Wednesday, August 10, 2022

nfl star allegedly dragged naked woman by her hair in atlantic city hotel & casino; will he get the nobel peace prize?

By R.C.
Wed, Aug 10, 2022 7:11 p.m.

"ex-nfl star dragged naked woman by her hair in atlantic city hotel & casino"

Was the victim another stupid white female?

N.S.: If this report is true, the perp will now qualify for the nobel peace prize!


Anonymous said...

He was still comped at the desk as he walked by with his cavewoman.
--G R A

Anonymous said...

" Ex-NFL star Frank Gore was charged with simple assault for grabbing a naked woman by her hair and dragging her along the floor of a casino."

GRA:Are there a lot of naked women standing around,waiting to be dragged?I must visit this hotel,lol.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Black man is released from a mental hospital and within moments smashes a raceless woman's head with a 34 lb. rock:
At least they published his photo, partly hidden by a mask that is, the only person who couldn't recognize it's a negro would be Jussie Smollet. Article did not mention the severity of the woman's injuries, or if she even survived. I wonder what Woke quack deemed he should be released from the hospital. I could think of several tipoffs why he wasn't safe to be returned to society:

#1). He's a negro
#2). He's a negro
#3). He's a negro

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Need to add more to the previous comment re the black looney that brained a woman with a giant rock...My computer was a bit frozen so I couldn't scroll down to see the entire article but now I've seen it and there was a mention of the woman's condition. She survived but was experiencing pain and injury though the severity was still not clear. She was 55 yr. old Sonya Gonzalez but I have no idea if she was a "White" hispanic or a non White one, but he had been shouting he was going to bash a woman's head in and it was likely the first woman Simpson (no, not that Simpson but Dwayne A. Simpson) came across. Why he specifically targeted a woman appears to be unknown but likely harbors deep seated misogynistic impulses.

Anonymous said...

The colored boys just have a way about them.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Followup to the 87,000 new IRS agents being hired comment I sent. I spotted the following Breitbart article:
Yes, Janet Yellen is "begging the IRS to not target middle class Americans after the Democrats greenlight audits"
Why is Biden's Treasury Sec. doing this? To make it look like Biden wasn't in on the deal if the middle class rises up in fury? Not that it's going to happen, most of the sheeple in this pretty much accept whatever is shoved down their throats. In any case, the reader's comments are great, I posted a few below:

NationalCapitalist happyinaz • 2 hours ago • edited
Yellen, with a wink and a grin, begs the IRS to not target the wrong people in the middle class. Then Yellen was seen, with traitorous Garland, delivering hundreds of boxes to the IRS suspiciously labeled "2020 voting records".

I was audit (twice) for the first time in my life when Obama occupied the White House. Guess I need to prepare my finances again...

ActinUpinTexas NationalCapitalist • 2 hours ago
Did she have her bony little fingers up in air quotes motion…. “Don’t do it - Do it with extreme malice” style…..?

Al Newman • an hour ago
Not to worry Janet, BIDENS IRS will only target Trump supporters and folks that aren't in step with the BIDEN administration.

GDub • an hour ago
The money they are looking for to offset these costly, billion dollar expenditures can only come from one place, middle America. They won't get much from the wealthy because they'll have attorneys and CPA firms to fight it to its death. But the middle class, where the greater numbers are...won't have that same ability. It will be "pay it or go too jail". And they'll get it. But wait...what makes them think middle class incomes reach $400,000? If you are in the $100,000 or beyond income class, that doesn't sound to me like middle of anything, that sounds more like upper income. Our folks making $30,000-$60,000 per year are going to be driven over and left behind for dead.



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Federal Bureau of Idiots • 27 minutes ago
With a national dept exceeding 30 trillion and rising fast is anybody surprised by this jackbootery?

hal • 29 minutes ago
The Communist Biden Biden Regime is working to destroy the White Middle Class Americans. You can bet every non white will be bypassed from ATF raids, IRS raids, and of course FBI raids. In addition homosexuals and trannies will be bypassed from such raids. The Communist Regime cannot hide their motives because their actions expose them. If you think you can vote these bastards out good luck. There has never been an election that has purged an entrenched Communist Regime.

JD_C • an hour ago
Let this sink in for a minute, they are ADDING 87,000 IRS agents.
There are currently about 20,000 Border patrol agents in total.

Andrew Cuddy • an hour ago
They have long eyed going after 401(k)s and IRAs as that is where a bulk on the middle class money is stored. That will be the next tax change, and that is where these 87,000 will be focused.