Saturday, August 20, 2022

meet the mayor of new york city (graphic)

(May need 30-60 seconds to load.)

I responded:


Anonymous said...

Especially if it is a young negro man that is staring at you for ten minutes!

Anonymous said...

They'd have to pay me a helluva lot more than that to go there--and THEN--I might not ever get back alive.Wait--that's what I have to pay?



Anonymous said...

"Especially if it is a young negro man that is staring at you for ten minutes!"

And GYRATING his crotch.

Anonymous said...

This all went on for ten minutes. And no one did a thing even called the cops? You can make a case that any nation or society that allows their own women to be subjected to such antics is a nation or society that doesn't deserve to exist anymore.