Sunday, May 15, 2022

Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner and at Least One of His ADAs is a Murderer, Who Must be Disbarred and Prosecuted

By N.S.

“What this means is that anti-death penalty fanatics inside the Philadelphia DA’s office are willing to lie to get one of their pet killers off death row.

“This is bad when defense attorneys do it, and worse when the District Attorney, who’s supposed to protect the public, does it.

“But either way, a lawyer who directly lies to the Court to try to help someone escape the death penalty shouldn’t be charged with ‘professional misconduct,’ as is suggested in the decision, but with Accessory after the Fact to the murders of, in this case, Bradley and Ferne Hart.”


Anonymous said...

The insanity continues to rise. When our prosecutors seek to reward black thug murderers with lighter sentences--there's only one action that needs to be completed against civil employees who won't do their jobs--FIRE THEM!


Anonymous said...

Wesley Cook [Mumia] we haven't heard of in a long time. His latest appeal going on still? That boy will outlive us all.