Thursday, August 11, 2022

heavily armed irs agents are training to shoot man-shaped targets; agency is building massive paramilitary force armed with “weapons of war”

By R.C.
Thu, Aug 11, 2022 8:04 p.m.

EXCLUSIVE: irs annual report shows heavily armed agents training to shoot PEOPLE-SHAPED TARGETS… irs is building a massive paramilitary force armed with "weapons of war"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Future news:

(GRA)May 2023

In a year that saw a change of the person holding the office of the Presidency--Kamala Harris replacing incapacitated Joe Biden last month--America's new leader made a few comments at a press conference today,announcing that the 84,000 new IRS agents hired a year ago,had been a total success.
"We've gotten so much money from White Americans that we're thinking about lowering the tax rate from 100% to 90% for Whites,"said Harris,smoking what looked like a victory cigar,but was actually recently deceased,former boyfriend,Willie Brown's penis.

"Some things you just can't give up,"she said to a smiling group of almost all black reporters,responding to a question about the penis.

When asked by sole White reporter,Peter Doocey,about reports of uncooperative Whites being shot dead during audits,the President replied,"no comment,"while winking at an IRS uniformed agent to her left and then nodding at Doocey.

"I CAN confirm that the houses of White people who continue to resist paying our new fair tax rate,are having liens placed on the property,with the ultimate goal of dispossessing and eventually,selling the houses right from under them. The great thing about this plan is,the owners won't be needing their homes anyways,since all of the White tax evaders will be sitting in prison for decades to come."

"It's a win,win--the federal government keeps the money from the house sale--and Whites are in prison."

With that,the new President headed away from the podium,leaving press secretary,Gabourey Sidibe(all 400 lbs of her)to finish up.