Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Afghanistan Exit Debacle: Incompetence, Distraction, or Something More Sinister?

By R.C.
Thu, Aug 19, 2021 10:31 p.m.

The Afghanistan Exit Debacle: Incompetence, Distraction, or Something More Sinister?

R.C.: Why did the Biden Admin choose September 11th as the end date for the troop exit? It’s certainly symbolic of further US failure and defeat, but is it also symbolic of a new phase in the establishment’s plans for the US as a whole? Is there another major event like 9/11 or larger on the way, and is the sudden exit from Afghanistan in preparation for that event?

As I mentioned, there are scenes here that remind me of Vietnam, but I am also reminded of Benghazi – There is a rotten smell to this event, as if the goal is to deliberately spark an inferno to hide another motive in smoke.

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