Thursday, August 19, 2021

Should General Mark Milli Vanilli be Shot for Dereliction of Duty, for Focusing on "White Rage" Rather than on Afghanistan?

By R.C.
Wed, Aug 18, 2021 9:49 p.m.

General Milley Mocked for Focusing on "White Rage" Rather than Afghanistan, Calls for His Resignation Intensify

R.C.: I like General Milli Vanilla.

Lip synching left-wing tripe.


Anonymous said...

Do we need to think up a reason?If we do,that's as good as any.


Anonymous said...

All those medals and patches on the uniform. Do they give a medal for failure? Distinguished Service Cross perhaps?

Anonymous said...

All these senior military men when they speak to me appear to be dumb. I know they have to choose their words carefully when speaking in public but still to me they appear to be dumb.

Anonymous said...


Update (1105ET): NYT reports that police expanded their evacuation to nearby restaurants while also clearing pedestrians from the streets.

A growing number of lawmakers are tweeting their 'thoughts and prayers' to the Capitol Police, FBI and others.
(GRA:In the name of Soros,protect us from the bombs that antifa has planted--which we condone as necessary for the takeover of the country--however,we also do not want to be blown up by these devices ourselves.Amen.)
* * *

Capitol Hill was evacuated Thursday morning after Capitol Police reported an "active bomb threat" near the Library of Congress.

GRA:Still going on at noon EST.