[Re: “affirmative action justice: ‘fatal Miami crash driver: $1,376 in fines, license suspended, ticketed for 109 mph.’”]
By Eahilf
Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 9:48:00 P.M. EDT
You’re supposed to get jailed when you skip out on a court date.
This is mindless law & order absolutism.
If you get a traffic citation, you can either pay it or request a court date in order to contest it (most people just pay) – if you fail to pay (on time), or ask for a court date but then don’t show up, this is usually called “failure to appear” (FTA) – theoretically, a judge can issue a bench warrant for a FTA; but this is uncommon – even if a bench warrant is issued, cops do not normally prioritize serving bench warrants for traffic infractions, so these cases can remain open for a long time – eventually you’ll have problems renewing your DL, registering your vehicle, when/if you are stopped again, etc.
Of course the woman who caused the accident is ni—er trash – but do you really want to strengthen the “tyranny” part of “anarcho-tyranny”? —do you really want to live under law & order absolutism, or give power to a malevolent state in order to enforce it?
Oriscar[ed: the victim] was 22. Her family has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover funeral expenses.
What tragedy in America today would be complete without a GoFundMe?
N.S.: So, it’s “tyranny” to expect people to show up for court dates? Then blacks would always skip out on their court dates.
Here’s another form of “tyranny” “experts” demand be retired: Chasing after fleeing prisoners. According to the Supreme Court, police can shoot and kill fleeing prisoners, but the authorities have “repealed” that ruling (see the case of Officer Michael Slager), where White cops and black criminals are concerned. In the current case of Patrick Lyoya and Officer Christopher Schurr, “experts” (including on fox news) insist that Officer Schurr had no right to chase Lyoya, when the latter fled.
The “experts” say, “They’ll arrest him down the line.”
But if you’re a cop and you let a prisoner flee, without chasing him down, what grounds would the next cop have for doing his job? And if black criminals know the cops won’t chase them, they’ll all run. In fact, the vehicular homicide in question occurred after the police, surely based on their training, refused to chase the perp. (When William Bratton switched from being a hardnosed lawman to a political opportunist, he jumped on the bandwagon of being adamantly opposed to police chasing perps fleeing in vehicles.) The “experts” are simply members of the Coalition for the Support of Colored Criminals.
As for GoFundMe, I never promote it because the people setting up these accounts are almost never the person victimized, or the vic’s family (a “friend”). As far as I can tell, the accounts are set up by scam artists looking to exploit some tragedy, in order to fill their own pockets.
Do away with warrants.
Do away with chases.
Do away with answering calls at police stations.
Allow blacks to kill store attendants during robberies.
Restrict police from patrolling where a felony is currently taking place.
Replace district attorneys with civilians,i.e.,the vics of the negro perp(if living)--to make it impossible to convict.
Forbid witnesses to be called against black thugs.
There--that ought to do it.
YEP. Just one more thing blacks are famous for. Skipping out on court dates. Negroes famous no-shows. Then caught and jailed. If they had just shown up for their court date they might even had their case dismissed. But NO, they must act the part of the negro abused and now aggrieved. Disparate outcome I am sure it will all be argued.
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