Monday, March 24, 2025

Tiger Woods has a new White woman—Vanessa Trump (no, it isn’t april fool’s day) (mug shots)

Vanessa Trump in 2004, l, and in 2016

Tiger Woods has a new White woman—Vanessa Trump (no, it isn’t april fool’s day) (mug shots) By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, march 24, 2025 at 11:04:00 a.m. edt

Tiger Woods has a new White woman—Vanessa Trump (no, it isn’t april fool’s day)

“(nbc noise) golfing ‘hero’ Tiger Woods on sunday confirmed his relationship with Vanessa Trump, the former daughter-in-law of President Donald Trump, by declaring that ‘love is in the air.

“Woods posted a picture of him alongside Trump to his instagram and x accounts, with the caption: ‘love is in the air and life is better with you by my side! we look forward to our journey through life together. at this time we would appreciate privacy for all those close to our hearts.’”

[GRA: The “journey” for Vanessa with Woods, will include drug episodes, screaming matches (or worse), having to hire PIs to catch Tiger (rhymes with ni**er) with other White chicks, and an eventual, horrific split.]

Vanessa Trump was married to Donald Trump Jr. from 2005 to 2018, and the couple has five children together.

[GRA: Fertile AND sexual.]

“one of those children, Kai, goes to the same school as Woods’ two children, Sam and Charlie. Kai is due to play golf at the university of miami in 2026 and competed in an invitational golf tournament against Charlie Woods last week.

[GRA: Is THAT next? Nice example, mom, to set for your daughter. The obvious inference is those two “kids” will be going at it too.]

“the instagram post from the normally very private Woods confirms weeks of rumors and tabloid speculation about the relationship.

GRA: ‘What do you think, baby, a seven, eight, or nine iron to get it into the hole?

‘You’re the golfer, tee hee.’ (panties slide off)


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, march 24, 2025 at 11:10:00 a.m. edt

Is it me, or does Tiger look bloated in the face? He isn’t that old, but the guy looks rough. A hard life of partying, no doubt. Maybe the former Mrs. Trump is into that.


N.S.: As an extremely high-profile, public figure, Woods has no right to expect privacy, especially after he played publicity hound, in the first place. He can go to hell.

As for Woods’ appearance, he has abused everything for years (steroids, weight lifting, alcohol, etc.), which is why he didn’t (to my knowledge) break the Golden Bear’s records.

The older Woods gets, the more he resembles his late father, Earl. I lost all respect for the son when he made up a race hoax for his "autobiography," in which racist White kids tied him to a tree.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
He was never good looking, but middle age has turned him ugly as sin. Imagine what another 10-20 yrs. are going to do to that mug. Tigger (no, not that tigger), is like OJ was, for him it's White wimmins or nuttin". OJ was legendary in his distaste for women of his own race, not sure if Tigger despises them like OJ did but he appears to at least be indifferent to them. I read somewhere that Tyra Banks once hit on him, wanting to go out with him, and he turned her down. Check out some swimsuit photos back in her SI cover days, yeah, THAT'S what he turned down. He must really be turned off by dark skinned women.
What does he want with a 47 yr. old woman who has had a bunch of kids anyways? He may not be good looking but he's a billionaire and he's famous, he can still get 20 something childless supermodels if he wants. I wondered if maybe it was an anti Trump thing but when I checked his political stance, he appears to be fairly apolitical though possibly right leaning. Maybe he just enjoys the publicity he knows it will generate.

Anonymous said...

The search by Woods is to find a woman gullible enough to believe his b.s. about "finding his soulmate."In Woods' mind,he needs a White woman at home,waiting for him,while he decides whether to GO home....or nail a few 20 year olds instead. He probably has his eye on Kai--President Trump's granddaughter(my opinion). He is not to be trusted in any way,shape or form by the opposite sex.


Anonymous said...

He may blossom into Cedric "the Entertainer's" twin.


Anonymous said...


(yahoo sports)The Junior Invitational at Sage Valley wrapped Saturday, and two of the event's biggest names struggled at the event. Charlie Woods — son of Tiger — and Kai Trump — granddaughter of President Donald Trump — both finished above par to end the tournament.

Woods finished 11 over and Miss Trump finished FIFTY TWO OVER PAR(last place in the girl's field).

GRA:She'd better think of another career--one that doesn't rely on making golf shots--to earn a living. Tigger will be glad to counsel her,I'm sure.

"Call me,daddy."