Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A man with multiple sexually transmitted and communicable diseases was sentenced to six years in prison for urinating into office workers’ water bottles, resulting in the victims contracting herpes simplex 1 and hepatitis A....

By A Texas Reader
wednesday, march 19, 2025 at 07:57:48 p.m. edt

"Houston – a man with multiple sexually transmitted and communicable diseases was sentenced to six years in prison for urinating into office workers' water bottles, resulting in the victims contracting herpes simplex 1 and hepatitis A.

"Houston janitor who urinated in water bottles at doctor's office, spreading stds to workers, sentenced...

"a man with multiple sexually transmitted and communicable diseases was sentenced to six years in prison for urinating into office workers' water bottles, resulting in the victims contracting ...

Just doing the job that Americans won't do.

Lucio Catarino Diaz mug shot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to read the story,but...pi** on it.