Thursday, August 11, 2022

Are People Lynching Monkeys? Shake My Head/Laugh of the Day—world health organization will change “racist” name of monkeypox

[Previously: “knife-wielding ‘person of color’ shot dead at paris airport.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 11:24:00 A.M. EDT

(the hill) — the world health organization is renaming monkeypox amid concerns that the name may be considered racist and might not accurately describe the origin of the virus.

who director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in mid-june that the organization would be renaming monkeypox.

“who is also working with partners and experts from around the world on changing the name of #monkeypox virus, its clades and the disease it causes. We will make announcements about the new names as soon as possible,” he said, according to who.

a group of scientists wrote a joint statement earlier in june urging for monkeypox to be renamed, calling the current name “discriminatory and stigmatizing.”

[GRA: I missed the story where any monkeys had contacted the aclu.]

“the prevailing perception in the international media and scientific literature is that [monkeypox virus] is endemic in people in some african countries. However, it is well established that nearly all [monkeypox virus] outbreaks in africa prior to the 2022 outbreak, have been the result of spillover from animals to humans and only rarely have there been reports of sustained human-to-human transmissions,” they said.

[GRA: Who cares?]

“in the context of the current global outbreak, continued reference to, and nomenclature of this virus being african is not only inaccurate but is also discriminatory and stigmatizing. The most obvious manifestation of this is the use of photos of african patients to depict the pox lesions in mainstream media in the global north.”

[GRA: Huge laugh at the stupidity.]

there are also concerns about whether the name of the virus accurately describes the origin of monkeypox. the virus received its name because it was first found in monkey colonies in 1958, but the centers for disease control and prevention noted that the actual source of the virus is unclear.

[GRA: africa—but they don't want to blame the blacks.]

that’s led some officials to warn people against targeting monkeys over the disease.

[GRA: “C’mon Harry, grab the lanterns and rope—we gonna get us some of those damn monkeys.”]

“what people need to know very clearly is the transmission we are seeing is happening between humans to humans. it’s close contact transmission. so the concern should be about where it’s transmitting in the human population, and what humans can do to protect themselves from getting it and transmitting it. they should certainly not be attacking any animals,” who spokesperson Margaret Harris said on tuesday.

the renaming campaign comes amid the backdrop of the covid-19 pandemic, which former [sic] President Trump has referred to as the ‘china virus” and “wuhan virus.” who officials have warned not to use that terminology, given that it can stigmatize the asian community.

GRA: “Warn,” “stigmatize.” They worry about how monkeypox sounds but don’t worry about the effectiveness of their covid vaccine. Chicken pox, next? Black Plague?

What do you change the name of monkeypox to (that isn’t “offensive”?). APS (Anal Penetration Syndrome?)

The world has gone cuckoo—or is that offensive to birds? Don’t answer that.


N.S.: I was unaware of any connection between monkey pox and africa until the chinese communist flunky at the who, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, drew attention to it. And I hadn’t considered monkeys, either, until he did. Does this mean that african homosexuals contracted the disease through bestial sex with monkeys?

As for claiming that calling the kung flu the “china virus” or the “wuhan virus” stigmatizes asians, the who is just piggy-backing onto a hoax that was put in the world on March 23, 2020 by new york times operatives Sabrina Tavernise and Richard A. Oppel Jr., and which this writer debunked at VDARE eight days later: “Russia Hoax, Impeachment Hoax Didn’t Stop Trump, so New York Times Tries Anti- Asian Hate-Crimes Hoax.”

These mopes create one moral panic after another through their hoaxes, and always blame innocents.


Anonymous said...

Using the same logic,they should change the name of THEIR organization-- by dropping the word "health" from their moniker--since what they're interested in,is apparently meaningless semantics --and not health issues at all(see Covid vaxx/mask recommendations as examples of their lack of expertise on health.)


Anonymous said...

"Does this mean that african homosexuals contracted the disease through bestial sex with monkeys?"

That has been one the theories as to how HIV and AIDS "jumped" from apes to humans. Human and animal sexual contact.