Thursday, August 19, 2021

"Build Us Rec Centers," and We Won't Shoot People!" Mass Shooting at Rec Center

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Wed, Aug 18, 2021 11:23 p.m.

Police: Multiple Juveniles Shot at Rec Center in Germantown

PGCE-P: Germantown?


My sister and former brother-in-law lived there many years ago.

Used to be lily-white and crime-free.

No longer.


Anonymous said...

"Director of Public Information for Montgomery County Police Shiera Goff said several people were playing basketball outside the rec center when a confrontation started and the shooting occurred."

GRA:It isn't the rec center,or the basketball being played,or the hot weather,or ANYTHING ELSE to blame--it's just jayboos acting like jayboos(synonym:stupid).

-- GRA

Anonymous said...

That was my reaction. Germantown?? Maybe rec centers to play midnight basketball.

Don't forget Across-the-Rhine neighborhood in Cincinnati OH. Heavily if not exclusively a negro area.