Sunday, March 23, 2025

ucla admits applicants illegally, based on race

sunday, march 23, 2025 at 07:54:16 p.m. edt

ucla admits applicants based on race


My niece, an alumna of Georgetown university, just got admitted to Georgetown's medical school.

But she graduated Georgetown university almost three years ago!  She has been working at the National Institutes of Health for the past two years.  She did so in order to polish her resume.

And Georgetown is only the first of (hopefully) many offers from other medical schools.  After all, she applied to 25 medical schools!

By the way, if she finishes medical school she will be medical doctor number four in the family.

ucla profiles is managed by the ucSF clinical and translational science institute (ctsi), part of the clinical and translational science award program funded by the national center for advancing translational sciences (grant number UL1 TR000004) at the national institutes of health (nih). this site is running profiles rns version UCSF-v3.1.0-9-g3adcefa5 on PROFILES-PWEB04.

"Jennifer Lucero, MD, MA is the Associate Dean for Admissions at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM), and the Vice Chair for Inclusive Excellence (OIE) (1) for the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at UCLA DGSOM. Her clinical work is in Obstetric anesthesia.

A graduate of California State University Northridge, Dr. Lucero received her Master's in General Experimental Psychology with a focus in Social Psychology, her medical degree from Yale School of Medicine (2). Her postgraduate training consisted of a double Residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology and in Anesthesiology from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She completed fellowship training for Obstetric Anesthesiology in 2011, followed by NIH T-32 Research Fellowship training in 2012 at UCSF as well.

Prior to coming to UCLA, Dr. Lucero was an Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesia & Perioperative Care at UCSF, specializing in obstetric anesthesiology, and served as the department's inaugural Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (3). At UCLA she serves as the Associate Dean of Admissions for the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA where she oversees medical school admissions (4), financial aid & scholarship, and pathway and outreach. Dr. Lucero is the Co-PI for the HRSA UCLA-DGSOM Center of Excellence-Underrepresented (5) in Medicine grant. In addition, she serves as the Vice Chair of Inclusive (6) Excellence for the department of Anesthesia.

She holds a dual appointment in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with clinical interests in preeclampsia and adherent placental disease. Dr. Lucero has a decade of experience in medical school admissions (7) and participates actively in the recruitment of underrepresented (7) students to the profession of medicine through her work in pathway and outreach programs. As a Chicana physician, she takes a special interest in diversity (8) issues in medicine and disparities (9) in the delivery of obstetric healthcare to women (10) of color (11).

[N.S.: That's no fewer than 11 illegal, affirmative action red flags. AA was banned in california in 1996.]


Anonymous said...

Schools were banned from using A A. for admission into college. As I predicted at the time,all the schools will ignore that ruling--now who's in charge of going through the college demographics with a fine tooth comb?

That part is probably very lax.


Anonymous said...


GRA:Give up?

(ZH)The Trump administration on Monday announced that it would be ending taxpayer-funded housing for illegal immigrants.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Scott Turner and Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem revealed a joint partnership to curtail what they describe as an “exploitation” of the country’s housing programs.

As Rachel Acenas reports for The Epoch Times, Turner and Noem together signed the “American Housing Programs for American Citizens” memorandum of understanding (MOU).

“We’re here signing a partnership to ensure that the wasteful misappropriations that have been going to assist the illegal aliens in our country will no longer go to assist them but instead to assist the American people,” Turner said in a video statement on X.

American citizens have taken a back seat to illegal immigrants for too long, according to Turner, who said that American tax dollars should be used to benefit only U.S. citizens(GRA:blacks), especially when it comes to an issue as pressing as the nation’s housing crisis.

GRA:What's the difference--black or mex? Very little,if they construct HUD housing in your previously crime free neighborhood.


Anonymous said...


(GRA)On "Wheel of Fortune" tonight,with no vowels left to buy,this puzzle was presented to "Nicole"--the sole black contestant:


Nicole said,"See the line where the sea meets the SOY it calls me."


GRA:Back to 8th grade--or her job as a ny state attorney general.