Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Anne Heche under investigation for felony DUI following two consecutive car crashes

By N.S.

“Anne Heche under investigation for felony DUI following car crash”

“This new development comes after cops received a warrant to test the actress blood to see if she was under the influence at the time of the accident.”

I frequently criticize the post for what it says, as well as what it doesn’t say. However, I just found a reason, however modest, to praise it. The linked story simply refers to the subject as “Anne Heche.” Late in the story, the writer refers to Heche once as “the actress.”

In contrast, when black supremacist propagandist Ta-Nehisi Coates engineered the Forrest Whitaker Hoax in the pages of the new york times, back in 2012?, here is how he described Whitaker:

"Last month the actor Forest Whitaker was stopped in a Manhattan delicatessen by an employee. Whitaker is one of the pre-eminent actors of his generation, with a diverse and celebrated catalog ranging from ‘The Great Debaters’ to ‘The Crying Game’ to ‘Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai.’”

“Racist Black Writer Ta-Nehisi Coates’ New York Times’ Racial Profiling Hoax: He Conjures Up a Phantom White to Commit Phantom ‘Violence’ Against Black Actor Forest Whitaker, in Addition to the Millions of Other Phantom Whites, and the ‘Invisible Violence’ with Which They Haunt Blacks.”


Anonymous said...

That's the least of her troubles--she's been in a coma since the car wreck.


Bradley Morris said...

Zero sympathy. Bitch gets drunk as a skunk and gets behind the wheel of a car and destroys someone's home. Lock her ass up.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
And if she wakes up she'll be horribly disfigured. What an insane way to commit suicide, there's painless ways to do it that would be certain to do the trick. I suspect she wanted to go out putting on a big dramatic scene for the world, maybe a big cry for attention, result is she fails and lives the rest of her life scars all over her body. I just don't get this self destructive negativity in people like her who are blessed to be born beautiful and then have incredible good luck to have success in a difficult field like acting. Don't they realize how blessed they are? Wokeness, liberalism, etc... actually encourage this kind of negative mentality, they tell young people they must dwell on any difficult or challenging experience they've had and carry it around with them forever, then let if define their life as if it's impossible to overcome any kind of "trauma". Young girls are particularly targeted with this conditioning and it results in a lot of social and emotional dysfunction that does absolutely nothing for them in life.