Sunday, May 08, 2022

On White Genocide (Reader's Letter)

(N.S.: I apologize to Mr. Wheeler, to my other readers, and to anyone else, to whose correspondence I have failed to respond. I just stumbled onto Mr. Wheeler's January 3rd letter (and other important letters) while looking for something else. Since Mr. Wheeler is a writer who wants people to read his work, I didn't worry about publishing his name. However, I have yet to read his articles, and thus am in no position to vouch for their validity, though his reference to "Jewish Messianism" sounds like we're in E. Michael Jones territory.)

By W. Lindsay Wheeler
Mon, Jan 3, 2022 8:57 p.m.
Subject: On White Genocide

I read your article on Unz Review. Pretty good overview---and YES, we are undergoing genocide. I have some of my own research to share with you. 

Have you heard of Jewish Messianism?

My article linked first there title "Tower of Babel".  Yep---Jewish Messianism seeks to rebuild the Tower of Babel---it is about race-mixing. Masonry is part of that program as well--it is all there and researched. 

And YES---Communism is not only the vehicle for Jewish Messianism--but for Frankism---Look it up. 

The second article "The Many Forms of Genocide" is how they accomplish this Rebuilding the Tower of Babel. 

And my third one is calling out The Church because it is also engaged in that. 

And at the Homeland Security website, I posted on that West Point is teaching Cultural Marxism. The link has over 300 posts by me going thru what Cultural Marxism is, What Jewish Messianism is, and history of communism and anti-communism in America. 

Press "Sort by Oldest" to read from the beginning. America is a failed state. 

W. Lindsay Wheeler
Eagle Scout
Marine Corps Veteran
Farm Laborer
Armchair classicist
Independent Researcher
Revisionist Historian
Catholic Loyalist
Defender and Upholder of the Old Order, The Logos
Gnostic Hunter
Anti-communist, Anti-Internationalist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The anarchists are basically the fighting arm of the Democratic party.