[“a ‘massachusetts’ woman accused of operating a high-end brothel network with wealthy and prominent clients in that state and the Washington, D.C., suburbs was sentenced wednesday to four years in prison”]
Zou’s on first? Fun with the boston herald reports on the high-priced, chinese whore house chain
By Abolish Tenure
thursday, march 20, 2025 at 3:47:00 p.m. edt
12 johns summoned to court and only 2 showed up - Mark Zhu and Jason Han.
Fun with the boston herald reports
The names read in court, and spellings confirmed by multiple reports, were: John Doran, David LaCava, Pablo Maceira, Peter MacGillivray, Kerry Wu, Boya Zhou, Patrick Walsh, Pinhao Chao, Jonathan Lanfear and Yihong Zou.
Let’s see... we have Zhu, Zhou, and Zou. Is Groucho in the house? Or maybe Dr. Seuss? Or those other guys who did Zou’s on first, Zhou’s on second, and Zhu’s on third?
There used to be a Chinese restaurant called "Ho Ho's",in Grand Rapids,many decades ago, on the corner of Lake Dr. and Calkins St. Great food. For some reason I thought about it just now.
jerry pdx
That's just rich, the asian sex trade comes to the US and the customers are mostly men from same place it came from. This makes me think of those "documentaries" or "news reports" on shows like 60 Minutes that are about foreign sex tourism and how they focus exclusively on "White men" traveling to asia or africa in order to sexually exploit women and children. You can find them on YouTube with a simple keyword search. What they don't tell you is that the vast majority of customers of prostitutes in africa are black african men, the vast majority of customers of the asian sex trade are asian men. You'd think watching these woke stories that the sex trade wouldn't even exist without White foreign men but that's complete BS. They especially focus in on White men looking to have sex with children but there's not a mention of the fact that most of the sex abusers are not White men but black and asian men (or women). There's not a mention of the vast network of African and Asian sex abusers that prepare women and children for sex exploitation, instead White men are demonized and solely responsible. Liars and deceivers all of them.
This is a "get Whitey" culture--and some wacko Whitey's are the worst offenders(we know this ad nauseum by now).
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