Wednesday, August 04, 2021

The Cuomosexual Chickens Come Home to Roost

By David in TN
Wed, Aug 4, 2021 5:27 p.m.

The Cuomosexual Chickens Come Home to Roost - Frontpagemag

From Daniel Greenfield's article, a tweet from David Horowitz: "Chickens are coming home to roost--all the dirty tactics & hypocritical moralizing Dems used to attack Trump are now focused on Cuomo. Speaking truth to power used to mean commie lies attacking Republicans and patriots. Now the worm is turning."

David In TN: I'm not sure the worm ever turns with these people. The Left wants to get rid of Cuomo. They no longer have any use for him. On CNN Jeffrey "I Had Never Heard of the Zebra Murders" Toobin has been pontificating about Cuomo's transgressions.

Daniel Greenfield wrote: "Democrats, beginning with Attorney General Letitia James, a former ally, have come for Cuomo, not because they care about how many nursing home patients he killed or how many aides he groped, but because they, especially James, want his job."

"There's a reason that Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein felt so comfortable in New York."

"Cuomo's behavior, like Weinstein's, was an open secret in Albany. The same Democrats and media talking heads who turned Cuomo into a plaster saint for political gain are acting like iconoclasts, not because they grew a conscience, but once again for political gain."


Anonymous said...

"all the dirty tactics & hypocritical moralizing Dems used to attack Trump are now focused on Cuomo."

The eye-tal-e-an man is now seen as a liability. He MUST go. One year ago he was almost on top of the world. How fast things change, usually not for the better too.

Anonymous said...

More like the women he's hitting on are Cuomo-NON-sexuals.He should know that most Dem women he hires are probably dykes.