Friday, May 20, 2022

violence again flared in downtown Chicago late Thursday when nine people were shot, two fatally, near a fast-food restaurant and CTA station on the Near North Side...

By R.C.
Fri, May 20, 2022 11:22 p.m.

Violence again flared downtown late Thursday when nine people were shot, two fatally, near a fast-food restaurant and CTA station on the Near North Side, a shooting that came just days after the fatal shooting of a teenager near The Bean during a mass gathering of young people last weekend.


Anonymous said...

Yup--and in a year where Lightfoot is up for re-election(at least as far as next May starts a new term),she/he/it decides to lengthen the curfew an hour for minors--THIS after three years of tacitly approving of black law running her city.

I heard a White Pol on WBBM say,""Why is she doing this--it's(curfews) not enforced!Why now?"

The mayor's office responded,"Well,kids are getting killed now."

And it's an election year.

"We intend on cracking down on violence."

Because it's an election year--and that's all anyone needs to know.


Anonymous said...

Mass gathering of NEGRO young pee-poes. Curfew laws around ever since I was a kid. Doesn't seem to matter. So many beyond curfew cops would be just rounding up kee-ids for curfew they would have no time for anything else.