Monday, March 24, 2025

Appalling and astonishing report from last june (Joe Biden's immigration lies)

By An Old Friend
monday, march 24, 2025 at 03:39:26 a.m. edt

appalling and astonishing report from last june

First I was aware of this:

Conforms to my long-settled conclusion: Every aspect of our immigration arrangements -- something this chaotic doesn't merit being called a "system" -- amounts to a victimization of our native-born population. No exceptions.


Anonymous said...

Biden and the Autopens,"Reason to Deceive''

How about treason charges against that musical group--Biden and the Autopens,whose sole hit was a continuous one against the Whites of America called,"Reason to Deceive".

In it,the group sings the reasons why all of them lied to us--for four years-- that they weren't intentionally wrecking the country.
Based on the Tim Hardin song,"Reason to Believe".

Joe biden,vocals
Kumalot harris,backing vocals
Anthony blinken,lead guitar
Merrick garland,bass
Lloyd austin,bongo and drums
Alexandro mayorkas,keyboards

"If we babbled long enough to you,

We'd find a way to make the people think it's true,


That we lied,

Straight faced,

While White folks died,

Still we looked to find a reason to deceive."

Available for antifa parties.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
MSN is playing pity the poor immigrant game on their headline page....again. An illegal couple from Columbia who came 35 yrs. ago have been deported and their 3 daughters are waved around in the headline in order to shame us and elicit sympathy:

The daughters are adults so don't need mommy and daddy anymore. Not that it matters, their parents broke the rules by not following the rules when they crossed the border. They tried to fraudulently claim asylum (like 99% of the claimants) but it was denied, as it should have been, then they did not comply with a voluntary departure order in 2000.

An immigration attorney, Monica Crooms, is quoted as saying this: "They were looking for a way to legalise their status in the way that was available to them at the time in the '90s, unfortunately, they fell victim to predatory immigration practices that were pretty flagrant," CNN quoted Crooms as saying.

Predatory? You mean an immigration system that allowed them to stay illegally in a country that they do not belong in for 35 YEARS! Let them raise their children and grant them birthright citizenship? That doesn't sound predatory to me, it sounds like a downright permissive and benevolent system. Wonder if their home country of Columba would treat an illegal alien with the same tolerance. I doubt it.

The headline also broadcasts "35 years" as if it matters, no it doesn't. I don't care if they came 3 weeks ago, 35 years doesn't make them any more legal.

Note: I'm not sure what a "voluntary" departure "order" means, if it's an order, then why is it voluntary? I smell BS in that wording, maybe an underhanded way of helping illegals to game the system.

Anonymous said...

Multi-generational illegality--and who knows what they've done crimewise all those years--and gotten away with.

Plenty,I'd wager.