"greenpeace backed radical protesters who tried to block a north dakota pipeline. now the pipeline company has won huge damages in a lawsuit against the iconic ngo. other nonprofits should take notice."

"greenpeace verdict is a wake-up call for progressive [English: communist/racial socialist] ngos greenpeace backed radical protesters who tried to block a north dakota pipeline. now the pipeline company has won huge damages in a lawsuit against the iconic ngo. other nonprofits should take notice. on wednesday, a jury in Mandan, north dakota returned a stunning verdict against greenpeace for its ...
So, Green Peas got hosed?
It was only a matter of time.
The ceo of energy transfer is a multi-billionaire.

Kelcy Warren - wikipedia"born in gladewater, texas, Warren grew up in white oak, texas, the youngest of four sons of Hugh Brinson Warren and Bertie Lee Kirby. [1] his father worked as a field hand for sun pipeline, a company now owned by Warren. [7] Warren went to white oak high school... he received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the university of texas at Arlington in 1978.
He's not going to roll over for a bunch of parasites with Columbia University diplomas.
Besides, most environmentalists nowadays are "watermelons."
Green on the outside.
And red on the inside.
He's not going to roll over for a bunch of parasites with Columbia University diplomas.
Besides, most environmentalists nowadays are "watermelons."
Green on the outside.
And red on the inside.
You defined "environmentalists" perfectly. Lol.
I have little sympathy for billionaires,however. Still, that tiny morsel of minutae is more than I have for the commies.
jerry pdx
Voice of America goes silent:
I'm not sure what to think of this one, I heard on one NPR report that the VOA has been accused of drifting left and pushing woke propaganda but I don't listen to the VOA so don't really know. Maybe that's why the funding was cut.
Voice of America’s “drifting left” would be another example of Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics, namely, that “any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing.” By the way, it’s good to recall Conquest’s First Law, too: “Everyone is conservative on subjects he knows best.” See John Derbyshire at https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/conquests-laws-john-derbyshire/ (Derbyshire, along with Peter Brimelow, are two of Britain’s greatest exports to America.)
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