resettlement each year. ... If there is a conflict of interest, it is never mentioned. ... The solution its members offer to every refugee crisis is simplistic and the same: Increase the number of admissions to the United States without regard to budgets.”
In fact, refugee resettlement is profitable for the nonprofits. Fifty-eight percent of Catholic Charities’ budget goes to salaries, including $150,000 for its director.
A 2010 congressional report concludes that refugees “place demands, sometimes significant, on local schools, police, hospitals and social services. Local governments are often burdened with the weight of addressing the unique assistance refugees require, yet they rarely have an official role in influencing how many refugees are resettled by local voluntary agencies, and often are not even informed in advance that new residents will be arriving.”
The refugee program raises fundamental questions about states’ rights, federal unfunded mandates, church-state relations and contractor accountability. But, as a practical matter, Eric Schwartz, a former refugee bureau director, once said that the U.S. should not support “partners” and “aid providers that see themselves as contractors.”
Neither should Tennessee.
Don Barnett is an information technology professional and freelance writer in Brentwood.
New York City: DeWayne Smith is a Murder Waiting to Happen (Timothy Dixon, Too!)

By Nicholas Stix
I searched and searched, and found no news about this mope since February 7. This guy once tried to stomp a detective to death, and got only “attempted assault,” a laughable sentence, was paroled, violated parole, and still didn’t finish his sentence. Shades of “Jena Justice.”
The between-the-lines impression I get of this guy is that he is an ultraviolent individual with a very long rap sheet, and that’s just as an adult offender. That “2003 attempted robbery and witness tampering conviction” was from when he was 18.
The 2008 vic must have been white, as must have been Smith’s newest law enforcement vic. If they had been black, he would probably have gotten stiffer punishment, and the brass would now be pulling out all the stops to find Smith.
As it is, the NYPD brass doesn’t seem to have any interest in removing this psychopath from the streets…until he kills.
Below are some observations from The E Rant, a message board run by an old New York City copper, for old New York City coppers (by the way, they like my work on fudged crime stats (here and here).
The tragedy here is that he was only convicted of "attempted" second degree assault and that he only served one (or possibly less) year before he was Paroled YET AGAIN after a failed prior Parole AND a Parole warrant. If this is the best we can get in Staten Island, one of the better DA's office, imagine what would have happened in the Bronx or Brooklyn.
As usual nobody will be held accountable for releasing this dangerous felon back into society. Who on the Parole Board made that call, what are the consequences for him or her? We know the answer; NOTHING!!
God forbid though that someone with an order of protection gets killed, even after being arrested several times on that order, somehow than it is all OUR fault and in the Precinct concerned heads will roll.
mr henry ny
PBMN, if it was Brooklyn, Bronx, or Manhattan, it would have been dis con and time served. So look on the bright side, a year or so is good.
Many yrs ago I got a job [N.S.: A 911 call] of a dispute between 2m/b's [male blacks] on a corner. When I arrived they started walking away but were muttering sheet. I had my nightstick in my hand and told them to stop, with that 1 of them said F You WhiteBoy. I went to grab him and he swung his arm at me backwards, I then proceeded to lambaste him as hard as I could in his head multiple times. He managed to swing a boombox and get me real good, I saw stars. I bashed him repeatedly in the head and he ran off. Turned out he was on parole for manslaughter,I was out of work for 1 month. He got 30 days for assaulting me, go figure.I was happy though that I literally cracked his head in half.
The last one sounds really old. If that happened today, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly would be standing with the black guy as a “victim” on TV, the “victim” would be winning a ghetto lottery, and the copper would be going to prison.
The NYPD’s indifference to this case reminds me of a racist, black-on-white hate crime from three-and-a-half years ago, in which the victims were civilians. In a Coney Island parking lot, two mopes were trying to rape a girl (likely black or Hispanic), and a couple of East European immigrant former Marines went to her rescue. A racist black mob of 30-50 men then beat the Marines, and the brother of one Marine who ran to their aid, with an inch of their lives. They smashed a bottle over one guy’s head, and beat him and/or others with an aluminum baseball bat. One guy ended up in a coma.
One vic said, "Those in the crowd were yelling, 'Hey, white boys, you're in the 'hood now!' We were yelling back, 'We don't care - we live here!'
The only suspect you heard about, and whose picture was published in the newspapers, was one black Timothy Dixon, was allegedly weighed 240 pounds, but looked closer to 300. In any event, Dixon’s weight mattered little, because he allegedly beat one man with an aluminum baseball bat.

At the time, the New York Post ran two stories about the racist attack and, if memory serves, the same big picture (mug shot?) of Dixon with each. The increasingly pc daily has since racially cleansed the pics from the stories. However, I downloaded one of them at the time, and thanks to advances in computer software, I was able to rescue it from my files.
The NYPD Gestapo, er, Hate Crimes Task Force, headed by Inspector Michael Osgood, determined, natch, that it wasn’t a hate crime.
I signed up for Google news alerts about Timothy Dixon, and since have gotten scores of them, but they were always about the wrong Timothy Dixon. The NYPD ignored the guy, essentially letting him walk. I guess we’ll hear about him next, when he kills someone.
Cops searching for violent parolee after attack on Staten Island cop
By John M. Annese
Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 4:29 p.m.
Updated Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 4:34 p.m.
Staten Island Advance
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- A violent parolee with a history of attacking cops is on the loose after attacking a police officer who tried to pull him over in West Brighton, police allege.
Now, the NYPD is asking the public’s help in finding the parolee, who they identify as Dwayne Smith, 27.
The incident happened at about 9:25 p.m. Friday, on Bement Avenue, not far from Bement Court. Police say the officer, who is 31, pulled Smith over, and Smith attacked him and ran off.
That led police to shut down part of West Brighton as they searched for the suspect with an NYPD helicopter and canine units.
Smith, who has a lengthy rap sheet, was released to parole last August, following a 2010 conviction for second-degree attempted assault.
That stemmed from a Dec. 2008 incident, when police arrested Smith during a drug buy operation in Great Kills. Smith had an "active parole warrant" against him at the time, and fought back, repeatedly kicking a detective in the head and causing a gash that required six stitches to close, according to court papers.
The attempted assault conviction landed him a sentence of two to four years in state prison, and was slated to end his parole in December 2012.
At the time of the 2008 assault, Smith had been out on parole after a 2003 attempted robbery and witness tampering conviction, after he mugged a man at gunpoint, then tried four times to convince the victim into changing his testimony.
Police are asking anyone with information about Smith’s whereabouts to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers hotline at 800-577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto Crime Stoppers’ Web site at or by texting their tips to CRIMES (274637), then entering TIP577. All calls are kept confidential.
[Thanks to crime blogger deluxe Nivius Vir, from whom I got this story.]
Sunday, February 26, 2012
New York Times’ Maureen Dowd: Why Can’t Republicans be … Democrats?
Op-Ed Columnist
Ghastly Outdated Party
By Maureen Dowd
February 25, 2012
IT’S finally sinking in.
Republicans are getting queasy at the gruesome sight of their party eating itself alive, savaging the brand in ways that will long resonate.
“Republicans being against sex is not good,” the G.O.P. strategist Alex Castellanos told me mournfully. “Sex is popular.”
He said his party is “coming to grips with a weaker field than we’d all want” and going through the five stages of grief. “We’re at No. 4,” he said.
(Depression.) “We’ve still got one to go.” (Acceptance.)
The contenders in the Hester Prynne primaries are tripping over one another trying to be the most radical, unreasonable and insane candidate they can be. They pounce on any traces of sanity in the other candidates — be it humanity toward women, compassion toward immigrants or the willingness to make the rich pay a nickel more in taxes — and try to destroy them with it.
President Obama has deranged conservatives just as W. deranged liberals. The right’s image of Obama, though, is more a figment of its imagination than the left’s image of W. was.
Newt Gingrich, a war wimp in Vietnam who supported W.’s trumped-up invasion of Iraq, had the gall to tell a crowd at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla., that defeating Obama — “the most dangerous president in modern American history” — was “a duty of national security” because “he is incapable of defending the United States” and because he “wants to unilaterally weaken the United States.” Who killed Osama again?
How can the warm, nurturing Catholic Church of my youth now be represented in the public arena by uncharitable nasties like Gingrich and Rick Santorum?
“It makes the party look like it isn’t a modern party,” Rudy Giuliani told CNN’s Erin Burnett, fretting about the candidates’ Cotton Mather attitude about women and gays. “It doesn’t understand the modern world that we live in.”
After a speech in Dallas on Thursday, Jeb Bush also recoiled: “I used to be a conservative, and I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed, but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective.”
Alan Simpson, the former Republican senator from Wyoming, recently called Santorum “rigid and homophobic.” Arlen Specter, who quit the Republicans to become a Democrat three years ago before Pennsylvania voters sent him home from the Senate, told MSNBC: “Where you have Senator Santorum’s views, so far to the right, with his attitude on women in the workplace and gays and the bestiality comments and birth control, I do not think it is realistic for Rick Santorum to represent America.”
That from the man who accused Anita Hill of perjury.
Republicans have a growing panic at the thought of going down the drain with a loser, missing their chance at capturing the Senate and giving back all those House seats won in 2010. More and more, they openly yearn for a fresh candidate, including Jeb Bush, who does, after all, have experience at shoplifting presidential victories at the last minute.
Their jitters increased exponentially as they watched Mitt belly-flop in his hometown on Friday, giving a dreadful rehash of his economic ideas in a virtually empty Ford Field in Detroit, babbling again about the “right height” of Michigan trees and blurting out that Ann “drives a couple of Cadillacs.”
Romney’s Richie Rich slips underscore what Ed Rollins, a Republican strategist, told the Ripon Forum: “If we are only the party of Wall Street and country clubbers, we will quickly become irrelevant.”
Santorum, whose name aptly comes from the same Latin root as sanctimonious, went on Glenn Beck’s Web-based show with his family and offered this lunacy: “I understand why Barack Obama wants to send every kid to college,” because colleges are “indoctrination mills” that “harm” the country. He evidently wants home university schooling, which will cut down on keggers.
His wife, Karen, suggested that her husband’s success is “God’s will” and that he wants “to make the culture a better culture, more pleasing to God.”
The barking-mad Republicans of Virginia are helping to make the party look foolish and creepy. A video went viral on Friday in which Delegate Dave Albo comically regaled his fellow lawmakers on the floor of the Statehouse with his own Old Dominion version of “Lysistrata”: he suggested that he was denied sex with his wife because of a Republican-sponsored bill that would have made ultrasounds, often with a vaginal probe, mandatory for women seeking abortions.
With music, red wine and a big-screen TV, he made a move on his wife, Rita, while she was watching a news report about the bill. “And she looks at me and goes, ‘I’ve got to go to bed,’ ” Albo said as his colleagues guffawed.
The Republicans, with their crazed Reagan fixation, are a last-gasp party, living posthumously, fighting battles on sex, race, immigration and public education long ago won by the other side.
They’re trying to roll back the clock, but time is passing them by.
Ghastly Outdated Party
By Maureen Dowd
February 25, 2012
IT’S finally sinking in.
Republicans are getting queasy at the gruesome sight of their party eating itself alive, savaging the brand in ways that will long resonate.
“Republicans being against sex is not good,” the G.O.P. strategist Alex Castellanos told me mournfully. “Sex is popular.”
He said his party is “coming to grips with a weaker field than we’d all want” and going through the five stages of grief. “We’re at No. 4,” he said.
(Depression.) “We’ve still got one to go.” (Acceptance.)
The contenders in the Hester Prynne primaries are tripping over one another trying to be the most radical, unreasonable and insane candidate they can be. They pounce on any traces of sanity in the other candidates — be it humanity toward women, compassion toward immigrants or the willingness to make the rich pay a nickel more in taxes — and try to destroy them with it.
President Obama has deranged conservatives just as W. deranged liberals. The right’s image of Obama, though, is more a figment of its imagination than the left’s image of W. was.
Newt Gingrich, a war wimp in Vietnam who supported W.’s trumped-up invasion of Iraq, had the gall to tell a crowd at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla., that defeating Obama — “the most dangerous president in modern American history” — was “a duty of national security” because “he is incapable of defending the United States” and because he “wants to unilaterally weaken the United States.” Who killed Osama again?
How can the warm, nurturing Catholic Church of my youth now be represented in the public arena by uncharitable nasties like Gingrich and Rick Santorum?
“It makes the party look like it isn’t a modern party,” Rudy Giuliani told CNN’s Erin Burnett, fretting about the candidates’ Cotton Mather attitude about women and gays. “It doesn’t understand the modern world that we live in.”
After a speech in Dallas on Thursday, Jeb Bush also recoiled: “I used to be a conservative, and I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed, but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective.”
Alan Simpson, the former Republican senator from Wyoming, recently called Santorum “rigid and homophobic.” Arlen Specter, who quit the Republicans to become a Democrat three years ago before Pennsylvania voters sent him home from the Senate, told MSNBC: “Where you have Senator Santorum’s views, so far to the right, with his attitude on women in the workplace and gays and the bestiality comments and birth control, I do not think it is realistic for Rick Santorum to represent America.”
That from the man who accused Anita Hill of perjury.
Republicans have a growing panic at the thought of going down the drain with a loser, missing their chance at capturing the Senate and giving back all those House seats won in 2010. More and more, they openly yearn for a fresh candidate, including Jeb Bush, who does, after all, have experience at shoplifting presidential victories at the last minute.
Their jitters increased exponentially as they watched Mitt belly-flop in his hometown on Friday, giving a dreadful rehash of his economic ideas in a virtually empty Ford Field in Detroit, babbling again about the “right height” of Michigan trees and blurting out that Ann “drives a couple of Cadillacs.”
Romney’s Richie Rich slips underscore what Ed Rollins, a Republican strategist, told the Ripon Forum: “If we are only the party of Wall Street and country clubbers, we will quickly become irrelevant.”
Santorum, whose name aptly comes from the same Latin root as sanctimonious, went on Glenn Beck’s Web-based show with his family and offered this lunacy: “I understand why Barack Obama wants to send every kid to college,” because colleges are “indoctrination mills” that “harm” the country. He evidently wants home university schooling, which will cut down on keggers.
His wife, Karen, suggested that her husband’s success is “God’s will” and that he wants “to make the culture a better culture, more pleasing to God.”
The barking-mad Republicans of Virginia are helping to make the party look foolish and creepy. A video went viral on Friday in which Delegate Dave Albo comically regaled his fellow lawmakers on the floor of the Statehouse with his own Old Dominion version of “Lysistrata”: he suggested that he was denied sex with his wife because of a Republican-sponsored bill that would have made ultrasounds, often with a vaginal probe, mandatory for women seeking abortions.
With music, red wine and a big-screen TV, he made a move on his wife, Rita, while she was watching a news report about the bill. “And she looks at me and goes, ‘I’ve got to go to bed,’ ” Albo said as his colleagues guffawed.
The Republicans, with their crazed Reagan fixation, are a last-gasp party, living posthumously, fighting battles on sex, race, immigration and public education long ago won by the other side.
They’re trying to roll back the clock, but time is passing them by.
The Kitty Genovese Hoax

[See also, at WEJB/NSU: “The Original New York Times Story on the Kitty Genovese Murder-Rape.”]
By Nicholas Stix
Millions of people have heard the story of Catherine “Kitty” Genovese, the young woman who was murdered and raped at night in Queens, New York almost 50 years ago, while 38 neighbors looked on, and did nothing. The story has been told and re-told by the New York Times, at least one TV movie, thousands of alleged journalists and academics, including renowned social scientists, and millions of ordinary people. A scientific theory has even been propounded to explain the failure of Genovese’s neighbors to come to her aid, known variously as “the Bystander Effect” and “Genovese Syndrome.”
The lede to Martin Gansberg’s famous March 27, 1964 New York Times article ran,
For more than half an hour 38 respectable, law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in Kew Gardens.For better or worse, the story is false. Unfortunately, the part about Kitty Genovese being stalked, murdered, and raped is all too true. However, before Genovese’s body was cold, at least two journalists and as many cops began figuratively desecrating her corpse.
The good news is that Genovese’s neighbors were not the callous, apathetic people that New York Times writer Martin Gansberg and his editor, Abe Rosenthal, depicted them to be. The bad news is that New York has labored under this mark of Cain for almost 50 years, the lie is still being retold, and is being applied to ever more incidents.
The truth is that in the wee hours of March 13, 1964, on the coldest night of the year, black serial killer-rapist-necrophiliac Winston Moseley, 29, decided to go out and murder and rape—in that order—a woman. (He confessed to this both to police, and on the witness stand, during his trial.)
At about 3:20 a.m., he saw Kitty Genovese, 28, who was coming from closing down the bar she managed, get out of and lock her car in a lot near her apartment building.
Moseley chased down Genovese, and stabbed her two-to-four times in the back with a hunting knife, causing her to cry out. A neighbor heard her, but did not see the knife, opened his window and shouted at Moseley, and the latter ran off.
Unfortunately, Moseley had punctured Genovese’s lungs, gravely wounding her. Thus, she could no longer scream, and while she bravely staggered to the entrance at the back of the building she lived in (the front had storefronts), she lacked the strength to make it to her apartment, collapsing in the foyer. Moseley came back and hunted her down, stabbed her some more times, and raped her. Rather than bleeding to death, Genovese died from asphyxiation, due to the damage to her lungs.
All of the neighbors had been sleeping, with their windows tightly shut against the cold. Genovese’s initial cry awoke them, and six or seven—not 38—looked outside, to see Moseley running away, and Genovese staggering away. Most of the witnesses were only “earwitnesses,” and no witness was sure of what he had seen or heard. Many figured it was either a lover’s spat, or a couple of drunks from the local bar. Since the problem seemed to be over with, they went back to bed. None of them could see or hear Moseley’s second attack.
Martin Gansberg’s story proved to have so little connection to reality that he must have had the imaginative powers of a novelist, and/or was aided and abetted by a police detective with novelistic talent and contempt for facts.
Over lunch, New York City Police Commissioner Michael J. Murphy had passed a tip (based on a faulty police report) about the murder to the Times’ new metropolitan editor, A.M. “Abe” Rosenthal. Rosenthal passed it on to Gansberg, who was a copy editor, and then edited Gansberg’s story.
Forty years later, Rosenthal lied yet again, in denying that Gansberg had said what he said.
Abe Rosenthal, the Times editor for the story, denied in front of a March 9, 2004 Fordham University forum that the case was ever about thirty-eight eye witnesses.Rosenthal even made a killing, writing a book about the murder: 38 Witnesses.
“I never said, nor did anybody on The New York Times, or any reporter with a brain, say there were thirty-eight peering out of a window.”
Thanks to researchers like historians Joseph De May and Jim Rasenberger, those interested in the truth can learn that the official story about Kitty Genovese is a hoax. DeMay first exposed the hoax, but the links to his articles at the Old Kew Gardens Web site are dead. However, a long interview with De May is published here.
BROOKE GLADSTONE: Where do you think the number 38 came from?Note that DeMay and Rasenberger are not academics, so professors of history, who fancy themselves to be “real” historians, and who continue promoting the Kitty Genovese Hoax, would deny them the title of “historians.” Similarly, back in 2000, when historian Clayton Cramer proved that celebrated, tenured Emory University “historian” Michael Bellesiles, author of the new, Bancroft Award-winning work, Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture, was a fraud, the biggest history professors scoffed, and closed ranks around their comrade. After all, Cramer was a mere civilian, so what could he know? And on top of that, he was a “gun nut”! You know, one of those awful people who support the Second Amendment? (In order to support a contemporary policy of radical gun confiscation and the virtual elimination of the Second Amendment, Bellesiles had written a completely fake history claiming that, contrary to popular belief, Americans in the early Republic owned few guns, and that what guns they had mostly been issued by the government.) Why, everyone knows that they have no credibility. But Cramer proved to be the real historian, and Bellesiles the phony, and even tenured Marxist “historians” were eventually forced to revoke the fraud’s award.
JOSEPH DE MAY: No one knows. All I can tell you is that there’s a man named Charles Skoller, and he was the assistant prosecutor. He helped prosecute Winston Moseley. And he said he doesn't know where the 38 witness number came from. He said that the District Attorney’s Office found only maybe five or six people who saw anything that they could use, and of the people he identified, there are only really two that I know of who actually saw any part of the physical attack.
In 2003 Cramer wrote,
Not just because of the Bellesiles scandal, but other examples that are coming to light as I write these words, make me suspect that the days of trusting historians to tell the truth, are, or should be, over.Unfortunately, little headway has been made, regarding the Kitty Genovese Hoax.
Just as the myth once served the purposes of Martin Gansberg and Abe Rosenthal, it now serves other political parties, including militant homosexualists.
A pompous, borderline illiterate calling himself “Dr. W.D. Wilkerson” posted the following comment at the blog, Ace of Spades HQ:
7Clearly, there’s something in it for “Dr. W.D. Wilkerson,” who is not at all interested in the truth, a word which he writes within scare quotes.
I've taught the Kitty Genovese casse in my classes for some time now, specifically the NYT article you mentioned.I have issues with the "debunking" that is going on here. First, the New York Times story does discuss that one neighbor called for help. He told the operator he was making an anonymous call to inform the police that a crime was taking place in his apartment's courtyard. Second, the prosecution has only 6 witnesses that they could "use." Which means that among the witnesses, only 6 were willing and able to testify about what they saw. At least a dozen other people were interviewed by the police, by the DA's office, by the NYT. They wre overwhemingly ashamed of themselves and couldn't bring themselves to testify largely for that reason.
So you find it difficult to believe that 38 people could witness such a violent crime in one way or another and bot do anything about it? As it turns out, they mey have had a particularly hateful motivation for doing so. This case suggests apathy by hate crime. She was a lesbian who lived in the Apartments with her girlfriend, Mary Ann Zielonko--who was away at the time of the murder. She talked withNPR about the case in 2004.The neighbors' apathy had less to do with a bystander effect and more to do with self-righteous moralizing. This attitude is evident in the comment of one couple who were interviewed about the case saying, "We thought it was a lover's spat."
It really bothers me thatyou are working so hard to debunk this "myth." What's in it for you? And how much of the "truth" are you really interested in finding out? Your objections to the case areprimarilya reactionary contention spurred by some semse of moral outrage over what you think has been left out of accounts of the story. You aren't actually applyting critical thinking in reconstructing the "truth" about what happened.
Posted by: Dr. W.D. Wilkerson at May 14, 2011 10:22 AM (6wUpV)
Note that “critical thinking” is an Orwellian notion much beloved by academics, which means the opposite of what it suggests: Rather than carefully scrutinizing facts and logic, one is to ignore both, and jump to the proper, politically correct conclusion.
The neighbors who saw Moseley’s first attack, saw a man molesting a woman. That is why they “thought it was a lover’s spat.” It is highly unlikely that people who could not see Moseley stab his victim could see who the victim was, except that the petite shape they saw was that of a woman.
“This case suggests apathy by hate crime.”
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but Wilkerson is apparently asserting—he doesn’t argue anything—that Genovese’s neighbors were guilty of a hate crime. Not Winston Moseley, but the people who, half asleep, heard a cry in the night, and then, bleary-eyed, saw a man run away from a woman.
Chalk that up as Exhibit #17,894,371, as to the evil of the homosexualist lobby.
As my VDARE editor James Fulford observed,
Everyone one has heard about the Kitty Genovese murder, and most of what you've heard about neighbors ignoring her screams is wrong. What you haven't heard about the Kitty Genovese murder is that her killer, Winston Mosely, is black. (A TV movie based on the Kitty Genovese murder portrayed her killer as white.) You can say “Kitty Genovese was killed when her neighbors ignored her screams…” but you can’t say “Kitty Genovese was killed by a black man…” it’s just not allowed.So, you’re allowed to lie about the Kitty Genovese murder, but telling the truth is a firing offense. And it is no accident that the people who continue to be falsely blamed were all white, while the killer, whose identity is either suppressed or falsified, is black.
Kathy Shaidle has called Kitty Genovese “the global warming of urban crime.”
I found the story, as published by the Times in 1964, posted at a Web page of Sherri Craig, an English instructor at Southeastern Louisiana University. Craig, who uses Gansberg’s fraudulent story as a teaching tool, writes,
The above reported events are true and took place on March 14, 1964.You can’t debate the “causes” of a phenomenon that is a hoax, unless it is to debate the motivations of the journalists, social scientists, and teachers who created and promoted the Kitty Genovese Hoax.
The brutal murder of Kitty Genovese and the
disturbing lack of action by her neighbors
became emblematic in what many perceived as an
evolving culture of violence and apathy in the
United States. In fact, social scientists
still debate the causes of what is now known
as "the Genovese Syndrome."
There are real situations like the fictional one at the heart of the Kitty Genovese hoax, but discussing them requires studying all sorts of factors—e.g., race, ethnicity—that one is not permitted within the MSM, academia, the schools, or polite society to honestly examine today. I’ll have to discuss them another time.
[A tip ‘o the pen to Kathy Shaidle.]
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