This video featured a TikTok from Rachel's daughter expressing disgust with her mother's actions: "I really almost married a 27-year-old man from New York that I only met three times because my parents wanted me to… I was ✨freshly 18✨ btw."
Andrew explained that his wife's tweets advertising their daughter's virginity were "just joking around," insisting their daughter's TikTok was "satire" that "fooled Brittany Venti." Venti alleges the Groypers blackmailed the Wilsons, a charge Andrew furiously rejects as "utter fabrications," challenging anyone to produce evidence.

''[She says] there's blackmail on yours truly, your very fine host, and that this blackmail is revenge pornography, which one of the Groypers has, and is waiting to drop at any time. My daughter's ex … he didn't ever call me and say that he had revenge pornography, and I never said he did. Show a single clip of me ever saying that there was revenge porn or that he threatened me with revenge porn. I never said anything like that. He never called me with threats of revenge pornography.''
This contradicts his other statements from 2022, when he explained that the Groypers blackmailed/threatened him: "This is their game. Nick's sycophants will stop at nothing—they'll threaten to kill your children and post your address, hoping someone acts on it … DDOS attacks, account spams, chat brigadding, and swatting.''
Rachel says that Groypers swatted her house 3 times, while Andrew says that ''[My daughter's [ex-fiancee] threatened me, he said that he was going to do horrible things to me and my family.''
''I got a call from my daughter's [ex-fiancee], he threatened me, he said that he was going to do horrible things to me and my family, to her, he said because Fuentes is my king, and you're going after my king… I asked him well what do you want, he said you shut your mouth about America First … I'm going to ruin [your daughter's] entire life', I don't care if we have to go after your kids your family, I don't care. [The Groypers] don't care. This whole organization doesn't care''
Rachel then dismissed the years of blackmail, doxxing, and swatting as innocent pranks, paving the way for the Wilsons and Groypers to establish a fragile truce.
Interviewer: ''Isn't that what you did with Nick Fuentes, Andrew? They're all pedophiles, they're all pedophiles, and now you're buddies buddies with him again? Because you obviously don't give a shit … If you think somebody is a pedophile, and the next day you are buddies with them, if you think they are facilitating pedophilia, who the fuck should listen to you?''
Andrew Wilson: ''I should just endlessly get swatted for the rest of my life and have my family threatened?''
Interviewer: ''You said he was a pedophile. You said he ran a pedophile cult?''
Andrew Wilson: ''I don't renounce a fucking thing. I've always been 100% correct, and just because I didn't want to get my family swatted… and just because I didn't want to get my family swatted...''
Interviewer: ''Renounce it now — you said Nick Fuentes ran a pedophile cult.''
Andrew Wilson: ''I'm not going to get into this because I'm just going to end up swatted.''
Andrew Wilson: ''I literally ask you: did [Milo] try to drug Nick Fuentes in order to sleep with him?''
Cozy streamer: ''My answer is Yes, and I think it's funny.''
Nick has repeatedly accused Milo of attempting to drug & molest him, claiming that the only distinction between himself and Milo's other alleged victims is that "I fought back."
While banned from X in 2023, Nick created a burner account to create a Space called ''milo tried to sleep with me'' where he claimed ''Conservative politics is literally full of gay pedophiles—they're everywhere'' and told everyone that Milo takes oxycodone to suppress the desire to have gay sex, and that Milo offered to give Nick oxycodone when they were alone in a hotel.
''[Milo] offered me drugs. The first night that we were there, he tried to get me in the same bed as him. It was one hotel room. And I'm thinking we had two beds. I'm a hot guy. I'm a hot skinny young guy … It's one room. One room, one bed. There's one bed here.''
— Nick Fuentes
Milo's response was: ''You can't date rape someone with oxycodone.''
Here is a Groyper claiming, ''when I was 16, Milo invited me to his Miami Mansion party … he had strippers and stuff … seems to be a pattern here with Milo and young teen males.''
Here a leaked email of Milo's assistant inviting underage boys to Milo's hotel room at the Trump Soho during a book tour:
Baked Alaska accused Milo of preying on two boys who ''I suspect were younger than 18'' whom he claimed Milo ''pumped up with alcohol and coke before having sex with'' during that same book tour.
Milo, a prolific federal informant, frequently boasts about collaborating with the FBI and maintaining active communication with them.
Milo has been known to threaten to call the FBI on his enemies.
In 2017, Milo was ''canceled'' following a creepy Joe Rogan interview.

I watched it, here are the takeaways:
Milo claims that being molested as a child by a priest was beneficial because it made him better at giving blowjobs. Milo says, "If it weren't for Father Michael, I wouldn't give nearly such good head."
Milo states he would have made a great priest himself.
Milo repeatedly defends the priest who abused him.
Milo admits to knowing active predators but refuses to reveal their identities when pressed.
Milo describes 15-year-olds as "hot."
Milo justifies a 13-year-old's ability to consent.
Milo explains that in the homosexual community, some relationships between younger boys and older men are "coming of age" dynamics, where older men help young boys "discover who they are" and provide guidance.
One year later, Milo held a press conference announcing his resignation from Breitbart News.
Milo then went on the Gavin McInnes show and described pedophilia as a "spectrum" and sometimes "isn't a big deal." He argued that some minors are sometimes capable of giving consent, and that "mature" 13-year-olds can agree to sexual relationships, and that often the victims of child rape are the true "predators" and framing sexual relationships between adults and children as "meaningful," "healthy," and "enriching."
Milo then further explained that pedo relationships can "help a young gay men escape from a lack of support or understanding at home. That's perfectly true and every gay man knows it.''
Following this trainwreck, Milo was a pariah in conservative media. Yet, Groypers welcomed him with open arms, allowing Milo to secure interviews, forge new alliances, garner sympathetic coverage, and carve out a fresh role within the Groyper movement, allowing him to regain a foothold and maintain relevance on the Right.
Tyler Russell is ranked #20
Vincent James (left) is ranked #2, Franssen (right) is ranked #9
Chaggot (a charming portmanteau of ''Chad'' and'' faggot'') was a prominent Groyper lieutenant a few years ago, even attending AFPAC 2 as a VIP guest.
Chaggot wearing a Nick Fuentes t-shirt
Chaggot bragged on stream about having sex with a 13-year-old girl after plying her with alcohol and marijuana when he was 18, and says it doesn't count as rape because he is autistic therefore he is 5 years younger mentally.
''When I was 18 I happened to hook up with a girl who happened to be 5 years younger than me, people are attacking me over this, people are [being so dramatic about this] … I have a developmental disability, I have autism, so my maturity level is like 12. I knew her age. I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong because it was somebody at my exact level. [My autism] is a valid reason. People who have a developmental diagnosis can't be held to the same standards … that's why I was doing this with somebody who was at my exact same level … [my victim] was not a baby.''
— Chaggot
Nick initially defended Chaggot, but eventually threw him under the bus. Nick's most notable disavowal of Chaggot was, "Well, he's autistic, and does anyone really take that age of consent thing seriously anyway?"
Last month, Nick Fuentes dominated Elon Musk in a Twitter ratio, with 42k likes to Elon's 13k, following Elon's decision to ban 15 Groyper accounts.
Comedian Sam Hyde threw his support behind the Groypers in this feud, releasing a mega-viral open letter to Elon Musk, defending Nick.

Sam Hyde dated a 16-year-old when he was 30.
Here is "Groyper Insider❄️❄️" explaining that statutory rape doesn't count in this case because "16 is not a kid, they are prime breeding specimens."
In this next clip, this investigator digs through voter registration records to confirm the 16/30 age gap, then confronts Sam directly via text message, at which point Sam only denies that the alleged victim was 15 rather than 16.
''This would have been legal in Rhode Island where the age of consent is 16 … When I contacted Sam about this, he was shifty and unwilling to answer my questions … All he would tell me is that she wasn't 15, and that he didn't punch her in the face ... If she were 18 or older I would expect him to take the opportunity to clarify that, but all he said was that she wasn't 15 … he doesn't refute that she was under 18, he doesn't refute that he was sexually involved with her, he just stipulated 'I didn't hit her' and 'she wasn't 15.'''
Here is a longer documentary:
''Comedian Sam Hyde has been accused of dating a 16 year-old when he was 29, along with being potentially abusive. These allegations have been around for years, but today, we're finally going to prove them.''

The YouTube comments section seems convinced:
Nick's 2019 Discord server archives leaked, revealing he was running a "Gay Sex" channel alongside a "League of Pedophiles" channel—proof he has been cultivating a culture of "ironic," yet overtly gay, pedophilia since at least 2018.
Joseph "Broseph" Brody made over 7,000 posts in this Discord, much of which focused on pedophilia and rape.
Brody was considered one of Fuentes' top guys until 2021, essentially a founding member of America First. From 2017 to 2021, he ranked among the top 10 figures in Fuentes' movement, attending all Groyper events in real life, including:
AFPAC 2/20
Million Maga March DC 11/20
Stop the Steal Harrisburg, PA 12/20
AntiVax Rally Springfield, IL 10/21
AntiVax Rally NYC 11/21
Washington, DC, U.S. Capitol 1/6/21
Men's March DC 6/21
He's ''Catholic."
He's an open pedophile.
He's into incest.
This is a common theme… Groypers being into incest as well as pedophilia…
note the Snowflake emoji and ''RKD'' in bio
Brody's trolling career peaked during the 2021 Waukesha parade when an SUV plowing into a crowd that killed six people and injured dozens. Brody went viral for mocking the hospitalized young children, then Nick joined an X space to defend him, telling everyone to stop "tone policing."
Brody participated in January 6, for which he was arrested and sentenced to 18 months in prison. Nick then claimed he barely knew Brody, declared "We don't dox people," doxxed Brody, then mocked him for relying on a public defender by theatrically tearing up a $100 bill live on air.
''Can I get a P.O. box for the Joseph Brody Legal Fund? I got a contribution for you. Joseph Brody, Public Defender, making a plea deal for you, huh? Where can I send my contribution to the Joseph Brody Legal Fund? Can I, where can I send that? Where can I send that? Here, here you go. That's just for you, pal. Hire an attorney, go nuts. Get your plea deal, all right?''
Nick subjected Jon Lizak to the same vicious taunting, mocking him for his inability to afford a better attorney after orchestrating his entrapment.
Sartor, another Groyper jailed for Nick, got mocked in a clip where Nick gloats about sending him to prison and blasphemes God: ''I sent you to jail… Christ won, feel better?''
''It may confine you to a jail cell … you could credibly say that I sent [TR Sartor] to jail. It would mean that I sent you to jail. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I'm praying for you. The good news is, Christ won the victory. The good news is, God won. Doesn't that make you feel better? I'll visit you.''
Brian Gunderson is yet another fan of Nick Fuentes sentenced to federal prison; his arrest warrant specifically mentions that he is a ''follower of commentator Nick Fuentes.''
In April 2021, Gunderson sent messages to Nick Fuentes professing, "I love you Nick, you are my hero" and that he "went to January 6 to meet you." Fuentes responded: "I love you too."
Gunderson later recanted this story, claimed "Nick didn't have anything to do with me being there," and broke down sobbing live on camera as his mother gently patted him on the back.
Nick's leaked Discord server had a "catboy" channel featuring Broseph (#27).
Nick was a frequent participant in this channel.
Nick has a well-known catboy fetish, he talks about it openly on stream.
''I need a catboy to give me a shoulder massage ... that's how you'll know I've made it, I'll be doing these streams and you'll see a catboy behind me giving me a massage.''
''I need a catboy to prepare for me baked food, cooking, a catboy butler. That's the plan. The America First plan, we're going to build a compound — a kennel! — that will have catboys everywhere that will be serving steaks and ice cream and warm cookies and we'll be playing Fortnite and nobody will grow old.''
''Get a catboy to cook your food — now you're talking, that is something I can get behind. The prospect of that excites me immensely.''
"I'm going to rape you now. I'm going to rape you. I'm going to rape you. And I would, I'm going to rape him. Put on those cat ears on, I will find you, and I will rape you."
''He thought it was funny putting on the cat ears, but all it did was make me want to hold him down and rape him … they're going to do a rape kit on you, and they are going to find me guilty, they are going to match the DNA to my DNA.''
''We found out that Brandt [#24] has cat ears, he should wear them on stream.''
Another prominent figure among the catboy faction was Simon Dickerman, Nick's former assistant. Nick served as the godfather to Dickerman's son.
Remember ''Millennial Matt'' from #43 on this list?
Simon dressed his 17-year-old wife up like a catboy, and then she wore cat ears when her water broke on the way to the hospital. After Simon's wife gave birth, Nick threatened to sue him ''with frivolous lawsuit to prevent him from paying for his newborn son's healthcare.''

Interviewer: Nick wanting to engage in lawfare, sue you, come after you if you ever open your mouth… Do you have a child that is sick with something?
Simon Dickerman: Yes, yes.
Interviewer: He knows it right? He's not unaware of it? He wanted to hurt you financially, screw with you, knowing you had a sick kid?
Simon Dickerman: Yes, he was born in July, it's a terrible story, the day he was born was the day Nick was doing the speech in Dallas at CPAC, and I was on the phone for 10 or 12 hours the day of my son's birth, trying to organize the event. Get all the insurance. Get all the cameras right. Getting all the equipment ordered. Nick knows about the kid. I asked him to be the godfather, he agreed, [Nick and I] had him baptized … my son was [sick for a couple of months].
Interviewer: I don't know why there is even a question whether [Nick] is pious or religious or not… There are non-believers who wouldn't do that. Most people have some level of moral conscience. At a certain point, they would be like that's fucking disgusting I can't do that.. [Nick Fuentes] seems to not have that boundary.
In addition to doxxing, swatting, lawfare, and vexatious litigation, Nick frequently censors his enemies by orchestrating mass reporting campaigns, admitting that ''a big part of [my legal strategy] is just draining their resources.''
Years later, Simon claimed that he didn't know the "people joking about catboyism were actual homosexuals" and accused Nick of betraying four America First interns by handing them over to the FBI, then released evidence showing Nick using bots to artificially boost his viewership.
Nick's next assistant, Simon's replacement, ''Max Keeble Groyper,'' began posting about killing Simon's children.
Max Keeble Groyper now runs an influential Telegram group chat called ''Max's GAY Den,'' a core node in the Groyper network.
Trey Godzich is ranked #16
Here is Nick forwarding a post from Max's GAY Den to his personal Telegram:
Here is Max Keeble Groyper gushing over how cute Brandt, #24, looks in his Batman Halloween costume… ''Tops beware.''
…and here is Nick, that same night, giggling, blushing and complimenting Brandt's Batman costume.
''Nobody likes a sore winner, Brandt … Gloating, unlike your batman costume, is not a good look on you. Gloating, unlike your Bruce Wayne costume, is not a good look on you, Based Brandt.''
In these next screenshots, Max Keeble Groyper references ''Aesthetic Boys,'' which refers when Nick was caught following and liking a homoerotic account on Instagram dedicated to shirtless boys.
Nick has a clear preference for young boys. Among his most notable crushes was a TikTok singer named Jacob Sartorius, who has 11 million Instagram followers… At the height of Nick's obsession with Sartorius, this is what Jacob looked like:
Nick angrily ended his parasocial relationship with Sartorius in 2023 after Sartorius hit puberty and got a neck tattoo.
''Joe the Boomer'' was a top chatter in Nick's leaked Discord server whose personality revolved around ''ironically'' preying on teenage Groypers and scamming them for nudes and crypto.
''He charges groypers $500 and it works. Apparently he also demands that after you make your first 100k "off his advice" you are to give him 25% of it, and according to him someone has done just that, genius on this old man's part. He is also making his own crypto currency named "JOE DAO" off the cosmos crypto ecosystem with the help of assistant Groyper and millennial Matt. Coincidentally he demanded that he be the only one to be the whale so he can "control governance" but in reality it's so he can rugpull a bunch of autistic groypers when it all goes to shit. He's well aware of the shit hole of a sinking ship that America first is, but he's just riding the grift out so he can make out like a bandit. He's probably the only one who has profited off being on Cozy.''
— Anonymous
An elaborate fandom emerged around Joe the Boomer, casting him as the "creepy but beloved uncle" of the Groyper movement.
Perplexingly, after years of aggressive, unhinged, scary rape fetish fantasies, Brandt and Joe went on several dates in real life:
''Our first date, our second date was far, far superior to our first. Our first hangout together was very good, and it was long, and it was ok, but it just wasn't, it just didn't quite get beneath the surface, I feel like. But this time, we really did, and it was really good. Much better than the first time. But there's still a lot of work to do, you know. (pause) Unbelievable. Yeah, better than our first time, as I said. He's not an easy guy to reach. Not an easy guy to reach. (...) So, we went and had ramen again. I'll keep it quick, I'll keep it short, I'll keep it private. We went and had ramen again. Really opened up this time. Quite a bit more … We had ramen. It was good. I bought some sushi. (pause) Could've went a little better. But it was nice.''
—Joe the Boomer
Brandt broke up with Joe, and Joe responded with homicidal ideation.
"What? 'Joe is Peter [Pan], Brandt is the kid he kidnaps.' Uh, if I was gonna kidnap him, it'd be to kill him... or maybe something else. Just a joke, don't worry... for now..."
Nick gave Joe a streaming slot on Cozy and praised his pederasty.
Brand served as Vice President of the University of Alabama's TPUSA chapter until he was fired after ''advocating violence against women seeking divorce''.
''Brandt Wiggins is no longer affiliated with TPUSA.''
— TPUSA spokesman
Brandt pictured with Nick, Kai, Trey, Beardson, Tyler, Dalton
Brandt is a bisexual man who ''doesn't really like babies'' and ''finds children undesirable until about 5 years of age.''
Jon Miller (right) is ranked #2
Brandt has been trapped in Nick's orbit since he was 14 or 15, back when he went by the username "STEMpai." Being affiliated with Nick ruined his entire life trajectory.
Here is an archive of Brandt's friend referring to him as "STEMpai."
Here is STEMpai getting caught liking loli pictures, back from when ''likes'' were still public on Twitter.
In 2019, ''STEMpai'' changed his name to ''StemBrandt,'' and then later to just ''Based Brandt,'' or sometimes ''Blankey Brandt.''
Here is Nick Fuentes dreaming about eating off a teenage ''Stempai's tummy'':
Here is Nick moaning at the idea of Brandt wearing glasses, admitting he has a fetish for young boys wearing glasses, then soliciting pics of Brandt's glasses.
''Everybody is like gay raping each other … Brandt is taking his contacts out. You've gotta see that. You've gotta see Brandt in his glass. I had no idea. Send a selfie with your glasses on, put it in the group discord, we need to see that, all these closeted glasses people, they're hiding from me, I'm like a deogen, I [have] a fucking [kink] for [wearing] glasses, I'll find your glasses case wherever you hide it.''
Here is Nick and STEMpai in 2018 fantasizing about ''tag teaming a trap'', i.e. having a threesome with a transgender woman:
Nick has a fetish for transgender women.

''Whoa, are traps gay? Yeah, traps are gay. I've always maintained traps are gay. Of course, if you have sex with a man, that's gay; there's no getting around that. Uh, now that said—now that said—uh, look, it's gay. I get it, 100%. I agree. Now that said, it's, you know, we're in times where women are not really meeting their obligations … we all recognize the females, the femoid race, they're not really carrying their burden, and I think we all understand that.''
In 2019, Nick accidentally tweeted out proof of him watching trans porn.
In 2024, Nick was caught in a transgender group chat called ''The Dollhouse'':
This was actually the second time Nick was caught in a transgender group chat… The first was in 2022, with ''DGG'', a group that Nick publicly begged to rejoin after making a new burner account.
Here is a list of every Twitter burner account Nick Fuentes ever registered, including ''@ancientone8000.''
Groypers overlap heavily with Bronies, leading to abominations like "Brony Republican," who flies an America First flag in his room alongside loli banners.
Rulon Dumas, a 37-year-old Groyper streamer dubbed "Tenryo," is a Brony welfare leech who hasn't worked since 2021, claiming a bum leg that keeps him off truck-driving duty, yet, in new clips is shown jumping, dancing, climbing, etc.
''Step aside [Donald Trump], get out of the way … Tenryo and Nick Fuentes are here to put America First, bitch.''
Here is Tenryo streaming loli:
Here is Tenryo complaining about age of consent laws:
Tenryo surrounds himself with friends such as ''HonoraryAyan88'', an account dedicated to Nick Fuentes and Tenryo.
Here is that same ''HonoraryAyan88'' snowflake Groyper brazenly discussing pedophilia with another Groyper named ''SL2RGroyp'':
Why are they talking about ''pizza''?
Did you know that out of Wikileaks 2,060 Podesta emails, there are 149 references to "pizza", 73 references to "hot dog", 85 to "cheese", 78 "pasta", 41 "sauce", 84 "ice cream", and 47 "walnut"?
Dave Reilly is a C-list Groyper pundit/streamer/radio host.
Court testimony confirms Reilly was the one who secretly recorded and leaked Richard Spencer's infamous "Octoroon" speech to ''destroy Richard Spencer.''
''I am so mad. I am so fucking mad at these people. They are doing this doing this to fuck me. We are going to ritualistically humiliate them! … This is never over. I win. They fucking lose. That's how the world fucking world fucking worlds, little fucking kikes, they get ruled by people like me. Little fucking octoroons. They get ruled by people like me. My ancestors enslaved those fucking little pieces of shit. I rule the fucking world! Those pieces of shit got ruled by people like men. They look up and see a face like mine looking down on them. That's how the fucking world works. We are going to destroy this fucking town.''
— Richard Spencer, in David Reilly's leaked audio

''I have an external hard drive. I'll show it to you now. This is called the Vault. This is the Vault. This has shit on everyone you have ever heard of. Video. Pictures. Text messages. Emails. Audio. Phone calls. Everything you want to about every public figure I have ever encountered. Most of the conversations have been recorded when I'm in a single party consent state. Recorded. Archived. I have shit on everyone. And I'm now at a position in my career where I am perfectly happy to start dropping. I have lots of crap on Richard Spencer.''
— Milo
''You have a political campaign, and... it's Milo, Nick, Ali Alexander. It's just kind of like, wow, were there no heterosexuals available? It's like, you build a baseball team and all nine starters are pedophiles? Was it that these were the best you could get, or was it that you wanted to create a pedophile baseball team?''
—Richard Spencer
David Reilly was revealed in court documents to be the "Davey Crockett" Discord account, a key organizer of the Tiki Torch parade through Charlottesville.
After getting caught organizing and meticulously documenting the infamous Charlottesville Tiki Torch march, David Reilly began working for E. Michael Jones, and tried to entrap him on camera into doing a Nazi salute.
David Reilly: I'm being slandered by my former employer.
E. Michael Jones: ''Tell me about the Hitler salute.''
David Reilly: ''We were filming and you were joking around.''
E. Michael Jones: ''No, you asked me to do it. To harm me! To harm me!''
Caller: ''You need to apologize to Dave Reilly and Nick Fuentes.''
E. Michael Jones: ''He's the one who doctored the video. He's the one who's lying … he doctored that video, he doctored the video, that is a doctored video. That is the lie that is being perpetrated against me … I did that because he told me to do it … if you go back and talk about what he did in Charlottesville, it starts to make sense. He wanted to incriminate me. He betrayed the Charlottesville people by having Milo post the video of Richard Spencer, and now he is trying to implicate me in the same thing.''
When Reilly found out that I was investigating pedophilia in the Groyper movement, he became hostile. So, when he tweeted out a picture of his child wearing an AMERICA FIRST hat, and shilling a link to Nick's hat store…
… I noticed that his replies were filled with overt pedophiles gleefully high-fiving each other over a baby wearing a Nick Fuentes hat. I called him a bad father for baiting pedophiles for engagement.
At which point he repeatedly threatened to kill me with specific threats, and even messaged several group chats asking for my address:
One of Nick's old friends then chimed in, telling David that ''Nick literally hates you and calls you fat annoying retard in private. And I think you know that. It's pretty pathetic to continue supporting him,'' to which David grimly concedes—the same day he put a Nick Fuentes hat on his son and shilled a link to Nick's hat store— ''Yeah, [Nick Fuentes] probably does [hate me]. Whatever.''
I've received dozens of death threats from Groypers like him.
"Indian Groyper" posted a 10 BTC bounty (roughly $860,000) to "Kill Chris Brunet," promising to "send it to your family if you get caught."
Another user, "Fentanyl Blowdart," offered a much more believable 3 ETH (approximately $7,500) bounty to ''slash Chris Brunet's tires and pour a gallon of water into his gas tank at night.'' He then cyberattacked me.
Fentanyl Blowdart often tweets pictures of piles of cash with his X handle written on it, and really does seem to have obscene crypto wealth.
Just one day after placing that bounty on me, Fentanyl Blowdart disavowed the Groyper movement for going overboard with "racial cuckold stuff, snuff porn, etc.''
SpaceGiko AKA Lukas was Nick Fuentes' Telegram moderator.
SpaceGiko got outed as a pedophile by another user named Napoleon, from a tip from the girl Lucas tried to groom. His reputation was so positive, nobody believed the girl until he came forward and admitted to it. He was involved with a twitter transsexual. His DMs and pictures got leaked. This led to the infamous "lucas room" meme that still exists on twitter.
SpaceGiko ran in the same circles as Shawn McCaffrey from 2015 to 2018. Shawn co-hosted The Weekly Sweat, the top Groyper podcast. Below, we see him filming an episode with Catboy Kami (ranked #8) and Beardson (ranked #12).
The Weekly Sweat's official merchandise was loli porn.
Shawn has long been accused of being a federal asset…
…but was actually kicked out of the Air Force in 2021 for his Groyperism:
Dalton Clodfelter is a cautionary tale—a lost soul. Before meeting Nick, he was:
After meeting Nick, he is now:
Wasted five years on a failed streaming career
Unemployed, broke, and homeless
Clearly depressed
A self-proclaimed leader of a pedophile ring
Here's a clip from two years ago in which Dalton reluctantly acknowledges that Nick Fuentes' honeypot has condemned him to an unemployable, homeless future.
''I can never do anything else again. When you Google my fucking name, do you know what comes up? ... I chose this. I wanted to do this. It's not easy on my family. It really fucking sucks ... I decided to say the N-word, I decided to say that I love Hitler ... and now I'm here.''
At his core, Dalton is lonely and simply wants friendship. His search for fraternity began in"Asheboro Lodge #669", where he became a 32nd degree Freemason.
Last month, after launching 5 failed Groyper talk-shows over the past 5 years, Dalton retired from the America First movement and launched a Substack dedicated to how depressed and suicidal he is.
When people feel broken, they often seek connection, healing, and purpose. Movements of hope, art, and progress have been born from heartbreak. Human resilience is remarkable—people find meaning even in suffering, and many use their experiences to inspire others…
3 months ago · 8 likes · Dalton Clodfelter
In our contemporary culture, happiness is often viewed as the ultimate goal of human existence, a state to be sought after by eliminating discomfort and maximizing pleasure. Often, I find myself fully embracing this to a fault. Yet, from a Catholic perspective, this pursuit of happiness without the acceptance of suffering and pain is not only flawed but…
3 months ago · 13 likes · Dalton Clodfelter
Suicide is a unique taboo. It is an untouchable topic from one front. The only mentions of suicide are that of discouragement or a very analytical approach of certain instances of suicide à la Epstein. The knee jerk response to condemn suicide is purely emotional and never rational and the only attempts to discourage suicide that are not purely emotiona…
3 months ago · 5 likes · 1 comment · Avery Devereux
Subscribe, I guess?
Tyler Russell is an illegal Canadian immigrant who used to live on Dalton's couch, then moved into Nick Fuentes' basement, where he still allegedly resides with an expired visa.
I spoke to several sources with first-hand knowledge of Tyler's visa situation.
Tyler stayed in America after AFPAC 3 (he told everyone there) and then crashed at Dalton's house for a year in Florida and is now in Chicago w nick. He's Canadian and stayed blaming the trucker protests saying he'd be arrested
-Anonymous Groyper Source 1
He came down here for a visit after the Canadian Trucker protests and never left. For over a year he lived with another groyper General named Dalton Clodfelter and his wife staying on his couch. He then moved in with Nick in the apartment Jaden used to live in before he left. Jaden would probably have more info on him I do know there is no evidence that he has done anything to gain U.S. citizenship. Before he came here he used to run a show called "Canada First" which was a rip off of the show Fuentes does.
-Anonymous Groyper Source 2
Tyler Russell has been illegally living in the US since AFPAC 3 in 2022 I believe. He lived with Dalton Clodfelter until last year he moved into the lower unit of Nick Fuentes' home in Berwyn the same one that old jewish lady went to
-Anonymous Groyper Source 3
''I was told that if [Tyler Russell] even gets pulled over, he's getting deported, they'll literally send his ass back to Canada and he won't be allowed back in the United States for like 10 years because he doesn't have his paperwork in order.''
— Ethan Ralph

If you believe Nick Fuentes is harboring an illegal Canadian immigrant in his basement, please submit a report to ICE:
Nick Fuentes may be liable for harboring an illegal immigrant.
Any person harboring or assisting an illegal alien is subject to fine or prison.
— Federal Law 8 USC 1324
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Tyler Russell refuses to disavow child rape, then threatened to dox a Groyper because he stepped out of line.
"Are you like fucking retarded or something? What are you talking about? Nobody is disavowing [child rape]... Who has disavowed it? Nobody's disavowed it.''
''I'll dox your ass bitch. I'll dox your ass.''

''Beating women is about as American as apple pie. And I say that, I say that in that, like, it wasn't until the '70s that corporal punishment for women was kind of outlawed and written out of the code. But you go back to common law, you go back to our founding, there were, like, clauses in there that kind of accepted, okay, well, if a woman, if a woman gets out of line, beating her is fine. And, you know, Abigail Adams, she was John Adams's wife. She wrote this very famous letter, and she was like, "You know, when you're drafting the Constitution, please, please remember the women, if you will." And everyone takes that to mean, like, please give women's rights, and that kind of put wind in the sails of the women's suffrage movement. But really what she was talking about is, "Hey, can you maybe put in a clause that says, like, men can't beat their wives if they get out of line?" And John Adams's response to that was, "You're too funny, lady. You're too funny." I mean, that was our founding fathers on the question of beating women … All women are whores, and all women are sluts, and all women are just awful.''
Hoplite, Tyler Russell's close friend, is anonymous, but I know he works for his dad's business. It's something involving trucks. Maybe a logistics company. He is always driving one of his dad's work trucks, and he is always ''ironically'' talking about raping children:
Elon Musk banned Hoplite from X recently, so his tweets aren't archived:
Nick and Veyta have spent hundreds of hours playing Minecraft together.
Nick gave Veyta a streaming slot on Cozy.
In this audio clip, Nick brags that he ''chewed up and spit out'' his former intern, whom he kept as ''his slave for two years.'' He then suggests that Veyta, whom he refers to as ''Veyda,'' is ''next.''
In this audio clip, Veyta says that going to show up as an abandoned kitten left on Nick's doorstep in a basket — Nick will need to clean his litter box, but Veyta will be more well behaved than the last kitten.
In this audio clip, Nick tells Veyta to wear a catboy uniform to be Nick's butler and chef: "That would be the dream, wouldn't it Veyta?"
In this stream, Veyta reveals that one of the top Groyper group chats is called ''Twink Lovers," and then raps about having sex with 15 year old, then flirts with Nick about having gay sex.
''Young bitches, wanting to nut bust. She popped that pussy she was 15. She can open up her legs, she's old enough to get dick, see? … [This rapper] was based.''
Nick and Veyta once had a short-lived falling out where Veyta accused Nick of being a gay pedophile and hinted that Nick had dark secrets.
''Nick is kind of a faggot, a total faggot … you're a faggot, you're faggot, [I don't care if you record me, I don't really care], Nick is a faggot. It feels good to not have to pretend like I don't. [Nick] likes young boys, he's a pedophile … it's impossible to be friends with Nick … I haven't even begun to talk about all the stuff behind the scenes that's going on. I kept stuff under the wraps, but I don't need to keep shit under wraps. You'd be surprised … You'll see… We'll see… that's just the tip of the iceberg if you know what I knew, if you've seen what I've seen, I know what I know. How are you going to call me out, when I know what I know, and you know what I know? Nick thinks I'll just take it.''
— Veyta
Andrew Tate is a Muslim pimp and pornographer with 10+ million followers known primarily for abusing, exploiting, and branding women.
Here, Tate is pictured with Ali Alexander:
Just a couple of years ago, Nick gave a speech proclaiming that Andrew and Tristan Tate should be ''put in jail for making porn.''
''They're in the business of digital prostitution. That's the business. That's how they made their fortune … The laws should re-written. If the laws don't condemn them to jail, they should be changed so that they are. Andrew and Tristan Tate should be put in jail for making porn. They gotta go [to jail] … they're involved in the creation of pornography.''
— Nick Fuentes on Andrew Tate
This year, Nick did a complete about-face, even going so far as to defend pornography production and human trafficking, before attacking Florida's Attorney General for investigating the Tate brothers.
Nick and the Tate brothers now frequently stream together, with their biggest stream being Nick's election night coverage which peaked at 50,000 live viewers.
Sulaiman Ahmed was accused in a lawsuit of being paid to uncover "dirt" on one of Andrew Tate's alleged human trafficking victims, and subsequently, is said to have orchestrated a relentless and malicious harassment campaign against her.
"Sulamain Ahmed shared an illegal recording of Jane Doe in complete distress … She was crying and hysterical and in utter pain. This was a private communication that Fisher and Ahmed shared without her consent and upon information and belief, they shared this at the direction of THE TATE BROTHERS to hurt and humiliate Jane Doe."
Nick invited Sulaiman as a VIP to AFPAC 4, where they joined forces to form a "Muslim-Christian Alliance."
Sulaiman says that "Britain was never a white country" and dismisses Rotherham grooming gangs as a "racist myth," claiming the children involved "gave consent."
This next tweet is a good microcosm of how the Groyper cult works… a junior Groyper asks a simple question about how being allied to Sulaiman Ahmed advances America First, and a more senior Groyper snaps at him to ''let Nick do the thinking for you.''
Needless to say, "Dr.'' Karlyn Borysenko is not a real doctor—her ''doctorate'' in Psychology (which took 7 years to obtain) is from a fake, scam university:
Before infiltrating the Groyper cult to become their queen, Karlyn spent several years obsessing over Nick Fuentes' homosexuality, gaybashing him in 2021:
Gaybashing him in 2022…
Gaybashing him in 2023…
In 2024, Karlyn had a change of heart and decided Nick was never gay, and voted for him for president.
Nick frequently interacts with Karlyn, because she sends him money.
Nick invited Karlyn to AFPAC 4 as a VIP.
Karlyn is most well-known for dating a child pornographer while he was in jail.
Nick knew this when he invited her as a VIP.
Let's start by discussing how this "Jewish smear campaign" (as Karlyn now calls it to try to downplay it to her new anti-semite friends) started. Karlyn has a history of being non committal and weird about the idea of age of consent. Famously, she has repeatedly said that "grooming children for sex" is speech that is protected by the First Amendment…
6 months ago · 4 likes · Poetrypainter
As you might expect from someone who dates convicted child pornographers, Karlyn proudly believes that ''grooming children for sex'' is ''ABSOLUTELY protected [free] speech'' and ''Conservatives who say otherwise are LYING.''
Karlyn has featured at least one other convicted pedophile on her channel to offer support, then ''lied and blamed his child victims & falsely claimed that there was only one minor who was 17 (this is false, court records show the minor was 14).''
On her Substack, Karlyn justifies ''child rape'' as ''not bad'' because ''what if you need to experience that as a child'' (!!) and argues that ''there are plenty of [children who have been raped] whose lives are NOT destroyed.''
In this clip, Karlyn declares it ''intrusive'' to keep kids away from pedophiles, and argues that people who want to protect kids from pedophiles should ''stop sticking their nose where it doesn't belong'':
When Groypers attacked ''Petey B's'' daughter a couple of months ago by making child rape memes, Karlyn blamed it on Petey himself because ''if you don't want your kids' pictures exploited, you shouldn't put them on the internet.''
A few months earlier, she offered the same defense of the Groypers, justifying their cyberstalking and harassment of another woman and her child by claiming the victim brought it on herself. She argued that Andy Powlas (#4) sexualizing the child was acceptable since he only used "pictures she posted publicly."
Meanwhile, Karlyn's own Flickr account overflows with photos of random kids.
Trey, whom Nick has flown across the country to visit, has ''sexually harassed girls as young as 8, flew out to visit a 17 year old just after she graduated, and visited a high school Groyper on his lunch break and talked about going to his school dances to meet 15-16 year old girls.''
Here is Trey calling Ali Alexander ''a gay pedophile.''
Here is Nick's Steam account, showing he is gaming friends with Trey.
Trey is famous for ''accidentally'' tweeting out child porn searches, proudly tweeted out his results from a ''Hate Values'' quiz on which he scored 100% in the ''pedophile'' category, and was caught hitting on a trans OnlyFans star, telling him that ''I can be your trad republican husband.''
Nick gave Trey a show on Cozy.
Nick says Trey is ''mentally ill,'' engaged in ''questionable sexual stuff … very degenerate with the sexual stuff'' and ''cries on command to manipulate people'' but admires that he is a ''smart'' ''chad'' who ''pulls girls'' with ''endearing chaotic energy'' and refuses to kick him off Cozy.
A source of mine says:
"Baked Alaska was aware of the hard drive containing child pornography and other disturbing material that Trey had on his phone. If I recall correctly, Trey found people's reactions of disgust amusing.''
I reached out to Baked Alaska, he told me:
"Wait, what? Bruh, they're trolling you. I've never heard of that. I do remember hearing something about Trey doing some weird stuff, but I don't recall anything about a hard drive. I think he just made some questionable comments, but I'm not sure. I've definitely heard people call him a pedo, and it's probably true, but I didn't know the details. This is the first I've heard about it."
My source responded:
''He definitely knew about CP on his phone and bragging about having a hard drive full of it. There was a huge argument at Baked's house in Phoenix during white boy summer. Trey was showing CP images to people there. Jaden went nuts about it.''
Next, I asked Jaden. He says:
''Yeah Baked Alaska knew, they all knew, I was the only one hollering about how the guy is a pedo on like every stream … I want to make it clear though he didn't show me anything, he talked about it and I ended up in 3 different fights with him (one was boxing, 2 were actual me fighting him) and they basically had to keep us separate. At one point he ran out crying because and called him mom, Jon Miller ran to comfort him and Nick was pissed that I wouldn't "drop the trey stuff" because I kept saying I wanted him kicked out of the house.''
Here is a video of Max Keeble Groyper (#25) confirming on Beardson's (#12) stream that Trey has child porn, and that he sent nudes to 12- or 13-year-olds:
Max Keeble Groyper: I was screaming and yelling at [Trey] when he was in the VC with me He's like I'm gonna post this and I'm screaming and yelling at him … it was the Telegram VC and I'm screaming at him. I just don't want him doing that stuff. I hate when he does that stuff [child porn]. I hate it. I don't know. You know, Trey fucking kills me. That kid.
Jaden: He kills me because I love him, but he also is a pedophile? What are you talking about, man? I think it's pretty easy for everyone that's listening right now to be like, oh, he's a confirmed pedophile? Maybe he should be like thrown off a rooftop or something.
Max Keeble Groyper: He's not a confirmed pedophile. He just fucking takes it too far. And it aggravates me, but it's like, you know.
Jaden: if you're posting that on twitter.com, if you're posting child porn on twitter.com at that point, I think it's pretty much confirmed or at the very least you should like, I don't know, be thrown in jail or something …
Max Keeble Groyper: He was teasing me about the child porn he was going to post.
Despite his many well-known pedo scandals, Trey remains active in America First behind the scenes. He was spotted recently mingling with Tyler Russell, Dalton Clodfelter (#20) and other Groypers at an Arizona State University event.
''Tyler Russel and Dalton were there [with Trey at an Arizona State University event], Dalton and Tyler were the normal ones.''
Speaking of Arizona, David Stringer, who was elected in 2016 to represent district 1 in the Arizona House of Representatives, raped two kids, one of them was disabled.
Former Rep. David Stringer faced charges alleging that he had repeated sexual contact with two boys younger than 15 years old, including one who was intellectually disabled, according to Baltimore police records released Friday by the House Ethics Committee.

David Stringer also "approved of adults having sex with children," "paid for sex with teenage boys," and stated, "I don't like to demonize [child sex trafficking]. I think that's demagoguery on child sex trafficking... There are a lot of 15-year-old prostitutes" (chuckles). He also added, "We can agree to disagree" over the idea that "there is no damage caused by child trafficking."
David Stringer believes that it's "just part of the normal experience" for an uncle to sexually abuse his nephew… The normalization of having sex with your uncle/father/father figure is a staple in the Groyper movement, with figures like Jon Miller (#2), Milo (#30), and Hoplite (#20) an Joe the Boomer (#24) all suggesting that being molested by an uncle or a father figure is merely a routine part of life.
''I've been playing video games since before you were molested by your first uncle, before your first molestation by a gay predator.''
— Joe the Boomer
After resigning from office in disgrace, Stringer founded "Prescott Publishing."
Prescott Publishing subsequently sponsored a Nick Fuentes speaking event.
Nick knew who was sponsoring the event before signing up, but when rumors started spreading, he backed out, blaming "security concerns." In a leaked Discord message from Arizona Young Republicans, it's clear Nick deliberately avoided labeling David Stringer a pedophile.
Chuck Johnson, whose occupation on Wikipedia is listed as "federal informant," collaborated with Peter Thiel on the Gawker case and the Trump transition,'' and introduced Thiel to his FBI handlers, resulting in Thiel becoming an FBI informant (according to Business Insider).
Nick has praised Chuck on his show dozens of times.
When then-Congressman Matt Gaetz faced backlash for associating with Chuck, Gaetz shared an email of Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law professor emeritus, praising Chuck as ''not an anti-Semite or a Holocaust denier.''
Chuck actually worked as Dershowitz's research assistant in the 2000's…
… around the same time that Dersh served as Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer.

Alan Dershowitz: ''I kept my underwear on during the massage.''

Alan Dershowitz: ''My wife scheduled the massage. If you think my wife scheduled a massage with an underage sex slave, then you'll believe anything. My wife had a professional masseuse. We have checks, canceled checks, proving that the massage occurred, when it occurred, who it occurred with. And I've had very, very few massages in my life. One at Jeffrey Epstein's house by a middle-aged woman who gave me a shoulder and neck massage, which I hated. I called my wife and complained about it immediately. I've done nothing wrong.''
Alex Stein: ''You admitted to a massage at Epstein's. I mean, that sounds bad in theory. I don't know, I'm just saying, as an attorney, how do we justify that? Because even that clip, you said you didn't get many massages, and then all of a sudden you're at Jeffrey Epstein's having a massage. It just raises red flags to the conspiracy theorists.''
Alan Dershowitz: ''But my wife had a massage as well. And I was having neck pains, and I was representing Jeffrey Epstein, and he said, 'Oh, you're having neck pains? I have this person.' I've had a few massages on my neck and my shoulder, and there's just nothing wrong with that. I did nothing wrong.''
Chuck's relationship with Dershowitz could explain his admiration for Jeffrey Epstein. Chuck often claims that Epstein was his FBI handler, and has published multiple articles "debunking" the Prince Andrew-Virginia Giuffre photo.
''Jeffrey Epstein died a hero … People are not ready for the "Epstein as hero" narrative''
— Chuck Johnson
Several other top Groypers, like Andrew Tate (#19) and Catboy Kami (#8), have at times praised Jeffrey Epstein.
Here is Nick saying that if he had billions of dollars like Elon Musk he would buy an Epstein island and create a "breeding colony" filled with ''high school-aged girls from Tiktok.'' He doesn't even try to pretend afterward that he was being ironic and "joking" after talking about the age of consent for the billionth time, and stating that 18 is too old.
''If I'm Elon, I'm finding the finest specimen, the finest high-school aged girl on TikTok , and I'm creating a breeding colony. I'm buying an Island [like Jeffrey Epstein], and it is straight up breeding colony … 18 years is the upper limit.''
Another Groyper connected to Jeffrey Epstein is Jean-François (JF) Gariépy, a French-Canadian former Academic at Duke University, who, in 2014, received $25,000 from Epstein to start the nonprofit organization NEURO.tv.
note the snowflake emoji in ''n1ckfientes'' handle
Asked whether he felt any regrets for having taken money from Epstein, JF said: "I'd cash a check sent straight from the devil if it could allow me to advance science or science education [...] I did know about the earlier conviction of Epstein when I accepted the money … I do not regret taking the money. Evil people are not just evil."
JF is notorious for targeting mentally impaired women. In 2016, a court (Court Document PDF) ruled he committed a crime by crossing state lines to engage in sexual activity with an autistic teenager, described as having the "mental maturity of a 10- or 11-year-old child" and as being "scared" of him. Her parents claimed she was part of a scheme to impregnate her, asserting that living with JF was against her interests and that she lacked the capacity for autonomous decisions.

But while Gariepy was fighting his wife for custody, he was also courting a 19-year-old with autism. The teenager, who lived in Texas, had "the social and mental maturity of a 10 or 11-year-old child," according to a counselor's assessment included in court records … The young woman had graduated high school and could drive, but could not make financial decisions, consent to marriage, or attend to daily activities like bathing or dressing without support or reminders from her mother, according to a psychologist's evaluation included in court records.
Gariepy claimed to The Daily Beast the young woman had a communicative disorder, but that she could consent to having a child. "Her intelligence and her capacity for making decisions, it's actually higher probably than the average 19-year-old woman," he said.
The psychologist found Gariepy to be "very bright, intellectually," but said he showed a lack of insight and impulse control, a "sense of being treated unfairly, or victimized," and displayed distorted thoughts suggesting "overt psychosis."
Gariepy said, "I'm convinced that I am pretty high on the psychopathic scale. [...] Maybe I can run the test tonight and see if the results are funny. But I wouldn't be surprised that I am perhaps in the top 1% of most psychopathic minds on this Earth."
On top of his attempted statutory rape of a literal, actual retard. Seven non-retarded women have come forward against him with sexual assault claims.

Gariepy then married another mentally disabled woman, dubbed "Mama JF," and had two children with her. On June 17, 2023, Mama JF vanished without her car and kids, without money or credit cards, aiming to live "off the grid, full survivalist." The next day, Gariepy announced a streaming hiatus.
Two days later, he claimed to have cleaned, renovated, and drywalled his home, including a full kitchen overhaul—allegedly to remove blood protein traces from wood framing, subflooring, and crevices, as bleach isn't universally effective.
''I'm comfortable enough and Mama JF has left me … that's why I had to take three days total to I made so so much cleaning so much reinstalling so much plastering of the walls construction renovation I wanted to set the home in the way I like it. It's like sterilized this home now.''
JF often compares himself to OJ Simpson, and is a Dexter superfan, and bought equipment for a ''kill room'', and bragged about cleaning up crime scenes.

He then tweeted several memes about murdering his wife:
JF then blamed her disappearance on ''poor female decision-making'' and claimed the only reason police were investigating him was because he was male.
Four months after Mama JF vanished in June 2023, she was reported missing to police in October, with JF as the main suspect. He claims he dropped his mentally disabled wife at a gas station and didn't tell anyone until she'd been gone for four months, despite her lacking survival skills, food, water, or shelter. This suggests possible negligent homicide... at best.
Before she went missing, she issued a desperate plea for help:

''You tried to kill me. You always follow me everywhere. You fucking tried to kill me for three years.''
Officially, Mama JF is still listed as missing.
RCMP commented to Newsweek, clearly signaling they expect this case to go to court:
''A spokesperson for RCMP told Newsweek, "As this is an ongoing investigation, the RCMP cannot discuss specific details of this case for the integrity of the investigation. Any evidence pertinent to this legal matter will be presented as part of the court process.''
If you have information on this case, please contact any of the following
In addition to being a murder suspect, JF constantly defends pedophilia.
''There are evolutionary justifications for pedophilia. If you're in the state of nature and you don't live in a policed society, you're some guy in the forest or you're in an isolated group enough of individuals that there's no such... that the parents of the kids will not be monitoring you. I mean, there's lots of people in our evolutionary history that have found themselves being child, children, and going around nature because their two parents were dead and there was no one to care for them. And so there is an evolutionary justification to say, hey, I'm going to take these children in my house and eventually she's going to become reproductive and at that time I will have babies. So pedophilia is probably a default mode of reproduction for a large part of our evolutionary history.''

''But evolution doesn't keep you from masturbating on a child that's not yet reproductive. To the contrary, why not take the child in your home, habituate them to sex so that when they reach 14 years old, they will be pregnant. This is not a justification for pedophilia. It's a factual reality that starting a child at 7 years old who has lost his parent and you're in a jungle surviving and you feed that child until she's 14 years old, this seems like an evolutionary functional strategy that will not be selected against by evolution.''
JF was enemies with Nick Fuentes until the Ali Alexander scandal broke, at which point he became Nick's biggest fan.
Beardson, pushing 40, jobless, divorced, and standing 5'2", has been a leading Groyper general since the movement began, acting as Nick's fiercest and most loyal attack dog.
Here is Beardson (standing next to Ali Jamal, a card carrying member of both FOGG (#41) and Snowflake Gang (#40)) yelling at a woman, ''lying bitch, lying bitch, lying bitch, you have no eggs, bitch, bitch'' before theatrically throwing a drink at her.
Who is this fat guy in a blue shirt, T-posing in front of Nick Fuentes, on the left side of this photo?
Meet Ian Ballinger, otherwise known as kszoomerstyle, kansasspeedster, realkansaszoomer, kansaszoom3r, Kansas_zoomer, kanzoomer.
Ballinger previously taught at Dexter Schools USD #471 in Kansas and now works as a history teacher at Uniontown High School in Uniontown, a small city in Bourbon County, Kansas, with a 2020 census population of 293.
Here are some of his low-lights. As you read them, I want you to picture this man as your child's teacher, the one instructing your daughter daily.
In this next clip, Nick says being a teacher would be a pedophile's favorite job, "or like, a guy who's into a teenage girls or boys, I guess" (drawing a distinction from "pedophiles"). Nick says when he was a high school senior, there was a "total Chad jock" in his class who was always flirting with their female teacher.
''You're attracted to the female students? That's really funny. Can't hate. I cannot hate. I cannot hate. Good for you, buddy, maybe you'll find your wife there!''
It's funny this story happened in Kansas because I've gotten results in Kansas:
I contacted Ian Ballinger twice, but he didn't reply. Here's the contact info for his principal and superintendent if you'd like to share this article with them:
Nick Fuentes attacks a viewer who apologizes for missing the show because he was "busy with the wife and kids":

''You sound like a faggot and you're going to hell with your ugly dog of a woman wife so people like you are what's wrong with this country … So busy with wife and kids doing what? Being a cuck? Busy being schlepping around bags for your wife? I was busy doing my wife's makeup. I was busy my wife was doing my makeup. Busy playing tea party with your baby girl's stay-at-home dad while your wife makes some money? Is that it?
And what does that even mean? Busy with the wife and kids doing what? I think they're pretty self-sufficient, aren't they? They should be. Busy with the wife and kids going on what? Playdates? What does that mean? Busy with the wife and kids? What do you mean by that? So yeah, sounds like you should get back to playing princess with your wife and your daughter or whatever.
Sounds like you should get back to braiding your wife's hair or whatever it is that you do with your fucking wife. Glad I stopped watching the show to get dragged to the garlic festival with my wife. Yeah, okay, buddy. Well, yeah, sounds like you should get back to it. Chop chop. Her hair is not gonna braid itself. But... Anyway. Incels aren't sad, incels are glad. And we're going to kill you.''

''Bro, like, dating's fucking gay, okay? Having sex with women is like, literally, this is, look, this is literally the gayest thing ever. Like, it's just, women, just fucking women and dating women, it's fucking gay, dude. It's fucking gay.''
Nick denies being straight twice in 30 seconds and then says he is still a virgin:
Nick explains how he's still a virgin in his mind because two men can't have sex:
Nick argues that, ''gay people do date girls all the time … having sex with a woman is gay.''
"Homosexuality is silly," Fuentes told his audience on a Jan. 16, 2022, livestream in response to rumors that he has sex with men. "When you're with your friends and when you're growing up, it's, like, a joke. You know? Everyone understands that."
''What part of what you know about me, would make you think that I would want to be propositioned by a woman?''
''If you want to know the truth, I think not going to the gym, that's the least gay thing that I do, to tell you the truth.''
Nick then mulls over the possibility of getting a hot girlfriend as a beard—note how he gesticulates with sassy jazz hands:
''I'm not against grooming … I've been on this crusade against the age of consent.''
''The whole age of consent thing is really a socialist construct.''
Nick says it's normal and not deviant to be attracted to the same sex as long as its ''not exclusive'':
Nick proposes "age of marriage" as the alternative to "age of consent." He says people should get married "when they're at a reproductive age, when they're adolescents," though he doesn't give a specific number for this "reproductive age." He says he wants a 16-year-old wife when he is 30, "when the milk is fresh," and argues that just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.
''I think the age of consent should be much lower. I don't even believe in the concept ... There is no such thing as marital rape.''
''Big fan of Chuck Berry… Chuck Berry has a song, sweet 16, sweet little 16. I love how back in the 50's there were hit songs about marrying 16-year-olds. But i'm the freak, I'm the creep. This stuff used to be normal, before everyone got gay.''
In this next long clip, Nick's describes his ideal marriage as purchasing an 18-year-old from a war torn country, sleeping in separate rooms from her, ''having sex every 9 months for 10 years,'' and separating after the kids grow up. He says that if she is infertile he will remain celibate.
Is this a genuine Catholic man who values the sacrament of marriage, or a pseudo-Catholic exploiting faith to gain followers and profit?
One of the most notable figures in Cozy's history is Steve "Franssen" Sumerstone, who hosted a Cozy show until 2024.

''I'll kind of touch their cheek because their cheeks are so soft, and that's totally okay. Mothers are usually very, very okay with that. I've yet to meet a mother that's like, "Oh, don't touch my child," but the older the kids get, so when I approach a 12-year-old, I don't. I might—I might give him a pat on the head, even the girls sometimes I'll give him a pat on the head or a pat on the back, but I don't give them a big hug. I don't, you know, give them a kiss on the forehead because they are just so delightful, but I—I can do that with a younger kid. But you also want to be very careful of a parent's expectations when you're showing affection for a child. The younger that they are, the more they will be willing to give you affection. They'll be able—they'll just come and grab your leg and hang on to it for 15 minutes, or they'll rub against your shoulder for 10 minutes as you're, like, eating your lunch. Um, the older that they are, the more culture they have in them, the less likely that's going to happen.''

I reached out to Steve.
Chris Brunet: I am going to discuss your video ''7 Tips for Talking to Children'' Any comment? I am genuinely asking, since Nick is now enemies with so many former allies, it is hard to keep track of all the drama and lore. Are you on good terms with the Groypers and America First?
Steve Franssen: Hi Chris, I'm retired from political activism and ended my association with America First over a year ago. I'm pursuing a new career in AI songwriting and crypto altcoins. Also, I love peaceful parenting. Here, listen to my song Jarrod. Please don't critique the song in your article. I'm kind of sensitive. https://we.tl/t-ryWpvrnIES
Chris Brunet: How can you say you are retired from political activism when you do a political activism show with Groypers? Vincent James (your co-host) is on the Board of Directors for the America First Foundation, and Dave Reilly (your co-host) threatened to murder me for questioning America First.
Steve Franssen: *blocks me*
Steve Franssen really, really, really hates the wifejak meme.
Have you seen the wifejak meme floating around on X…
4 months ago · 15 likes · Franssen
Sohrab Ahmari wrote an essay explaining the meme:
A crudely drawn young woman with flowing red hair and a subtle smile on her face, wifejak is the first genuinely wholesome online meme in I-don't-know-how-long. Appearing in various commonplace scenarios, she enacts the familiar and charming foibles of wives and girlfriends—the sorts of things many young men imagine to be unique to their own better halves before life experience reveals them to be characteristic of most members of the fair sex.
Wifejak is silly and a little annoying and painfully normal—and she's endearing in the extreme not in spite of these qualities, but precisely because of them. Her rise thus attests to the enduring yearning for matrimonial and family normality in an age when the normal is under attack, in different ways, from both the institutional left and the hard online right.
Nick Fuentes has been waging an anti-wifejak crusade for days. On a recent episode of his online streaming show, Fuentes lamented how online young men have gone from "lionizing" the likes of the Unabomber and Hitler to posting adorable memes about their wives. He added: "If I ever see wifejak in the streets, I'm going to ram my car into her car. I'm going to hit her on the driver's side head-on. And if she doesn't die, I'm going to break through the windshield and kill her myself."
At the direction of Nick Fuentes, Groypers killed and raped the wifejak meme.
After killing and raping the wifejak meme, they killed and raped ''daughterjak.''
Here's what Nick has to say regarding the child rape drawings groypers share and produce. He condemns anyone CRITICIZING the drawings as being "spiritually female."
''It's all these wife guys on Twitter. Their fucking woman is speaking vicariously through them when they say, these cartoons are spiritually harmful. It's like it's a cartoon of a frog choking a woman with his dick. And they go, this is more spiritually poisonous. It's like, fuck you. Fuck you.''
To all Groypers reading this who believe that raping daughterjak is okay because ''she is a cartoon,'' I sincerely urge you to watch this short debate in which Dennis Prager defends the ethics of ''animated child porn.''
''There's no real victim in that sense of child pornography ... And by viewing animated child porn, it prevents me from acting out sexually on a child … No child is being used. It's all animated … You can't be evil. You didn't do evil if you thought evil … Who is being hurt? You have to have a victim … I won't call it evil.''
— Dennis Prager, Founder of PragerU
Kami is Nick's ex-boyfriend.
In this clip, Kami breaks down laughing in tears at the possibility Nick could ever have a heterosexual marriage:
Kami's computer wallpaper is loli:
Kami has admitted to jerking off to loli on multiple occasions:
Interviewer: ''Do you get offended when people say if someone accuses you of being a pedophile … The idea of jerking it to kids is not the same as somebody fucking a kid?''
Kami: ''Jerking off to a drawing is different than jerking off to child pornography … laws shouldn't dictate your morality, but I'm just saying in the context of an accusation, one being an accusation of something illegal and one being an accusation of something not illegal, there's a big difference.''
Interviewer: ''It didn't seem to be a joke. You weren't doing a skit or a bit. You were in an interview with many other people. And one of the guys joked about you masturbating to children. And you corrected him and you said, no, no, I masturbate to anime lollies. Big difference. Do you actually masturbate to lollicon, to illustrated images of children?''
Kami: ''I have jacked off to loli hentai in the past. But i do i do draw a distinction between lolicon and uh like actual child pornography.''
Nick famously flew Kami out to America from Australia for a date.

Nick took to Telegram to defend their 10-hour date, which he calls a ''fake controversy'' and ''two guys hanging out.''
More recently, Kami was seen trying to cloutchase from Sneako (#38).
He was then signed by Milo's (#30) new gay Catholic modeling agency.
A 15-year old girl accused Kami of raping her at a Groyper house party.
When these rape accusations were coming out, Kami tweeted out that "rape is not real", while his twitter bio read "CEO of rape."
I reached out to Kami and asked him about this alleged rape.
He was evasive, defensive, angry, and repeatedly tried to change the subject.
A social media page appearing to belong to a gunman who killed eight people at a Dallas-area outlet mall had shared extremist beliefs with rants against Jews, women and racial minorities posted since September, as well as posts about struggling with mental health.
Mauricio Garcia, 33, maintained a profile on the Russian social networking platform OK.ru, including posts referring to extremist online forums, such as 4chan, and content from white nationalists, including Nick Fuentes, an antisemitic white nationalist provocateur
—NBC News, May 2023
Here is a link to the shooter's 7-page manifesto, which is mostly about how he is a self-loathing Hispanic. Nick was important enough to be featured in the final paragraph:
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Groypers are desperately trying to distance themselves from last month's mass shooter by denying his affiliation to their "Snowflake Gang" (#40 on today's list) pedophile network, but the shooter's manifesto includes a list of his social media accounts, one of which, "BrevikGroyper," explicitly identifies him as a Snowflake Groyper.
''Two students are dead and one injured after a 17-year-old male student armed with a handgun opened fire in the cafeteria of Antioch High School in Nashville on Wednesday morning. Social media accounts linked in the document and scattered across many platforms including X, Kick, TikTok and Telegram.''
— The Nashville Tennessean, January 23, 2025
Remarkably, the shooter's full manifesto is available on Substack. I read it, crude, low IQ, seething with rage. Nick Fuentes gets two mentions, Groypers get three mentions. The shooter credits Fuentes as "the person who radicalized me the most" and labels himself a "Groyper Incel."
Disclaimer: In no way does publishing the shooter's manifesto agree with its aims or shares the sentiment generating them. On the contrary, I am deeply appalled by both the contents of the manifesto and the tragic crime that resulted in the death of a woman. This post is shared solely for journalistic purposes…
2 months ago · 70 likes · UBERSOY
The shooter's X account, HaramboiDilly, was dedicated to engaging with Snowflake Groypers and sharing clips of Nick.
This mass shooter is seen here chatting with ''Pandora Groyper,'' the self-described ''AF Cultist'' we described earlier:
The shooter's SoundCloud account listened a song titled "Your Body My Choice," which featured vocals from Nick Fuentes.
The shooter had a Groyper Discord profile, ''rupnowgroyper_43801''
The shooter was a member of "Snowflake Gang" (#40) and explicitly used a snowflake emoji to identify himself as such on X.
After the shooting, certain Groyper lieutenants attempted to conceal their links to the shooter by photoshopping Bronze Age Mindset onto images of his backpack, seeking to falsely associate him with Bronze Age Pervert and spread disinformation to blur the direct Groyper connection.
In addition to Groypers and BAPists, another adjacent sub-culture is ''Amarnites.''
Amarnites are a Twitter clique that is generally characterized by over-the-top edginess and shock humor that transgresses Christian morality. They're not exclusively or even primarily Fuentes fans. A significant portion are BAP fans, and others dislike both BAP and Fuentes. The bridge between these guys and your typical "paleocon zoomer" Republican groyper is the clique of pedophiles that has been documented in this thread. Those people seem to like Fuentes for the exact reasons normal right-wingers hate him (pedo takes, Hitler larp, incel-ism, homosexuality). They're generally unbothered by homosexuality because they're not Christian, and in fact they enjoy so-called gey/pedophile jokes because their main drive seems to be making Christians uncomfortable so that "Nietzscheans" can take over.
In the screenshot below, Amarnites go back and forth on their Amarna forum about whether or not they should be supporting Fuentes, and the main arguments used in favor of supporting him are his take on the age of consent and his cultism.
I sadly predict that there will be a much larger Groyper mass shooter sometime within the next 0-2 years. Fortunately, in a stroke of irony or poetic justice, two of Nick Fuentes' staunchest adversaries were recently appointed heads of counterterrorism under Donald Trump. "Dr. Gorka has been a resolute advocate for the America First Agenda and the MAGA Movement," Trump stated.
''Nick Fuentes is a scumbag. Utter scumbag … He is one of the most reprehensible human beings on the planet … Nick Fuentes: you will burn in hell, you sad little boy.''
— Seb Gorka
Trump then announced Joe Kent as the head of a counterterrorism agency:
Nick has a long history with Joe Kent, initially endorsing Kent as "the most promising primary challenger" in 2022, before promptly turning against him and launching a years-long troll campaign.
After Joe Kent lost his Congressional race in 2022, Fuentes danced on his grave and took credit for defeating him.
"That was the biggest upset in the midterms, and he lost by like 1 percent, We did this! We put this on the map … Politics is a mean business, he should have thought about all that before denouncing me… That was the Groyper curse, that was the Groyper effect … Here we are a week before the primary election, and the New York Times is running an article about the Groypers outflanking [Joe Kent] on the right! And so I think it's a total success because that was our mission from the beginning."
When Joe Kent lost another race 2024, Nick pointed at the camera and screamed at him that he's a loser.
''Hahaha he lost again haha two time loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Hahaha. Two times loser. Get shit on you fucking lose. You suck. You suck. You are shit.''
Please share this article to increase chances that Seb Gorka or Joe Kent will see it.
If I could show Gorka and Kent one clip, it would be this clip where Nick Fuentes threatens to prevent 10k people from voting, refuses to elaborate how, then admits to undermining Trump and says he hopes Kamala wins.
''So then I say, all right, yeah, Nick Fuentes has no place in the GOP. Well, I'll take all my followers, and I'll go to Michigan, and we'll do things I won't disclose now, and maybe we'll prevent 10,000 people from voting that otherwise would have voted Republican. If Trump follows through, he gets Michigan. If he doesn't, I'll take it. I'll take it. And they say, you'll hand the country to Kamala. I know. And good.''
Nick later revealed his master plan was to produce an AI video of Trump declaring war on Iran from the Oval Office.
''Yeah, we were gonna make an AI video of Trump declaring war on Iran ... So I said, what if we did an AI ad and it was Trump declaring war on Iran, like from the Oval Office? That would have been really good. It was a really good idea, but they're like, no, no, you can't, that's illegal. I was like, damn, that sucks.''
Less than a year ago Nick Fuentes raised $200k (I haven't been able to independently verify this sum) for an illegal ballot harvesting operation that he tried to tie to Trump in AZ, GA & WI. Ballot harvesting is a Class 6 Felony in AZ & illegal in GA. Fuentes was quoted saying "don't worry you'll only go to prison if you're Jewish and vaccinated."
Meanwhile, Douglass Mackey was thrown in jail over a Tweet.
If you're familiar with the case of Douglass Mackey, you know that he was the man behind the famous pro-Trump account "Ricky Vaughn," which was influential in the 2016 election. Mere days after Biden took office, he was charged by the DOJ with the crime of "election interference" for sharing memes online…
2 years ago · 65 likes · 4 comments · Paulos
Andy lives in Georgia and pretends to be a successful music industry executive, but in reality, appears to be an unemployed college dropout living with his parents. He is ''likely a criminal informant. He was on an X Space screaming about fire bombing a black guy's house and then disappeared for a couple weeks, only to return as a Groyper general.''
When the Groypers hosted AFPAC 4 in Detroit last year, Andy was caught on camera in the VIP section throwing a drink at a bouncer and then running away. Andy claimed he was going to rape a woman's daughters at this conference.
Andy is known for being the most willing Groyper to push limits on topics like age of consent, child porn, child marriage, and child rape.
In between posting about child rape, Andy posts about Jesus:
And then he goes back to yelling ''nigger'' at people."
Andy frequently speaks on X spaces with his alt-account, ''AFhasbara'', to the point where his voice is well-known, and ''AFhasbara'' has become synonymous with ''Andy Powlas.'' In this next clip, ''AFhasbara'' (with Andy's voice) says he wants to "have sex" with a 2-year old girl and form a "beautiful love connection between a man and a young woman … this is he beauty of the internet and the modern information age, where a man can find love."
In this leaked DM, Andy Powlas confesses to "masturbating to a video [of 16-year-olds] right now." Isn't this admission alone sufficient to warrant a raid and the seizure of his electronic devices?
Here are more leaked DMs showing Andy Powlas describing ''fucking kids'' as a "core tenet of the Groyper movement."
AFHasbara often posts defamatory tweets about me, personally, falsely claiming, for instance, that I dated LibsOfTikTok, a person I've never even met.
Andy Powlas, as AFHasbara, frequently sends me threatening DMs on X.
After spamming me on X, Andy started spamming me from his irl Instagram:
After explicitly threatening to rape children and bragging about masturbating to child pornography—this next audio clip captures Andy's voice trembling, on the brink of tears, as he screams during an X Space when someone mentions the possibility of his pedophile behavior being sent to his family.
— Andy Powlas
If you know Andy's family, please share this article with them.
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'''Latino Zoomer, it does seem like he's down bad, doesn't it. Poor guy.''
— Nick Fuentes
Police arrested LatinoZoomer in 2022 for threatening to shoot up a TPUSA conference (TPUSA is rivals with the Groypers), at which point they found child porn on his phone... videos of children ''under 12.'' In the course of his prosecution, the child pornography charges were apparently dropped as part of a plea deal, with Velasquez pleading guilty to the charge related to his shooting threat.

For years leading up to his arrest, Velasquez was a main figure among the Groypers, never missing an event. He appeared in the official "Happy Birthday Nick Fuentes" video, delivering the line, "Yo Nick, happy birthday, my nigga." Fuentes returned the gesture by wishing Latino Zoomer a happy birthday the next year, confessing that he followed Latino Zoomer on Instagram.
''[Yes, I follow you on Instagram]. Happy birthday king! We love you big guy. Happy birthday hope you got lots of cake and presents.''
— Nick Fuentes to LatinoZoomer
Speaking of LatinoZoomer's Instagram, that's where he boasted about grooming a 13-year-old girl and messaged an 11-year-old, proposing she befriend his 11-year-old sister as a ruse to initiate sexual contact.
Alejandro saying that the girl should become friends with his 11-year-old sister so he could have sex with her. Seems like he was awkwardly "joking around" flirting with her at first, using emojis so he'd have a thin layer of protection, "I was just joking around XD", but this behavior persists in Instagram DMs as well.
Despite tolerating Velasquez's overt pedo tendencies for year, Nick milked Latino Zoomer for donations, and only finally distanced himself after the arrest.
Jon Miller—a name already mentioned a dozen times in this article, since he is best friends with all the teen Groypers—is a forty-something unemployed gay man currently residing in his rich parents' home in Los Angeles.
Dalton (left) is ranked #20
Tyler Russel (#20), Beardson (#12), Jon Miller (#2), Dalton (#20)
''Jon Miller is an off the charts genius. One of the unsung heroes [of America First] … This guy is brilliant He has become one of my close friends.''
''They call me a pedophobe ? No I'm not scared of pedophiles. I want them dead.''
Here is a link to Jon's TikTok account, where he can be found making dances about having sex with Anne Frank.
Once a reliable team player in the Con Inc. ecosystem, his tenure as a journalist at The Blaze came to an abrupt end during the COVID-19 pandemic, a departure attributed to what sources describe as a genuine mental breakdown fueled by alcohol, cocaine, and his struggles with homosexuality.
Jon Miller thinks that being attracted to Marisa Tomei is ''more disturbing than pedophilia''. He put ''pedophilia'' in scare-quotes.
Here is Jon Miller fantasizing about JD Vance's children being molested:
According to IRS Form 990, the America First Foundation's mission is "to educate, promote, and advocate for conservative values based on principles of American nationalism, Christianity, and traditionalism." Financial data from ProPublica for the fiscal year ending June 2023 shows the foundation with total assets of $189,000 and total liabilities of $12,000.
The foundation's governance structure highlights three key figures:
Jon Miller is the treasurer of Nick's foundation.
Lauren Witzke is another central player in the America First Foundation. In this 2023 video, Witzke participates in a self-flagellating "groveling session" to appease Fuentes and his followers after a perceived slight:
''I wanted to say publicly how sorry I am. I understand that there were feelings that I disrespected Nick Fuentes, or our leadership, or the America First movement. I wanted to come on here and sincerely apologize. That is never my intention at all. I am dedicated to this movement. I have always been dedicated to this movement. I love you guys.''
In 2024, Witzke leveraged her 200,000+ followers to repeatedly solicit donations for the America First Foundation:
By her own account, Lauren Witzke was once a drug-runner for "Mexican cartels."
Sinaloa actively operates in Delaware, where she's a semi-successful politician.
"I ended up in a situation that I never thought I'd find myself in: I was running drugs, actually, for the Mexican cartels.
— Lauren Witzke
Taylor Hansen is another AFPAC VIP who received funds from the Russian government as part of an influence operation via Tenet Media.
Per Tenet Media, Witzke personally signed the rental contract for AFPAC.
The irony lies in Tenet Media doxxing Lauren Witzke as a central figure in the America First Foundation only to be exposed months later as a Russian psyop.

Lauren Chen, the mastermind behind Tenet Media's Russian-linked operation, was dragged before the Canadian Parliament to testify. Witzke defended Chen, calling her a "true Christian conservative" and labeling the probe a "witch hunt.

I'm speculating here, but Witzke might be covering for Chen because Lauren could be implicated in accepting Russian funds herself. These bimbo influencers with 200k followers often post nonsense and take money from dubious sources or foreign entities to push paid narratives. Given Witzke's ties to Tenet and Chen, it's plausible she had links to Russian intelligence then, especially given her Cartel ties.
Do these tweets look organic to you? Or astroturfed?
A second Lauren, Lauren Southern, Destiny's (#38) lover, was then exposed in 2024 as a key contributor to Tenet Media, producing ''94 videos for Tenet Media's social media channels in the nine months leading up to July 31, 2024,'' bringing the Russia connection full circle.

Ali Alexander's extensively documented history of financial misconduct and tax fraud, alongside the America First Foundation's ties to the Sinaloa Cartel and Russian oligarchs, points to a broad spectrum of grave offenses. These may encompass tax evasion, election interference, money laundering, RICO violations, human trafficking, extortion, wire fraud, and the operation of pedophile networks. Such activities, which pose significant threats to public safety, transcend mere domestic terrorism, escalating the Groypers' actions into a pressing national security issue that demands a federal investigation.
Ali Alexander (born Ali Abdul-Razaq Akbar) is a serial predator sex pest who, for the past ~8 years, has been Nick Fuentes' closest friend, colleague, and confidant.
''Nothing has hurt Nick like his defiant refusal to excommunicate Ali Alexander, whose youngest victim was 9 when Ali began to groom him, and 12 when Ali first forcibly sodomized him. Nick has known about Ali's crimes for years. They still talk every day … of course, the truth is Nick doesn't just look the other way for years. He actively aided and abetted Ali's sex crimes … When Ali does get in a hotel room with one of them (say, after a protest, or maybe at AFPAC), all he wants to do is suck them off… whether they want it or not.''
— Milo
Every villain has an origin story; in 2006, Ali was arrested for ''stealing Five MP3 Players, Twenty CDs, Three Camcorders, Two DVD Players, One Back Massager, One Clock, Four Shirts, Two Belts, and a Piece of Luggage from a woman's home.'' He was then arrested again for ''breaking into someone's car, stealing his debit cards and property.''
In 2008, Ali was a "member of the Republican National Convention Floor Operations team," a contributor to a blog called "Hip-Hop Republican,'' and worked for the John McCain campaign, where he was caught trying to rig votes.
''I sat in on a meeting in my downtown Dallas office and heard an e-campaign staffer with the John McCain campaign – Ali A. Akbar – openly discuss ways to manipulate, rig and otherwise "take" an election.''
— McCain staffer (source)
In 2009, Ali worked on tea party news sites and helped tea party candidates boost their online presence. He was a rising star in Republican politics.
In 2010, Ali's mother registered a political consultancy called Vice and Victory Agency, which received more than $40,000 from a tea party PAC that Politico later dubbed a "scam PAC." As I was drafting this article, Ali unexpectedly emailed me from a "Vice and Victory" email handle, spinning this narrative that people came after him because stood up to Jews, not because of the pedophile stuff.
In 2012, Ali had a love affair with *checks notes*… Karl Rove?
By 2014, Alexander landed a gig as communications director for the Republican Leadership Conference, and as a senior adviser to the Black Conservatives Fund, which received more than $150,000 that year from Mercer. As detailed by journalist Lamar White Jr., the mysterious PAC had begun meddling in Louisiana politics in 2014.
In 2014, Ali ran the National Blogger's Club where he was caught collecting donations as a non-profit, but never actually applied for non-profit status with the IRS, so the State of Texas seized control of the business license.

Ali then fundraised money for an "Andrew Breitbart Scholarship Fund", fraudulently using Breitbart's name for something he had no involvement in.
From 2014 to 2017, Ali floating from one political operation to the next, until around the time of Charlottesville in 2017, he latched onto Nick, and has since remained a fixture in the Groyper movement.
In an October 2017 clip, five years before Ali was ultimately exposed, Nick admits he has ''abundant evidence'' that Ali is ''gay for the alt-right'' and wants to ''interact sexually with young white boys.''
"[Ali] did things with Karl Rove, he pretends to be in the right wing … I have evidence that Ali is literally gay for the alt-right, confirmed by several sources. … There's, like, abundant evidence that ... [Ali Alexander] would like interact in a sexual way with young [fascist] white boys ... I knew Ali was bisexual. Ali flirted with me when I was 19. or 20."
— Nick Fuentes, 2017
Milo released texts between him and Nick: ''How many of your fans does he have to molest [Ali Alexander] just wanted to come to [your conference] to blow 17 year olds?'' to which Nick replied: ''You're right you're right!!! … they're my problematic token minorities.''
From 2017-2023, Nick let the Ali problem metastasize, promoting and protecting him at every turn, giving him a Cozy show and access to unlimited middle and high school boys.
In 2023, the situation boiled over, and Ali was forced to publicly apologize for "any inappropriate messages sent over the years," claiming he had "repented before God and confessed at church" in the same breath as he minimizes his actions as sending "corny pickup lines."

Snapchat messages have survived which show Ali, informed that [the target] was 15, nonetheless offering to buy the boy alcohol, enquiring how best to send him gifts without his parents' knowledge, and demanding "jack-off material.
Conversation records show Akbar calling [the target] his "puppy." He asks repeatedly when they might meet in person for sex. He also dangled career opportunities and introductions, none of which ever materialized.
[The target], who is now 21 years old and a high-profile America First supporter, confirmed their veracity and the facts of our story, including his age at the time the offenses were committed.
[The target], also said that Alexander offered him an internship if he agreed to come "hang out" in Texas for a week and also proposed heading to Colorado to meet [the target] if he was "game." Alexander was in his early 30s at the time.
Here are screenshots of a different 17-year old declining Ali's offer of money in exchange for shirtless pictures.
Here is Ali offering an 18-year-old to live in his house in exchange for ''being his maid'' and "doing chores."
Here is Ali preying on another young boy on Instagram where he pesters him for selfies and tells the boy to ''brush your teeth with my dick'' before offering to fly him out in exchange for a blowjob.
Here is a video from showing Ali defending his sexual texts with another teenager:
Ali Alexander: ''You can have whatever conversation you want when someone is 17. We can have any conversation we want when someone is 17.''
Legal analyst: ''Federal law prohibits the use of any means of communication such as telephone calls or use of the internet to persuade or entice a minor under 18. So the law says 18 federally, which applies to communications over the internet. 18 when it's over the internet. Any sort of sexualized talk or sexualized conversation. Just so that Ali Alexander understands what the law is, it's 18, not 17. We're not making any accusations. However, at minimum, it looks like Ali Alexander, as a man of over 30, at the very least, misunderstood the federal law as it applies to the appropriate age for any sort of sexualized communications over the internet.''
More creepy leaked DMs with young boys…
In another case, Ali dangled his Kanye connection to lure in Max, a 19-year-old "lifelong Kanye West fan.'' Ali pressured Max to send him compromising pictures and pushed to meet for sex.
Ali Alexander is shown here lusting after the "scruffy and all … very cute Christian boys" working for Steven Crowder.
Ali appears to have a ''kink'' for corrupting young Christian boys in particular. In separate leaked Telegram messages, Ali confesses, "I can be a bad Christian … even Christians lust," before pressing a boy to "upload his face," assuring him, "You can tell me anything, and it'll stay between us."
Here is another of Ali's alleged victims recounting the time Ali ''asked for a video of me jacking off as collateral for the job'':
Ali also asked ''Florida Groyper'' to provide him with ''a video of him jacking off'' as ''collateral'' if he wanted an ''Infowars internship.''
Here is an interview with one of Ali's attempted victims, Luke.
''Luke, 20 at the time of his grooming experience, was one of the lucky ones. He identified Ali Alexander's predation early on.''
"One of the ways predators intimidate their victims is by injecting themselves into intimate family moments or big life milestones. Ali leapt on Luke's graduation pictures, casting a pall over a happy day."
"Alexander/Akbar repeatedly and aggressively demands sexual favors while telling his victims that their feelings, and, it's implied sometimes, their consent, are irrelevant."
"This is a common theme: I asked him to stop, but he wouldn't."
Ali Alexander, born in 1984, was 29 in 2013 when he befriended "Matthew," a 12-year-old boy he met online, photographing the boy with captions like "is it weird that one of my closest friends is 12? Don't care" and another joking about "ice cream" (implying jizz) on his face. Ali called Matthew "my best friend," "muscle jock," and "fatty jock," then talked about flying him out for New Year's Eve.
In another instance of Ali forming an unsettling bond with 12-year-old boy, Ali groomed CJ Pearson to forge his parents' signatures and lie about their time together to run petty scams.

''Your relationship with Ali Akbar was concerning to me from the beginning and as your presumptive business manager- I warned you that doing business with Ali would not be in your best interest. Despite these warnings, you were confident that Ali would only be managing your online presence however this has proven to be yet another fabrication.
Under Akbar's tutelage, C.J. has already been "mentored" into going behind his parents' backs, forging their signatures, and lying to them.
In studying Akbar, there are two different rumors abounding among my nameless sources which explain his continued power: (1) that he has 'leverage' or dirt on important conservatives, and that (2) Akbar is CPAC's go-to man for 'party favors' like cocaine, aka "chapstick." These explanations are not mutually exclusive, either, and if there is any truth to them at all then Akbar should be kept as far away as possible from all budding young conservatives for all time.''
— Breitbart Unmasked
Years later, CJ Pearson became National Co-Chair of the Republican Youth Advisory Council. In a leaked "Groyper Generals" group chat, Nick Fuentes claimed Pearson collaborated with Ali to cover up another pedophile scandal within the Groyper ranks.
Ali's most ''famous'' victims are ''Smiley'' and ''Lance.''
Nick calls himself ''the real victim in this entire saga,'' said the Ali Akbar accusations were "debunked," and maintains that ''there are two sides to every story.''
''I stand by what I've said about Smiley and Lance, with regard to Smiley and Lance, I think that in both cases, they know what they are doing … there's a culture within the right wing where, if we're all being honest, everyone knows what they're doing … Lance is trading his sexuality for a political favor … People are using their position and status for sexual favors … they are using their sexuality to try to get a leg up profesionaly, At 15, 16, 17, I think you know what you are doing.''

"The second I put out the statement condemning Ali Alexander, Nick called my phone in about five minutes. He hadn't called me for years. Oh, but now you're going to call me? Now you're going to call me when I'm condemning the pedophile? Huh? So I put out the statement saying, 'Ali Alexander is a pedophile. I will not be working with him moving forward.' Instantly, ding, ding, ding, Nick's calling my phone. He never calls me. And he starts running damage control. 'Hey, what are you doing, big guy? OK, you know, trying to get me to placate.' I'm like, 'Bro, hey, you know, no offense to you, this shit is—this shit made me sick, and the fact that Nick went out there and was like, "I'm the real victim here.'' It makes me sick.''

Viewer: ''I think distancing ourselves from that brown pederast is the best thing for America First. We only need you. Milo and Ali prove it's no good to associate with former homosexuals.''
Nick Fuentes: ''Why don't you let me worry about that? Last I checked, you aren't the one leading anything ... why don't you trust my judgment?''
In 2022 Nick admitted that he ''still talks with Ali every day,'' and in 2023 was still actively re-posting and boosting him.
In 2024, after Nick's X ban was lifted, Ali Alexander was spotted in the main Groyper group chats celebrating with them.
The last substantive update on Ali Alexander, before today, was from May 2024.
A police investigation into Republican operative Ali Alexander is still ongoing, a spokesperson for the Johnstown Police Department in Colorado confirmed to the Daily Dot on Wednesday, and has now extended to Texas.
''The Johnstown Police Department is working with partner agencies in Texas to further the investigation," the spokesperson wrote in an email.
I reached out to the Johnstown Police Department for an update. They told me:
''The [Ali Alexander] investigation is still active … I spoke to Chief Strossner and he said we do have an open investigation but not enough to file criminal charges at this time. We are trying to collaborate with the Fort Worth Internet Crimes Against Children Unit. If you have any information that would help further our investigation here in Johnstown, we would be interested in having a detective meet with you.''
— Johnstown Police Department, March 5th, 2025
If you have any information about Ali Alexander committing crimes in Colorado:
If you have any information about Ali Alexander committing crimes in Texas:
In addition to his ongoing legal troubles in Colorado and Texas, Ali allegedly raped another 18-year old boy in Louisiana so violently that he ''still has medical issues with his anus to this day.''
''Later, around October 2016 in New York City, I endured further abuse. After being introduced to James O'Keefe and Laura Loomer at O'Keefe's offices outside NYC for a debate watchpart, we stayed with a colleague of Ali's [who] used used a belt, at the instruction of Ali, to strike me with. Ali provided drugs and alcohol, and I suffered physical violence.
The absolute worst occurred in November 2016. I was forced to wear an anal plug, causing excruciating pain. He expressed a desire for anal sex, and despite my protests, he heavily intoxicated me and raped me. It was the most physically painful experience of my life. The next day, I begged for a flight home and fled back to my home state of Michigan around early 2017.
When I returned home, I began to experience extreme bowel and pelvic discomfort. After a long time of not knowing what was wrong with me—and after numerous tests, including a colonoscopy and defecating proctogram—I was told I have pelvic floor dysfunction.''
— Ali's alleged victim ''Joe''
I contacted the law firm that sent this legal letter, which connected me directly with "Joe." He told me that after sending his letter, Ali Alexander's attorneys proposed a settlement so insultingly low that he rejected it, and reported the alleged crime to the Baton Rouge Special Victims Unit. The statute of limitations, both civil and criminal, remains open for many of these claims.
I extended Ali Alexander an opportunity to submit a statement for this article, but he chose not to respond. In his absence, I'll give the final word to Joe:
"I have no illusions that Ali Alexander will face the consequences he deserves in this world. But I do believe there is a higher justice, one that holds people accountable for their actions when this life ends. While I know they may avoid punishment here, I take some comfort in the belief that he will face his reckoning. It is my hope that one day, a victims' fund will be established to support those who, like myself, have suffered at the hands of powerful individuals. No one should have to endure what we have in silence or fear."
— ''Joe''
In this article I've already documented dozens of examples of Nick Fuentes doxxing and swatting his enemies while inciting his followers to do the same.
''I don't support doxxing. I've never doxxed anybody. Groypers have never doxxed anybody, I don't support that.''
Here are 15 more examples, just to be safe:
Nick brags about doxxing a working class electrician and mocks him for being "poor'': ''We literally doxxed him''
Nick threatens the dox his critics
Nick doxxes Lance's home address
Groypers swat Rekieta
Groypers swat Metokur and Warski
Groypers claimed credit for the swatting of father-in-law of Ethan Ralph's child. This is now the 2nd time Ethan Ralph's fans have swatted the father of a mother to his child.
Groypers dox Teddy Feaser
Nick doxxes home address of sitting Congresswoman
Nick doxxes Milo's home address
Milo swats Groyper intern
Groypers threaten to rape Morgan Ariel's daughter and then dox her home address with Nick's approval
Groyper lieutenants showing up at a doxxed house and ringing the doorbell
Groyper is doxxed, reported to his university, and dumped by his girlfriend
''Groypers doxxed my family''
''Nick YOU Personally OKAYED the doxx of your associates. We
called you out on it. You said 'everything is fair game'.''
Swatting, when systematically weaponized like this to advance Nick's political agenda, constitutes domestic terrorism. This week, both DHS Secretary Kristi Noem and FBI Director Kash Patel launched anti-swatting campaigns.
Please share this article so they might see it.
''I think anyone who opposes my will should be shot, those that parasite, leach, also should be shot. I'm not advocating for violence, I'm saying in a general sense. This is a Catholic movement.''
— Nick Fuentes
''Violence is a natural right … I am a sincere advocate for violence, when justified. I recognize no law.''
— Ali Alexander
It is not without irony, then, that Nick became the target of a doxxing campaign in November 2024 after tweeting a viral rape/abortion joke, "Your body, my choice," which amassed 101.6 million views. Liberals retaliated by doxxing his home address in Chicago, with one dox gaining 16 million views, ''Your home, my choice.''
After Nick's address was made public, an elderly Jewish woman showed up at his door and Nick pepper-sprayed her and kicked her down a flight of stairs and stole her phone. The woman pressed charges, and Nick was arrested for battery in November 2024. The court process is dragging on.
The elderly Jewish woman, in VICE interview, says she was swatted multiple times by fans of Nick Fuentes.
After she was swatted, Andy Powlas (#4 on today's list), told her, "Fuck around and find out." Did Andy swat her? Does he know who did?
The doxxing wars escalated a month later when, on December 18, 2024, an armed assassin showed up at Nick's doorstep in Chicago's suburbs. The gunman, 24-year-old John Lyons, a triple-homicide suspect, arrived shouting, "Yo, Nick!" with a handgun, a crossbow, and an ''incendiary device.''
After being thwarted by Nick's locked front door (and banging on his side door)—which is ironic, because ''The Second Groyper Mass Shooter'' (#6 on this list) dedicated an entire portion of his manifesto to explaining that many mass shooters get stopped by locked doors, so he planned ahead by preparing a lock-picking kit—Nick's would-be assassin ran to his next-door neighbor's house, where he killed their two dogs, shot at his neighbor's son, before being killed by the police.
On his next stream, Nick expressed no sympathy for his neighbors or their dead dogs, because they don't care about his streaming career.
''My neighbors don't care about ME. My neighbor said it was my fault. [My neighbor] is not important. I don't feel that bad for [my neighbors].''
Nick Fuentes forged his Groyper army from the broken dreams of desperate, lost boys, molding a monster to rape, kill, and die at his command. He reveled in its blind obedience, ignorant to the fact that every Golem invariably turns on its maker; that reckoning is now banging on his front door, eyes wild, gun cocked. The door held firm—this time—but the knocks ring clear: the Golem has Nick's scent.
Share this article to shatter the Golem into dust.
If you have any confidential tips, or just want to chat, contact me securely at ChrisBrunet@protonmail.com, follow me on X, or join the Karlstack Discord server.
Report serious crimes and domestic terrorism to the FBI:
jerry pdx
I think this one could have been pared down a little
Jeez, is this topic worth so many words? It doesn't help that the entire endless post is cut off on the right side.
Sometimes it seems ANY online group or blog is a "cult"- Heaven help you if you deviate from the "group-think." As I found out the single time I posted to the Commie Film Board, complaining about the members' fawning over the late Nelson Mandela. Or the times I've tried to post common sense to the stoner trash over at ZH- even linking to facts doesn't stop the outpouring of hate.
I just now got to the bottom of the thing(so to speak)to read and add to the comments. I glanced at two paragraphs--I guess he's a rapist. With a name like Fuentes--I never would have guessed,lol.
Wow. Getting to the bottom of that article only to find that at least three other explorers got here before me.
The Fuentes Files have been released. And so far, they are longer than The Epstein Files. What we really need to open up are The Roberts Files.
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