Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Pierre Thomas (a french n****r?) quickly id's perp arrested at cia headquarters today as, "a middle-aged, white male"

["The Dr. Steven J. Hatfill Files"]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, march 19, 2025 at 6:44:00 p.m. edt

Pierre Thomas (a french n****r?) quickly id's perp arrested at cia headquarters today as, "a middle-aged, white male"

GRA: A standoff in front of cia headquarters occurred today and abc noise's (blackie) Pierre Thomas couldn't wait to tell the viewers of the man's race--but only if White.

Then abc made a big deal about Jackie Robinson being taken off a government website.

"'outcry,' said negress Rachel Scott, 'and it was quickly put back on.'"

You can almost see her stick her tongue out with satisfaction.


N.S.: Jackie Robinson never belonged in the hall of fame. His induction was purely a political matter.

As for Pierre Thomas, he was part of the 2002 media mob, which served fbi director Robert Mueller and ag John Ashcroft, in seeking to drive bioweapons researcher Steven Jay Hatfill to commit suicide, or alternatively to railroad him into the death house, via media hoaxes (the "Greendale School" hoax) and personal terror.

I exposed abc noise's Brian Ross, Barry Serafin, and Thomas, as well as media operatives at other outlets at the time, but neglected to bestow Duranty-Blair Awards for Journalistic Infamy on any of them, because I wouldn't found the D-Bs until 2004.

In 2012, I bestowed a D-B on abc noise's Brian Ross, but that was for another outrage (naming the wrong man as a mass murderer).

I'm going to have to play catch-up, and bestow D-Bs on Brian Ross, Barry Serafin, Pierre Thomas, and other media operatives who earned them at the time for their campaign against Steven Hatfill.

By the way, I now believe that fbi director Robert Mueller was the chief leak in the bureau feeding the media mob, because at the time, the msm never mentioned him by name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Government dems in various branches all fed info to their cohorts in cahoots(media). Everything we're describing is just advanced ventriloquism and media outlets are the dummies--for playing along with them.