By A Texas Reader
Mon, May 9, 2022 5:31 p.m.
Bigger Hair Smoking Tobacco, formerly known as Nigger Hair Smoking Tobacco, was an American brand of tobacco manufactured by the B. Leidersdorf Company. It was first produced in 1878 but is no longer manufactured.[1]
I worked as a contractor for Abbott Labs years ago. This was at their plant in Irving. Abbott built blood diagnostic equipment at the facility.
The machinist at the plant had postcards with "Smoke Nigger Hair Tobacco" emblazoned on them. The postcards were underneath the plexiglass on his workbench.
He was a European-American ethnic from Central or Eastern Europe.
jerry pdx
Those postcards would fetch a pretty penny now, that sort of thing is considered "black Americana" and is highly collectible. Oprah collects that stuff, she just loves to be reminded of her "oppression" I guess. Here in the progressive paradise of Portland we once had a "Coon Chicken Inn" restaurant, which was known for it's black caricature decor:
According to Wiki, the last location in Portland closed in 1949, which is not true because I live here. The restaurant in question closed later, though I can't remember exactly when, sometime in the 70's I think. They just did away with the most of the caricature decor and changed the name. The owners of the restaurant were still pressured to close by "activists" because of it's history. I remember we found an old menu from the restaurant in my grandparents house after they died but it got sold in the estate sale. Maybe Oprah's got it now.
I wonder,if somewhere down the line,Whites rise up to defend their existence as a race and dominoes fall and seeing the pendulum swing too far for blacks,Whites band together--in politics and as citizens--and begin taking the rights of blacks away--many of which supersede White's rights now.
That someday,we return to the 40s--with a reduced black population--and once again--terms of "coon" and "nigger hair smoking tobacco" can be used in a country that decided,"the Grand Experiment failed--and to save America--Whites must take over again!"
Is that possible?
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