In 2016, I happily voted for Donald Trump, though I doubted he had a Chinaman’s chance of winning. In 2020, I unhappily voted to re-elect President Trump, and he won. But the election was openly stolen. While the White Nationalist publishers that used to publish and pay for my work have refused to acknowledge The Big Steal, I have emphasized it, ever since credible evidence was found about it.
Another thing I avoided falling prey to was the Trump personality cult.
While I was very happy to see Donald Trump elected president in 2016, it soon became apparent that something was very rotten in Trump Tower. President Trump was appointing people to his cabinet who stood diametrically opposed to his stated policy positions. And when he did appoint a supporter, as in the case of Sebastian Gorka, when a counter-intelligence campaign was waged by the anti-Semitic, “Jewish” weekly, The Forward, President Trump folded like a cheap suitcase, and fired him.
When The Forward began its campaign against Gorka, I immediately sniffed out what was going on, and pitched an exposé to Peter Brimelow.
Just as in 2002, when tenured Marxist activist Barbara Hatch Rosenberg had ripped off a story line from the brilliant but failed TV series, Millennium, and in 2016, when tenured Marxist activist “law professor” Rosa Brooks had ripped off The Caine Mutiny, in her contribution to the ongoing putsch against President Trump; so too The Forward had ripped off the story line from the 1989 movie thriller about the John Demjanjuk (“Ivan the Terrible”) case, Music Box, in order to cast Gorka as a neo-Nazi.
Peter immediately greenlighted my ms., and I promptly delivered it—but he never ran it, and I later concluded, had never intended to. (I believe he eventually paid me a $100 kill fee.) He didn’t want to run first-class journalism.
And then President Trump appointed his enemies’ favorite, neo-conservative H.R. McMaster, to succeed Gorka.
At the time, I suggested that the President had taken some stupid movie advice to heart—the line in The Godfather, Part II, where Michael Corleone, who is treating a mortal enemy grandly, tells a confidant that his “Pop” had told him “to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
Some bits of foolishness initially sound clever, but that didn’t even sound clever.
Ultimately, I concluded that Trump was a con-man who had fooled me and tens of millions of other American patriots.
A decisive incident in 2017 involved Secretary of the Treasury Seth Mnuchin. While sitting in the middle of a crowded, overpriced restaurant, full of well-connected patrons, Mnuchin shouted his head off, about what a jerk his boss was, to ensure that his insults traveled far and wide.
If it had gotten back to Seth Mnuchin that an employee—whether at Treasury or Goldman Sachs, before it—had publicly insulted him, he would have had security clear out his desk, without waiting for the mook to appear in the office.
But the President did nothing.
But years after President Trump had revealed himself to have feet of clay, Peter Brimelow was still covering for him.
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