Saturday, March 22, 2025

Pope Francis somehow survives his double pneumonia-will be discharged today (sunday)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, march 22, 2025 at 6:31:00 p.m. edt

Pope Francis somehow survives his double pneumonia-will be discharged today (sunday)

(GRA) abc noise reports the Pope will need two months of rest to recover after his discharge tomorrow. They must have poured the works (antibiotic-wise) into him, to allow him to survive. Based on personal experience with my mom, he'll be fortunate to make it to July. The docs can fix that first catastrophic illness, but it takes so much out of the body that another incidence of pneumonia will likely be the end. Of course, the Pope gets better care (24/7) than regular folks do--why?--I have no idea. That factor of round-the-clock care must be taken into account, as well.


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