Sunday, March 23, 2025

spics go nuts in las cruces, (new) mexico friday night: tentative final score: 18 mex shot, 3 take permanent siestas, two arrested

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, march 23, 2025 at 3:32:00 p.m. edt

spics go nuts in las cruces, (new) mexico friday night: tentative final score: 18 mex shot, 3 take permanent siestas, two arrested

“(wFox) sun, march 23, 2025 at 8:16 a.m. edt

“two people have been arrested in connection with a mass shooting in las cruces, new mexico, friday night that left three teenagers dead and 15 others injured [sic], police said early sunday.

“Tomas Rivas, 20, and a 17-year-old boy were arrested saturday and charged with three open counts of murder with additional charges pending, according to a social media post from las cruces police.

“Rivas will be booked and held without bond at the Dona Ana county detention center, and the 17-year-old will be sent to a juvenile detention facility, police said. it’s unclear if they have attorneys.

“Andrew Madrid, 16; Jason Gomez, 18; and Dominick Estrada, 19, were killed in the shooting, according to police.

“nine male and six female victims ranging in age from 16 to 36 were injured [sic], police said. their names were not released. an investigation is ongoing, police said.

“the violence marked the 53rd mass shooting of 2025, according to data from the gun violence archive.

“the shooting happened at Young park just after 10 p.m. friday, after an altercation between two groups during an ‘unsanctioned [illegal] car show,’ las cruces police chief Jeremy Story said at a saturday news conference.

“the park remains closed during the investigation, police said.

“‘this is a sad day for our community,’ las cruces mayor Eric Enriquez said saturday. ‘I want to ask the community to gather together, to stand strong and united [blah, blah, blah] as we try to heal [blah…] and face this tragic event that took place in our city.

“a fundraiser to help victims of the shooting and their families has been established by the community foundation of southern new mexico.

[GRA: A fundraiser should be held to assist ICE in getting RID of these mex gang members.]

“las cruces is on the edge of the chihuahuan desert, around 41 miles north of the US-mexico border.”

GRA: Imagine what would have happened if they had gotten angry with each other. This is just, “hello, how are ya” to mex and blacks.



Anonymous said...

From TV GUIDE, 1975:

"Mexico's Bloody Saturday"- "...the Mexican government in one sweep arbitrarily banned 37 [violent] series on grounds that far too much blood and gore was spilling into the nation's living rooms- 'Even,' one TV official was to lament, 'For a country with a history of bandidos and revolutions.' The edict eliminated Mexico's two highest-rated shows, GUNSMOKE and KUNG FU, and wiped out such favorites as THE FUGITIVE, THE AVENGERS, DRAGNET, and Japan's CAPTAIN METEOR [???] and ULTRAMAN... [I would love to know where any of those series- especially the ridiculous ULTRAMAN- actually contained "blood and gore"!]
"Although officials refuse to say so, the ban... may be part of a larger effort to change Mexican traditions. The... administration has been trying to downgrade 'machismo,' the hairy-chested code that demands that a Mexican prove his manhood by settling disputes by gun or knife- and by fathering a large family. [The President, in his State of the Union speech, blamed] 'a media cult of violence' for a wave of guerilla terrorism, including the kidnapping of his own father-in-law... [One liberal newspaper denounced the U.S. shows as] 'colonizers of the mind,' [adding] 'we must preserve our national identity.' [An opposition newspaper] suggested the real cause of violence is the skyrocketing cost of living and high unemployment."
Bla, bla, bla. The U.S. went through the same thing; the politically-motivated killings of RFK and MLK were likewise blamed on (highly moral, non-explicit) TV shows such as GUNSMOKE. And God forbid that anyone should think that drug use makes people more violent (Mexico always had a "marijuana culture," long before we jumped on that bandwagon), besides enabling the vicious cartels; or that maybe some races are just inherently more violent than others (which is actually hinted at in the article). How is Mexico doing these days? Less violent?

Coda: Mexico is currently suing U.S. gun manufacturers, saying WE are enabling the violence of the drug cartels! "The lawsuit, filed in 2021, alleges that Smith & Wesson and other defendants enabled gun trafficking to Mexican drug cartels through their business practices..."

There is one truth there, but not the stated one: If we weren't a nation of dope addicts, the cartels would be out of business, at least on this side of the border...


Anonymous said...

1975? Before the invasion.

Sounds to me like banning U S. tv was mex nationalism. Too bad they didn't keep it there--in mexico. We wouldn't have to read about all their people committing mass shootings(latest example in Las Cruces)in our country and other atrocities(rape/murder). Instead of forbidding the watching of our tv programs in mexico,they sent their people TO the U.S. to live like mexicans.

With our "politician's" help of course.


Anonymous said...

For the record, there was no such series as CAPTAIN METEOR in the 1970s. If it was a retitling of something else, I found no evidence of it online.


Anonymous said...


JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) - Eight people have been confirmed to have sustained gunshot wounds hours after the St. Paddy’s Parade in downtown Jackson.

This according to DPS Spokesperson Bailey Martin.

The incident happened on Saturday around 7:16 p.m. in the area of Lamar and Pearl Streets, resulting in the death of 21-year-old Cortez George of Jackson. It also left one in critical condition.

One of the seven surviving victims remains in critical condition, according to Martin. Their identities were not released.

No arrests have been made at this time.

GRA:What are blacks doing pretending to celebrate a day like this? Because it's a prelude to doing what they WANT to do--get the guns out in a crowd