Thursday, August 19, 2021

Get Ready for a Migrant Invasion from Afghanistan

By R.C.
Wed, Aug 18, 2021 11:42 p.m.

Get Ready for a Migrant Invasion from Afghanistan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where are they going to live?Seems like they've crammed as many illegal Luis's and black thugs into our cities already.Not much room(snap of the finger):

By jove,let's start an "Adopt an Afghan" promotion.Maybe through false advertising,the US Government can convince a few White families to do just that.

I can see the feedback already.

Middle aged lady,Madelyn:I thought I was adopting a dog--your ads said so.Then I get a knock on my door and this dark skinned adult brushes past me and asks me in broken English:"What's for supper and who is my American sex partner--YOU?"I said,"no--I'm married."He said,"so am I--one more question:where can I start building my bombs?"
My husband and I had to move to a hotel,while our attorney got a restraining order against our adoptee.

Another middle aged lady:"Yes,they showed pictures of Afghan
dogs--I fell for it.Three days later,my nightmare began as Abdul called from jail and asked would I bail him out?According to the contract I signed,regarding the adoption of an "Afghan"--in microscopic print--I was legally required to bail "Abdul" out for the next 5 years--anytime he was arrested.I've now had to hire a lawyer to break this fraudulent contract."

Don't be so charitable,White people--be smart and don't fall for the propaganda about "those poor Afganis."