Saturday, March 22, 2025

communist U.S. Attorney, 43, found dead

By N.S.

Someone called in that she was "unresponsive" at home, and she was found dead. No cause of death given yet.

Aber was fired, along with her fellow communist USAs, as always occurs with a change in regime.

"former US attorney Jessica Aber, 43, found dead at Virginia residence: police"

"Jessica Aber, 43, was 'irreplaceable as a human being,' doj colleague says"

Jessica Aber was of German background on her father's side; "aber" means "but."


Anonymous said...

That's Chelsea Clinton. The Arkancide Crew must have messed up--or not.


Your Longtime Reader said...

It’s curious that no online news outlet to date has published any information about her family, particularly whether she was or had ever been married and has children. This is very odd, especially since we are discussing an attractive woman of 43, who must have paired up with someone during the course of her life. Was she living alone at the time of her death? If so, why? Traditional obituaries always mention the deceased “survivors,” including parents, siblings, spouse(s), children, grandchildren, and in the absence of other living relatives, nieces and nephews).