Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Tranny Lobby Just Won't Quit Trying to Destroy Girls' Lives

["Biden weaponizing 'Trans' Kids against Parents, Schools."

By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 9:37:00 P.M. EDT

“In some places, people in positions of authority are putting up obstacles that would keep you from playing on the sports field, accessing the bathroom and receiving the supportive and life-saving care you may need. We’re here to say that’s wrong and it’s against the law,” she said.

I read the article and was not surprised at the deceptive way they associated keeping boys from competing with girls with other “issues.”

No, they are not keeping tranny boys from competing on the playing field, they are keeping them from competing with bio girls. They are free to compete against other boys.

No, they are not keeping bio females from using bio girls’ bathrooms, they are keeping bio males from using bio girls’ bathrooms.

And who is preventing them from receiving supportive and life-saving care? Do they mean gender reassignment surgery? Do they mean that gender-confused kids need that to survive? They’ll probably say it reduces the suicide rate, or some other nonsense. Or they’re just making stuff up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is what they mean. Life-saving measures to include removal of the male pudenda and a life-time supply of pharma to make you an artificial woman as defined.