Saturday, March 22, 2025

Speaking of wood--Stouffer's and lean cuisine recall frozen meals because of "wood-like material" in the dinners

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, march 22, 2025 at 10:20:00 p.m. edt

Speaking of wood--Stouffer's and lean cuisine recall frozen meals because of "wood-like material" in the dinners

-(epoch times) Virginia-based nestlé usa is recalling multiple frozen food items over concerns about foreign material contamination after a potential [?] choking incident, the company said in a march 18 recall notice published by the U.S. food and drug administration (fda).

"an image of the recalled nestle usa's lean cuisine lemon garlic shrimp stir fry packet. courtesy of the fda

"the company said it is investigating the source of a wood-like material that contaminated the products and has taken steps to address the issue. nestlé is working with the U.S. department of agriculture and the fda on the recall.

“'nestlé usa is initiating a voluntary recall of a limited quantity of lean cuisine and Stouffer’s frozen meals due to the potential presence of wood-like material,' the company stated. 'we are taking this action after consumers contacted nestlé usa about this issue, including one potential choking incident to date.

“the company said the recall is isolated to a limited quantity of batches of 'lean cuisine butternut squash ravioli, lean cuisine spinach artichoke ravioli, lean cuisine lemon garlic shrimp stir fry, and Stouffer's party size chicken lasagna' produced between august 2024 and march 2025.

“'we are confident that this is an isolated issue, and we have taken action to address it,' nestlé said. 'the quality, safety and integrity of our products remain our number one priority. we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this action represents to both our consumers and retail customers.'”

GRA: However, Stouffer's "wood chips and mashed potatoes" and lean cuisine's "tree bark with mac and cheese" were NOT recalled at this time.


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